OOC: Account Closed
This account is deactivated until further notice.
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can you control yourself under the full moon?
I can. I was born a wolf. I had a lot of time to learn control.
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do you have a wolf ring?
I don't have need of one of those things. It's like a cheat code for a video game.
There's a reason why Alphas are the only ones to fully turn into a wolf.
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Sam just grinned evily at Jack. "We can start the sex marathon whenever your ready. You know I'm good to go for hours on end." Sam slid his hand under Jack's shirt, rubbing his thumb teasingly against Jack's nipple. "But then again, it would also be fun to watch you suffer for four days while I just teased you." he added, pulling his hand out from Jacks shirt. "And I know you'll help me, because you're awesome and nice like that."
After Christmas || Jack&Sam
“You can definitively have sex with me for 4 days straight, just say when you want to start” he teased and nipped his neck in return for his action. “It does suck. I went through that 3 months ago, but it will be worth it and I will help you” he informed him and plated a sweet kiss on his lips.
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what kind of color would be your fur if you could turn into a wolf?
I think I would be a brown, but it doesn't really matter to me.
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Sam just laughed. "That's a major exaggeration, but I definitely could have sex with you for four days straight." Sam said, leaning forward and nipping at Jack's ear. "I can't wait to get a home. Moving my stuff is going to suck, but it be nice to actually have a place to call home."
After Christmas || Jack&Sam
“I’m fine with that” Jack nuzzled his chest slightly as he was hold tight. This was one of his favorites things about Sam, the warm-protective cuddles. He was such a cuddler. It just made him feel good and safe compare to how his own home was making him feel. “That long?” he asked half-pretending to be surprise, the other half being actually serious because, damn, four days is four days. “I almost pretty sure you can make it shorter with your cuddles though” he told him.
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you can still mate even if the other person is not a wolf?
You can. It's all about finding your better half.
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Sam sighed, giving Jack a look and shook his head. "Fine. But only because you asked first. I'll drive us, however." Sam said, smiling pulling Jack back against him and holding him tight. He loved cuddles, just holding someone close to him was the biggest stress reliever ever. And Jack had such an awesome cuddling boddy. "Ha, it'll take you 4 days to recover from me." Sam said, chuckling a bit.
After Christmas || Jack&Sam
Jack laughed at him because of the growl, even though it did had its effect. “We can still have it, you just need to give me a day to rest afterwards” he told him, bringing the hand that was under his shirt upward as he was dragged down.Though he quickly moved his body upwards. “No, I’m asking you out. I’m the one paying and what about Friday Or Saturday? New movies come out normally on Thursday night. I can pick up food or try to cook something up as well” he informed him.
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Sam chuckled. "Maybe. Maybe I just wanna have rough wolf sex with you." he said, growling a bit seductively and nipping a bit at Jack's cheek, jokingly. "That all actually sounds great. What would you like to do Jack? My treat, of course. And when would you like to go?" Sam asked, leaning back against the sofa and bringing Jack with him, nuzzling him softly.
After Christmas || Jack&Sam
“Well I hope you get into his pack because you are a great guy and I’m sure he will benefit from it too. Also according to what I have read and what you told me it seem likes something that it is really good for you” he told him. “You really want me to become one no? Is it because I will be as warm as you?Or because or so I can beat you when we run together?” he teased while playfully slipping a hand under his shirt to feel the warm. “It never hurts to see and I was thinking maybe go to a restaurant or I heard there is this park just outside of the town that show moves on a big screen. We can do a picnic thing there and watch whatever movie is out.” he suggested. He thought of ice-skating too, but he always saw that more as a group thing rather than a date.
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Jack chuckled at that as his hand moved around Sam’s chest and let his legs tangle with his as they fell in between them. ”Yeah, I figured they didn’t. Last time I went to Paul’s house he was bothered because I stank of you, which I’m not totally sure if that is thing. Didn’t you say you wanted to meet Derek to see if you could join his pack?” he asked. He then laughed as Sam put him in that light. Jack really didn’t see himself that way, he always ruined things and he saw himself ruining the happy mood that has been place recently but always thought that if he tried he wouldn’t. “I don’t think that’s accurate, but I will consider it” he ended and then met his hazel eyes. “Really? I mean, it is ok if we stay like we are now. Just thought to give a try and see where it goes”
"I did say that, and I did meet Derek. Him and I are gonna try and hang out a bit before he makes his mind essentially, since he doesn't really know me." Sam said, shrugging his shoulders as he brushed a few stray hairs away from Jack's face. "I think it's accurate. And you should consider it. You really should." he said, smiling politely at Jack. "If you want to go on a date, sure, let's go. I'm fine with that. As you said, we can just give it a try and see where it goes."
