talitaemy · 4 years
Pandemic Tales: The Struggle of Routines
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Hello again!
I've sketched this one about 3 times, let's see if I can keep the focus now XD
When all of this started (for me it was around the end of March I think? what's even time anymore?) I saw all that posts on social media about "keeping the routine", "doing the everything on the same time as you used to outside quarantine", but let me tell you: THAT'S FREAKING HARD.
I tried to stay the same, waking up at the same time, eating what I usually ate, doing whatever I usually did. 
But my body was telling me "girl, that ain't working anymore",  first of all, I got around 2h+ on my day because I wasn't commuting anymore, so what would I do with this time? Second, because I live far away from the office, if I ate something light in the morning, leaving home by 7:30AM, when it was 10AM I was already starving for lunch, so I used to have a "kinda traditional Japanese breakfast" because I needed all of that, I was using up my energy in the morning, but then, working from home, things change, right?
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We as humans have the hability to adapt, and adapt fast, my mom always told me our bodies tell us what we need, our cravings have meanings, and I wasn't craving as much food, I was more and more tired, I started waking up later and later, or waking up really early and couldn't go back to sleep, so by the time I needed to stat working, I was already tired.
I've lost track of time, so I don't remember exactly when it happened, but I decided to try to do something different in the morning, if I woke up early, read a book, watch some netflix, trying to make something out of it, and it worked, for a while. Then I got a nintendo switch lite and my mornings got dedicated to animal crossing new horizons (which made me get the 3 stars in one month XD), but still I somehow went to a bad place (even with animal crossing in my life, who would tell).
My therapist told me to find something outside, I needed to at least go out a little, so I decided to take morning strolls, since the streets are usually empty at 6AM, it made me feel less "unsafe". And it helped, I tried to not make it a "obligation", so if I woke up not feeling like it, I wouldn't (but that's a difference on "not feeling like walking" and "not feeling like doing anything", the later is something I need to keep myself in check).
And then I discovered the good things about "not having a routine", not doing the same thing every single day, not planning every single thing about my day, things that used to bring me comfort before. Why was I doing that? Why isn't it helping now? I know a lot of people say routines are good, but now I think you should do whatever feels right to you, if it is having a routine, have it, but if not, go with the flow. Even more on weird times like we are living now, I think we should hear our bodies and minds with care.
I'm not sure for how long this "not planned lifestyle" will last, but it's working for now (: I hope you're having a great day/night wherever you are, and if not, it's okay, you will get better soon.
ps: atualizarei este post com a versão em português mais pra frente❤️
--- [ 🎶 ] Studio Ghibli Jazz Beats - Relaxing Jazz Hiphop & lofi Music For Study, Work 
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talitaemy · 4 years
hey, again (:
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Hello, it's me, kinda a year later.
This is not the first time I make something, get hella excited and then stop doing it😞 I don't know why and I also didn't explore this with my therapist yet, oh well.
I opened my evernote notebook on "tumblr" and I wrote TONS of posts and never finished editing to actually post it, but then "life" got in my way, I started working more and doing other things that took more time.But I want to write, last week I went to a new café and the first thing I thought was "uuh, I should write something about this", not that I have an audience (yet), but this is something I want to do, for myself. I spent a good portion of the quarantine thinking about writing here, but what to write? I thought about writing about the places I went, but it made me feel sad because I'm scared most of them won't survive the pandemic. Now some places I like starting to open again and new ones are opening too, so it gave me some energy.  🙂
Let's hope I can post more often. PS.: Also, I think it's good for me to start writing in Portuguese too, I'm talking about places in Brazil after all, I'm more comfortable with English (even though it's not my mother language), but who oh well, it makes more sense, right? So I'm thinking of posting it on the same post, although I have some pretty long posts ~ but let's see how it goes!
🇧🇷 : Oiê, sou eu, um ano depois.
Não é a primeira vez que eu faço algo, fico mega empolgada e aí paro de fazer😞 eu não sei o porquê, e eu ainda não consegui falar sobre isso com a minha terapeuta, bom...
Eu abri o caderno do meu evernote e vi que escrevi VÁRIOS posts e nunca terminei de editar pra postar, coisas começaram a acontecer na minha vida e eu comecei a trabalhar mais e fazer mais coisas que tomaram bastante do meu tempo.Mas eu quero escrever, semana passada eu fui num café que abriu recentemente e a primeira coisa que eu pensei foi "uuh, eu deveria escrever algo sobre isso", não que eu tenha uma audiência (ainda), mas isso é algo que eu quero fazer, por mim. Eu passei uma boa parte da quarentena  pensando sobre escrever e postar, mas o que fazer? Pensei em escrever sobre os lugares que eu já fui, mas me deixava triste porque tenho medo de que a maioria não vai sobreviver à pandemia. Agora, alguns lugares começaram a abrir novamente e novos começaram a surgir, isso me deu um pouco de energia.🙂
Vamos rezar pra que eu poste com mais frequência.
