san-ta · 3 years
When Aoi had heard the gentle sounds of a harp playing through the halls, he’d naturally gravitated toward the sound. Despite his appearance and general attitude, he did have an appreciation for art and music and the like.  He wasn’t expecting to find Snake at the source of the music, though.  He pursed his lips and shifted his weight, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn’t say anything. Snake’s playing was nice. At a professional level, even. It was almost hypnotizing to listen to. And if Snake wasn’t going to stop playing, even after Aoi was sure he’d noticed his presence, then Aoi was content to listen for awhile. After a few minutes he adjusted, going over to the wall to sit down and close his eyes and let himself be wrapped up in the music- a level of unguarded he very rarely was. 
@san-ta || event starter.
For a man like Light, an art gallery would seem entirely useless. And while it was true that he could not view the art in the usual manner, he still found himself drawn to the museum regardless, not for the art, but the creation of art of his own.
It had been much too long since he’d played the harp. Since joining the SOIS with Clover, he had had less time to play, and since coming to this world, he’d lacked an instrument to play at all. But all types of tools were to be found in this studio, and simply by asking, Light had found his way to a harp.
Currently, he was playing, lithe fingers plucking a serene melody from the strings. As usual, his eyes remained close, but now a soft smile adorned his features. It was a song of his own making, one he’d yet to truly finish, but one he had missed playing nonetheless.
As he played, he was aware of familiar footsteps enter the room, but continued without a word for his audience of one.
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san-ta · 3 years
… She got a response.
She actually got a response. Aoi’s here. Her big brother is here…
He sounds just as anxious as she thought he’d be, and she’s anxious too. There’s sadness in her heart regarding his misfortune, but an even greater sense of relief that she’s not alone here. The loss of Crash Keys’ various assets and capabilities is a great loss, but at least they still have some level of use of the morphogenetic field… and also one another. Just like when they were kids.
She almost misses her stop while thinking about it.
Paying for her ride, then quickly wishing the driver a pleasant day, she almost trips over her own feet after getting out of the taxi she had taken. She looks frantically from side to side, scanning the area as quickly, yet as thoroughly as she could. It doesn’t take long for her to hear a loud call of her name, from a voice she’s very familiar with. It’s when she turns around to face the direction of the sound that she sees him. “Aoi!!” she calls back, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. She quickly makes her way over to him, slowing to a stop once only a short distance remains. Her hands are folded in front of her lap and she looks torn between hugging him tight right then and there and waiting for him to really be aware of her presence first before doing it.
After only a few short moments, she decides to opt for the former, leaning in and pulling him into her arms with a wide smile and a sniffle, or maybe two.
There she was. His kid sister, who perhaps wasn’t so much of a kid anymore because she’d actually had the chance to grow up this time. The back of his mind echoed a familiar this time? What do you mean ‘this time’? but at this point it was easy to ignore, and he had more important things to focus on.  For a moment he thought she wasn’t going to hug him and his heart fell. It was fine- he had never been a huge fan of physical affection, and the last few years didn’t really lend themselves to his preferences. But then her arms were around him and he was sighing in relief, wiggling to free his own arms so he could wrap them around her, in turn.  “Akane,” he breathed, holding her and stroking her hair just like he did when they were young and she would cry on him. He was getting misty-eyed, too. Akane meant so much to him- more than he could hope to describe. To know she was safe was a relief like no other.  “What took ya so long?” he asked, pulling back just enough to look at her face. 
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san-ta · 3 years
@rvnthiscity Aoi had discovered that the intraspace was actually pretty entertaining to be in. Not to mention, the battle arena was a good place to actually keep his mind sharp enough for combat.  So here he was, avatar geared up with light clothing that was easy to move in. He bounced on his feet as he awaited the announcement of the next fighters- himself and a stranger who had also signed up for the arena.  Soon enough, the announcement came, and he walked into the arena confidently. He rolled his shoulders, raising a hand in a wave at his competitor. “’Sup,” he greeted.  He hadn’t changed much about his avatar. It was really just a replica of him in a new outfit. He figured he didn’t especially need to hide his identity in the virtual space, especially considering calling himself Santa was already hiding his identity. 
