sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
Watching girls fight over the stupidest things, like boys or who said what about who, makes me realize how lucky I am that all of my friends are guys. And Ash. I don’t know where he stands.
You're a girl too, though. Or are you the only one who's not like that?
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
[Text]When am I going to meet this mystery girl?
I don't know, maybe next time we all get together or something
 ooc: i'm going to bed okay!
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
ooc: Jo is jealous and shes trying not to show it so if shes kind of a bitch that why[Text]That doesn't answer my question. Tell me what shes like.
ooc: lol okay
well she has curly blonde hair and she's really tall
and she's really sweet but strong
and her friends told me she likes me a lot
and uhh i think she's smart because she's in a lot of ap classes
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
[Text]Whats she like? Is she funny, is she pretty, is she smart?
ooc: sam is kinda drunk rn
[text] uhhhhhhyeah?
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
[Text]Dean tells me you have a girlfriend.
heeey jo!well sort of, i dunno! we've only been out a few times!
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
sammypup replied to your post: 
dude never you know you’re my number one ahaha. what are you doing? where are you??
I’m going to a movie with Jo and Ash. I think Jo likes me, man.
yeah, i figured. that's why you're not meeting jess anytime soon. or bela. or the other girl who always touches my butt. SEE DEAN GIRLS LIKE ME TOO OKAY
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
So when I first went to Eden to take tests to see if I qualified for a scholaship, I met this girl, Jessica. She's beautiful.
I hadn't seen her since, but I ran into her today when I went to see the Eden counselor.
She asked for my number and she kept touching my arm. She's really sweet.
We're going out on Friday. I'm gonna have to bail early from Jo's house, but anyway, Dean's gonna be there, and I think she might like him and not me, anyway. So I think it will be okay.
And uhhh well I still like Jo better but that's probably because I know her so well. I'm sure I just need to get to know Jess better. Also, I think I have a thing for pretty blondes.
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
[grins] That’s the plan! [continues tickling him for a minute until the bell rings] Damn! Saved by the pizza man. [gets up and goes to the door]
[giggling dies down and gets up from the floor] Thank God for pizza!
[goes get the pizza and both boys settle on the couch, contentedly watching TV until they have to go to bed]
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
[Text]Alright, 4 or 5 should work out fine.And don't worry Sammy boy, me and Dean can make you love Star Wars as much as we do ;)
[text] We'll see! :) You guys better not say the lines along with the movie, though! After watching Die Hard with Dean, that sort of thing can drive you crazy :D
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
AHAHA! [wiggles, laughing, trying to get Sam off of him] No! Stop Sam you’re gonna make me pee!!
[grins] That's the plan! [continues tickling him for a minute until the bell rings] Damn! Saved by the pizza man. [gets up and goes to the door]
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
Oh am I distracting you? [flexes his muscles at him, making gross body-builder faces]
[spills the juice he was drinking all over his book and laughs] Dean! Stop it!
I can’t hear you over how big my muscles are! [head lock’s Sam, noogie!]
[Struggles against Dean, but even though he's grown a lot Dean is a lot stronger than he is] Get off me, you caveman! Hey, look over there! [takes advantage of Dean's distraction to dislodge himself and starts tickling him. Dean falls down]
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
[Text]Sam, I know how you can get passive aggressive, and I really want us to have a good time, are you absolutely sure that its okay? If its not, then Dean can just go find something else to do.
What? No, I swear it's fine! [is confused, Did he say something...?] What time should we be there?
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
Oh am I distracting you? [flexes his muscles at him, making gross body-builder faces]
[spills the juice he was drinking all over his book and laughs] Dean! Stop it!
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
[grin] You know I am. [flex muscles] The ladies can’t resist.
[laughs, throwing his head back] It cracks me up when you do that. Stop it, I'm trying to study.
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
Are you sure? I can live without Start Wars or Dean for a little bit, I just really want to spend some time with you is all. It seems likes its been forever.
Yeah, we only spent a little while at the dance, huh? I already told Dean and he kind of said yes already so it's cool. I'm gonna bring some pizza, okay?
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sammypup-blog-blog · 13 years
[watches him] Dude you worried I’m gonna flirt with her or something? I know you like her.
[Shskes his head] Of course not. It's not your fault you have girlish features and long, pretty eyelashes. You're a regular Ken doll. [Sam grins, trying to lighten the mood]
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