samxbradford · 2 months
It did not take a genius to tell that Sam was not an academic - far from it. Scrambling through his years of High School to graduate much later than all of his peers, due to several expulsions, it was solely thanks to his brother that he had managed to pull through somehow. There were many things Dae had done for him, that Sam knew he should feel more gratitude for, than he did on the regular. To him, certain things had been a necessary evil, in order to live up to his older brother's expectations. Always eager to prove, that he was not a fool to place his faith in him. Oftentimes struggling to stay persistent in his endeavors, bound to fail after some time and yet, his Dae's support had yet to tremble or waver.
Though, this was something Sam did without filling Danny in. Something he'd done for himself, partially because he was not yet completely sold. Not entirely sure what lay ahead of him or what to expect. There was a pressure, as though he was heading for an important exam, even when Dr. Quintana-Lopez offered a smile, that was nothing more and nothing less than polite. And Sam responded in kind, let the corners of his lips adapt to a slight curve that just missed his eyes. Discomfort - it might be tangible. He felt exposed and small, uncertain and still very much misplaced but he followed her nevertheless. Wide-eyed, he glanced around the hallways, as though to memorize the path she lead them down on, so he would find his way back. A task impossible for someone who had a horrible sense of direction and an even more horrible set of multitasking skills. Half of what she said was missed, her words falling on partially deaf ears and he only focused back on her, when she summarized the process. "Sounds complicated." It was a mutter, more aimed at himself. "Is there anything I should be mindful of or should I just ... you know ... wing it?" @camilaquintanalopez
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Camila had been on his side of things, as over the years she'd helped friends and classmates with their research, but she was familiar with the process of everything even when the research was in another field. It was always interesting when people who didn't really evolve in academia came to participate in studies but of course, they were a bit lost and she couldn't blame them for that. She was trained in explaining that kind of things and she genuinely enjoyed introducing people to her world, even if she had to keep most of it off to prevent it from influencing the participants.
She offered Sam a polite smile. She didn't mind him not being overly polite or even not particularly friendly. She was here to work, and she rather enjoyed being able to do so without having to put on some kind of customer service persona, which she had to do with some participants. "Good." After gesturing for him to follow her, she started walking towards where they'd work. Camila took a deep breath, preparing to explain the process. "Well, Mr. Bradford, first we'll start with a series of cognitive and neurological assessments. These include various tests designed to measure your brain's activity and decision-making processes. We'll use tools like electroencephalography to monitor your brain's electrical activity and conduct behavioural tasks where you'll make a series of choices. The goal is to gather comprehensive data on how your brain processes risk-related scenarios." She noticed Sam's expression and quickly revised her approach. "Sorry, that was a lot. Let me simplify. To start, we’ll do some basic tests to see how you make decisions. We'll monitor your brain activity while you do these tasks to understand how your brain works. This initial vetting helps us determine if you're a good fit for the main study. Then, if you are, we'll move on to more specific tests to study what your brain does when it comes to risk-taking." @samxbradford
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samxbradford · 2 months
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The venture to Maverick's place was a familiar route. It required not a single shred of attentiveness, not a bit of vigilance and focus. He could chew on his thoughts and meander through the valley of memories. He'd thought of his mother a lot lately. Likely the aftermath of bottled up hurt and the goodbye he had never been granted. His mind was as hazy as the smoke of his cigarette and Sam realized too late, that the ashes had clung to his skin. Another drag was stolen, the cigarette plucked between his lips as he busied himself trying to void his fingers of this temporary stain. He decelerated his step, right in front of the trailer, when it was the music playing inside, that demanded Sam's attention. Looking up and through the window, it took him seconds at best to realize and a slow smile coiled around his lips. Something tender and fond and his hand reached for the cigarette. And then, as Maverick noticed him, his smile automatically turned into something mocking, smoke veiling his view for some seconds at best. A laugh spluttered from his lips and he put out the cigarette, before entering Maverick's home as though it was the most ordinary thing in the world. "Since when do you have actual parenting skills?" And it sounded a lot like 'It almost looks like you enjoy it'. @maverick-bennett
closed starter|| @samxbradford
It had now been a full year since Maverick had learned about his daughter, and it seemed that he was finally comfortable being a father. It wasn't always easy, but he had a routine now and things seemed to be falling into place. So here he was, holding her with one arm and cutting up her hot dog into little pieces for her to eat while some music played from his phone. When he was done, he put the food down to let it cool off for a minute and lightly swayed with Charlotte in his arms to the song, which made her giggle. He had a lot of moments like this- just only when he was alone with her, since he still didn't like showing that part of himself to the people around him. Unfortunately he hadn't noticed Sam in the window until he'd already done it, "I can see you, you know. I don't have fuckin curtains" he called out, though he really needed to stop cursing in front of his daughter now that she was getting older. "You gonna come inside or keep staring through my window like a creep?"
