sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
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                                                         ( OOC. )
I finally made icons for my Aph Denmark blog. So if anyone is apart of the fandom, It’d be  cool if you pointed me into the direction of your blog. That is all.
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
What costume should my muse wear for Halloween?
Send in my askbox and my muse will react to your suggestion.
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
"My head's a bowling ball."
Transcripts of the Drunk
( Accepting )
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                       “ Well knock down some pins! “ Sets 10 shots in front of her. 
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
❛ Oh, do lighten up. ❜ ( PUNS??? )
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“ Perhaps I should lighten you up. Uhm. Like.. Yeah. “ 
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
Who is your Favorite FT Dragon Slayer?
Answer in the tags~ I’m curious~
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
Transcripts of the Drunk
"Do you have a clitoris?"
"Can I have my cheesecake now?"
"We have cheesecake for breakfast."
"That was more satisfying than any dick I've ever had."
"Sausage you gay-kun."
"I'll go all the way."
"Don't touch my ass that's reserved for nothing."
"I will drink all ten."
"I think I've been sitting on your bra!"
"What size is this?"
"Find my bra."
"She held my hand- smacking is the same as holding."
"My head's a bowling ball."
"He would jump on that dongle."
"They're so gay for each other."
"She sat on a box."
"What time is it here?"
"Did you break my phone?"
"I like towers."
"Does that turn you on?"
"Are you talking about his dick?"
"She was only a little bubble."
"I am all of One Direction."
"I don't want you to grope my butt."
"I want to grope your butt!"
"I like homosexuals."
"He wrote me smut that made me cry."
"Because they are a dick."
"I could stab her in the ass."
"The asshole would hurt more."
"Saturday is hard liquor day."
"Lean towards the tub."
"There goes my ring."
"Your boobs are the most generic boobs. Like they're attractive, but there's nothing weird about them."
"I'm soooo gay for her oh my goood."
[text]: In drunk bowww says kai tight now cause i stoke the phone
[text]: Not drunk yet. Sooon.
[text]: I thought my shitty touter had three lightsand one blingink
[text]: In drinking my fourth oneeee
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
Send Me a symbol for how you feel
❊ I want to roleplay with you
✸ I want to plot with you
✤ I want to ship with you
✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great
❦ I sort of secretly ship a thing with your muse(s)
✷ I wish our characters was friends
✢ I like your characters
✱ I don’t like your characters
✣ I like the way you express your muse(s)
✫ I don’t like the way you express your muse(s)
☬ I feel like your characters are underdeveloped
❂ I don’t agree on all your headcanons
✡ I agree on all your headcanons
❋ Your blog is one of my favs
✦ I like seeing you on my dash
✵ I don’t follow you for roleplay
✧ I wish you would notice me
✩ You intimidate me
✪ You seem like a cool person
✺ You’re hard to approach
✻ I wish you weren’t so shy
❄ I look up to you
❆ I love your art
❇ I love the way you write
* I want to learn to know you
# I’m too shy to approach to you
☓ We should talk!
♥ *Your choice what to write*
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
Halloween Starters
Boo! Some starter sentences for you to spookily send into your partners' inboxes...like a ghost. A ninja ghost. Per usual, feel free to change words/pronouns!
“How does my costume look?”
“Well...this is awkward. One of us is going to have to change.”
“I can't believe they wore the same costume to the party.”
“Trick or treat!”
“Hey, look at this costume... 'Sexy Minion'.”
“Maybe she wore a Sexy Corn costume because she has a food kink?”
“Boo! Did I scare you?”
“Whoa, let's go through that haunted house. Or are you scared?”
“Scared? Me? O-Of course not!”
“Look at our haunted house reaction photo -- we look so stupid!”
“Are you gonna stay at home and hand out candy?”
“Where'd the candy go?”
“Hypothetical question, but would you be mad if I told you that I ate all of the candy?”
“Wh-What's that behind you?”
“So like, if we were in a horror movie, which one of us would die first?”
"...What are you supposed to be?"
"I'm a candy corn vampire princess! I couldn't decide on just one thing. So I went as everything."
"Hey, let's throw toilet paper at _______'s house!"
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
OMFG!!! I'm so pissed at myself! I just found the serial number I need for manga studio on the back of the paper thing that held the disk. Agh. I wasted money buying it from the site. My head hurts.