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san-ta · 3 years
Aoi was slowly but surely getting used to life here. The library was large and gave him something to do, even if it was just reading whatever crap he could get his hands on that day. He was reading one now, standing at the kitchen counter and scarfing down a sandwich he made in just a pair of sweatpants.  He was just turning the page and taking another bite when something happened that hadn’t since he’d been here- someone talked to him through the field. Not just anyone, either. Akane talked to him.  “Akane? I’m here, I’ll meet you there, give me five minutes.” His desperation creeped through into his message, even though he tried to hide it. Could he even get to the Boardwalk in five minutes? Who knew. But he was going to sprint there like there was Satan himself on his heels.  ...With a shirt on. He rushed to his room to throw on the first shirt he saw and then bolted out the door, sprinting to the nearest bus station. He was almost tempted to run straight there, but he knew it would ultimately be faster to take transportation. Even if it didn’t feel faster as he was sitting and hugging his arms as tingles ran up and down them.  Akane was here. His little sister was here, and she sounded safe. He knew what Akane in distress sounded like, usually even when she tried to hide it.  He’s there as soon as he can manage, out of breath and looking around. “Akane?!” he called out. 
Ever since Akane was whisked away to this mysterious place known as Radiale, she’s been doing everything in her power to try to figure things out. Or… at least she’d like to be able to say that, but being in her fiancé’s arms one second and finding herself abruptly and instantaneously torn from them the very next was… a shock, to say the very least. Her life has been difficult, one struggle after another. And finally, finally, when it seemed that she was going to catch a break and actually be allowed an existence where she could live domestically and peacefully with her childhood crush and first love—even if there was still a dangerous religious fanatic standing between her and that happy life she’s longed for—it was stripped from her all over again, like fine sand slipping through her fingers and blowing away in the wind… She can’t help but think about it every so often. Even now, she takes a moment to dwell on it again, subconsciously fidgeting with the engagement ring decorating her left hand as she does.
Akane Kurashiki is resilient. She always has been and even now, that hasn’t changed, but she can’t help but feel frustrated nonetheless. She’s spent much of her time up to this point trying to figure out how to deal with her emotions and stress. She’s not in any immediate danger, and ironically, that only makes it more difficult to deal with the situation than usual. Danger would at least present something to focus on, a distraction… or even, ideally, an opportunity to SHIFT. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? A chance to resume her life that had finally started to calm down and damn a different version of herself to this fate instead. She smiles wryly at the thought. As unfortunate as such a thing would be for her other self, it wouldn’t be her own problem, not any longer.
… But there is no danger to be found. And even if there was… Akane’s noticed that something feels… different. Off, even. Like her access to the morphogenetic field has been severely restricted. SHIFTing is almost certainly off the table with how tenuous her connection feels, and she’s not even entirely sure she’d even be able to use it to communicate. Maybe that’s why she hasn’t tried to see if she could manage to connect with Junpei here, or even Aoi-
How could she forget?! How could she not even think of her own brother in a time such as this one?!? Aoi has always been there for her, through thick and thin, trusting as absolutely as one could the unnatural certainty with which she spoke of insane ideas and nonsensical concepts, doing his damnedest to care for her and raise her as a child despite still being a child in his own right at the time after the unfortunate passing of their parents. Yet up to that point, she’d only been concerned about Junpei and about herself.
‘How selfish…’
Guilt consumes her, but so does a newfound determination. Maybe this was the kick in the pants she’s been needing. Sitting up from her bed and giving herself two small simultaneous slaps on each cheek, she heads to the condominium’s bathroom to give her face a quick wash. She wants to present herself as well as she can, after all. Afterwards, she pulls off her scrunchie, grabs a comb, gives the teeth a quick rinse beneath the faucet, and runs it through her hair, just to freshen up a little better and to release any knots that may have found their way in while she was laying down. As she does so, she closes her eyes and focuses, wanting to give herself as much of a chance at success as she can. It’s a crapshoot to begin with, but—assuming that fate, or at least luck, is on her side—hopefully the dice land on all ones again. Figuratively, this time, though. And presumably without the risk of failure resulting in her being “turned into Swiss cheese” as a different version of her fiancé once so eloquently put it…
“Aoi? Can you hear me? It’s me! It’s Akane! If… If you’re somehow here too, I’m getting ready to head to the Boardwalk in the Golden Ward from where I’m living in the Archimedes Ward. Please, meet me there.”
Hair now tangle-free and presentable, she ties it back up, low and off to the right side, of course. Finally, returning to her room to grab her phone and stuffing it into one of the two hidden inner pockets the wide belt around her midsection has, she leaves the condominium in a hurry and hopes that her brother is able to heed her call.