PS.: Sim! Agora eu resolvi traduzir alguns dos meus posts para português, apesar de minha língua materna ser português, eu me sinto mais confortável escrevendo em inglês, mas como eu estou falando de lugares no Brasil, faz sentido, ne! Eu estou pensando em deixar ao final do post em inglês, apesar de eu ter uns posts beeeeem grandes~ mas vamos ver!
🐣 📷
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talitaemy · 5 years
Adulthood is bittersweet: Quitting my first job
안녕하세요! 恵美です~ 
  Seriously, I'd never guess this would be my first post after the Beauty Fair. I was actually planning on a "long time no see, I survived the Beauty Fair once again" post (which is not a lie, I did survive, I still don't know how, but I did), but like almost everything in my life, something came up and changed my plans, and it made this one of the craziest weeks of my life.
So, on Monday I received a message from one of my sunbaes asking how I was doing, and I replied "fine, what about you?" and I could feel he rolling his eyes when he texted back "no, I meant if you're looking for a job", and I thought "I am looking for a job ever since my 6th month here" (let me stop myself right here, yes, I spent 4 years, FOUR FREAKING YEARS on a job that I didn't like, doing something that made me wake up on Mondays asking myself WHY, anyways), there was a job opening at his company and he wanted to know if I'd be interested, and, what makes me mad at myself is: I know I don't like my job, I want a new job, it's been so hard to find an opportunity, but I was taken aback, I was scared.
Still, I couldn't live like that anymore, so I decided to accept meeting his boss. They asked me to come by on Tuesday and I was like OMG PLS LET ME TALK TO MY THERAPIST FIRST (which was a great idea, 11/10 would recommend, people), and we agreed on Wednesday night after work.
Talking to my therapist first was so good, firstly because I needed that little push, and also she helped me understand that I actually couldn't see my qualities, neither as a pro (and yes, finally I am calling myself a pro), nor as a person, when she asked "okay, let's try it, tell me some of your qualities" and I panicked, I couldn't tell her, because I couldn't see it. People who worked with me before, told me that, somehow, they at this company make us think we're not good enough (as if this wasn't the millennial problem yall, we all need hugs, WE ARE ENOUGH), and I couldn't believe her, but then I saw it, and this week's session was on "being me is enough", all the other interviews I went I tried to be "the perfect candidate for the job" but I didn't believe I was the perfect candidate and this time I had my sunbae believing in me.
And, surprisingly (to me), they liked me, the person who interviewed me asked me to start on Monday. MONDAY. We were on Wednesday, which meant that I had TWO BUSINESS DAYS TO TIDY EVERYTHING. One small part of me was scared and may thought "let's just stay how we are" but a (now/recently) bigger part said "FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, TAKE THIS JOB" and I did it, I spent all Thursday trading emails with HR and an accountant, arranging documents and my stomach was on the edge, and today (Friday) everything got solved (well, almost, because my now past bosses didn't talk to me, neither signed my resignation letter, the HR lady said I could go in peace she'd take care of it, but still, C'MON - and I wanted to do the Korean/Japanese drama scene, where I take the resignation letter to my boss, but he wasn't in the office the whole week =3= but okay).
Saying my goodbyes was okay, it still didn't hit me, and I don't know how it will, the only thing that really hit me was parting with my work-bestie, I couldn't even look him in the eyes, I know he was happy for me, I saw the smile on his face when I showed him my resignation letter, but I don't know how I will deal with work without him. (yup, I cried)
Furthermore, after I got home I started feeling nostalgic, this was my very first job after college, my first "real-world experience", everything that I know about the field, I learned there. It was tough, exhausting, sad, but at the same time, I had some good moments, I met good people (and some not-so-good, but ANYWAYS). And I got to hug some coworkers and they told me "you're a great pro" and "you are an amazing person" and "you can do whatever you want that I know you will succeed" and DAMN IT YOU ALL STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME CRY.
