samcrosonslife · 2 years
Ko-fi Tips!
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Sam here! I’m not unalive and I’m getting into the groove of writing again.
But I recently started my Ko-fi account so if anyone wants to donate or tip me to support my writing than I appreciate any tips given.
I will not force anyone to give me money for my writing but with having over 2k followers on this account, I’m trying my hand at making tips for my work.
I’m also thinking of taking commissions if anyone wants a specific imagine or one shot wrote for them.
The link is: https://ko-fi.com/chrissy5268
Commissions: http://ko-fi.com/chrissy5268/commissions
Like I said, I’m not forcing you to make tips for my work! It’s purely there if anyone feels like tipping me for my work.
I love you all and I hope you continue to enjoy my content.
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samcrosonslife · 3 years
cherish your content creators here because you don’t know how long they’ll be here or when they’ll decide that enough is enough and it’s time to leave. we survive because of your support and feedback and interaction. yes there are people who don’t value those things and there are people who take it for granted, but please please please just cherish your content creators because it’s the least they deserve for doing all of this for free
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samcrosonslife · 4 years
What’s your Wattpad
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samcrosonslife · 5 years
Imagine being Bobby’s Daughter part 3
Part one
Part two
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-The whole club, mince Piney, showed up to get Opie out, you were comfortable on the back of Jax's bike, hands wrapped around him as you pulled in, and saw the yellow truck. As the engines killed, Donna came flying out of the truck, "No one asked ya here."
"We are here to greet a brother, welcome him back to the outside." Clay replied, your eyes shielded as she barked back, "Well seeing how you are the ones that put him here, I would say your..."
"Donna." You barked, throwing your leg over the bike and started towards her, her eyes like fire as you met her, "Listen, I get it if want us to leave. But remember what I told ya."
"What to remember my place? Let the club ruin my family even more?"
"No sweetheart, remember what the hell this club can do to you. I know you are pissed, and I am really trying to get us legit, meaning no more jail time for anyone. Jax will be king soon, and Then he and Ope will be in charge, and we are done with all this. So please, don't make the club feel like you are a fucking threat."
"You promise?"
"I promise." You whispered before turning back around towards Clay, "Let them have the afternoon, I can tell him tomorrow we need him."
"Now do you.."
"She's right." Bobby piped up, "The gal just needs her husband."
-Later that night Donna invited you and Jax to dinner, and apologized for her behavior. The kids were overjoyed to see you, and you all stayed up most of the night talking.
-When Bobby showed up to the house for dinner, he let himself in as normal. He saw a note on the table with his name on it, and chuckled as he read your note...
'Your favorite's in the fridge, beer is stocked. Make yourself at home.'
-When you turned down a beer though Jax and Opie raised an eyebrow, you were never one to turn down a beer. Suddenly it was a sea of rapid fire questions, which you didn't even have the time to answer. Finally you screamed, "I'm pregnant!"
-Your eyes immediately looked to Jax, who looked shocked. In your head you were thinking this is what was going to end your 9 year relationship, you had talked about it once but the thought of it now was distant, and not something you discussed. However he looked at you and leaned forward quickly, his own alcohol stained lips meeting yours as he put a hand in your hair. The desire in his kiss as he pulled away, Opie still in shock, before slowly breathing out, "Damn, I'm gonna be an uncle."
-Telling Bobby was a different story, Jax was scared he would punch him again, like he did in Vegas, but you were reassuring, "I mean this isn't as bad."
"Nope, just admitting I had sex with his daughter."
"You have been fucking me for 11 years Teller."
"Yeah, but Bobby doesn't know that."
"You... never mind." You chuckled, remembering Vegas again, where he straight up spilled those beans.
-Bobby was sitting in the easy chair you bought him for the house, the record player sounding as he overlooked the latest book you had bought him. His reading glasses half way down his nose.
"Home." You called through the house as Jax locked the door, your feet carrying you towards the living room as you leaned over and kissed his forehead. Jax lingering as he headed to the kitchen
"You like it so far?" You asked, your butt flopping upon the fabric of the couch as he hummed, "It is boring in the beginning, but after chapter four it picks up."
"All the books now a days are like that, except little kid books. You used to love reading those."
"Sweetheart, I haven't read one in years. Can you really say I love it?"
"Well lucky for you, you are gonna have a reason to in a few months." Jax's heart stopped, as your father just looked at you, a smile on your face as he processed it.
"No." He sighed
"Took you two long enough, you've been married for 7 years."