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samxbradford · 2 months
"Thanks," he spoke upon clearing his throat and a sudden wave of nervousness came crashing onto the shore of his mind. And once more did he wonder, why he'd thought this to be a sound idea. Following the woman inside, Sam let a wide-eyed gaze wander around the room -- not that he could take in each minuscule detail or remember much of it later on. It was only as she inquired for his name, that Sam turned, facing the Inn's owner once more. "Uh ... Sam." Great. "Samuel Bradford." Taking a step closer to the front desk, Sam, in spite of being almost positive that Dae had not mentioned him by name, was still uncertain whether he should have gone with an alias, after all. "Can I get yours?" It was a question, automated and uncontrolled when it slipped from his tongue and it was a mildly horrified expression that overcast his features. "Sorry, don't know where that came from." Yes, this was all going absolutely fantastic. @nancyxthompsons
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Nancy watched as the man pulled himself to his feet after taking a curious amount of time thinking about whatever was going on in his mind. She stood a little straighter and opened the door. "Well, come on in. I have a room ready to go." She said, holding it open for the younger man. After both were inside, she went around the desk and started making a reservation. "Can I get your name?" @samxbradford
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samxbradford · 2 months
There was an undeniable softness to his person, that was well hidden beneath the rough exterior. His true colors shone brightest at night, where he lay bared underneath the attentive gaze of anyone who cared to observe close enough. Pay enough mind to the details and minuscule things, that were lost in the art of a hasty life. But now, there was a timelessness that shrouded them in a hazy veil of neon lights and gloomy shadows. The dim sight of something unhoped-for. The look of her eyes, the way blonde tendrils danced slowly in the nocturnal breeze that carried the scent of salt through the streets of this coastal town during the night-time. Her fair skin was warm to his touch, soft, and her stillness made him wonder and wish he could peel back her thoughts, strip her mind and reveal its inner workings to appease his curiosity. He'd seen her before, though never this clearly. Never this consciously. Calliope's hands ventured to his body's sides, his shirt's fabric all that kept her fingertips from touching his skin and it was her warmth that made him realize the cold, that overcame him with another tender breeze. He let her words linger in the quiet that grew amidst the sound of passing night crawlers and lost souls. Contemplation, though his thoughts were fleeting and fickle, hard to grasp, while his thumb moved to her cheek, tracing a circle atop her soft skin. "Okay," he spoke, the word almost soundless. His determination tactful, almost discreet against the brisk air and his hands moved to readjust the collar of his jacket around her shoulders, guiding her body a little closer to his. "Your place or mine?" @calxwallace
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It took Calliope a long time to be comfortable with the touch of others around her neck and head, all thanks to her beloved uncle and aunt. There was a slight shiver at the feeling of his hand on her neck, her chest raising in anticipation yet he did nothing. She was always the bubbly kind. All smiles, happy. Wasn't that usually the case with those who felt like they were done wrong? Make others happy by being happy so they wouldn't feel the same? Yet there was something entrancing about the way his eyes peered into hers. Even in the dimly lit area she could see the way his eyes drooped, his gaze darkening and it made her nervous, it made her quiet. She was certain that had it not been for his jacket she would've actually shivered. A light breath escaped her nostrils as she slightly turned her head at the caress of his thumb. For a moment she was lost, but not afraid. It was a strange sensation. "I'm sure you can think of something." She conjured up a smile again, letting her hands wander to his sides. "But you should take me home first." @samxbradford
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samxbradford · 2 months
