samhitmanevans · 11 years
A shot of me on one of my morning runs, the other day
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
Pssh, it's 'cause you're a smart ass. And I bet you did, didn't you? Learn. I meant the actual gym myself. But Rick, yeah he was a bit of a disciplinary type guy. Oh, so you are? You'd hit the ring too? That and well, c'mon look at this face. Apparently, it screams innocence or something, I dunno. And you're smart yourself, we both know that.
[Private] I... Well, that person had a life before me. A nice one, a safe one. This life, my life is anything but. I'm not worried for me, I can handle my shit. I know what I've done, what I still do. It's all I know. Pops isn't here to tell me how he did it and I don't know what... what to do. Double lives? I don't like to lie. I can lie to people but I don't want to, I don't like doing that to... not to her. My life was never normal but I know mine is extreme compared to others.
Ugh. ‘Meet me at the gym’ with your dad always meant ‘you gon’ learn today’ and to be honest, my legs have learned so many times it’s a damn mystery to me that they aren’t paralyzed yet. That doesn’t mean I’m not game, though. Yeah, well. You fight those stereotypes because you’ll always be a lightbulb brighter than I am. [Private] Look, I know who you’re thinking of. And I understand, because who wouldn’t be worried, but…I dunno. There are ways to live double lives and whatnot, but is it really worth it? …Come to think of it, I’m not even sure I know what it feels like to live the way other people do, or that I want to.
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
Mmhm, well meet me at the gym one morning and we'll see what's up. I promise to leave you legs intact, ahaha. That's just men with money in search of more power. I may be a blond but I'm smarter than I look. [Private] That's what I'm saying. This life, it's our normal but... it's not safe. Not for... it's not. Once you're in, you're in. I know. I'm not trying to... Nothing's easy, especially when you're used to swimming with sharks.
Maybe, maybe. And of sorts, that’s what. Politicos are always suspect when it comes to seeking out their favors. [Private] How can normal ever come out of this, though? You live by the sword, you die by the sword, and all that. I’ve got the best hopes for you, man, but it’s not as easy as that.
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
Why, you planning on trying to kick my ass if I did mean it? If anything happens, comes from it, you'll know. A scammer, of what exactly? Alright, Jackie Boy, alright. [Private] I kinda have a reason to at least want it, I think. Normalcy doesn't pull people across the world, snatch them from their homes. Maybe normal's good.
Better be kidding. I’d be lying if I said I knew that - just watch your back, alright? This guy sounds like he’d be a scammer. Stay wherever keeps you sane, forget the normalcy. Unless you want to live that way. Do you? Sounds ace, I’ll hold you to it.
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
Yes, Regina?
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Stop, stop what? Bullshit, you are cute and you being all bossy or tryin' to be was too. Lo quiero por dias todo. You will be, yeah.
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Yes, and you stop that! I’m not being cute. You want some of this brown sugar, Mr. Evans? I’m coming.
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
Who says to take you seriously? Ahaha, no I kid, man. And that's not what I meant about the money, when I said it. Just a figure of speech, you know. And yeah, I know. I hope to stay in the city for a while before I take a case on myself. I heard normalcy or something like it is nice. Yeah, yeah. You got it. You supply the drinks, I'll bring the cigars.
If I didn’t, who would take me seriously? Nobody. Nobody and their uncles. Some things just ain’t worth the little dough, though, don’t settle for the small stacks. True…true. Well, hey, you should come on down sometime. Have a drink or two on me, I dunno.
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
...And what show is this? Aha.
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
No lo es?
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And is that you, being bossy? Ha, it's kinda cute. Wanna come a little closer so you can show me how you really feel?
Yeah, that’s right, you know that language and no that’s not a cue for you to start speaking it either! Your frowns are cute. Your smiles are cute. Your lips are cute. Your nose is cute. You are cute. Deal with it. *snaps in z formation*
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
You know but you do it anyways. Smh and laughing at you, man. Money is money, you know. ...Yeah. Well, whoever did it didn't get Merrick in the club. Or the hotel.
Yeah, yeah, I know. Still, if it ain’t worth the money then I wouldn’t. Ion’s been fine, business is still booming, people are still getting their rocks off over quality entertainment, the liquor is still fresh. Honest to god, it’s as if a death never occurred on the same premises.
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
It's in English but it's stilted, they should've wrote in Spanish. My frowns are frowns, they're not cute.
That’s sad as hell if he can’t spell, Sam. How’d you read it? Did it put that cute little frown on your face?
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
You and that mouth of yours, haha. International? It's the only way some people do business, you know that. I dunno. I'll think on it. Anyways, the hell have you been doing, how's Ion, you still managing it, right? I meant to ask.
Big, big guy, huh? Didn’t realize the Terminator was doing international tours now. What are you gonna do about him, you going to take the meeting?
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
Aha, I know you haven't. Pops knew of him. Apparently, he heard of the security detail my company offers and looked me up. He wants to meet or something. He's this guy, big guy, from Panama. And I dunno, says he wants to explain during a meeting, that is if I'd like to agree to see him, hear him out.
I’ve never even heard of the guy, what the hell’s he need the damn Secret Service for? 
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
blackjack-daly said:
What’s the story, Sam?
Ricardo Fuentes is comin' to Miami. He wants protection the company to send a few extra guys for him and his men.
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
Some political big wig is comin' to town for a speech or something. There's a lot of gray that I need to weed out from this email. Whoever sent it needs spell check and is a moron. They wanna get a temp contract with the company while they're in the city. It's nothing...crazy or whichever.
Why? Or is this a need to know basis thing? Because if it’s something I don’t need to know then I won’t pry.
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
Fall Out Boy ft. Jay Z | Thriller
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
thefoxybrowngina said:
I’m almost afraid to ask…
Well, to be honest, I'm afraid to take the case.
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samhitmanevans · 11 years
Really man?
I just... who lets people near computers these days?
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