#isola event: canvas
underteika · 10 months
I've talked about the 'bad end' scenario for Anda on and off for a long time (mostly in memes and stuff) but I had a thought like
Anda is nice, sure, but they're kind of compelled to do good things for people because of their empathetic abilities (and absorbing the misery of others). Which they feel bad about, so they try to balance it out by helping others. Being in the city and meeting people who actually cared about them and loved them, despite everything, has been the biggest driving force for this.
In that 'bad end' timeline, Anda succumbs to the idea of being alone, forgotten, and unwanted (as they were encouraged to stay in that house, so the curse of their abilities could not be passed down to another, effectively dooming them.) When they're murdered by the people who broke into the house, all of those regrets fused with the power of sorrow itself, which itself carried hundreds of years of Teika Family Host's sorrows with it. Together, it formed a life of its own, and that's the thing that haunts the estate.
In the Canvas event, Anda learns of that fate, and their canon-point is after their death. But the Anda in Isola knows what love is, so they never became any part of that hatred that their vengeful ghost carries. And when they disappeared and returned after an activity check (whoops), they were reminded of that horrible fate. This time, though, the spirit came with them.
The two are separate, mostly. Anda rejects the ghost, and refuses to believe they could even fathom the idea of vengeance. The ghost still lingers (in reflections and dark corners) because it refuses to be forgotten again. But because the two sides of the same person sees each other as fundamentally wrong, they're both kind of compelled to do the opposite of each other: Anda will be compelled to kindness, because they don't want people to feel the pain of not being remembered. And the ghost is compelled to violence, because it wants people to feel the agony it went through and more.
Maybe people sensitive to spirits can sense that?
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plenoptical · 3 years
open starter | canvas, part 2
Things could most certainly going better than they were at the moment.
When they were locked in, Light had heard the sound of something attempting to pursue him, and with nothing to defend himself with, had ran in what he hoped was a safe direction. It was unfortunately he did not know the layout of the building better, but he had done his best to avoid the sounds of scuffles and anything else that seemed like it might be dangerous.
Of course, there was only so much he could do.
Currently, Light found himself backed against a wall. A motion with his foot indicated that he was, in fact, trapped in a corner, with something he couldn’t identify by sound alone slowly but surely approaching. It was, in fact, quite the predicament.
So he thought it quite lucky when he heard other footsteps enter the room.
“If whoever has entered is not an enemy,” he called out, sounding more inconvenienced than worried about his current situation, “I would request your help in escaping. If you are an enemy, well, I suppose that’s rather unfortunate for me.”
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lovelysincerity · 3 years
Reiji placed his hands on his hips, looking around the lobby with a grin. Mara-chan, his cactus companion, was at his side trying to take everything in.
It didn’t take the idol long to spot one of his coworkers, and with a wave and call of his name, Reiji and Mara-chan made their way over.
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“Hello, Grimm~!” he said, smiling cheerfully. “This place is quite lively, don’t you think?~”
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“If I trusted this city more I’d offer up the side of my shop to have a mural on it. Or maybe up on the second floor of the house, since that’s not covered in stone... How neat would that be? A big painting of some doughnuts and pastries or something...”
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tailoredhonnouji · 3 years
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“...This is more like it. I could probably lose myself in this place for hours. No pressure to get any projects done, all these materials... I haven’t really made anything for myself in a while.”
Holy shit, he’s actually taking time off to have fun.
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differingrealities · 3 years
@alolune || event starter ~ 
Che’nya wasn’t much of a craftsman, or a painter, or a singer, or anything much to do with the arts. But of course, for a curious cat like himself, whether or not he had any natural or learned talent wasn’t a problem. What was more important than knowing what he was doing was simply having fun~
Currently he found himself in a room full of dolls, and despite his utter lack of knowledge of how to use a needle and thread, Che’nya worked regardless. He hardly looked up as someone approached, so focused on his work as he was. But notice them he did, so of course, he needed to say hello.
“Do you think, if I put all of my soul into this little me I am making, it will come alive~?”
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kujoutengu · 3 years
Waka found himself in the canvas gallery, his eyes drawn to Issun’s paintings once again. Rather than focusing on the portrait of himself, he instead focused on the paintings featuring a majestic wolf clad in red markings, her divine reflector upon her back as every bit as radiant as herself.
“...he is truly a talented artist,” Waka said aloud, not bothering to see who might have been around.
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otherworldly-healer · 3 years
“--cannot even begin to describe how much Infrared reflectography could change my own world’s knowledge of what had happened in history. Our world had no means available to us to see underneath the layers of a painting without damaging it, and yet here it is hard to believe that such advancements are not performed with magitechnology! For example, it says here that this painting once had a sketch of an additional child on it, but due to a longstanding disagreement in the family, this child was painted over in every single family portrait. That means that for years there was an entire hidden royal lineage that was essentially scrubbed from the public eye!” The professor stood in the gallery, animatedly lecturing over a royal portrait, a book on the subject of art conservatism held in her arms. As soon as anyone gave her a hint of interest, the professor unleashed a lecture at them. This just so happened to be Gloria’s lucky (?) day.