"Practicing for 11." You joked as Bobby jumped up, you following suit as he embraced you
"Where is Jax?" Finally noticing the absence of your husband as you joked
"Hiding from ya. Scared you'll kill him for knocking up his little girl, he's hiding in the kitchen."
-Bobby ran to the kitchen and hugged him, Jax speechless as he slowly let go.
"I should kill ya for not doing it sooner."
-Gemma was overjoyed. She immediately started buying everything baby related she could find.
- Opie's old room soon became the nursery, you and Jax had no idea how you wanted the place to look. Both of you didn't want to know the gender, So decorating was proving difficult. You both didn't want the place to look too girly, or too boyish, but also had no idea what to do that won't be lame.
-You really wanted the room to be green, and Jax wanted baby blue. You wanted a dark brown furniture, Jax wanted light brown, you were looking for more of a jungle theme, while Jax was leaning more naval.
- Gemma want a plane theme, and made sure you both knew it, however you both agreed Gemma wasn't getting a say.
-Bobby wanted whatever you and Jax wanted.
-Jax's favorite thing to do at night was to lay on your Queen bed with a hand over your stomach, as the bump grew the more he wanted to feel a kick. And then one night it happened, woke you up, but Jax... was still fast asleep.
"You are gonna be pissed when you wake up." You smiled, before pushing his hair slightly, a snore was your only response.
-You craved so much spicy food, your favorite was hot wings covered in ghost pepper hot sauce.
-Jax tried to go to as many appointments as possible, sometimes though he couldn't make it, but he always made it up to you, by buying you the best sundaes.
-You both joked about once the club was more legit buying a plot of land on the outskirts of town, you even talked Jax into thinking about a dog.
-Gemma tried to keep you out of the office as much as possible, however it never worked well.
-"Babe what do we do about a name?" You asked from the kitchen, eating cold pasta from the takeout container, the cheese sauce coating the noodles into clumps.
"Why not we name him Spicy Pasta, since that is all you eat." He rounded the corner, leaning against the doorframe as he crossed his arms. Your middle finger raising before retorting, "Oh so it is a boy now, just yesterday you were saying she was going to be daddy's girl."
"Well I was thinking a little Teller girl might like the name Emilia Adeline."
"So that her initials spell eat?"
"Course, since that is all she is making me do."
"Well I was thinking maybe Jennifer Tiffany?"
"Our own version of JT?"
"Dad always wanted a girl, never said it but just the way he acted with you, you could tell. Why not give his first granddaughter the honor?"
"Now here's the issue, what if we have a little boy?"
"Well then we are screwed, cause he will certainly get my genes."
"Let's just name him Rebel James." You smiled, as you took another bite.
"Or Abel. Abel Robert." He smiled
You looked at him, eyes blinking as you repeated it, "Abel Robert. I like it."
"Finally we agree on something." He smiled as he walked forward and kissed your temple.
"If only all of this could be that easy." You whispered before going to bed.
-A week later you felt off and told Jax to go to TM without you. He kissed your forehead and left.
-Hours later, you felt a sharp pain in your lower abdomen, thinking you could work through it you kept doing chores. However soon it got unbearable, and when you looked down you saw the blood. You immediately called 911, and then Gemma's voicemail.
-You gave birth to Abel at 24 weeks, about 30 minutes into being at the hospital. After delivering they took you to your room, without a word about Abel, all you knew was it was a boy.
-Finally a nurse came in, and when you turned your head you were shocked.
"So you're Ms. Teller?" She stood in the doorway, eyes wide.
"Tara Knowles, what the hell are you doing back here?"
"Glad you just assume I am not..."
"There is no ring. Now you going to tell me why you're here."
"Well I am your..."
"In Charming. Why are you in Charming?"
"Needed a break. With Dad dead, I figured I would pack up the house, sell it. Be on my..."
"When you read the name on that paper... were you hoping he would be here too?"
"[Y/N], whatever happened before is..."
"You still got the crow?"
-She left without answering, as you turned you head again, and cried.
-Jax came running into your room like a bat outta hell, as soon as the door slammed open your head whipping towards him as he ran to you. His arms engulfing you as you let out a sob.
"Have they let you see him yet?"
"No." You answered
"Bullshit, I am going to ask the damn nurse where my son is." He barked as he hit the nurse call button, before you could protest.
-When she entered the room Jax's whole face went white, "Tara?"
- She stared at him dumbfounded, looking to his hand, the ring shimmering in the hospital light. You could feel the tension building you could feel your heart breaking, seeing in her face that she still loved him, but Jax... you still weren't sure.
