#chat; verity
samxbradford · 5 months
closed event starter for: @veritywagner
Eyes of endless blue-green hue skipped across the content faces, the blissfully happy people bearing smiles - and glasses of wine. It had never been quite his forte, to commit to something deemed elegant. Something deemed irrevocably fancy. He knew loud music, knew hard liquor but not this. To seek refuge at the Cedar Grill and Lounge was his means to escape, albeit a forsaken one. Upon his entrance, a glance around the interior unearthed a furrow of his brows, bordering on something mildly concerned as his feet carried her toward the bar, behind which she stood, like a safe haven. "Hey V," he spoke, pulling his body onto one of the stools. "Is this part of this wine-thing?"
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harlowhanlon · 6 months
setting: verity and harlow's apartment, LA
Less than two weeks. No more than fourteen days and Harlow's days underneath California's sun would come to a tragic end. For now, at the very least. It was slipping - the certainty that things might fall into place after all. That in some strange, fateful stroke of sheer luck or happenstance, this might not turn out to be an enormous catastrophe after all. "You have to help me." The statement came immediate, as did her appearance in the wooden doorframe. Harlow's voice was resolute, her gaze unrelenting, as she observed Verity in their living room's space, comfortably designed to give a vague sense of homeliness. And yet, there was no doubt she'd ever settle with "No" for an answer. "It's urgent." @veritywagner
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bapple117 · 6 months
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All My Links | Header Art
---Currently Writing:---
🍎 Say Hello, Wave Goodbye (A Radiostatic Love Story) 18+
🍎 RadioCotton Saga (Book 1 finished, Book 2 in progress) 18+
🍎 Hazbin One-shots (Suggestions welcome) 18+
---Writing Guides:---
🍎 Velvette Slang Masterlist : A humble guide to British / South London slang for fellow writers, from a British person with love x
---Main Tags:---
bapple writes / radiocotton / bluest monday = fic stuff
verity = my Hazbin OC 🐰
bapple chats / bapple goofs / bapple's art / bapple draws / q&a etc = me messin' about or doodlin' or answerin'
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robinfollies · 5 months
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AAAH PANDERITY INTRODUCTION POSTTTT. Super excited to have this done and out there!! There’s still so much to The Panderity Chapter that I haven’t shared yet and hopefully I can reveal a little more of it in due time hehe 🥹🫶
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the-ultimate-wish · 1 month
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Kaipo: hey guys what do you do when you have crushes
Gen: curl up and cry
Pacifica: pray
Edgar: ehhh I don't have them often, they're kinda the worst
Edgar: I start acting stupid around mine
Verity: but you always act stupid
Pacifica: OHHHH
Kaipo: 👀
Edgar: ...
Verity: ... wait a minute
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eachpage · 7 months
Have you read Verity?´
‘He looked good as a dad. Happy. Never mind that his happiness had little to do with me. But even in my jealousy, I could appreciate him.’
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marmeow · 2 years
Pochita ❤️
<pochitaa3 💖💖
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bumblesimagines · 4 months
i made breakfast.
let me just grab my things and i'll get out of here.
Love Quinn
i made breakfast.
let me just grab my things and i'll get out of here.
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, GN!Reader
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The scent of pancakes drifting through the air filled your nose and reminded your stomach that you'd skipped dinner the night before, a gnawing feeling immediately blossoming in your stomach as your hazy, sleep-riddled mind began envisioning breakfast. Your mouth watered and you sighed, forcing your heavy eyes to open. You must've left a window open-
You blinked and blinked again and blinked one last time for good measure. You stared at the large, wall-length windows that gave a view of a neighborhood straight out of a magazine, a view you certainly never got when you looked out your shabby bedroom window and out onto the bustling, noisy streets of LA. You scrambled up, feeling the soft velvety sheets press against your palms as you took in the bedroom bigger than your apartment. 
