samv73 · 6 months
Short: chapter snippet
Featuring: Toby, River, Conny (mentioned)
Includes: swearing, sorta NSFW?
(A note to anyone not following the book, Toby isn't your boyfriend, he's just the obsessive protective character. This isn't cheating, it just seems like it)
"They aren't getting any better...you should just let them rest for now, (y/n). They're on a lot of drugs for the pain, they probably can't even talk."
Toby says for the hundredth time. I haven't seen them since we got here, it feels lonely without River.
"Alright alright! Jeez, Toby, all I wanted was to see my friend...With how you freak out when I get hurt, I think you'd understand."
I say. I'm not proud of it, especially not when Toby gives a look like only says "ouch", but I'm angry and we say things we shouldn't when we're angry.
Toby nods and sulks off, most likely to find Noah and rant about me, or maybe find Axel. Those two have been a bit closer lately, I'm glad...but Axel still seems so uncomfortable around everyone else.
I glance at the door, the knob of it tempting me to rush in while I can. My friends are downstairs, I can hear them all laughing and talking so happily...but one of us isn't down there. Instead, they're alone and suffering because of it.
In a rush of impulse, I look around and quickly turn the doorknob, opening River's door. It's dark, only an oil lamp is lighting the room. River lays in bed, staring up the ceiling.
"Toby? 'Yer early, what gives?"
River asks, looking down before looking at me with wide eyes. They look happy to see me, and I must look just as happy to see them, because they give me a quiet chuckle and a motion to come inside.
"(Y/n)! I was wonderin' when I'd see 'yer face again."
River chuckles. They seem healthy...ecstatic even.
"Hey, River...how are you?"
I ask, closing the door and walking towards them. They try to sit up, but they only make it halfway up before they look like they're letting out a silent scream. They crumble a bit, but they're still sitting up ever so slightly. They don't look drugged out, and they definitely don't feel drugged out from the look of it.
"Ah...not too well I'm afraid. Axel's been gone and I've been sober too feckin' long."
River chuckles. I put my hand on their colder hand, trying to give them comfort. They've been alone for days, I'm not sure how good Toby and Axel's company alone has been...probably awkward considering how awkward those two already are.
River hums, moving their hand and holding my own in a soft grip. I smile a bit, sitting down in the chair beside their bed. They look happy, I'm guessing I was right when I thought they were lonely.
"(y/n)...do me a favor, yeah? C'mere."
River mutters.
"I am here, River."
I say, tilting my head a bit at their strange words. I'm just a foot or two away from them, any closer and I'd be looming over them.
River gently tugs my hand, bringing me off the chair. I move along with them until I'm so close that I have to put my free hand on the bed to keep myself from falling onto them. Once I'm inches away, they put their other hand on my shoulder.
"I thought I was dyin' for a good long while, y'know that? I thought I was dyin'...and all I thought about was you."
They say, quiet enough to be a whisper. It's sweet, shocking...and entirely new news to me.
I mumble, repeatedly trying to find a response, only to have each one die on my tongue. They laugh a little, wincing quietly afterwards.
"I couldn't think of anythin' but "damn, wish I kissed them while I had the feckin' chance". I'm alive though...and hopefully I still got that chance."
I don't say anything, and I don't do anything when River leans up. I think I might've been leaning down as well...just to help them so they don't get hurt, yeah, that's all. We kiss, and River's hands leave my hand and shoulder and reside on my hips. Their thumbs, once sweetly rubbing in circles, slowly start to grip me like I'm life itself as the kiss becomes more feverish.
This isn't anything like Conny's kiss. No, this is pure need...River needed me here, but for reasons I couldn't begin to process. Toby could be outside, hearing the gasps and shushing and creaks of the bed, but that'd be fine. Right now, nothing matters but River and I.
"Wait, your gash...!"
I say. Well, more like gasp. River scoffs a bit, smiling and running their hands on my sides.
"Just avoid touchin' it and we're golden, now c'mere..."