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“Don’t you find it all so fascinating?!”
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dreamershatter · 3 years
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Oh, this is fun. There’s paint aaaaaaaall over the sidewalk, and the little knight is currently jumping in them like puddles, leaving little footprints as they run around.
It’s very messy.
But look at the pretty colors! Have you ever seen a more happy vessel of nothingness?
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When Hotaru heard the screams of panicked civilians coming from the art gallery, she wasted no time in transforming before rushing over to help those in need.
When she arrived with her glaive in hand, she was met with various pieces of artwork attacking the museum visitors.
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“...this is new.” While she did recall similar bouts of chaos from her previous visit, this was something new entirely.
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underteika · 3 years
@apexquartz​ liked for a Part 1 starter!
“Uh, well...”
Whoever she was, she looked like she was in a bad mood. Felt like it, too. The feeling of crushing disappointment was rolling off of her in droves, and Anda could (sort of) see why.
The painting wasn’t bad, per se. But it was certainly dark, and violent. A lot of anger was put into this canvas.
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“...It looks like you’re working something out there. Maybe the paintbrush is picking up on your vibes, y’know?”
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isolaradiale · 3 years
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The small 'ahem' and the dimming lights brought the attention of the closing party back on the podium. On it was Janus, looking a great deal better than he was a few minutes ago (when he was practicing his closing speech on a statue when he thought nobody was looking.) On the stage, he took a deep breath and brightened as everyone turned in their formal evening attire.
"Thank you all for coming to the Closing Party. It's been a pretty busy week, and all of you have made such beautiful and wonderous pieces of art. I'm overjoyed that they're on display tonight, and I thought there wasn't any way to view all of them in the span of a couple hours. So this last night of the museum will be going on until the sun rises again. You don't have to stay the entire time, but--"
"Well, sure they do!"
The interjection startled the AI at the podium, and he jumped a few feet from his spot. The chipper voice started again as one of the other statues on the stage moved, revealing the form of a marble-sculpted woman covered in holographic stickers.
"After all, each and every one of you put in so much effort into bringing your imaginations and inspirations to life, haven't you? So we thought we might return the favor, that's all. And you're all invited!"
Punctuating her statement was the sound of the large wooden doors, now slamming shut inward with a reverberating BOOM that bounced off all the halls of the lobby, even from the auditorium.
"I hope you all put everything into your masterpieces! Because your masterpieces will put everything into annihilating all of you~"
With another delighted laugh, the lights in the auditorium shut off, leaving everyone with only the light of their phones and watches. And as the murmurs began and hands reached for other hands in the dark, there was another THUNK near the wall as a framed portrait fell off its anchor. From its canvas, it began to look at the crowd, eyes now glowing in the light of everyone's flashlights. One hand crawled out of the frame, then another. Nails sank into the floor with terrifying ease as the subject of the portrait pulled themselves from its frame, marble cracking at its fingertips.
The next sound was a scream, and the sound of a woman falling onto the floor as the portrait pulled at her ankles. And then another. And another still as the frames began to move off the walls en masse, attacking anyone unlucky enough to be in their sights. There was a panic in the auditorium as people tried to flee and fight, falling over each other to escape the room
But it seemed that no matter where anyone chose to run to, or where they thought to hide, there was always something in the shadows.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Welcome to Part Two of the event!
As stated, the artwork in the Tempus Museum has come to life--literally, in this case. You've been challenged to survive until the next sunrise. To do so, you must evade, capture or destroy the horrific objects that have come to life.
Most of the artwork in the museum is hostile, and will attempt to un-alive your characters as best they can.
These generic museum monsters can be found everywhere wandering around, but are more common in areas they originated from:
Subjects and people in paintings will crawl out of their canvases to chase and eliminate anything they see moving. Their sharp nails can pierce through marble, so flesh and bone is probably nothing to them. Humanoids are not exclusive to this class of monster--painted animals, creatures and other things will also hop out of paintings to come after your muse. You can capture a painting monster by smacking it with a canvas, or destroy it with paint thinner (or water, if it's a watercolor)
Framed sketches will behave similarly to the painting monsters, and will leave lots of thin scratches as opposed to big ones. Capture them with paper, or destroy them by rubbing them with an eraser.
Statues of any material will chase your characters and attempt to injure them with their fists (or if they were holding a weapon, they'll use that weapon). Catch them by making them run back to their plaques, stands and pedestals, or destroy using a hammer and chisel.