"Jesus..." You whispered, running your hand over the covers that definitely were worth more than your rent. Everything about the bed felt cozy. The size of it, the soft mattress your body sunk into, the cool pillows that kept coaxing you into slumber, the warm covers. You'd be half tempted to go back to sleep if it weren't for the worry that replaced the hunger in your stomach. Who owned the bed to begin with? Certainly not any of your friends or exes, unless one of them secretly had a fuckton of money they kept hidden away for unknown reasons. 
The sleepy fog lifted from your brain, clearing away sluggish thoughts and any remaining exhaustion lingering in your body.
With a groan, you lowered the phone from your ear and pressed the bright red button, shaking your head as you made your way back to your friends. "No luck," You sighed, shoving the phone in your back pocket and picking up the dripping beer bottle. A chorus of sighs and quiet mutters followed, your friends exchanging looks and eye rolls. "Delilah's probably standing in front of a board full of pictures and little notes right now with her phone on Do Not Disturb."
"Or," Tessa began with a giggle, half her body leaning into her girlfriend's side. "She's totally getting railed by that cop. What was his name? Devin?"
"David." George corrected her with a snicker, earning a glare from you. He raised his hands in mock surrender, more snickers escaping him. "What? We all know he's been trying to get with her since you two broke up. At least he had the decency to wait, (Y/N)." 
Swallowing down the beer, you shook your head. "I don't want to hear about Delilah or David or her ditching us for whatever reason. She always does this." You sighed, pressing your lips against the rim of the bottle and dropping your eyes onto the bar. A shimmer of disappointment swam with the bitterness, almost morphing into regret before Tessa leaned over, her vanilla-scented perfume invading your nostrils. 
"Well," She purred. "There's a pretty brunette at the end of the bar whose been eyeing you since you walked in here. She's real pretty. I bet a little chat, some drinks here and there, and you'll forget all about Delilah by the end of the night, hm? Why don't you give it a shot?" You turned your head and sure enough, right at the end of the bar sat a vaguely familiar brunette with her eyes locked on you. 
Oh, God, the pretty brunette. You squeezed your eyes shut and wracked your name for a name. Hope? Faith? Verity? Something along those lines, one of those names hippies or real rich people gave their nightmare children. You remembered her eyes, vibrant and an almost grayish blue that sparkled brightly with pure glee under the dim bar lighting. Her hair was brown, dark at the roots but lightened toward the end, her let-down strands framing her face just right. She'd been so eager to talk to you, to even listen. The second you sat beside her on that barstool, her attention never left you for more than a second. Damn. A pretty good score, if you had to be honest.
"Hey, you're awake! Good morning." A sweet voice greeted you, and there she was, standing in the doorway. She smiled widely, the bracelet wrapped around her wrist jingling with each step she took into the room. Even it looked expensive. 
"Morning," You cleared your throat and eyed your neatly folded clothes on the chair by the vanity mirror. Better save your ego then take a sugar-coated blow. "Let me just grab my things and I'll get out of here." You told her, getting up from the far too comfortable bed and making a beeline for your clothes. You grabbed your shirt, and then a hand enveloped yours. 
"It's alright, (Y/N). No worries, I promise." She smiled, her fingers curling around yours. "Please, use the bathroom if you need to. I put a spare toothbrush in there for you. You could take one of the robes and shower if you feel like it. I made breakfast for us. I wasn't sure what you'd like so I made pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon."
"Oh, uhm..." You could certainly get used to her lifestyle. "That's... kind of you." 
"Of course." She placed her other hand on your shoulder and leaned in, pressing her lips against your cheek. "I don't know if you remember but I'm Love. Love Quinn."
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aceredshirt13 · 3 months
the Raymond Shields chat has come to the conclusion that we’ll accept some of the new first names as middle names. Sebastian Eustace Debeste. Raymond Edward Shields. There is however nothing salvageable about Verity Gavelle
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bestgrrl · 2 years
Kujou Sara is Genshin’s most tragic character. With sources.
Sara spent her early life without even a name. (Character story: vision) She had no identity beyond being a tengu warrior, and according to her, tengu warriors have an explicit and specific responsibility of guarding forests and mountains (Chat: Duty). Even as a child her identity revolves around duty and violence.