River chuckles a bit. This is a new side of them...and I can't tell if I like it or if I feel concerned for them
I'm tugged onto the bed. Carefully, I straddle the injured person below me. They seem fine, great even. Their pupils are blown out and they're smiling like an idiot.
"What a sight to see...."
They mumble. It's not even lust in their eyes, it's just adoration. I bring a hand down to their cheek, and they respond by leaning into it and putting their own hand over mine. It's sweet. Their hands drift under my shirt, pulling it up slowly, and I can feel a shiver go down my spine.
Toby can find out for all I care, right now all I care about is River.
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samv73 · 1 year
Character list
A list of the romance options and their overall personality, see who you'd like to spend the apocalypse with in this xreader scenario!
Includes: Toby, Jack, Noah, Conny, Oliver, Sam, River, Axel, Alex, Jay, and Nyx.
In earlier parts of the story, Toby was a fearful and frail boy that was kicked out of the safe house he was raised in and was now on the verge of a breakdown. You were the first person Toby ran into that didn't immediately threaten him or aim a weapon at him, causing him to immediately default to hiding behind you when the dead came around the corner. He refused to leave your side afterwards.
As time went on Toby began to adapt to the world around him, his once innocent smile turned into nothing but a mask he now uses to hide his obsession for you, the person he considers to be the most humane person left alive. Toby is the yandere of the story, the man who would burn with a smile if it meant you would be happy.
Once a boy who stole for food and bribed for shelter, Jack was a regular thief in his earlier days. That all changed when a tip about a valuable item turned out to be a way to catch Jack and put him behind the bars of the district. Jack went on the run, going to the outskirts of city ruins of where humanity once thrived. He meets you and Toby when he ends up getting stuck between what he would call "a zombie and a hard place".
Jack never loses his mischievous side, though you get to see a kinder version of him when it's just you and him alone. He cares about you and the group you end up building, even if it doesn't feel like he does at times. He cares, he'll never let something happen to any of you...even if that means he'll have to make sacrifices down the road.
Noah is a rare case in this world. A type of mutation in the virus that caused the dead to rise. A mutated version of the virus is often called a "Clawed". Noah is a Clawed, but not your average one. Being somewhat resistant to the virus, Noah still has full control over his conscious self. His body may look wrong and one of his eyes may have the glazed color of death but Noah is still himself on the inside.
You meet Noah when he rescues you from a group of infected that meant to make you their next meal. He was intrigued at your determination to find your group and warn them of the infected that roamed the building, so he followed you. He never stopped following you, even when Jack thought he was just a normal Clawed and tried to shoot him. He's a normal boy on the inside that just so happens to look like a horrifying nightmare creature on the outside. There are bright sides and dark sides to being infected...the strange purring that he does when he's happy is definitely a bright side to some people.
A man hiding secrets behind a worn mask, that's the best way to describe Conny. He claimed to live in a motel your group was staying at, though the motel was worn and had no signs of any life being there for years. Conny constantly jokes and acts as if there isn't a chance of death being behind every corner. You may think this is just a character who isn't all too smart, but something more sinister lays under Conny's grins. What that something is, nobody can tell you...but he never seems to flinch when someone turns up dead, nor when something shocking or traumatic happens to somebody in the group. He seems to know almost everything that will happen. Odd, right?
: )
Oliver was raised as a soldier for a group of survivors living in something called a "district". His home was the Sanctum district. Oliver's job was to go out and recruit "unkept" survivors from the ruins of New York in the hopes of the district being able to force them into working somewhere in the district to keep it running. Oliver lived as the equivalent of an enslaved slaver since he turned nine, never knowing it was a twisted job for a child to be given because he lived in a family of people who had the same job.
The district fell eventually, causing a massive death toll that included Ren, the older brother of Oliver who raised him and protected him in the ruins. The fall of the Sanctum district left Oliver and a friend of his to leave with the most competent person to the ruins. That person just so happened to be Toby, who had been captured by none other than Oliver and Ren. Toby, not holding a grudge on Oliver due to his nature still being kind at that point in time, brought the two district boys to you.