But, since my internship I saw myself as the "baby" of the office, because back then I was the baby, I never saw myself as a pro because I still thought I was the baby, a kid, someone who couldn't do better because it was still "a baby" (although, I was doing it), and weirdly enough on my very last day I realized that, no, I'm not a baby anymore, I trained people even before I graduated from my internship at the publisher, I did campaigns by myself, I created things from the scratch, it's still weird for me, but I am a pro, and apparently I am good at this.
I know this may sound a little weird, but I think that's how Impostor Syndrome works? maybe that was it, always thinking it was just "luck" or that people were being nice to me because I was pitiful, naive or something like that? Anyhow, Monday will literally be a new day, and I will be facing it with a fresh mindset. Let's see how it works out. 
그런, またね♡
PS. probably food-related posts will be back soon (and also some more projects I was sketching while that chaos that is Beauty Fair).
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talitaemy · 5 years
なにこれ?Choux Cream
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🍽️ Pastry 🌍 France 👅 Sweet 💖💖💖 (aka liked, but it's not my first choice of sweet)
안녕하세요! 恵美です~
Honestly, I thought I would start with a Japanese dish, but the first thing I've ever had on 89ºC was choux cream and I had no idea what that was, I just knew it had matcha and it was sweet and I wanted it. It's basically a kinda sweet-chewy pastry with a custard cream filling.
Choux cream has recently made its way on the popular taste here in Brazil (at least from what I know, after tasting it for the first time in 2018, I started to see it more and more around the pastries and etc, also, I found that a Pâtissier from São Paulo, named Vivianne Wakuda, had a workshop in 2017 about choux cream, so it might be around that time it started to get popular.
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It's more known as cream puff in the USA and it originates from the French choux a la creme, but, apparently, the choux cream is a Japanese twist on the original recipe, having the choux shell softer and chewier. For me, it reminded me of the carolina we have usually here (which, if I'm not mistaken, it's similar to éclairs and profiteroles), which makes sense since it's the choux pastry is used to make this kind of sweet.
Wikipedia says it was created by a chef named Pantarelli in 1540, and the name choux is given that the pastry resembles cabbages (which now that I see, I will never unsee it), and according to this blog, a Japanese cake shop started selling choux cream back in the 1890s, getting popularized in the 1950s, back to the time where French-ish things were popular in Japan. (this blog also has the recipe, which doesn't look that hard, but I don't love choux cream enough to try it XD).
Although I didn't love it, it is good, so much I tried having it on Nara Lamen as my dessert, Nara's one is smaller, about half of the size of the 89ºC's one (and it wasn't with matcha), which I believe for this kind of sweet it's better (89ºC's was bigger than my wrist), and the matcha didn't add much to the taste, so yeah, Nara Lamen wins this one. I didn't take a picture from the Nara's one, but you can see it on their instagram, here and here.
그런, またね♡
ps.: I got really inclined to try it on the Tanabata Matsuri too, but I found my favorite food truck standing right next to it, so I decided to grab myself a ginger ale.
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EDIT: I wrote this post on July 17th, but on the 20th I went to Yu Yatai Restaurant for my birthday and had THE BEST CHOUX CREAM EVER. smaller than Nara's one, THE PERFECT SIZE, COLD, MUSHY AND DELICIOUS.
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talitaemy · 5 years
Create for the sake of creating. Don't strive for perfection, strive for completion.
Rowena Tsai, related to this article.
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talitaemy · 5 years
Japan Festival '19 • The 22nd Edition
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📌 São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center • Rod. Imigrantes KM1,5 (there are buses come-and-go from Jabaquara Station to the festival for free :D ⏰ July 5, 6 and 7th of 2019 (it depends on the year) • I went on the 6th♡ 🎫 R$28 this year (you can buy it on the event or on some stores/websites, that is usually cheaper) 🚗 YES. there are parking lots (R$50) 🍽️ Festival, traditional cuisine from Japanese provinces and some other stuff that I have no idea why 💰 $$ (aka: well, since you're there, u gotta eat) 🌐 website • instagram • twitter • facebook • youtube 💖💖💖💖
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안녕하세요! 恵美です~
SO! After many many years I finally went to the Japan Festival again! I used to go every year when I was younger (when it was all in the open, no roof at all, now it's a MASSIVE STRUCTURE), but somehow it ended up always in a hurry and I didn't enjoy going anymore. This year I even considered going because it was the Hello Kitty 45th anniversary and I really wanted to go to this specific event, but I was kinda meh about it, plus it is a little bit expensive, BUT MY FRIEND INVITED ME and paid for my ticket so I needed to go lmao thanks my friend ♡
The festival started on 1998, to celebrate the 90th Japanese Immigration Anniversary and was organized by the KENREN with the intention of share and celebrate de Japanese culture in Brazil, it changed places around 3 times and settled on the São Paulo Expo Center, having a different theme each year, always bringing events, booths, music and food representing the Japanese provinces (this year, unfortunately, Kyoto and Kanagawa didn't attend </3).
