Grown ass man hanging with Daughter and scrolling while she works on her homework...
Me: "Why am I getting ads for "Authentic Motherhood?"
Daughter (not missing a beat): "Cause Tumblr knows that deep down you identify as a housewife..."
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Every time I do a rewatch of B5 I am reminded this lives in my head rent free.
I have never voted for Trump and I would never vote for Trump because it simply goes against my principles and convictions.
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I love that this completely highlights both the man vs. bear debate as well as the base uncomfortablability that the average white guy engenders.
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In the middle of season three for probably the tenth time and this is so well put together in the way that it highlights the beauty of this show in its time.
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Hot damn.
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Buying a dlc doesn't seem quite enough.
I'm going to start sending the Mighty Coconut team fruit baskets.
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I love this take.
Also, 100% why I love DS9's writing to this day because they kept in all that subtext...
Garak was written as an elder troubled bisexual who is always careful with their connections but also strategically enjoys stirring up a little shit too as long as it gets under the skin of the right people. (I disagree with the 'loser' take a little, put Garak and Dukat side by side and the loser of the two becomes clear)
Also, I have to rewatch because I don't know if it was ever spelled out explicitly that Garak and Ziyal were actually having sex (and there plenty of examples through the show where its explicitly made clear with other characters)... it always struck me as Garak (sometimes imperfectly to be sure) was aware that Ziyal needed something, but was also wanting to take steps to be careful with where she was at.
Controversially, I think it was a logical and potentially even fairly interesting writing choice to give Ziyal romantic feelings for Garak, and it’s also totally believable that he didn’t have the emotional intelligence/wherewithal (or willingness to isolate himself even further) to reject her outright. I do get why it bothers people, and obviously the meta context is really unpleasant!
…but then I think about what Ziyal’s situation is. ‘I got rescued from a Breen camp as a young adult, and now I’m alone on this space station where almost everyone low-key hates people who look like me. Also, my dad who I just met sucks SO bad, but I am very traumatised and deeply alone and have been for a very long time so I want some kind of relationship with him. There’s one Cardassian here. He’s a screaming queen who is also my father’s arch nemesis, making him simultaneously the most dangerous and safest target for my sexual desires’. Like?? Yeah girl!! I’m sorry about all that but honestly, makes sense!!
Meanwhile, Garak is kind of a fucking loser (affectionate) whose Obsidian Order training did NOT prepare him for dealing kindly with a misguided young woman’s advances, but who absolutely would love to do anything at all to get under Dukat’s skin.
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This clip is saved to my phone now and will in fact be shared with all my acquaintances and loved ones.
Harris came to play! And respectfully, I might have gotten some vapors over it...
Dougie is a hella lucky guy...
Oh, she was thisclose to calling him something very impolite. 😂
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“They’re eating the pets! Orban loves me. I have concepts of a plan.”
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I watch the debate and see a candidate who has learned from those who came before her on how to speak to the bully that is Trump... someone who was self-controlled and competent and confident, and who held her own while showing her obvious contempt for his fictions and conspiracy theories and who so easily rattled him.
But I also know there is someone out there thinks Trump was strong and is still planning on voting for him...
We are going to be fighting for every inch between now and November...
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