Sam was the friend of Oliver's from the Sanctum District. Ever since he was young Sam had been picked on due to his anxious mind and fears that everybody thought were idiotic. Sam had Kinemortophobia, the phobia of zombies, which caused him an extremely stressful life and made the people of the district look down on him.
The district falling was one of the most terrifying things to ever happen to poor Sam. He left with Oliver, a friend he had been close with since childhood. Seeing how Toby, an anxious boy with little survival skills, was alive and well thanks to you made him view you as a means to survive in the ruins. Sam became dependent on you and Oliver, seeking the two of you out as a way to cope with the anxiety he felt just by living in the ruins.
River is the cocky self-reliant person in the group. Having been the middle child from a family with four other siblings (seven if you count the twins as different people), River knew their way around getting groups to stop and go on a dime. They often act like they don't care if you live or die, though seeing the silent horror on their face when they see you try to fight a Clawed alone says everything you need to know. If you had to label River's love style, tsundere is the way to go.
River holds a complex emotional state, constantly shifting between showing large, often negative emotions. If they aren't yelling at someone in Irish Gaelic about something or taking frustration out on the dead they're more often than not shoving emotions they don't know how to deal with deep inside their mind until they turn up as frustration. Being someone River holds dear to their heart means that you're someone they're terrified of. They can't live without you in a world where you could die at any given moment, of course that terrifies them.
Being the smaller and weaker twin brother, Axel had been the target for any harm that people wanted to place on his aggressive twin, Alex. Axel had been born with multiple types of vitamin deficiencies and was considered a burden on the group he was born into. Axel's parents, not wanting to be left alone in the ruins, abandoned Axel when he was only six. Alex refused to leave him, making the parents leave both children, albeit unwillingly when it came to Alex.
Axel had a terrible life. Alex refused to let the two of them settle and live peacefully, making Axel begin to have trust issues and panic attacks when it came to even speaking to strangers. Alex fed into it for years. Axel met you in a strange way...meaning he wanted to speak to you but was so afraid of messing up that he basically kidnapped you while you were sleeping. Axel ended up getting more than a few harsh words from the people in your group when they finally caught him. Axel joined the group, much to Toby and Noah's dismay, and happily talks about textbooks he's read in the hopes of you gaining an interest in his knowledge...or just him in general. He may not have Oliver's muscles, nor Conny's sense of humor...but he'll teach you anything you want if it means you'll sit next to him give him that smile of yours that makes him feel lightheaded.
18+, do not read unless you are 18 or over!
A man who doesn't care about anything but his own desires, Alex is the sadistic and cold twin brother of Axel. He left his home to find his brother in the woods after watching his parents abandon him. After that, Alex refused to leave his brother's side. It started out as sweet, but soon the care Alex had for Axel turned into nothing you could call kind. Alex refused to let Axel make friends. At one point when Axel put his foot down, Alex decided to leave him in the ruins. He didn't actually leave him, but instead stalked him and watched his twin panic for an entire day. He only stepped in when Axel ended up getting beaten to near-death by a scavenger.
Alex instilled a fear of being alone in his brother and he doesn't take kindly to strangers who try to take his brother away. You, being the closest thing to a leader in the group Axel is now part of, have become the center of Alex's anger. That anger can come out in a few different ways. Fist fights that end in bruises, screaming matches that end in one of you storming away, angry fucking that ends with marks that are hard to lie about, it's up to you really. How badly do you want to provoke this man?
Jay was raised mainly in Annecy, France. When she turned fourteen her mothers set out to travel to America via boat. She arrived and lived happily in Boston with her mothers for years to come. One day, years after their arrival to America, Jay and her family got separated during their travel to a rumored infection-free town in Colorado. Jay was left alone in Indiana with no way home and no way to find her parents.
