sammyskun · 3 months
Update on the whole pngtuber thing.
So, Currently not in very high hopes. Recently I was taken out of my home and placed into another, So at the moment I have absolutely no clue when or if anything will happen, and most likely won't for a long while.
I will begin work on a different account for pngtuber posts, because I have decided I want to use this account as a more personal account, aswell as to show art. I may end up using Twitter or something instead for pngtuber posts, Might not.
So yeah, Will update when something comes up.
Probably the last pngtuber post on this account, Might not be though. Next post will be about tsams/personal stuff. See ya. Here's some art for the road ^^
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sammyskun · 3 months
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sammyskun · 4 months
PNGtuber design shenanigans
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Here's an old reaction image of my 1st design for my PNGtuber lol ;-;
It sad, be nice to it.
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sammyskun · 4 months
PNGtuber Update :D
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question of the post, what should I add to my PNGtuber? (Hats, expressions, shirts, pants, hats, accessories, etc!)
Hey guys! Sorry I was gone for a hot minute, School has been quite tough and trying to figure out my PNGtuber stuff has been a mix of happiness and annoyance ;-;
As of now, I have completely restarted my PNGtuber, But still basically loosely traced my own work.
Change of shading, Hat has been completely fixed, Alternate outfits have been being created, and so much more! I'm already done with the main base, and a few shirts, pants and hats! (pants will be barely seeable why did i put effort into them)
As of now, my 2nd attempt at doing my PNGtuber has gone great! So far around 24 full hours of work has been put into my PNGtuber! Although it seems like a long time, I expected this to be way slower!
Its most likely easier for me because I have always been an artist, But I still expected it to be hard!
Basically, This post is me talking about how my PNGtuber venture is being planned!
At the moment, I have temporarily dropped working on my PNGtuber, and instead working on my background image! Will be used for: Intro AKA: Starting soon!, background for when we are just chatting, and more!
I want my style to have a more bright, stimulating color scheme than WooflesKuns Sun and Moon have, Just because it feels like it matches with my style!
So on a finishing note, here's what I summed up.
I restarted my pngtuber due to technical difficulties, Main base of my character alongside several different pants, shirts, and hats are done, PNGtuber art process is moving surprisingly fast!, currently working on a background for chatting streams, and for starting soon screen.
Here is a quick glimpse into my 1st attempt at designing my PNGtuber! (DONT WORRY. THEIR NEWER DESIGN LOOKS WAH BETTER THIS WAS PRACTICALLY TESTING SESSION LMAO)
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sammyskun · 4 months
Silly Comfort characters
I love these guys. My favorites are in this order
OL (Old Lunar)
Fucking love these goobers.
Me when sillys
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