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they said yes!
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preen attack!!! grungy brother Must Be Groomed
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borbs in the zine
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the hills are alive with the sound of music~ 🎶
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added some colour!!!
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when you are a tired old man but your brother is a big soft borb
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[自動翻訳] こんにちは!私は自分のアート作品のいくつかをネットプリントとして利用できるようにしました。これらは2Lフォトペーパーに印刷されるように設計されています - 適切なフィット感を確保するためにフレームで印刷してください!
hello! i have made a few of my art pieces available as netprints. these are designed to be printed on 2L photo paper - please print with frame to ensure a good fit!
Expiry date: 28/09/2024
Full collection: G4H4N98CA7
Expiry date: 27/09/2024
(B) 5K5LRMP8
(C) YU5GJT82
(G) 8Y5GGSR8
(I) A567ELPL
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borbing time 💥🦉
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Looking Glass AU
※ H▲G▽, H▲ and G▽ are closer than normal Pokémon and trainer pairs, Pokémon transformations, G▽ is a Decidueye
※ H▲G▽ 、H▲とG▽は通常のポケモンとトレーナーのペアよりも近いです、 ポケットモンスター変換、 G▽はジュナイパーです
[自動翻訳] 『Looking Glass』は特殊設定であり、クダリはヒスイ地方に旅行しますがセレビィによってジュナイパーに変換されます。ノボリが自分が誰であるかを認識した後、彼はノボリの仲間になります。
“Looking Glass” is an AU where Emmet travels to Hisui but is transformed by Celebi into a Decidueye. After Ingo recognises who he is, he becomes Ingo’s companion.
I came up with this AU as a bit of fun! Owls are very funny creatures, and imagining Emmet as a Decidueye doing owl things just makes me laugh. Emmet gets a lot of animal characteristics from owls, and Ingo often has to put up with Emmet preening him at random times and fluffing up his feathers at the slightest provocation. But he doesn’t mind it - Ingo gets to enjoy sheltering under Emmet’s wings and can nap safely in Emmet’s soft feathers if he wants to.
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One in Two Point Five Million AU
※ G▲G▽ with no fixed dynamic, G▲ and G▽ are conjoined twins
※ G▲G▽リバ、G▲とG▽は結合双生児である
[自動翻訳] 『One In Two Point Five Million 』は特殊設定です。ここでは、ノボリとクダリは頭に接続されている結合した双子です。彼らは、英語の デジタル同人 『Matzo Socks 』と 成人向けヒスイ地方デジタル同人『Maidenhair 』で紹介されています。
“One In Two Point Five Million” is an AU where Ingo and Emmet are conjoined twins who are connected at the head. They have featured in the English-language zine “Matzo Socks” and the adult Hisui-verse zine “Maidenhair".
Ingo and Emmet are considered a set, and this AU explores what it means to be together at all times. It also lets me explore Ingo and Emmet being disabled - these twins often use a wheelchair due to mobility problems, and Ingp only has one eye. It’s very interesting to explore how they live together, from how they bond with each other to how they do simple tasks, like cooking or taking a shower. These twins are very sweet, and enjoy cuddling together at home while playing video games.
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Atom Bomb Ghoulies AU
※ Fallout video game AU, Queerplatonic G▲G▽, significant disfigurement (burns), G▲ and G▽ are ghouls, mention of a nuclear attack
※.『Fallout』ゲーム系、 G▲G▽ 無性愛、重大な外傷(火傷)、G▲とG▽はグールです、 核攻撃の言及
[自動翻訳] 『Atom Bomb Ghoulies』は、ビデオゲーム特殊設定の宇宙にある『Fallout』セットです。原子爆弾がライモンシティに落ちた後、放射線によりノボリとクダリが非常に病気になり、それらをグールに変えました。 彼らは、多くの変異したポケモンとともに、カナワタウン近くの信号塔の周りに建てられた農場に一緒に住んでいます。
私は『Fallout 4』とその前身である『Fallout New Vegas』を何時間もプレイしてきましたが、その世界にノボリとクダリを入れるのはとても楽しかったです。設定には多くの苦悩が伴い、彼らをグールにすることで彼らの関係性を描くことができます。グールになることは非常に苦痛で不快なプロセスであり、その結果、彼らの間には境界線がありません。彼らはひどい火傷を負い、お互いの最悪の姿を見て、ひどい病気を通してお互いを気遣い、そして最後にはお互いをとても深く愛し合っています。
また、彼らは農場で一緒に暮らしています。クダリは バッフロン を続けています!
The Atom Bomb Ghoulies AU is an AU set in the universe of the video game Fallout. After an atomic bomb falls on Nimbasa City, the radiation made Ingo and Emmet deeply unwell and transformed them into ghouls. They live together on a farm built around a signal tower near Anville Town, alongside a number of mutated Pokémon.
I have played so many hours of Fallout 4 and its predecessor Fallout New Vegas, and putting Ingo and Emmet into its universe has been very fun. The setting brings a lot of angst, and making them ghouls lets me play with their relationship. Becoming a ghoul is a very painful, very unpleasant process, and as a result there are no boundaries between them. They’re horrifically burned, they’ve seen each other at their worst, they’ve cared for each other through a terrible illness, and at the end of it they still love each other so deeply.
Also they live together on a farm. Emmet keeps Bouffelant!
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we're going on an adventure!
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when you are a tired old man but your brother is a big soft borb
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