After Christmas || Jack&Sam
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"Yes, scent. First time you were over I could smell Peter's scent on you. It wasn't entirely too pleasing." Sam said, chuckling a bit. "Bruce is a nice guy, I like him. If you wanted the bite, I would say get it from him. He has a pack full of awesome wolves, they just don't like me too much." he said, smiling sadly at Jack. It was sad but true. "Derek...is an interesting guy. That's all I can say about that. But you as a wolf? You have the strengths that a wolf needs. Your loyal, strong, and protective. You'd make a great pack member, and a fine beta. You should consider it." Sam said, shrugging his shoulder at Jack, letting his hand come up and play with Jack's hair a bit. "A date? Hmm. Haven't been on one in a while, so sure."
After Christmas || Jack&Sam
Sam’s words at first hit him in an odd way. “I never said- Oh right, scent?” he asked him not feeling odd that Sam knew Peter. It seem all wolves knew each other. He was starting to see that scents could tell you a lot about someone. However, he did listen to everything that Sam said, taking it seriously and it wasn’t the first time that he was told about Peter. Scott thought the same. Lydia did as well. He didn’t trust the guy, but he still couldn’t see why people thought of him as such, but he trusted what all three of them said and to his knowledge he still didn’t see that much reason to take the bite, maybe because he hasn’t had time to think about it. “I found about Bruce and his pack recently, but I’m friends with Paul” he told him when he was back into his chest. “Haven’t met Derek, but It is just something I haven’t truly thought it about, so don’t worry too much for now. I’m still curious why you would think I would make a good one though” he said and was curious of what he meant by one of his friends. “I don’t know what happened to your friend, but nothing bad is going to happen and you are a good friend too, reason why I won’t let my family bother you” he stated him before concentrating on something that he wanted to say since he got there. “About not dating. I was actually planning to ask you on a date” he chuckled on purpose to make it seem like a silly idea because of what Sam said, not really hurt if he didn’t want to.
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Sam sighed, closing his eyes before removing Jack from his shoulder to look at him. It was serious talk time now. "Listen, Jack. The bite is a major decision. It is. I never had to make that decision because I was born this way. But you have a choice. Your cousin may not like it, but it's not his choice. Your family may not like it, but it's not their choice, and if they loved you at all they would protect you regardless. But you need to be careful on who you decide to let give you the bite. Because it's a big deal. You have the choice to leave that alpha and find another, but I've heard things about Peter Hale..." Sam said, looking away and at the table. "He seems...a bit crazy. But if you want him to give you the bite, I'll support that decision and I'll help you. But your best best is to go to his nephew Derek, or Bruce Skell." Sam said, pulling Jack into his chest and hugging him gently. "We may not be dating, but I'm your friend. And I don't want something bad happening to you. Not to another one of my friends."
After Christmas || Jack&Sam
Jack moved forward letting his head fall almost on top of his shoulder as he shifted his legs and torso so he could be more comfortable.  “I’m sure you will be fine and whatever you decide you have to let me see it” he told before laughing slightly at that comment as his hand search for one of Sam’s. “And what makes you think I would? But on that subject. I never told you how I found about about everything right?” he asked, pausing and looking upwards to him. “A werewolf told me. He offered me the bite too when he becomes an Alpha, but I haven’t give it too much though to be honest and Scott wouldn’t be the only one. My family might not like it either”
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I think it may be time for me to meet some new people.
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Understood. Surprisingly, a few people do know about you. Mostly what I heard was compliments on your hair, or that you were, as they put it, cute.
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That's completely understandable, however it would be advisable for him to not judge people on their past decisions and or/actions. Those are their own, and being angry at people because they didn't like something is just a little bit petty. But he seems like a good man, nonetheless.
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"Heh, you're such a little renegade. You would make a great wolf. Have you thought about it? Scott would freak out about it...but it would be something to consider." Sam said, shrugging his shoulders a bit and pulling Jack into him again and he leaned back, cuddling him slightly. "I should be getting the house soon. I'm torn between two. If all else fails, I'll end up doing an apartment. I would just prefer a little bit more seclusion that that." he said, smiling.
After Christmas || Jack&Sam
Jack wore a joyful smile, making a sound because he hugged him very tightly, but he was very happy that Sam liked the gift. “I’m glad. I hope you can put it on soon” he told him leaving a soft kiss on his cheek as he got nuzzled. His gaze was on Sam now, still having that joyful smile. “Glad you think that and trust me, I don’t like it as much as you do, but I can’t tell them what to do or change it as much as I would like them to. However, my mom knows that I will be in the middle if her targets are people I know” he meant all those words, especially when it came to Scott and the guy in front of him.
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No, it's entirely fine. If it was me and I was in your position, I would understand completely if some strange omega knew information on my pack. But I promise you that what I know is strictly because I'm looking for a new pack to join. Nothing more. I've met your alpha, Bruce. He's a nice guy. Offered to hang out with him and buy him a beer, which we've yet to do. Cory, however didn't like me too much.
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Oh no, just mentioning your pack name. I found out about each of you individually from people around town. Gossip spreads. Nothing about your wolf status, but that you all lived with Bruce Skell. Didn't take much to put two and two together.
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