She lived in a forest overrun by monsters, and being a young child, was injured and almost killed by them before she received her Vision.
Instead of adopting her or entrusting her to the shrine, Yae “used the pretext of "training" to bluff her into asceticism in the mountains” when she was a child. (Kagura’s verity lore) She also orchestrated Sara’s adoption into the Kujou can because of Sara’s “unruly nature.”
Upon entering human society, Sara was immediately groomed into military service and religiously indoctrinated by her adoptive father.
Her adoptive father does not care about her compared to his biological sons, and treats her like a tool. She is hurt by his treatment of her, but feels so indebted to him that she doesn’t allow herself to even speak of it. (More About Kujou Sara: IV)
She has known little else but subservience to the authority of Takayuki and the Shogun for her entire life among humans. When confronting Takayuki during the Archon Quest, she says: “Ever since I was adopted by the Kujou Clan, you taught me the importance of loyalty from servants to their superiors…”
She is not allowed to be a part of society. She is alienated from humans by being a yokai (literally, her tengu wings prevent her from standing too close to people (Kujou Sara's Troubles)). And the one time she had friends, they were punished and she was isolated further. (Character story V)
She does not have any personal aspirations besides serving the Shogun. (About Kujou Sara: Aspiration)
She trains obsessively and literally religiously, with her “personal regimen being over ten times tougher than that which the ordinary troops go through.” (character story II) She does not have hobbies—when asked about her hobbies, she first mentions her bow training, but then says she “wouldn't call it a hobby so much as a lifelong discipline.” (Kujou Sara's Hobbies)
The goddess she worships does not actually exist, and it is unclear if the real goddess knows of her existence, despite Sara being one of her leading generals and carrying the title of “devotee of the divine.” (From the genshin website)
About eternity, Sara says “To manifest Eternity per the Almighty Shogun's will — that is what I aspire to.” (Chat: Eternity) But she says herself that she does not understand the goals of the Shogun in ‘About the Raiden Shogun: Trust’:
“As I'm sure you've heard many times before, the Almighty Shogun seeks Eternity — an existence beyond the dominion of thought and longing. "Abandon mortal ties, strive for an unchanging Eternity"... The Almighty Shogun's manner is always resolute, and I do not always fully grasp the meaning of her words. But this is her decision, and I trust her.”
And instead of the Raiden Shogun determining and saving her life like she believes (About the Vision) Sara has always been manipulated by people who simply used her. She was literally made to be a complacent servant.
Think about all the times we the player lie to her and let others manipulate her—in the Archon Quest, the labyrinth warriors event, Kokomi’s story quest, the Irodori festival.
She’s easy to lie to because all the indoctrination and manipulation was successful—too successful. She is the perfect servant and perfect soldier, who’s only aspiration is to serve.
Unlike Takayuki, who wants to further the Clan, Sara does not have personal goals that involve herself in any meaningful or tangible capacity. Everything she does is to serve the Shogun and Inazuma and the Clan in the most direct and earnest way, because that is all that has been taught to her and all she can understand.
Every facet of her identity and self—a tengu, a soldier, a Kujou—are all the same to her because they mean duty and service to the Shogun and Inazuma and the Clan. And duty and service are all that she is because she has never known anything else.
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britt-kageryuu · 2 months
It's apparently another hot day in the studio, because the inflatable pool has made another appearance as the center focus with Donnie lounging in it this time. His model is visibly in a purple Hawaiian style shirt, purple sunglasses and his mask. He has a floating tray with a glass of some colorful juice, a pitcher of the same drink, and an assortment of snacks.
"So due to the AC deciding to die, Genius Built has put everyone into a work from home/work at your own comfort, state until the AC can be fixed or Replaced. Thus I have been working from the studio. Though some of my co-workers want to visit for some reason, not that I will invite them anytime soon." They pause to take a drink, "No matter how they keep trying to bribe me. No matter how tempting." A barely heard mutter of 'he says with much falsehood' came right after.