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san-ta · 3 years
@crystalremnant | Starter! With the lack of good technology, Aoi was forced to go to the library in search of entertainment. Not that he really minded- he genuinely did enjoy reading and learning. He just enjoyed it more when it was convenient. You know, like internet searches and academic websites.  Anyway. He was looking for a place to curl up with a book of botany with a focus on the local flora when he spotted another person tucked away within the shelves. He was about to move on when something caught his attention. That guy had ears. Cat ears.  “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me.”
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san-ta · 3 years
Light had heard the announcements, and while they were certainly intriguing, he hadn’t come up with any reason yet to pay them any mind. He’d hardly been here that long, after all, and it seemed there were no negative consequences to not participating. 
At least, he hadn’t planned on it, but it seemed someone else had other ideas.
Aoi’s text was read out loud on his phone, followed by a small sigh. What a fool he was. For a moment, Light contemplated ignoring the text entirely, for many reasons, but knowing Aoi, if he failed to at least reply, the man would show up on his doorstep to berate him. So, he typed out a response.
It’s quite bold of you to assume my phone had been set up with text to speech capabilities. What were you planning to do if such a function were unavailable and I was left unaware of what you were trying to ask me?
And furthermore, it’s also quite bold of you to think I can so easily make my way to this “safe zone.”
I appreciate your confidence in my abilities, but you do realize we are in a brand new world, yes? 
What if I were to get lost on the way? Or if I were to injure myself?
I, of course, won’t, but nonetheless, your hastiness astounds me.
Aoi felt the phone in his pocket buzz with a message and fished it out, glaring at the screen. There was really only one person it could be- and said person had decided him to write him a fucking book. What else had he expected, though? Light had always been wordy.
He’d honestly been in a rush and hadn’t even thought about Light’s lack of sight. If Light hadn’t been able to read the text, though, whatever. He could do it alone. He didn’t want to, but he could. It was a moot point anyway. Light had been able to receive the text’s contents.
fuck do u want me to do abt it? need me to pick u up or not? gettin mixed signals here
He was already tired of Light bitching, and they hadn’t even met up yet. He crossed his arms over his chest with a half-sigh, half-growl.
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san-ta · 3 years
@plenoptical || EVENT starter Whatever the hell that announcement had been, Aoi was insterested. It was the first he’d heard from any kind of authority figure in this place. He figured the best way to gather more information was by partcipating. But... well, he didn’t exactly want to participate alone, and there was only one person he event marginally trusted here. So he sent Light a text message. meet me in the safe zone He shut the phone of with a click after, stuffing it into his pocket while he perused the quests. The one titled Teamwork Makes the Steam Work seemed like a good option, if Light joined him. He stayed on that screen, deciding to wait a bit to see if Light responded to him. 
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san-ta · 3 years
Headcanon Meme: Ice Cream Flavors Edition
Almond Chocolate Coconut: a touch headcanon.
Bacon Ice Cream: a “what were you even thinking” headcanon.
Black Raspberry Cheesecake: a sexuality and/or romanticism headcanon (romantic orientation, sexual orientation, etc).
Cactus Fruit Sorbet: a “this shouldn’t work but it does” headcanon.
Cherry Garcia: a role model/inspiration headcanon.
Chubby Hubby: a body image/self esteem headcanon.
Chunky Monkey: a names, addresses, nicknames, etc. headcanon.
Cookies and Cream: a family headcanon.
Cotton Candy Explosion: a childhood/child(ren) headcanon.
Death By Chocolate: an indulgence/guilty pleasure headcanon.
Devil’s Food Chocolate: a vice headcanon.
Dulce de Leche: a happy/sweet romantic or queerplatonic headcanon.
Elderberry: a hurt/comfort headcanon.
Entangled Mints: a friendship headcanon.
Espresso ‘n Cream: a coffee/tea/coffee-shop (AU)/caffeine headcanon.
Fudge Behaving Badly: a misbehaving/getting into trouble headcanon.
Ginger Crème Brûlée: a gender headcanon (gender identity, gender presentation, butch/femme, gender feels, etc).
Half Baked: a bad idea/poor planning headcanon.
Heartbreak Healer: a sad/angsty romantic or queerplatonic headcanon.