The Parlor Dolls have now, unfortunately, all grown sharp teeth. They've all taken on ghastly appearances, and if they swarm around you, it might as well be the end of you. You can capture a doll by chasing it back into a display case, or destroy it by carefully ripping their seams.
Dancing Dresses in the painted ballroom will beckon people to dance with them, and will attempt to catch people in the folds of their fabric to immobilize them. They're not lethal on their own, but they'll hold your muse in place for something more dangerous to come along. Capture them by hitting them with a dress form, or destroy them by ripping their seams OR cutting them with scissors. - NOTE: Characters who bowed and danced with any of the ghostly gowns at the Gala XY will not harm the people who danced with them, and will instead, keep dancing.
Decorated Weapons made in the forge will take a life of their own and will seemingly float around, looking for battle. Sometimes they'll team up with Statues, making them especially deadly companions. Capture them by hitting them with a weapon rack, or destroy them with a hammer or any significant heat source.
Baked Goods and Pastries made in the culinary courtyard will not get up on their own, but a good many of them have become poisoned. The severity and potency of the poisons varies, with side effects ranging from an upset stomach to a sudden case of death. They don't move, so you don't have to capture them, but... maybe don't eat them, no matter how good they may smell and look.
Paintings on the street have come to life, making hazards of their own outside of the museum. Street-painted landscapes have become very tangibly real, as well as anything sprayed on the walls. If there was ever a time to regret the giant mural you painted on the side of a building as it crawls from its spot to squash you like a bug, now's the time. You can destroy these with water.
Landscapes will attempt to draw your muse into their world, sealing them in their frames. Your muse will be helpless to do much other than look through the painting like a window. The only means of escape is to have someone else drag you out of the landscape!
In addition to these generic museum hazards, there are a few specific hazards depending on how your muse behaved in Part 1 of the event:
If your muse created something with love, adoration, feelings of happiness, or any other intensely positive emotions, it may help them instead of hinder them. This can be anything from alerting them of danger to protecting them.
Your muse's own creations may attack them, too, aside from the generic monsters in the museum.
If your muse stole any artwork from the museum, it will hunt them down with special vitriol and hostility, and will stop at nothing to destroy your muse.
Similarly, if your muse attempted to destroy any of the artwork in the museum, it's going to target them specifically and attempt to return the favor.
Any art your muse made as a gift to others will either hurt OR help them, depending on individual mun preference.
Have fun! :)
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Frequently Asked Questions
"How long will Part 2 of the event last?"
The event will run until 00:00, June 18th
"Are the optimized tools still here?"
Shockingly, yes! And so are the regular tools, too. How you use them to survive is up to you, but building a door might be the fastest way. However, be warned that drawing a door on a wall has just as big of a chance of sending your muse to a different random room than it does outside the museum.
"Can we still do Part 1 threads?"
Yes! If you would like to keep your Canvas experience monster-free, you can continue making Part 1 starters until the end of the event.
"What about the art my muse took home?"
It has also come to life! So while the museum is certainly dangerous, there are random statues, paintings, dolls and other monsters roaming around OUTSIDE the museum, too.
"Can we destroy the paintings NOW?"
Unfortunately, they're just as invulnerable as they were before. Bummer, huh? Unless they're hit with their specific weakness, the monsters are invulnerable to attacks that damage them. (However, they can still be hindered by traps, and while strong attacks won't destroy them, they'll knock them out of the way!)
"Can we interact with Capella or Janus?"
Poor Janus is trying to put all the artwork back where it belongs by capturing them. He's in no danger for this, as the art in the museum will not attack their curator. Interacting with Capella the Statue might bring the wrath of her giant cat out to you, so. You've been warned!
"What if my muse saw something from their own world in a painting or a statue?"
That's incredibly unfortunate--those might be hostile too, and are subject to the rules that follow the other genuine painting monsters (meaning that the portrait of that character will not have any of their original powers or abilities.)
Whether the subject of the art your muse is familiar with will help or hinder them is up to mun discretion.
"Can't we just bust down the museum and escape?"
And destroy the biggest piece of art in the area?! (No, they won't budge. You'll have to draw your way out if you want to escape, either through a door or some kind of tunnel or something.)
"When will the sun rise?"
Not for 24 hours in-character (though the event will last until Jun 11th). Extended night time, woo!
"What happens if our muses get got by the museum?"
Muses that were defeated and failed to survive the challenge will have their portrait put up on the Wall of Shame, reflecting how they lost the challenge. They won't respawn until the sun rises, either!
"What if I have a question that's not listed here?"
Feel free to direct any questions you may have to the Masterlist!
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
"I thought you said everything would be fine!" Came the panicked footsteps of Janus, running to grab the frame the portrait monster crawled out of, picking it up with surprising ease.