An animation of cartoon turtle Donnie swimming goes across the screen with:
[Thank You SneakySoftshell for the $10 donation: Why don't you play Multiplayer or MOBA games much anymore?]
Donnies model gains a slightly annoyed look. "Hmm, good question SneakySoftshell. He said with some sarcastic annoyance. And to answer your question, I kept getting teamed with toxic randoms, who when learning who I was would either get more toxic, or beg for a collab!" Splashing could be heard and kinda seen with some glimpses of the tip of his tail could be seen over the edge of the pool. "And there were a few who kept trying to pressure me to join their E-Sports teams... probably very much against protocol. Plus, I may not have predicted the decline in E-Sports, but I was not going to join a team just to probably be let go because of them cutting back teams in the big leagues."
They let out a huff with a slight hiss. "Besides being on a team is somehow more expensive than what we already do with this VTuber stuff! Yes, I did the math of how much this would all cost if everything was outsourced, and not mostly done between all of us!" Donnie then sinks into the pool with a another hiss. Bubbles could be heard along with a slight grumbling sounds.
Shelldon then floats into frame while looking down into the pool. He then lowers down, and taps, what could only be Donnies Snout, while saying "Boop!" Then zooming off with a laugh.
Donnie pushes themself back up with a bit of a blank look, not sure how to react to having his Snoot Booped.
Then in comes a number of bits, donations, and channel point redemptions came flooding in say 'Boop!', 'Boop the Snoot!', 'Shelldon Boop!', and a verity of similar messages, and animations flooding the screen.
Donnie just turns to look at the camera with a slight look of disbelief. "Why is it that my Son tapping me on the nose, is what sends you all into a frenzy?" They read the chat, "Oh sorry, my Son Booped me, and it was quote unquote 'Very Very Cute'," He leans against the side of the pool towards the camera. His tail is visibly swaying behind him. "I will never fully understand you guys."
Shelldon flies back in to nuzzle his head against Donnies with a digital purring being picked up be the microphone. Shelldon then flies back off with a shout of "Love you Dad!" Donnie stares after him.
"Shelldon, please, I don't think the audience can take much more, 'cuteness', and 'wholesomeness', or so the chat is saying."
The audience made an attempt to change the topic a few times, but kept overlapping eachothers requests.
"Well since there isn't a good suggestion, let's go over some science facts that I have memorized over the years, and you can guess which ones were proven to be false after much research~~" Donnie reaches over to a tablet to bring up a box that the science facts would show up on, along with a proven true, or false, and counter.
The audience was pretty entertained for how long this went on. Alot of memes and fanart was created from clips and screenshots of this stream.
I had heard about the decline in E-Sports, and had thoughts of Donatello being on an E-Sports team, and all I could figure is that he would probably like it at first, then start to hate it fairly quickly.
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samxbradford · 9 months
closed starter for: @veritywagner where: verity's apartment
The knocks on the door were firm and determined. Not quite enough to give away hints of despair that bubbled beneath the surface. Sam looked worn. Dark circles adorned his features, sat sturdy below bright eyes and it didn't take more than a fleeting glance to see - he was unwell. He'd been eating the grief like stones and incessant nausea had kept him company ever since. "V?" Sam asked through the door, as another pair of knocks shook the wood his knuckles connected with. "Verity, please open the door." He swallowed, his next words much more quiet. "I need someone to talk to."
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harlowhanlon · 11 months
closed starter for: @veritywagner
Particles of glitter reflected in the bright lights, pouring from the ceiling above her blonde head. The soft, pale skin of her hand was littered in various shades of pink and red and Harlow felt as though she was in heaven. The sweet smell of perfume engulfed her and she sighed as she picked up another sample. Orange and earthy tones dominated the palette, holding various shades of eyeshadow. A minor detail, big enough to make her miss the effortlessness of her past. The tender ease of a life worth living.