Jasmine Peach Tea: a self-care/self-love headcanon.
Kahlua Almond Fudge: a language/words headcanon.
Kiwi Midori: a creative arts headcanon.
Lemon Angel Food: a virtue headcanon.
Lemon-Lime Sorbet: a sexual/NC-17 headcanon (alt: a secret(s) h/c).
Magic Mint Cookie: a magic/supernatural headcanon (alt: a taste h/c).
Masque of the Raspberry Sorbet: a fear/horror headcanon (alt: a costume(s)/facade(s) headcanon).
Neapolitan: an intimacy/vulnerability (or lack thereof) headcanon.
Orange Pineapple Whip: a kinky headcanon (alt: an eccentricity h/c).
Oreo Cheesecake: a physical health/disability headcanon.
Peanut Butter Plum Cherry: a soulmate/soulmate AU headcanon (alt: an unconditional love headcanon)
Phish Food: a music headcanon.
Purple Daze: a stoner/drugs headcanon.
Rainbow Cream: a nature headcanon.
Road Trip: a travel or escapism headcanon.
Rocky Road: a difficulty or struggle headcanon.
SNAFU (Strawberries Naturally All Fudged Up): a mistake(s) headcanon.
Strawberry Rhubarb Crunch: a mental health/neurodivergent headcanon.
Tennessee Mud: an alcohol, drunkenness, intoxication headcanon.
Tuxedo Strawberry: a well-dressed headcanon (any headcanon about clothes).
Vanilla Fudge Ripple: a strength headcanon.
White Raspberry Truffle: a weakness headcanon.
Wildberry Chocolate Chunk: a social life headcanon.
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san-ta · 4 years
Vaati rolled his eyes- he was aware that some people were from vastly different worlds than his own, but really. The utter lack of tact was irksome for certain… definitely a newcomer to this place. This guy was just lucky he wasn’t in the business of turning others into stone these days.
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“That is your question? I don’t know, why is your hair white, or your eyes the colour that they are?” He scoffed, waving a hand dismissively. “A word of warning about this place- people are going to be different than the world you’ve clearly known, and for the most part, it is not wise to tick them off.”
Now, whether this guy would take that as a warning or a challenge was up to him. Either way, Vaati figured he could handle him easily.
Aoi frowned. Well, that certainly wasn’t an answer to his question. He didn’t suppose he was going to get one, though.  “My hair’s white ‘cause I bleach it, and my eyes are gray ‘cause my parents’ genes crossed and God or whoever decided that I’d inheret the homozygous recessive gene of gray eyes,” he explained flatly. Was he being a prick about this? Yeah. But he was a prick about everything.  “So, ‘s purple a new recessive gene that somehow mutated into the gene pool? Or do you color your skin to be edgy.” 
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san-ta · 4 years
Bass laughs, rising in pitch until it’s absolutely sickening to hear. It stops abruptly, staring with freezing hostility. 
“Let’s get this straight before we part ways.” 
Walking close again, he doesn’t make eye contact at first. Instead, speaks to where his face meets. 
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“Even the old man who made me is a genius by human standards. I’m not dumb enough to spill any of his secrets. I was a lucky mistake on his part–maybe the luckiest he’ll ever get. Nothing you can make will be better than me. If you claim it to be, I’ll blast it to dust and bolts. I’ll happily take up that challenge.”  
Looking up, his head rolls back like a punk. His pupils flare bright as he shows his sharp teeth. Bass’ competitive attitude didn’t have limits. And when it came to other robots, he took it extremely seriously. But the second casual notion disturbed him on a more personal level. 
“But–if I ever find a copy of myself walking around here, I’LL MAKE SURE YOU’RE MADE A PUBLIC EXAMPLE OF WHAT THE CONSEQUENCES ARE.” 
Aoi put his hands up, taken aback by the sudden hostility. “Alright, alright, no makin’ robots, got it,” he said. He’d mostly just been curious. Especially if the technology that went into the sentient being before him could be applied in various other ways. Disappointing that he wouldn’t get more information on it, but knowing it existed was at least something. It was actually a little scary, seeing this guy get angry. Aoi had no doubt he would get his ass kicked if it came down to a fight. It was in his best interest to diffuse and disengage. He was at least good at the disengaging part. He took a step back, keeping his hands up like Bass was a wild animal that would attack if he made any sudden moves. “Thanks for answerin’ some of my questions. Have fun... doin’ whatever robots do, I guess.” 