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Back to when I used to attend to this festival, that was a gianourmous 鳥居 (torii the Japanese entrance gate), but this year I didn't see it, instead right when you pass the ticket office, you're greeted by Bradesco's booth (which is styled as a Japanese traditional house, with a cute garden and all) followed by the immense Toyota, Honda and Nissan booths where cars and motorcycles are showcased. Also, if you take off your attention of the car booths, on the very right, there's a little 活け花 (ikebana) exposition and a tea ceremony area, and this year there was a secret not-so-secret Hello Kitty hidden there!
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The festival is structured by streets (A, B, C, D, E and F, vertically, while the horizontal ones don't have specific names) and the principal one, on the middle, called the Japan Ave (it's the largest where the biggest and most outstanding booths *COUGHS* HELLO KITTY *COUGHS* are. On the very end of the vertical streets, there are 2 recreational areas, the children's (this year they had activities like 折り紙 (origami), おにぎり (onigiri) making, etc) and the elderly's (usually they have radio-taiso), and after that, the Food Court, while on the sides there are "resting spaces" and toilets, after the food court, there's a stage where some dance and musical events are performed (and also not a lot of people go there, so if you want to chill, go straight there).
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As soon as we got there (around noon), we were s-t-a-r-v-i-n-g, so we ignored all the non-food-booths and went directly to the food court (except by me slowly walking pass some obassans that were wearing kimonos ♡), our mission there: お好み焼き (okonomiyaki) from Wakayama (Booth 18), but I misread the map on hashitag and we ended up in front of a たこ焼き (takoyaki) booth, from Gifu (Booth 24), which we decided on trying, because takoyaki is the best yaki. And on our way to the search for the okonomiyaki, a lovely obassan suggested us to try the outdoor booths, and we went to the Nara Booth (31) where we tried the 炉ばた (robata), which I've never heard of and it was AMAZING, totally worth the price.
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Now full and ready for a walk, we decided on walking around, going through the horizontal streets, and that got totally ruined when we spotted the HELLO KITTY BOOTH, which was sooo crowded (after all, it's Kittyさん), but fortunately, all the lines I entered there were pretty fast, and we got our Hello Kitty 45th Anniversary Special Ice Cream from the cutest Ice Cream shop ever, Dona Nuvem (they're known for their cotton-candy ice cream ♡) red velvet flavored (best choice e-v-e-r), the bitterness of the ice cream balanced perfectly with the chocolate and it was like, the cutest and tastiest ice cream ever. We also got to enjoy the booth, taking pictures, strolling to the full store, etc. (oh, and there we met one of his students, she's lovely~, actually, we ran into like, 4 of his students there).
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We also stopped by: the Yakult booth (yakults units were just R$1!!), the Panco booth, the Hirota Food Express (a food/supermarket chain, partner(?) of Daiso Japan here in Brazil) and we got some お弁当 (obento) and drinks because, let's be honest, we were there for food. (also, there was a book launch happening there)
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Furthermore, there are a lot of shops there, you can buy everything from cosplay to ドラマ (drama), clothing (t-shirts to kimonos), plants, funkos, accessories, etc etc etc (it's kinda you gotta already know the price outside the event, some things are pricier other things are actually cheaper)
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And very lastly, we returned to our first mission: お好み焼き (okonomiyaki), we found the booth and IT WAS SO EXPENSIVE (R$27) BUT SO GOOD, so yeah, festival food. and all the notes from the food court were personalized and so cute so it was okay ;A; (and I also got an いちご大福 (ichigo daifuku) that I forgot to take a picture ;___;)
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That's it! that was a kinda brief description of my experience of this year's Japan Festival ♡ it was the first time I really enjoyed it, so I'm kinda looking forward the next one (they already have a date!)~
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oh, and they were selling this adorable mug for Hello Kitty 45th Anniversary ♡♡♡ 그런, またね♡
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talitaemy · 5 years
Introducing the "なにこれ? Series"
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안녕하세요! 恵美です~
While writing the post of the Japan Festival (that will be up this week maybe I hope), I noticed if I needed to explain every single food I ate there, it would be soooo looong (and it's already long without it), so I thought about linking it to a wikipedia page, or maybe my favorite Japanese food blog, just one cook book. But then, I think I prefer explaining it myself and telling the story/feelings about it myself, so there it is the "なにこれ?" (what is this?) series, where I'm going to explain about some term/food/etc. (I will probably start with the ones on the Japan Festival post and maybe the 89°C Coffee Station one.  お楽しみにお願いします !