A rustle to her right tore her from her reveries and made her avert bright cerulean eyes to the side. A beat was taken to observe the woman next to her, and after a brief moment of unmoving stillness, she came to the conclusion to have never seen her before, unlike the object the girl clutched in her hands.
"That's a super pretty one," Harlow said, pointing at the object her involuntary companion held in her hands. "I find it works best for really bold looks, you know."
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bapple117 · 4 months
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🍎 AO3 (All my fanfic stuff) (most is 18+)
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🍎 Velvette Slang Masterlist Writing Guide - A humble guide to British / South London slang for fellow writers, from a British person with love x
~ all my main tags are tagged below, sometimes they don't work great on the filtering so I'm sorry >.> ~
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aimeeisdead · 21 days
aai2 names more or less confirmed and i have Thoughts on them so. Here. Spoilers i think
eddie fender - i mean me personally i wouldnt name a supporting character a name u would expect from a background character who happens to be a defence attorney but its also like not that bad like. it looks like a name that could exist probably.
verity gavèlle - 10/10 gorgeos no further comments
eustace winner - that is a name he would be called.
simeon saint - i think this is peak (fully biased) just bc it isnt drastically different + ur supposed to think he's just Some Guy who didn't do anything wrong in that case.
di-jun wang - pretty much the same as fanmade one so. yeah. idk i dont have any thoughts on this guy in general
tabby lloyd - massive win actually i really like this. like that is a really cute name i think.
bronco knight - chat this is my eustace winner. im not fucking calling him that.
bastian rook - close enough welcome back sebastian.
rocco carcerato - major improvement i would say
fifi laguarde - she looks more like a fifi than a patricia to me at least. like maybe laguarde is too obvious however i dont care here.
bodhidharma kanis - the kanis/dog part is obvious however i would have no idea what the rest of it meant without having someone on twitter explain why its peak.
samson tangaroa - same as above like i would also not have any idea if there was a joke or reference here. however there is and i think it works really well.
judy bound - i think it grew on me a bit but at the same time i do not like it. maybe if it was a nickname like i can see her as a judith.
paul halique - literally just the same as it was originally no comment
artie frost - i mean. the foreshadowing is good. i think artie should've been a nickname instead tho tbh.
carmelo gusto - i think gustavia sounded better as a name but i think they're about the same to me. It ok
delicia scone - aai2 fan translation sole survivor. i mean ik why she's called that in both of them i just think its funny
florence niedler - they cooked a bit too hard on a minor character i think. this isnt a complaint i really like it
hilda hertz - she also looks like a hilda more than a bonnie i can respect this. also hertz is funny.
rosie ringer - it is one half of a joke + the better half i think
excelsius winner - that is also a name he would be called i think.
shaun fenn - fenn/marsh connection was more obvious to me actually. idm it tho he looks like a shaun.
alf aldown - close enough welcome back deid mann. that is a pun first and a name second i think.
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candlecoo · 2 years
Some thought for a couple aus
Wooden doll: Deku is probably the most popular hero to dress up as for Halloween because of the verity of masks
HMD: Pearl is class 1-A's class mascot, Hitoshi is Livid.
Norse/Marvel: Izuku turns ever so slightly blue during his match against Todoroki during the sports festival causing people to assume hypothermia
Shark bite: Izuku has a kiddie pool in his dorm to soak in that he sometimes lets Tsuyu use
Wooden doll
There are so many people dressed up as Changeling for Halloween or Cons, he has the most variety, they are very gender neutral and there's at least one mask everyone likes!
Pearl is for sure class 1-A's mascot and Hitoshi is having a mental breakdown.
Izuku can only turn the slightest shade of ice blue but when ever it happens everyone freaks out trying to take him to Recovery Girl. Cause what else could it be other than hypothermia! The sports festival is when it first happens.
Shark Bite
Izuku 100 percent owns a kiddy pool for the rare chance he dries out and he shares it with sue whenever he pulls it out. They absolutely just sit there and chat about their classmates while eating snacks and watching movies. They are bff's in this au.
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