samwisethecat · 2 days
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samwisethecat · 2 days
it's practically taboo to still talk about covid but god i wish we could acknowledge the worldwide trauma it's clearly still causing in people. like, it's flat out just. not "polite" to talk about how a mass deadly event might, JUST MIGHT, emotionally affect us a little bit. how an airborne invisible-to-the-eye thing can just BE anywhere now. how abandoned we still feel by our respective governments. how we've lost family, friends, either to death or misinformation and cults, which they cling to because they're ALSO afraid but often refuse to admit it because it'd mean admitting covid is real and ongoing. we just. can't talk about it i guess.
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samwisethecat · 2 days
older lotr illustrations sometimes depict éowyn wearing ridiculously small armour. apart from the problem general sexualisation of the only female character (who really does anything), there’s another hilarious thought:
éowyn pretended to be dernhelm, a man. to fit in, she must have worn men’s armor. so the armor in the illustrations is normal for rohirrim.
therefore, all the rohirrim rode to war just like that:
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samwisethecat · 2 days
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Art by Pearl (Mook) Chuaynarong
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samwisethecat · 2 days
End blood quantum now
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Blood quantum is how much native blood you have in you and it needs to be a certain threshold to qualify you as a tribal member. Blood quantum varies from tribe to tribe.
It means my mom is a tribal member but because my dad is outside of my tribe... I don't have enough tribal blood to enroll. Neither does my daughter. Our "official" indigeneity ended with me.
My dad is still native tho. Just southern native. Others have two parents enrolled in separate tribes and can't enroll in either one despite being Full native because their parents were mixed with other tribes so they don't have enough blood of Any tribe to qualify.
And to what end are they doing this?
Under the treaties the US govt can lay no claim to native land. So how do they fix that? Get rid of the natives, of course.
And since they can't slaughter us in broad daylight anymore they did the next best thing. What the colonial government has ALWAYS done to us and other poc.
Made up a bunch of arbitrary laws to restrain and limit our power and numbers.
And this can't continue. We are the only race who needs to apply to be part of the community we were born into. The only race who needs to prove our blood.
And that's the thing: it's not even based on blood. Racist scientists defined who was a full-blooded native based on things like shoe size, head circumference, and skin pigment.
Not blood. And besides that it wasn't uncommon for outsiders to become part of a tribe!! You didn't need to be native by blood to be native! Blood quantum has made it IMPOSSIBLE for them to qualify and made it impossible for tribes to practice that long time aspect of our culture.
So please share this post. So many people legitimately think natives are extinct and even less are aware that we do more than just sit around drinking all day. Few people have good feelings about us and within that there are a few who actively help. Please be one of those few.
We need support and allies and for our voices to be heard. Please don't let this post just be me screaming into a void. We need people to know what blood quantum is, how archaic and harmful it is, and to help us spread awareness to people who otherwise would ignore us. Use your privilege.
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samwisethecat · 2 days
i always give a lazy two finger salute when cars stop for me at a crosswalk and it’s devolved so much that at this point I feel like an icon of jesus whenever I cross the street
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samwisethecat · 2 days
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It's Mother's Day in France today, so I figured I'd share another conversation with my mom that made my day recently
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samwisethecat · 2 days
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A Tiger and His Boy
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samwisethecat · 2 days
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This is Heidi. Heidi has vitiligo. (via)
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samwisethecat · 2 days
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samwisethecat · 2 days
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samwisethecat · 2 days
Hello supporting friends ! My family and I have been suffering and struggling over staying safe and alive for almost 260 days due to the gruesome and catastrophic war over Gaza. Our house and our livelihood source have vanished with the black days of the war and we became displaced, hopeless , homeless and desperate because we can't provide the simplest daily needs . It's a tragedy and hardship. We have been living in a small dirty tent all these sad days, facing famine, terror of bombings , shortage of medical care and with no sanitation facilities . It's incredible hell on earth, and this is why I am asking you to be beside us against these sad days. Support us with the means you have either by donating whatever you can or sharing my link to other donors. Be helpful and supporter to people in need.
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samwisethecat · 2 days
as if nature isn't the most prolific storyteller out there!! with her layers of sediment and mountain-top fossils. with her trodden down paths and carved out river beds. with her fresh springs and billowing waterfalls. rotting branches and hollowed tree trunks... creeping coastlines and collapsing cliff faces... a living record of time immemorial; both an archiver and witness!!
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samwisethecat · 2 days
As a kid, I was really upset that Bill Watterson wouldn't license Calvin & Hobbes so I could have plushies or so there would be a Saturday morning cartoon. Now, I realize his resistance is the reason we don't have a Calvin & Hobbes DreamWorks movie starring Chris Pratt.
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samwisethecat · 2 days
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Tshirt idea I had
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samwisethecat · 2 days
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Art by Brecormark
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samwisethecat · 2 days
You know what? I don't want to change my VPN every six months cause it was caught selling information. I don't want to go deep into the settings of every website I so much as look at. I don't want my internet browsing to be a constant leap through hoops so that companies can't do things which should be illegal anyway. I want privacy to be the default and for it to be difficult to take it away, not the other way around. Is that too much to ask?
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