She adventured for months, eventually ending up in Missouri and holding up in an old mall. She spent her time scaring scavengers out and luring the dead away, constantly hoping deep down that her parents may end up wandering through the abandoned halls she took to guarding. Jay is one of the more calm and patient of the group, having been raised with patience as a primary rule. Her loyalty is something she prides herself on. If you can catch her and guide her out of the mall and into your group, she will never abandon you.
A child at heart, Nyx is a sweet and foolhardy young man who holds having fun as the primary rule. To him, survival is only worth it if you enjoy living. This boy may act like he's care-free, but he holds a secret from you. Years ago, back when he was too small to properly handle a gun, he knew you better than anyone did. You both ran in the same group for a short time when you two were around five or so. He remembers you fondly, though he remembers the dread of not finding you when the group went to hell more than the other memories of you.
He didn't recognize you for weeks after meeting you, but once he did he felt like he was going to throw up from excitement. He decided to keep his knowledge of your past a secret, less you end up not wanting him around. He doesn't know where you went the day the group went to hell, which makes him worry that you don't want that part of your life around anymore. Here he is, a smitten man-child keeping the biggest secret he has from someone he's adored since he was small.
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samv73 · 1 year
Scenario: raising a child with them
Includes: Toby, Jack, Noah, Oliver, Sam, Conny, River, Axel, Alex, Jay, Nyx.
Funny enough, he's actually an amazing dad. Definitely a bit too overprotective, but besides that he's not the worst out of this list. He knows how it feels to be alone and unloved, so he makes sure his kid knows that they're loved no matter what.
If the child is biologically yours, He'd constantly point out any similarities he shares them them like their eyes or nose. This little kid probably won't grow up to be like their dad, in fact they'd probably grow up to be something like Conny.
Well....He has some unworked issues that accidentally leak into his parenting. Jack has been through multiple types of absolute hell ever since he was young, leading to him holding the belief that life is just cruel to children. He's overprotective and constantly tells his kid that people can't be trusted, which leads the kid to have a grey moral compass in the future because they begin to believe that people are just born evil.
Jack's kid would most likely grow up to be the new Toby.
He's such a gentle father specifically because he doesn't want to scare his child with his "differences". If the child is biologically his and turns out to have gotten some of his clawed genetics he may just openly start crying.
His kid turns out to be the kindest person you'd ever know. They believe that everyone, even infected, have the chance to be good. That view was made because of their wonderful infected father. They turn out sort of like Axel, sweet but awkward to an extent.
You'd have to be the role model here, Oliver is way too set in his strange (and slightly cruel) ways to be a kind father. He'd try to raise your kid like they're a soldier because that's how he was raised in the district and he turned out 'fine'.
If Oliver has an influence in his child's life then they might end up being a stricter or more pissy version of him. Imagine Oliver with Alex's temper, that'd be your kid. That said, please do not let Oliver do this.
When he realized that he had a kid, he panicked and had the three of you flee to an abandoned farm while the kid was really small...he was really afraid of other people hurting his little baby. The sweet boy would constantly be emotional about everything your child does. Talking? He's crying. Walking? Poor Sam is sobbing in joy. He has a big influence on his kid because he's open about his thoughts and emotions to them.
Your kid ends up being the most mentally stable of them all, not really resembling the group that much because they didn't go through any type of trauma throughout their adolescent life and continued to stay at the farm for a while. You watched your child grow up, and even when they left the farm they eventually came back with their own spouse and child. You, Sam, your child, and your child's family all live out a peaceful and happy life.
Oh the dad jokes....
But on a more serious note, Conny would actually be such a sweet and thoughtful father. He wants his kid to understand how to survive without mixing survival with sociopathy-like actions. Your kid learns from a really young age about your group and the mistakes they all made back then.
Your kid basically grows up to be another Conny, hiding their knowledge of the world around them with puns while still surviving better than most people ever could. Conny is a proud dad.
I'm saying this right now, if your kid is biologically theirs then it'll look like them. They have 5 siblings and a pair of twins and all of them are almost exactly alike, both in appearance and personality. River's genetics will definitely show in the kid and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. River teaches your kid about lots of things, mostly how to use a wide range of weapons and how to do a perfect lie.