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san-ta · 4 years
// Finally making a permanent starter call! Like for a starter!
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san-ta · 4 years
“I hate that guy. I level an entire city with tv air time and everything, and I got nothing!” 
Bass scoffs. That’s not exactly how Santa Claus works. Never mind that.
“There are a lot of different ways to fly, yeah. Jets, propellers, magnetically. Some robots are built for space exploration, since you guys are too fragile. I can go to space with enough fuel myself and survive the ascent and descent. You’d die pretty horrifically doing something like that.” 
The solar energy thing, yeah, he doesn’t know. It just tastes okay enough. 
“Didn’t I already tell you I’m a combat robot? Why would I store that kind of information?” 
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“I have multiple energy reserves, duh. Liquid fuel is just the fastest way of intake…” his expression further deflates and his eyes wander. “Are you done drilling me with questions? I’m getting bored. It’s not like you’re smart enough to rebuild anything like me, anyways.” 
Aoi shifted his weight and put a hand to his chin. He carefully ran over each example Bass gave him in his head, theorizing how that could be possible and what he’d do to achieve it. Something like flight would surely be useful in his line of work...  “Bored?” he echoed, looking incredulous. “How can you be bored by this stuff? And if I had the right information, I could totally make something like you.” He and Akane had devised all sorts of puzzles involving pretty complex machinery. Sure, they’d never made a full-fledged robot, but he imagined he could handle it if he had the right information and tools.  “But fine. I’ll leave ya alone for now. If you have any papers or anything about the world you came from and it’s technology, though...” He tapped the phone he was given, showing it to Bass. “This’s me. Santa. Text me.” 
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san-ta · 4 years
Light was well aware how insane his theory sounded, but what other explanation was there? There were too many things about this world that simply didn’t add up. Things like magic, inhuman creatures, things that he wouldn’t have ever thought to exist in his own reality. 
This could only be another world completely different from their own.
From the sound of Aoi’s voice, he was still frustrated, and Light supposed he couldn’t blame him. The reality of their situation was daunting. Perhaps if he were a weaker man, Light would have succumbed to his own fears and anxieties. But, if Clover was not here, then it was most likely she was home and safe, so he had no reasons to worry needlessly.
“You can ask that, but I am afraid I don’t possess the answer,” Light sighed. “But, from the sounds of it, leaving is not currently possible.”
Aoi took a long breath in through his nose, held it, and then let it out. Getting mad wasn’t going to fix anything. It’d make him feel better, maybe, but he’d already had his fair share of being angry to cope during his short stay here. He needed a plan.  And to make a plan, it’d sure help to have two heads rather than one. “I know you probably don’t trust me for shit, and that’s fuckin’ fair, but can we work together on this?” he asked. “I just wanna get back to Akane, and I’m sure you wanna get back to Clover. Can we truce or whatever? Collaborate?”  He held out his hand for a handshake before remembering Light was fucking blind and putting it back down at his side. Light was one of the smartest people he knew. He was glad if it was anyone, it was at least him that had gotten stuck here, too. 
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san-ta · 4 years
“Are you taking me for a fool? There’s no way you’re Santa!” 
Bass comes up to him close, scrutinizing Santa’s looks. Not to mention he hesitated. Whatever, it’s just a human, if he has a code name for whatever reason he knows what he looks like. It’s not like he’s going to cause him any problems. Bass finally blinks a few times before he’s hard staring again. 
“You’d owe me a lot of stuff if you were.” it sounded like a genuine grudge… Walking a few steps back, he gives Santa his personal space again. 
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“Like I said before; This place hardly has any robots. Of any kind, at all! None on patrol, no mother computers or dispatching stations. The sky’s empty and so is the water. There’d at least be maintenance walking around. It’s creepy.” 
Bass emulates a yawn, and stretches his arms out. He doesn’t understand it’s purpose, yet it’s in his programming regardless. He only knows it as a way to show he’s getting bored–and that it sometimes happens when he boots up again. 
“Not to mention finding liquid solar energy almost seems impossible. Any good fuel around here is way too expensive.” 