Brisk winds curled up around them and it was almost enough to make him shiver and Sam felt awfully sober. Bright eyes, overcast by the first inklings of tiredness (unusual, though not improbable in light of his company and her unknowingness of his usual modus operandi) lingered on her as she spoke and a guilty conscience overcame him, as soon as he looked into her eyes. He clenched his jaw, let his eyes wander across the dark space, where shadows were dancing for the last time, before morning would commence and paint the townscape in pallid hues that came to life with the first rays of a rising sun. Sam sighed. It was a quiet sound and he knew there was no right way to say what was weighing on his mind. He looked back at Verity, his expression soft and somber. "I just want you to be happy, V." A beat and for an instant, some uncounted heartbeats, he contemplated the fries that were left. "You deserve so much better." His words were carried by a breath, as though he feared their impact would unearth a suffering. Bring forth a pain and make things worse than they had been before. @veritywagner
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Verity had helped herself to another french fry, dipping it into the ketchup on the side, that was slowly starting to mix together with the mayo, before she looked back ahead after having answered Sam's question. Being one of very few people Verity had ever let close enough to even begin climb her tall walls, she figured he'd knew what she meant. It wasn't the first time they'd been out together, but it was probably one of the few where they had ended it together. Though she couldn't recall if it had ever just been the two of them like this. The alcohol was still floating through her veins, giving her a small sense of relaxation as she leaned back a little in her seat. When she heard Sam's response, her brows slowly laced together, and she looked at him. "Doing what?" She asked, eyes narrowing slightly as she felt herself getting into defensive mode, as she knew very well what he was referring to. @samxbradford
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samxbradford · 3 months
An indistinct, sullen grumble was the sole response given. Had Sam missed their bickering a year ago, it was now that hazy retrospection slowly commenced and he could recall the subtle irritation these particular situations with Dae were sometimes accompanied by. And yet, he knew he'd never trade it for anything in this world. "Sure." His voice was doubtful, the lopsided smirk sitting crookedly atop his features unyielding. He swallowed, realized too late the lump that formed in his throat as Dae continued on. His brother's words filled the hall, a hollow echo ricocheting from the walls and Sam's step decelerated. "Sure you did." Letting himself fall behind slightly, it was now that his expression began to fade like a specter, until there was little more than a vague idea of a smile remaining. Barely visible and he barely noticed. Silence grew and he lowered his eyes toward the ground. Their blue-green hue colliding with the floor's imperfect darkness. "You know," he began, his voice now somber, a stark opposition to his previous demeanor. "I've always wondered how you do it." Now, he looked back up, searched for his brother's gaze. "You know ... To keep on living your life, despite everything." A beat and he knew Dae would know what he was referring to. A family lost, the fact's blatancy withheld and his voice quiet, as though he feared being heard by any other soul around. @danielxkwon
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"Not gon happen, kiddo." Dae nudged him, then messed with his hair while he was distracted, like he did when Sam was little. Old habits died hard. He followed to where Sam gestured, freely moving through the building to where his workplace was. He tried to picture himself in Sam's shoes, imagine the people, the music and what he did. He was easily distracted in that he overshared, pulled out of his thoughts when Sam asked if he was actually talking about tea or if it was something else. He snorted, shaking his head. "Actual tea, Sammy. Blame Ji, she got me hooked on it." He'd always been a coffee person. Since meeting Ji? Goodbye coffee, hello tea. He just stuck with the tradition. "Though we did... dance.. a little. If you must know." @samxbradford
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samxbradford · 3 months
“Every morning, I wake up and forget just for a second that it happened. But once my eyes open, it buries me like a landslide of sharp, sad rocks. Once my eyes open, I’m heavy, like there’s to much gravity on my heart.”