-"Where is my son?" You demanded, breaking the silence, Tara looking at you for the first time since entering the room.
"Um.... he is getting checked out right now by the doctors, so far it looks as though he was born with a similar heart defect that Thomas had. He is going to have to stay here for a bit in the incubator, just until he is big enough to go home. I was going to go check on him in an hour, I can see if they have any more news."
"I want my son Tara, not information." You coldly stated, she was still frozen when Jax softly stated, "Now Tara."
- It was three more hours before Abel's incubator was wheeled into your room, tears brimming your eyes as a different nurse wheeled him in.
-Once the nurse left you wished, "Why did this happen to us Jax? Why did he come ea..."
"To bless his mom and dad early." He smiled sadly, as you put your hand on the glass, his arm wrapping around you as he kissed your temple.
-Gemma and Bobby were the first people in the room, you had requested that they stay out as long as possible, but after Abel was taken away, you needed some parental guidance.
-Gemma hugged you and then Jax, who pulled her aside while you talked to Bobby.
"How you holdin up sweet heart?"
"About as good as I can. Doc says they don't know why he came so early. Say he will be fine though to come home soon, and then we wait."
"Wait for what?"
"He was born with a heart defect, Knowles says it is the same one Thomas had."
"And He is a Teller and more importantly a Munson, meaning he is tougher then all the rest."
"Yeah." You weakly smiled
-In the time Gemma and Jax were gone, you and Bobby just talked about parenting, and life, your spirits lifting until Jax walked in, Gemma no were in sight, "Wanna go see your grandson Old Man?"
-After getting discharged you spent everyday in the NICU. You and Jax always told him you were gonna get him outta the toaster soon, and after a month you were allowed to hold him Finally.
-When you went home you saw that Gemma decorated the nursery for you, both you and Jax chuckling at the thought of Gemma always getting her way.
-Tara was constantly pulling Jax aside, just to talk, and every time he would come back into the room, looking heartbroken, and slightly annoyed.
-Gemma came with you one day to see him, and once the nurses all left you alone to feed him she whispered, "She still has her crow."
"I know."
-Ellie And Kenny begging you to see Abel. You talked Jax into coming with you and the kids to see him and even let them both hold him. Ellie was really excited to try and feed him, but you promised her when he got out she could.
-When you saw the destroyed nursery you let out a sob, a picture of Tara and Kax in the hospital stuck to the wall with a knife, her hand was in his arm. Gemma came in after ya, and quickly led you out. When Jax got home, everything was cleaned, the photo sat on the table in front of Gemma as smoke slowly rose from the cigarette.
"Where's [Y/N]?" Jax asked, unaware of what was happening
"She is staying at Bobby's for the night."
"Cause some asshole broke in and wrecked the place. I cleaned it all, but the poor girl saw this and lost it." She held up the picture, and Jax immediately called Tara, freaking out before she gave her own teary explanation, to which Jax growled, "Not my problem, leave us outta this. You don't come up to me or her in Saint Thomas, you don't work with my son, you forget our names, and you get that fucking thing removed." And then he hung up the phone, and erased the number he had had for 11 years
-The next day he drove to Bobby's and picked you up. You didn't say a word to Jax the whole way there, or when you got into the room. The nurse went to hand you Abel, but you just shock your head, which prompted her to hand him to Jax. As Jax sat with Abel in his arms, his eyes locked on you, who moved to sit at his feet, hand on his knee as he whispered, "She is nothing." His eyes teary as you looked from Abel to him
"I know baby." You smiled, a tear rolling down his face and landing on Abel.
After a while you finally whispered, "Do you still love her?"
"Never. It is you, me and toaster boy for the rest of the ride. She has already been warn, and she and her little friend shouldn't be an issue anymore."
"Then that is all that matters." You kissed his knee as he wiped his eyes. Neither of you seeing Tara glare into the room through the glass, tears in her own eyes as she wondered if leaving was really that smart.
-Bobby came to interact with Abel at least once a week, however he hated the hair net they would make him wear. However it was worth it for Abel.
-Tara called your phone the night she killed Kohn, you picked up ready to bitch her out but her tears cut you off, "I need Jax."
"What's wrong?"
"I killed him...I...."
"Tara, where are you?"
"My house." You hung up and rushed into the living room, Jax looking at you as you exhaled, "I'm going to Tara's."
"I think she just killed Kohn." You grabbed your keys, as he jumped up, "Baby, stay here."
"Like hell. We go together, or not at all."
"Fine." You agreed before you both left.
-After you rid of the body, you both went home. Both of you unsure why you were so quick to help her, after everything she did. It was you who realized first, "She is still our friend."