Aoi stared blankly at the robot before him. “Uh. Yeah. No shit. It’s like... an alias. I’m not actually fucking Santa Claus,” he said, exasperated. He was thankful when he Bass backed up, his shoulders relaxing a bit as his breathing came a little easier. “There’s flyin’ robots where you’re from?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Fascinating. He wanted to know more about this futuristic society.  “Liquid solar energy. Can’t say I’ve heard of that. How’s it work?” It sounded efficient, if it was what it sounded like. He had no idea how that’d work, though. As far as he knew, there wasn’t a way to convert solar energy into a fucking liquid, but it’d be fascinating to learn how that worked.  “And if you can’t get fuel, how are you up and runnin’?”
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san-ta · 4 years
The high-tech city was definitely not to Kuko’s tastes. Just being in the busy streets of Tokyo gave Kuko more than his fill of the urban setting, and right now, he’d much rather be at his temple meditating and sweeping the floors. Then again, this WAS a nice break from the long list of chores he’d have to wake up at the asscrack of dawn to complete before he got an earful from his father, so maybe he was better off just relaxing in this new city… For now, anyway.
Unfortunately, even THAT was cut short when he was rudely awoken by someone tripping over him and waking him up, just when he was starting to relax and doze off in one of the few places that he thought was secluded. The foot in his side was enough to force Kuko to sit up and look at the one responsible, clearly not happy by the fact that his nap was cut short. “What the hell do YOU think!? You ever heard of looking where you’re going!?” he hissed, rolling over so he could stand up and brush his baggy pants off. Seems like he’d have to find somewhere else for some peace and quiet. 
Aoi stared at the man, dumbfounded for a few moments. “It’s not my fault you were sleeping in the middle of the street!” he complained, shoving his hands in his pockets. “There are better places to sleep even if you don’t have a place for yourself, y’know?” He wasn’t a total stranger to sleeping outside. There had been a few nights when money had just... run out, and he hadn’t been able to get more for a couple days. He clenched his jaw for a moment.  “Do y’need a place to stay?” he asked, trying not to sound condescending. He technically had a place, though he didn’t know how his roommate would take that. Whatever. He could deal with it later. “Or, like, food or money or shit?”  He didn’t have a lot of cash, but he knew how to survive on a shoestring budget. He could spare a little. 
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san-ta · 4 years
As Aoi vented his frustrations, Light only stood neutrally, not letting his expression change or show just how worried he was as well. As perturbing as this situation was, he refused to let it get to him. At least not while in public. And most certainly not in front of Aoi.
“Now, now, I understand your anger, but there’s no use in wasting energy on things we don’t have the answers to. I’m worried as well, but letting our stress get the best of us will only result in a decline in our own health. The best thing we can do now is to remain calm and take things slowly.”
“To answer your question, though, I think it is safe to assume that where we are is a world separated from our own entirely. After all, as we know it now, we have no access to the Field. No matter the distance, we ought to still be able to connect to our siblings, but we cannot. Currently, I theorize that wherever we are, it is so far removed from our own that the Field does not reach us.”
“Of course, there is also the possibility that in this realm, there is simply no one to connect to through the field. Even if you and I can access it on our own, it is useless with no one on the other end, yes?”
“Safe to assum- do you know how batshit that sounds?” he asked, throwing up his hands and rolling his eyes. He’d been the one to bring it up first, but he hadn’t actually thought... He hated that Light had a point, though. He hadn’t been so cut off from Akane since before they even know they could do this.  No, there was another time- Akane burned alive and their connection was completely severed by the time he reached the ash. He could reach out into the space, but there was nothing there. She was gone, she was dead, she was- He shook his head, frowning. Occasionally he had thoughts like that, memories that didn’t seem like they were his. Most often he’d wake up from nightmares that were just a little too real where Akane had burned to death and he was left bloodying his knuckles on the other side of a thick, metal door. It was rare for him to waver into not-memory during the day.  “Fuck,” he muttered. “Alright. Okay. Maybe we’re in another world or some shit. How do we get back?” He folded his arms over his chest and glared at the ground in thought. 
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san-ta · 4 years
bay tree
Botanical Prompts
bay tree :   does your muse seek glory   &   accolades ,   or do they favour a simpler ,   more personal life ?  
Aoi doesn’t really seek glory or accolades, but he also doesn’t lead a simple life. He’s the co-ceo of an agency working to weed out terrorists. He and his sister are technically criminals, so he’s not in the public’s eye. He does what he needs to in order to help save people and keep the ones he cares about safe, but he doesn’t seek recognition for it. Just part of the job, y’know? 
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