Again, the kid grows up to be a near spitting image of their parent. They have River's lessons in their mind and River's cocky smirk on their face. They basically end up being a copy paste of their cocky parent, but thanks to you they might know when to halt the bullshit...or maybe not, maybe they're just twice the chaos River was.
He has absolutely no idea how to raise a kid, but he'll do his damnedest. He ends up just dumping all the knowledge he has about medical stuff or just random facts. Your kid will be well taught, but in the weirdest subjects.
Your kid will probably grow up to be a less awkward version of Axel since they'll probably not have the forced dependency trauma that Axel grew up with. In fact, Axel might end up enforcing a sense of independence in them.
I have several questions. Mostly...why Alex?
This man is far too overprotective and overbearing, he acts like your child is someone that will just flop over and die if they even look outside a window. This fear is probably the same fear Alex had with his twin brother, meaning he's creating the same toxic relationship with his kid that he forced onto Axel.
Your poor kid will grow up resenting their father. They never really got survival skills due to Alex refusing to let them have a means of independence (due to Axel getting independence and immediately "leaving" Alex), meaning they don't know how to fight or even socialize correctly. They end up running away just to get away from the house they were trapped in for their entire life. They probably died to one of the dead, but you'll never know.
She is a wonderful mother who actually does not have any trauma to project onto her child. They grow up learning both English and French, so you live in a bilingual family. Jay loves teaching your child and understands the concept of gentle parenting better than most.
Your child will grow up to be like a calmer version of Conny. Careless, yet understanding that the world is shit. Unfortunately for you Jay has a relatively permissive parenting style, meaning you have to be the bad guy in a lot of situations to keep your kid from getting into dangerous situations just because Jay doesn't have a good sense of self preservation for her or her kid.
It would be like raising a kid with your best friend. He'd definitely be the type of dad to cackle about how fucking creepy newborns look or accidentally cover the baby in baby powder while trying to change them. He wants to be a friend to the kid, but he knows he has to be a tough parent at times too.
Your kid grows up humble and cocky at the same time, they switch from being the kindest soul to the most annoying little gremlin ever in an unbelievably short amount of time. Nyx couldn't be prouder. Your kid probably grows up to be another groups version of Conny or Jack...again, Nyx is a proud dad.
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samv73 · 1 year
I'm desperately trying to get the inspiration to write again so here's my notes for a few/most of the main characters so far.
Name: Toby Nguyễn
Overall personality: quiet, slightly ominous during later events but known as childish in early events.
Often known as: early events-the one who gets to be a kid. Later-the fucked up guy that the group tends to avoid.
'Canon' event: Pushing Sam off the roof.
Theme song: the killing kind by Marianas trench
Favorite color: red.
Most likely AU: Hanakai disease, Toby would suffocate and die.
Personality type: INTJ-T
Important relationships: Jack-best friend. Conny-friend. Sam-victim. Oliver-enemy. Noah-manipulation relationship.
Name: Jackson Alejandra Ortiz.
Overall personality: Impulsive, funny.
Often known as: fills awkward silence with jokes.
'Canon' event: Getting locked into the cabin by Oliver.
Theme song: Raging on a Sunday by Bohnes
Favorite color: blue.
Most likely AU: AOT, lives out of pure spite.
Personality type: ENFP-T
Relationships: Toby-best friend. Oliver-fuck you, man. River-complicated. Conny-mixed feelings, he feels replaced.
Name: River Buckly.
Overall personality: Sarcastic, repeatedly says they hate you when they actually think of you as family.
Often known as: M o m.
'Canon' event: Getting shot in the mall.
Theme song: Despair by Leo.
Favorite color: orange.
Most likely AU: Switcharoo, River is the yandere and they are horrifyingly great at it. Everyone dies.
Relationships: Toby-eh. Conny-apparently the mom of. Jack-slight grudge, but respects him. Oliver-complicated (probably fucked, but not canon). Sam-awkward friends. Noah-dog/dog person sort of relationship.