"In my defense, I assumed everything would be." The statue of Caelum replied, furrowing his eyebrows and scrolling through a wall of code. Other statues of a Goddess-like Pleiades and an Antiquated Attired Alathfar, joining as guests, seemed to realize the issue before their older companion did.
"...Yes, nothing in here changed. But I don't see anything about..."
From the other side of the stage, Capella's statue pranced forth, stickers still glittering in the dark, somehow.
"That's just the first page." "The first page?" Caelum and Janus echoed back in confusion. "First page!~"
The grin still stayed on her cheeks from sticker to sticker, while Janus' increasingly scrunched in accusation.
"...I'll be damned. There were two pages after all." "DAD!" "I didn't see it, honest!" "I can't BELIEVE you!" "Now now, it was an honest mistake, really--!"
And as the old man's statue got quite the scolding from his son, Pleides and Alathfar stepped aside, meeting with Capella.
"Was there really a page two?" Pleiades asked, adjusting her comically large, rounded glasses. To that, Capella merely rocked on her heels, smile never fading.
"It's entirely possible Caelum got so wrapped up in helping Janus plan the museum that he overlooked it. Which is endearing, in a way. But..."
As Alathfar trailed off, the three of them looked back at the other statue trying to placate his agitated son, and grimaced in unison (except for Capella, who still seemed to be beaming with delight.)
None of them seemed keen on getting in the middle of the quarrel, and were only relieved when Janus stormed off with his empty frame.
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hiddenstar · 3 years
     As quaint as this whole Tempus Museum was, she recognized that any time the Stars had a personal stake in matters, there was some sort of catch. Yet even so, it piqued Okina’s curiosity as one so wholly interested in the arts as she was. And that’s why, after a brief foray about the museum, the god had stepped into the ballroom, looking quite unlike herself. 
Wearing a white formal shirt with a decidedly orange tie and a black collared vest over it, along with a pair of black ankle-high slacks and dress shoes, one could hardly tell it was her had they not been used to seeing her all that often
At any rate, seated idly in her wheelchair, the god looked onward at the dance floor with light surprise. “... Hmm? They did say formal, but...”
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“Had I known formal meant any kind of formalwear, then I wouldn’t have changed... but I suppose wearing something like this is nice every now and then.”
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plenoptical · 3 years
@san-ta || event starter.
For a man like Light, an art gallery would seem entirely useless. And while it was true that he could not view the art in the usual manner, he still found himself drawn to the museum regardless, not for the art, but the creation of art of his own.
It had been much too long since he’d played the harp. Since joining the SOIS with Clover, he had had less time to play, and since coming to this world, he’d lacked an instrument to play at all. But all types of tools were to be found in this studio, and simply by asking, Light had found his way to a harp.
Currently, he was playing, lithe fingers plucking a serene melody from the strings. As usual, his eyes remained close, but now a soft smile adorned his features. It was a song of his own making, one he’d yet to truly finish, but one he had missed playing nonetheless.
As he played, he was aware of familiar footsteps enter the room, but continued without a word for his audience of one.
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This was kind of exciting! Mariela had never gone to a fancy party before. It’s not like the Labyrinth City had all that many resources or noble population to make big parties a regular occurrence. The people of the city were always too busy just making it through to the next day. The world of the rich and powerful had always eluded her, even though her best friend was an elegant noble she always felt intimidated by her graceful nature. By comparison Mariela was just an unrefined country girl. 
But one thing that would never elude this girl? Free food. She had heard that the gala was going to have free snacks, and she could not have ran down Pearl Street to buy a dress fast enough. She felt strange being all dressed up here, but at work earlier that morning she had managed to wrangle Altair into attending the ball with her. Hopefully, she thought, as a lookout so she could clean off as many plates as possible before catering banned her from the snack table. She was slightly disappointed by the assortment here. Every one of these foods were so small! Like a sample cup at a grocery market! She’d have to spend all night hovering around the table to be full from this...and she’d be tempted to if her companion hadn’t arrived when he did.
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“Altair, there you are! There’s already a lot of people here, huh? And the stars on the ceiling are reeeeally neat! It must have taken a long time to put them all up there.” Ignore the spinach puff crumbs that are on the side of her mouth. She could conduct herself in public. (Not).
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mystictechbo · 3 years
baddestdangerboy liked for an event starter
The quiet halls of the museum are disturbed by an angry, paint-covered tutle dashing through its halls. His current weapon of choice seems to be a broom he lifted from a janitor’s closet, its bristles dripping with paint even more than he does.
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“Hey!” he skids to a stop near a stranger, leaving a colourful paint trail behind him. “Have you seen a kid here, about this tall, dressed in purple, carrying my paintball gun?”
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