— Sarah Ockler
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samxbradford · 3 months
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Baby brother. It was enough to eat up the compliment given. "Stop calling me that." The disgruntled mutter with which he emitted the words was a mellow one. A meager protest that was unlikely to bring forth its desired effect. It was inefficient, just like the idle shuffling of his feet harbored the threat for him to stumble any second. Whenever something akin to traces of annoyance towards his brother sparked, Sam lacked the bite and harshness necessary to be taken seriously. "Over there," he finally answered, after his throat had been cleared and his finger aimed toward the far end of the room, which would be filled with night-time revellers some hours later. And when Dae spoke, his embarrassment turned palpable and Sam decelerated his steps, spluttered laugh. A genuine one. A loud one. One that had become more rare over the past couple of years - even in Dae's company. "Are you actually talking about tea here, or something else?" @danielxkwon
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"In this case, it's the genius you produce, baby brother." Leave it to Dae to be proud of anything Sam would do in life. If he decided he wanted to be a tattoo artist now instead or drive garbage trucks he'd be as equally proud. Life seemed to be looking up for Sam, as long as he didn't end up in prison again things would be good. "Stop it, it's good. I extended." He told him, feeling a wave of embarrassment washing over him. He was so not used to dating anymore. Not that he was dating anyone, but just the idea of trying to woo someone made him feel old. Out of practice. "She was, working the desk. We had some tea, chatted. You know I need my tea before bed." And more, but Sam didn't need to know. @samxbradford
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samxbradford · 3 months
The idea that this might have not been the smartest call to make was a far cry from palpable. Sam was oblivious toward the mess this could make, the way this could dim the light on his brother's chances. All he knew, for a moment alone, were the woman's words and he nodded, now looking at her. For the first time paying attention to the details, the way he hair fell and the way her voice sounded against the blossoming rays of a morning sun. She really was pretty, a ten as Dae had proclaimed, and the corners of his mouth twitched with the threat of a smile breaking loose. It crept closer and Sam almost neglected her question. And that's when the dawning realization finally hit him and the idea, made by a tired mind, short wired by a long night with too much still coursing through his system, was identified for what it was. At best embarrassing for him. At worst damaging to his brother. Shit. "Yeah," Sam spoke, clumsily pulling himself to his feet. A tedious undertaking and the pain in his knee, which increased gradually, didn't help. "I uh-- Yeah. I need a place to stay." @nancyxthompsons
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She stared at the man for a moment and was curious what was going on. Was he okay? Was this going to turn into a long morning for her? Nancy watched as he finally said things were okay and he looked around the building. "It's okay. You don't have to apologize." She looked back at it and didn't see any big damage. Maybe some scratched paint, but she could easily fix it. "It is. Well, it's my business." She clarified to him. "Do you need a place to stay?" @samxbradford
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samxbradford · 3 months