Name: Conny (no last name known because that just fits him.)
Overall personality: Bubbly, childish.
Often known as: The hyperactive one in the corner stealing things.
'Canon' event: the conversation between him and Jack at the mall. (NOT YET IN THE BOOK)
Theme song: rule #21 - Memento Mori by Fish in a Birdcage.
Favorite color: yellow.
Most likely AU: He is technically everywhere if you consider the odd 3rd wall breaking to be canon, so he is his own AU.
Relationships: toby-complicated. River-MOTHER. Jack-Feels guilty for taking his place. Noah-best friend.
Name: Noah Torres.
Overall personality: Judgemental but caring.
Often known as: the clawed that may or may not be plotting your demise.
'Canon' event: Helping Toby murder Sam.
Theme song: If I Killed Someone For You by Alec Benjamin.
Favorite color: blue.
Most likely AU: non infected AU, Noah raises an orphaned infant Jack and ends up sacrificing himself to save Jack later in life.
Relationships: Toby-thinks they're friends but they are not. Jack-close friend. Conny-good friend. Oliver-despises greatly. Sam-feels horrible about helping in his death.
Name: Oliver Costa
Overall personality: Military-ish, can't handle vulnerability
Often known as: the weird guy who has lots of enemies, most being in his own group.
'Canon' event: Trapping Jack in the cabin.
Theme song: Everything Stays, Aventure Time.
Favorite color: Blue.
Most likely AU: Cyberpunk AU, Ends up being very successful and dies in a heist.
Relationships: Toby-used to be friends but now are estranged. Jack-He regrets everything he did to him. Sam-Childhood friends. Conny-Likes his childishness.
Name: Axel Ward.
Overall personality: quiet, shy.
Often known as: The one person in the group that nobody entirely trusts but everyone agrees is needed.
'Canon' event: Being left in the mall during the horde.
Theme song: Two Birds.
Favorite color: purple.
Most likely AU: red string AU, Absolutely loses it upon finding his other half and actually cries.
Relationships: Alex-doesn't trust him anymore. Toby-weary. Conny-Likes his carelessness. Jack-Idolizes him. Noah-fascinated.
Name: Nyx Harris.
Overall personality: Childish, lovesick, massocistic.
Often known as: The mysterious but caring person who really likes to fuck with people's heads.
'Canon' event: (undecided)
Theme song: Still into you by Paramore
Favorite color: Green.
Most likely AU: (undecided)
Relationships: (too early to tell)
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samv73 · 1 year
If River got the canon ending in Scent of The Dead everything would be amazing. To prove my point, here's some little things that are in my little draft for River's ending:
-Going to Wyoming and meeting River's seven chaotic siblings
-Actually living to see old age
-Having an extremely chill and caring partner that just so happens to be chaotic when it comes to everything except their love for you
-Conny would most likely still be alive and part of your little family
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samv73 · 2 years
Fun facts of the day!
>Conny has hypothyroidism, which is why he always acts hungry or is referenced as 'stick boy' or ' scrawny'
>Oliver is a cat-person. Back at the sanctum district, he had a cat. His brother named the cat Piss.
>Jay is the only character so far whose parents are confirmed to still be alive.
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samv73 · 2 years
Somewhere out in the world, there's a group of young survivors in a world that's been overrun by infected creatures.
Toby, the frail boy who grows to be a sadistic killer.
Noah, the infected mutation that retains the mind of his old self.
Oliver, the military-trained one whose entire life was destroyed in the matter of a day, leaving him with rubble to keep his sanity intact.
You meet dozens of people, but watch dozens die as you make your way across the country in hopes of finding a safe haven...is it worth it?
Hello! This is an account run by the maker of a book named ' Scent Of The Dead', which is an xreader book that I'm working on making into playable video game with some help!
Its not that popular, but I decided to make an account for things like facts on the characters/Q&A/random things. Even if you haven't read the book, feel free to look around!
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