"Yeah." He whispered.
"Fuck." You exhaled putting your head in your hands.
- The next day Tara walked up to you both, "Listen I know what you said Jax, I just wanted to thank you both for last night. Also I wanted to tell you both that at the end of the week I am transferring back to Chicago."
You laughed, "Of course you are."
"What does that..."
"Tara, you didn't move here for the fucking house. You hoped Jax still loved you enough to kill him for you, and now that it is done you are running away again."
"There's nothing..."
"You know why I gave up fucking my husband last night to go help you bitch? Because you were one of my best friend 11 years ago. You are still our friend, even if you want to fuck my husband's brain out. Of course though we should've seen what you really wanted. So have fun in Chicago." You spit at her before turning and leaving. When Jax finally exited you were sitting on the bike, cigarette in hand.
"Thought you were quitting?" Jax joked
"Yeah, bitch made me so pissed though, I just needed one."
He kissed your forehead and whispered, "It's all going to be okay, Abel will be home soon, and then we don't need to ever come back here."
"Until one of you get shot, or wreck." You smiled, before he kissed your lips.
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- Gemma and Bobby were always over, most times it was to cook your meals, or clean. Between the hospital, your job and the club stuff, it always seemed like you two were too busy to care for yourselves.
-You asked Donna and Opie to be the godparents
-When you weren't swimming in work, or in hospital stuff, you would go to the lumberyard, and try to convince Ope to do some stuff for the club. Other times it was to brainstorm legitimate opinions for the club, joking that Opie should open his own lumber yard.
-When Abel was finally going to be released, you, Donna, Luann, and Gemma cleaned the whole house for the party. When you left to pick up Jax the trio was just working on cooking, "I'll see if Daddy can come help, said he had something good planned." You called before running out of the house in excitement.
- You took him to TM first, wanting nothing more then a quiet family moment in the dorm. Thankfully none of the guys left the garage when you took out the car seat, and you both sat in the dorm for two hours, just marveling at him.
- When you finally left it was dusk, and the front lawn of your house littered with bikes, and cars. The music pumped out of the house as you saw the silhouettes in the windows.
-When you walked in with a sleep Abel everyone cheered, raising their drinks. You felt Jax's hands on your waist as you blushed.
-It was an hour into you being there when you heard the door open, you turned slightly to see Tara, dressed up, she slowly smiled and pushed through bodies to get to you, Gemma's eyes on her the whole time. Thankfully Tig has taken Abel so you stood alone with a beer, listening to the crow eaters chatter.
"What the hell you doing here Knowles? Thought you would be in..."
"I'm staying. Charming is the only place I feel like I belong, I feel safe here. And it isn't because of the club, or because of Jax. It's cause I have real friends here, you were right. You two owed me nothing and you still came and helped me, and I can never thank you for that." Her eyes watering as you smiled, and quickly hugged her.
"Just one thing." You whispered in her ear.
"Get my husband's crow removed, and please stop trying to fuck him."
-Jax was surprised to see her there, ready to escort her out, but when he saw you hug her, he knew that she was finally going to stop trying to get with him.
-That night all the girls sat around, the house empty as Gemma cradled a sleeping Abel, mess surrounding you. Tara was seated to your left, and you were leaving through photo albums. When she asked about the relationship you and Jax had, you left out the fact that you were sleeping with each other right after she left. As she looked through the pictures with you, she was surprised to see ones from when her and Jax were dating. However it was only the ones were her and Jax weren't all over each other.
"I can't believe you still have these."
"Well we burned most of them, but I figured some of these were too good to burn."
-The next morning you woke up to Abel crying, you quickly scooped him up and carried him to the kitchen, getting a bottle as Jax came running in.
"Hey?" You asked as he looked at you, all he could say was, "Club, now."
"But Abel..."
"Feed him in the tow."
"Jax, what's wrong?" You called after him as he ran to the nursery and grabbed the emergency lockdown bag you had packed for Abel.
"Donna's dead." That was when you noticed the slight puffiness to his eyes. You wasted no time getting into the tow with Tig.
-When you all got there the boys immediately went into Church, while you went to the dorm.
"I promise sweetheart, Daddy and Mommy's life is not alway this exciting." You whispered to your bright eyed little boy.
- You heard the church doors slam open, and as Abel slept in the small bassinet Jax got out of storage you rushed out, to see Piney storming out.
"Follow him." You heard Jax order Half Sack, before he ran his hand through his hair and looked at you, heartbreak in his eyes.