My knight. It was enough to make him falter. Feel like an imposter, like an illusionary fiend, playing a willful game that was bound to hold no place for winners. The facts of which he knew, the outlines of who she was, were limited in quantity and quality. Practical strangers, so he could not blame or hold it against her. For seeing things through the undulating surface of murky water. For believing him to be something he was not. He swallowed, could only hope the doubt placed within the confines of a mind on overdrive did cease to transfer into reality. Turn into something palpable and show in the way he draped his jacket around her shoulders. And yet, the shake of his head was subtle enough to pass by the attention of most, while hot smoke danced its dance between them and it offered a safety, an immeasurable comfort. He drew in a deep inhale, smelled the nicotine and something he could only identify as her. And then her fingers traced the veins on his arm and her touch went marrow-deep. For a moment he thought she might read him. He felt exposed underneath her watch, her touch and yet, he raised his hand, placed it by the side of her neck, close to where a butterfly was eternalized. With a locked jaw, his darkened gaze lingered on her, drowned in her eyes, while his thumb stroked across the soft skin above her larynx. A feather light touch. "Like what?" As if he didn't have some vague inkling. @calxwallace
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Perhaps a small tinge of disappointment threatened to decrease the smile on her lips when he did not take her invite for a cuddle. Though close to strangers they were, Calliope was never one for borders and limitations. Given her family past that might not be a good idea but if she’d go out and be memorialised in the ledger of a serial killer after he finally managed to make her feel something, she would gladly leave this earthly plane. Instead, Calliope turned around so that he could place the jacket over her shoulders instead, inhaling from his cigarette in the meanwhile and holding it as she turned around again, somewhat warmer than before, still feeling how he heated up the fabric just moments prior. “My knight.” She mused, then putting the cigarette back between his lips, releasing the smoke she had been holding in. At his vague answer, Calliope dared a bold smile. She never claimed to be a lady, would never act like one either. She closed whatever little distance there was still left, her hand moving from the warm space underneath the jacket and instead let her fingertips trace the vein on his arm, reading it like braille as she maintained eye contact. “If you’re not playing here tonight, perhaps you’d like to play something else?” @samxbradford
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samxbradford · 3 months
"Do we actually want to care about cancel culture here? We'd miss out on some pretty good songs." His brows were raised and his gaze into the familiar hue of Nora's eyes was surpassing the adequate amount of intensity, which was only loosened by the pull of his lips, the smirk that threatened to uncoil atop his features. Eyeing the cocktail his company sipped on, the cant of his head, an idle roll to the side, was performed with languid ease. It was suggestive of something like drowsiness, though Nora should know him well enough to discern, recognize some shallow contemplation as he browsed the shelves of his mind. And then, Sam shook his head. "Nah, we should go with a cult classic." And then it was on him to quirk his brow in response, letting muscles loose to form his lips into the soft curvature of a smile, almost as saccharine as her drink. "How about some Queen, hm? You can pick the song. Sounds like a deal?" @norasinclair
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Where ? Wingman's Pub, Kismet Harbor
With ? @samxbradford
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“ — So what’s next in your wheelhouse, Bradford ? A little Bowie ? Maybe some Prince ? Or Madonna ? She hasn't been cancelled yet, right ? ” Nora asked, quirking her brow as she tucked the bright, fuchsia-coloured umbrella from her virgin margarita behind her ear while the last couple stumbled drunkenly off the little stage at the farthest end of the bar, after a surprisingly touching & emotional rendition of ‘ You Oughta Know ’. Unlike the other evenings she had spent outside of the hospital in recent months, the temptation to run home, curl up under the covers with her favourite book ( & into the arms of her very handsome husband ) wasn’t anywhere to be found. Instead, she was almost giddy with excitement and quite ready to kick karaoke's proverbial ‘ass’ alongside the other half of Kismet's self-proclaimed karaoke royalty.