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
The Lion King: Sentence Starters
❛   Life’s not fair, is it?  ❜ ❛   And you.. shall never see the light of another day.  ❜ ❛   Oh, I shall practice my curtsy.  ❜ ❛   I’m afraid I’m at the shallow end of the gene pool.  ❜ ❛   Don’t turn your back on me.  ❜ ❛   I wouldn’t dream of challenging you.  ❜ ❛   There’s one in every family. Two in mine, actually.  ❜ ❛   He’d make a very handsome throw rug.  ❜ ❛   And just think, whenever he gets dirty you can take him out and beat him.  ❜ ❛   Let an old pro show you how it’s done.  ❜ ❛   This is so humiliating.  ❜ ❛   I despise guessing games.  ❜ ❛   Oh, goodie.  ❜ ❛   Yes, well, forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know.  ❜ ❛   Well, I suppose you’d have found out sooner or later, you being so clever and all.  ❜ ❛   I’m kind'of in the middle of a bath.  ❜ ❛   One day, you two are going to be married.  ❜ ❛   With an attitude like that, I’m afraid you’re shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king/queen indeed.  ❜ ❛   Right now, we are all in very real danger.  ❜ ❛   Danger? Hah! I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger.  ❜ ❛   Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom?  ❜ ❛   Hey, did we order this dinner to go? .. ‘Cause there it goes.  ❜ ❛   Why don’t you pick on somebody your own size?  ❜ ❛   I thought you were very brave.  ❜ ❛   You could have been killed.  ❜ ❛   I’m only brave when I have to be.  ❜ ❛   I thought I might lose you.  ❜ ❛   No wonder we’re dangling at the bottom of the food chain!  ❜ ❛   Oh, it’s just you. I was afraid it was somebody important.  ❜ ❛   I just hear that name and I shudder.  ❜ ❛   I’m surrounded by idiots.  ❜ ❛   Who needs a king/queen?  ❜ ❛   If you tell me, I’ll still act surprised.  ❜ ❛   You are such a naughty boy.  ❜ ❛   Long live the king/queen.  ❜ ❛   You know, having a lion around might not be such a bad idea.  ❜ ❛   Amateur. Lie down before you hurt yourself.  ❜ ❛   When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.  ❜ ❛   If you live with us, you’re gonna have to eat like us.  ❜ ❛   You mean a bunch of royal dead guys are watching us?  ❜ ❛   Oh, do lighten up.  ❜ ❛   Why am I not loved?  ❜ ❛   Your timing couldn’t have been more perfect.  ❜ ❛   Then you have sentenced us to death.  ❜ ❛   Let me get this straight. You know her, she knows you, but she wants to eat him, and everybody’s okay with this?  ❜ ❛   I really missed you.  ❜ ❛   You know, you’re starting to sound like my father/mother.  ❜ ❛   You think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life?  ❜ ❛   Would you stop following me? Who are you?  ❜ ❛   I’m not the one who’s confused. You don’t even know who you are!  ❜ ❛   The past can hurt, but from the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.  ❜ ❛   Remember who you are.  ❜ ❛   Carnivores, ugh!  ❜ ❛   This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will?  ❜ ❛   What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?  ❜ ❛   If it weren’t for you he/she would still be alive. It’s your fault he/she’s dead.  ❜ ❛   You don’t deserve to live!  ❜
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
omfg im so fucking pissed right now. I have no idea where to find whatever this serial number is for manga studio 5 and i bought the fucking thing twice. That’s like almost 100 dollars most likely wasted if I don’t find register the number. At first I got it off amazon and the box didn’t have the serial number on it. So  then i got the digital version on the site and it still needs the stupid number. Augh. I’m ready to like go on a damn killing spree. This shit is irritating the fuck outta me. 
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
( brackets are optional add-ons from the lyrics if they make sense for your muses. feel free to change any pronouns to suit you! )
Dead to me: “My condolences.” “I wanna kill you.” “Who’s gonna save you now?” “Baby, you’re dead to me.” “I’ll mourn you when you go.” “I need to say sorry.” “I used to say sorry (for all of the stupid shit you’ve done).” “If I told you (again) you would think I was crazy.”
Bittersweet tragedy: “He held my heart and let it go.” “Beginning sweetness never stays.” “I guess I held on for too long.” “I spit you out, and brush my teeth.”
Dollhouse: “Play with your dolls.” “We’ll be a perfect family.” “Mom, please weak up!” “No one ever listens.” “[Don’t let them/one day they’ll] see what goes down (in the ____).” “Get in your place(s).” “Everyone thinks that we’re perfect (please don’t let them look through the curtains).” ”Smile for the picture!” “I see things that nobody else sees.”
Carousel: “Will I catch up to love? (I could never tell.)” “Chasing after you is like a fairy tail.” “Oh, come take my hand.” “We’re always this close.” “Right when I’m near, it’s like you disappear.” “It’s all fun and games, ‘til somebody falls in love.” “There’s no turning back now.” “Why did you steal my (cotton candy) heart?”
melanie martinez starters [1/?]
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
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“ ...·“ Just nods.·
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
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                    You holds the key to my heart .                                                   ✰ ♡
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
“Fucking deck that guy in the face.”
Skype Quotes Sentence Starters
( Accepting )
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                     “ Nah. Yesterday was a leg day. I was thinking a                       round house kick would do the trick. “
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
“Nooo, he hangs with pretty girls and I’m a loser.”
Skype Quotes Sentence Starters
( Accepting )
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                        “ C’mon. Yer not a loser. And you are pretty.                          On top of that, who’s t’say he doesn’t like                          pretty loser girls? Just go hang out with him. “
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sanctidraco-blog · 9 years
“I hate fucking sitting in dungeons.”
Skype Quotes Sentence Starters
( Accepting )
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“ Woah?? Dungeons are fun! ““ It’s fun if you look around. You can find tons of old stuff. “
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