For now, allow me to explain my greetings and my farewell phrase. 안녕하세요 (ahn-nyeong-ha-se-yo) 🇰🇷 "hello" 恵美です (e-mi-de-su) 🇯🇵 "I'm Emy" 
그런, またね (keu-reon, ma-ta-ne)  그런 (keu-reon) 🇰🇷 "then" またね (ma-ta-ne)  🇯🇵 "see you" 
bonus: お楽しみにお願いします (o-ta-no-shi-mi-ni-o-ne-ga-i-shi-ma-su) 
🇯🇵 お楽しみに "look forward to" +  お願いします  "please" ∴ Please, look forward to it!  
그런, またね♡ 
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talitaemy · 5 years
Cafeteria: 89°C Coffee Station
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📌 Praça da Liberdade, 169 - Liberdade (São Paulo/SP) - as soon as you exit de subway station by the left exit, you will be able to see their sign, so it's pretty easy
⏰ every day, from 7:30AM to 8PM
🍽️ Cafeteria / Coffee Shop
💰 $$ (aka: acceptable price, but I wouldn't go there every day)
🌐 instagram
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89°C Coffee Station opened around the end of the year 2017 at the Japanese neighborhood of São Paulo, Liberdade, near downtown, replacing a home appliances shop. The name comes from 89°C being the perfect temperature to brew coffee.
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It resembles the coffee shops in Japan, following the trend to have spaces more comfy and instagramable, it's a place where you can stay hours, read a book, draw, etc, but also have a coffee or a doughnut to-go. Due to it's proximity to the subway station and the delicious foods and drinks, on weekends you probably will have a little of a hard time trying to get a sit (the first floor has some stand-tables, while the mezzanine has tables and some seats by the window, where it's really nice to sit by yourself or with one more person), but it's worth the trouble. Even though it's a really busy place, all the staff are really kind and will take their time to explain whatever you may need from them. I've seen one of their baristas pouring the coffee slowly so that the customer could make a boomerang for instagram, another one taking out a slice of cake perfectly so that the customer could film to post on their youtube channel, another one explaining the menu in Japanese to a Japanese old lady, so yeah, they're adorable.
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My to-go is karepan (bread filled with Japanese-style curry) with iced coffee, but you will be amazed with their variety of cute and sometimes thematic pastries and other baked/fried savory food. From what I remember, there's no specifically vegan option, but I might be wrong. As for drinks, they have a good variety of options like frappes, teas and coffee (somehow now everybody has the Hario v60 option, I've seen it first there!), but if I were you, I wouldn't choose as soon as I got in. Take their menu and head upstairs, there are more options there too! From little mouses to sandwiches, canned soft drinks and even obentos, also you can register your order (from the things that are sold upstairs) on their mini cashier there, also you can purchase their coffee beans to take home with you ♡ 
What I’ve gotten there so far:
matcha choux cream and matcha frappe
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espresso and pão de queijo (the famous brazilian “bread cheese”)
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kare pan and iced coffee
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macarons, doughnuts and this weird toast that IS SO GOOD
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katsu-sando (and for some reason the espresso here is on a papercup?)
also fiy katsu-sando is a breaded pork sandwich.
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it’s my favorite cafeteria in São Paulo right now, as can be seen for the tons of stuff I got there >3<)/
그런, またね  ♡
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talitaemy · 5 years
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If you’re already following me, you may get a little startled, once I used to post a lot back to 2012-2015, but then I disappeared, (except for posting some webcomics/portfolio stuff every once in a while).
So, I am back! I deleted all my posts up to a fresh start, even more because my content was most gifs, k-pop stuff, etc. I decided to resurrect this tumblr because first, I wanted to try a blog-ish thing that not twitter exactly, I wanted to be able to make a post, and some people kept asking me to share my fave Japanese restaurants, ASMR, etc etc, and I used to make a drive doc and send them the link, but then, why not a post?
Basically that’s this, if you’re new here(?) this sounds so influencer-wannabe, sorry XD welcome! My name is Emy, and the cat on the picture is my baby, Manjyu! nice to meet you~
Also, I feel way more comfortable in English, so most of the posts will be in English, maybe except for the restaurant ones? maybe bilingual?
For now, that’s it :D またね♡ 
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