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samxbradford · 3 months
Void. It was stark nothingness he tried to fill with the wrong things at the wrong time. The night had barely scratched the surface of a perfect beginning, and perhaps seeing her was a blessing in disguise. He looked at her as she neared. The way her hips moved with each step, decreasing the distance between their bodies. It was a second, two at the most, before he searched for her eyes once more. This eternal blue hue and it was a jolt that could not be seen. Something intangible, something beyond the physical. Just as though something clicked and his tongue remained tied. There was a soundless chuckle, a faint, lopsided smirk that in its completeness bordered on humorlessness. Was doused in undeniable and immeasurably fond softness. He would neither confirm, nor deny her suggestion, knew she was teasing and he'd be a liar to claim he would not consider taking the bait. A brief glance downward and he neared a step, inched closer to her, shrugging the jacket off his arms and feeling the cold air kiss the now exposed skin, before he held it out to her. The offer was steady, whatever else it may entail. And when the cigarette was placed back between his lips, he looked at her. Wide-eyed, almost awestruck. He shook his head. "Not officially." It was a quiet response, a suggestion incognito and his voice rang lightly, his words mumbled as smoke came crawling from his lips. @calxwallace
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"What?" Cali smiled, hips swaying a little bit on purpose as she made her way towards him. "You want to cuddle?" She knew that wasn't what he meant. No he was doing the chivalrous thing into offering her his jacket, which already made her stomach flutter, but nothing beat body heat did it? "Inside the jacket? Say no more." Calliope teased him now, taking the cigarette from him. The inhale warmed her chest at least. She detested the smell of cigarettes, but she liked the way it made her feel. "Thank you." She told him, taking one more tug from the cigarette and then turned it around again to place between his lips. "You playing again tonight?" @samxbradford
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samxbradford · 3 months
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Fingers were fidgeting and he tapped his foot, as though to ease alleged nervousness that soiled his usually careless demeanor and his thoughts drew closer and closer and circled around a hazy mind. Again, he wondered what he had gotten himself into. Whether this was indeed a good idea. Sam allowed sore eyes to wander around the room, drink up every minor detail he could focus in on and he heard her steps, before she could even raise her voice. It rang firm, ricocheted from the room's bare walls and he felt foreign as she spoke his name. A feeling he thought he should get used to, perhaps internalize. To feel this way was a familiar strain and one Sam found easy to ignore. With a swift turn, he glanced around and spotted a young woman, headed towards the place he'd occupied for no more than numbered minutes.
"Yes," he spoke, an automated response to the uttering of his name, to confirm whether he was indeed the person she'd been waiting for and for no more than a split second, Sam felt bad for her. He raised himself from the seat's surface, rolled his shoulders to stand upright, the memory of his mother's voice taunting his mind. Posture, Sammy. "As ready as I can be." It sounded flat and only on second thought did he regret not putting his full effort into the art of extreme politeness. "So, how exactly is this going to work?" @camilaquintanalopez
While Camila enjoyed the part of the research that consisted of reading what others had done and all the planning that went into it, it wasn't nearly as exciting as going into the data collection and analysis part. She'd spent quite some time on the protocol, in reluctant collaboration with Francisco, and it was now ready and approved so she'd put out the call for participants. It was always interesting to see what kind of people showed up to these: students looking for experiences, people in need of some cash, or who saw only the "risk-taking behaviour" part, or who were simply interested in neuroscience. Among others.