-You confronted Clay first, while the boys tried to rein in Piney, you walked into church, where Clay sat with Tig.
"This isn't your place." He said
"Clay, I am no fool. I know what a club will do if they think they have a rat in their mists. I just need to know that we didn't do this."
"There is no we Sweetheart."
"And that is where you are wrong Clay, cause this shit isn't going to just affect the club, it will blow back on the whole unit." And with that you left.
-Jax called you at some point of the night, you were sitting in his dorm, the soft snores of Abel filling the room as you answered, "Hey baby."
"Tig killed her." You knew he was drunk, you could hear it in his voice, but you knew he would never lie.
"Clay lied." You whispered
"How could he do this." He let out a small sob, all you could whisper was, "I don't know how Baby."
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samcrosonslife · 5 years
Sup guys,
I’m sorry to say but I’m at a motivation stand still right now with this blog. I haven’t felt any inspiration lately and I am sorry.
I’m going to put a hiatus on this blog but I will not close it and I’ll try to put up my masterlist again cause I made one a long time ago and since tumblr is being a little bitch it took it off. So within the next two weeks it’ll be up.
I’m really sorry guys.
Much love,
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samcrosonslife · 5 years
@staff are you fucking kidding me right now?! You’re limiting text posts to 100 text blocks (aka paragraphs). What the absolute fuck.
Since you couldn’t take out fanfic writers with the purge so you’re just fucking up formatting for text posts until they leave? Is that your plan?
126K notes · View notes
samcrosonslife · 5 years
Are you currently taking request?? If you are, do you write smut?
yes and i do my best
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samcrosonslife · 5 years
me: i wanna write
someone: then… write?
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202K notes · View notes
samcrosonslife · 5 years
my level of fanfiction productivity ranges from “typing 20,000 words over the span of 3 days” or “opening a document and staring at it for a year without typing anything at all.” there is no middle ground.
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samcrosonslife · 6 years
Reblog if you’re over 20 and still read/write fan fiction.
I’m curious!
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samcrosonslife · 6 years
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samcrosonslife · 6 years
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Fanfiction Club: The Rules
This idea came to me when I woke up first thing this morning.
Part 2: “I want you to write me a fanfic.”
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samcrosonslife · 6 years
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1M notes · View notes
samcrosonslife · 6 years
Life of a Fanfiction Writer
Starting like:
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Needing to write quickly before you forget:
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Needing to remember all the small details:
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Losing your train of thought:
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When it’s going well:
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Writing smut:
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Not able to fill in the gaps from one scenario to the other:
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Serious writers block:
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Reading through finding you’ve gone wrong:
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Finding all your spelling errors:
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Finally Finished:
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samcrosonslife · 6 years
friendly reminder that a good portion of fandom creators do everything for free and that taking one minute or less to reblog what they post is the least you can do after they have spent hours working insanely hard to make you happy
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samcrosonslife · 6 years
I’m loving the soa animal kingdom preview going to be fun to see how they all interact and would there be a little Gemma vs smurf
It would take place after the events of SOA so Gemma would be dead by this time. 
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samcrosonslife · 6 years
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Request:  Can you do a song imagine to the song Alarm by Anne Marie to Juice?
A/N: I’ve never heard this song so I listened to it and I have to say I liked it alot. You just opened up more music to me. 
Warning: cheating, violence, cursing
You didn’t know how you got to this point. You felt your blood boil with anger as you threw clothes and necessities into an over night bag, planning on staying with your mother until you can find a place. You were so glad you never quit your job after Juice asked you to. 
You didn’t think Juice would do this to you. 
You had come in early from work. Thinking that maybe you could have a relaxing night with your man. It ended up being the complete opposite. 
You came home to another woman in your bed with you man. The next thing you remember is Juice dragging you off of her before you turned to him and punched him in the face. Apparently you had dragged her out of the bed and started to beat the crap out of her. After she was almost unconscious he was finally able to pull you off. 
Although you then turned to him and gave him a black eye. He soon regretted that he made you take some boxing classes with Happy. After a couple of hits, you turned to the closet and grabbed an overnight bag. All the while yelling at him. 
“You must think I’m stupid, Juan Carlos! You son of a bitch!” You were grabbing clothes and putting them in the bag. Not noticing the bitch barely stand up and grab her clothes and make her way out the door. After you hit him, he sat on the floor and leaned against the bed with his hands on his head. 
“This isn’t the first time either! Should have known after the first time!” You grumbled to yourself. You basically had steam coming out of your ears and nose as you breath fast. 
Soon enough you were walking out the door. 
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