Since neuroscience is such a specific field, they couldn't just get into it. First, they needed to check if the participants' brain fit the machines, if they could stand it, if things were alright, before getting the green light and mapping their brains. It was a long but necessary process. Cami was notified that the participant Samuel Bradford had arrived so she grabbed the file with his name. The file had been rather sloppily, at least to her standards, so she'd truly wondered if the man would show up at all. She walked to the hall where he was waiting, and after getting confirmation from the secretary, she headed towards him. "Mr. Bradford?" she asked. "I'm Dr. Quintana-Lopez, are you ready?" @samxbradford
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samxbradford · 3 months
He should have expected it, very likely so and yet, as the door swung open, Sam fell back, surprise written into the expression his features, worn by a night much too rough, bore. For a moment, Sam wondered what had brought him here and he found irritation with the confusion in the question he posed to himself. And as he let eyes of green-blue hue slither upward, he saw her and remembered. His curiosity about Danny and the woman from the Inn. "Yeah," he spoke before taking another look around the porch, instead of moving his body to get back onto his feet. "I think so. Sorry about the door, by the way." Was it even broken? He didn't know and it was the least of his concerns. "Is this your place?" @nancyxthompsons
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Nancy got to the inn early that morning to take over for the night girl and was getting breakfast ready when she heard something hit the front door. It was loud enough that it made her jump, but she figured it was the newspaper delivery boy throwing the morning paper at the door again instead of putting it on the porch and ringing the bell. Sighing, she finished setting up the muffins and headed towards the door to open it. Once she did, she was surprised to see a man out there and she looked at him. "Are you okay?" @samxbradford
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samxbradford · 3 months
Even if the flattery was feigned, even if it was all just a hoax to stroke his ego, his lips curved into a lopsided smile as she spoke. Her voice's familiarity was a vague concept, even if he could recall those times he'd heard it before. A drag from his cigarette was taken and smoke veiled his features before the air was cleared by a nocturnal breeze, brisk as it stroked exposed skin. There was a moment's hesitation before he gestured towards his own torso, his hands reaching for his jacket. "You know," he spoke, the words mumbled with a cigarette plucked between his lips, one step taken to shrink the distance that remained between them. "It's much warmer inside." A beat and he held his jacket out to the woman in a chivalrous gesture. A genuine offer. And it was then, when gentle fingers moved with precision to claim his cigarette as her own, that his smile grew, until it resembled an almost crooked smirk and his eyes held their unyielding focus on hers. "Of course. My pleasure." @calxwallace
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“Aw, that makes me feel all warm inside.” She mused, taking steps closer to the man she’d met a while before. Her favourite DJ, or so she had told him. A way to stroke his ego. “Figuratively speaking anyway. I’m cold.” Calliope complained, disliking the cold for this time of year. they were a few days removed from July, yet here they were. Her intent was to go inside, yet the outside held more of an allure to the blonde now that Sam was outside himself, marked by a temporary puff of smoke as he exhaled his cigarette. “I do.” She told him, taking a few more steps so she could reach not the cigarette carton but the cigarette between his lips, placing it between her own. “Thank you.” @samxbradford
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samxbradford · 3 months
closed starter for: @calxwallace location: outside high pulse
"Long time, no see. I started missing you already." The cold air chilled his skin and painted cheeks a rosy hue. For a summer night, it was exceptionally brisk and Sam could not shake the longing for warmth. Exchange the gaze of the stars he was subjected to for the flashing lights. Neon illumination and beats he still felt vibrating underneath his skin. Muffled music advanced from the club, was audible out on the streets with only few souls lingering on in between the shadows. He knew her - Calliope. Her name resounded from the walls of his mind as he approached and he remembered those times they'd met before. Remembered the talks and the glances stolen when she moved on the dancefloor and he'd lie if he denied intrigue. A slow smile perched on his lips as his arm was outstretched, a packet of cigarettes as an innocent offering, even though he, on second thought, questioned her stance toward nicotine. "You want one?"
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samxbradford · 3 months
closed starter for: @nancyxthompsons location: the homey inn
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The early hours of a hazy morning had begun to rise and commence their ascend up the firmament, gradually turning into a magnificent gradient. Various shades of blue kept him company as Sam treaded down the sidewalk, his steps clumsy, shuffling the soles of his shoes with the efficiency of an nocturnal animal mere moments before sunrise. He came to stand in front of the building. It looked homely. Inviting and even he had to admit to it. Squinting through the morning gloom, he took a deep breath in before continuing on his path across the yard, flowers breaking through the green space with their colorplay. Perhaps it had not been the brightest of choices, not the smartest thing to come here first thing after an all-nighter, though it was curiosity that propelled him to climb up the stairs, perhaps with a little too much verve. The stumble came without warning and he realized it only upon his rather noisy collision with the Inn's front door. "Shit," he mumbled as he pulled himself up slowly. Sitting on the front porch, he shook his head, barely feeling the pain from the fall. Just a slight throbbing of hands and his knee. "For fuck's sake."
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