sandman-john · 10 years
John looked at him all funny. "Four hours? Acre? Where's that?" He tried to put two and two together and piece information. "Are you a time traveller?" John had met a lot of interesting people in the Cirque, but the man he was speaking to in that very moment was proving to be one of the more intriguing characters.
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"I don’t know what that means…" He muttered, thinking for a moment. "Wait, I think I heard someone say that before, but once." The condescending look on the others face made Malik feel a twang of guilt. "I’m sorry, I have been here for maybe 4 hours, and this century is strange to me… I shouldn’t even be here, I should be in Acre in the year 1104. I am very confused by everything that is happening." He stopped talking for a few seconds, adding, "I don’t even know how I am able to speak English, I could only speak a few words of it yesterday."
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sandman-john · 10 years
The circus...the Cirque... [John smiled. The man must have misheard.]
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[He cocks his head] What do you mean? What is a cirque? I don’t understand.
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sandman-john · 10 years
Uh, just recently. No, no, you don't need to move in. Tristan's taking care of me [laughs] and making sure I get my "five a day" — did you know that was a thing? Weird, isn't it. But he said cheese strings don't count as part of my vegetables even though they could pass for tiny yellow leeks, so I'm going to trust him.
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You’re worryin’ me, Johnny…Do I need to move back in? [He sighed]…When did all of this start happenin’ again?
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sandman-john · 10 years
John found the beach almost as nice as the one in Hawaii. "Wow, I had no idea," he said half amazed, looking around them. As he sat down cross-legged in the sand he pulled off his shoes, wishing desperately that they had brought a blanket. "Man, we're really unprepared for this," John commented, squinting over at Tristan and wishing for some shades, a hat, and maybe a nice SPF 40 sunblock to go with it. Especially looking over at his fairer counterpart, he couldn't help but wonder. John had grown up under the blistering Arizona sun and was used to heat and UV rays, but he was sure that Tristan, with his rain and clouds in London, wasn't. "You sure you wanna sit there? Or should we find some shade?" 
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"Will do my love." Tristan said as he pulled the boy down the street. Smiling as he went, the water boy couldn’t have been happier if he tried. The feelings that were bubbling inside him were akin to that of a kid getting a puppy for Christmas. After finding a store to buy the milk, Tristan happily led John down to the beach. Finding a private little alcove for them to sit in. "It’s such a nice day out, don’t you think."
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sandman-john · 10 years
I like all of 'em. Actually, they're all Tristan's, he's the tea nut, but now I've become obsessed and I can't stop. Hmm... I'm feeling like Wild Berries right now. How's that?
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Uhh, I don’t know. That’s so many. Which your favourite? That one. I want to try that one.
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sandman-john · 10 years
Yeah. I mean, there's a girl that can talk to 'em, and one that can like, communicate with them but without speaking. You know, talented as we are in the Cirque and all that.
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I can not talk to her, I named her that. Is that something people can do in this century? Can they talk to horses?
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sandman-john · 10 years
[Looks inside the pot.] Uhh...Are you sure it's not the whole grain kind of pasta? You know, the brown-ish orange-ish ones?
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I think I did something wrong. It’s brown.
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sandman-john · 10 years
How do you know her name? Does she talk? Can you talk to it? 
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I don’t know who’s horse this is or what she is used for, but we have bonded. Her name is Fikra.
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sandman-john · 10 years
True, true. Alright, let's try this; it can't hurt. [Ducks head to open bottom cupboard, taking an old silver kettle out.] Or if it does and we have to get our stomachs pumped or something, I'm blaming you. [He laughed as he filled the kettle with water from the tap and put it on the stove, lighting it.] Do you want something to go with it? 
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Of course I meant mixed together, Sandy! [Laughs] I could never drink that many cups of tea. Unless I’d be sitting in the bathroom so I wouldn’t have to run to take a pee after every cup.
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sandman-john · 10 years
Oh wait, you mean mixed together? I thought you meant individual cups of tea. Which I'm sure I could do. I just — don't know if we have that many mugs. [laughs again.] Mixed together could be great or the worst thing ever. I'm leaning towards worst thing ever.
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Well.. I don’t know? They all sound good so if you put all of them together, maybe it’ll taste good too? Or it’ll be terrible, I don’t know.
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sandman-john · 10 years
Oh, come on [laughs]. Wait — you mean it?
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[Thinks for a bit] All of them.
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sandman-john · 10 years
So which one you want? There's  Orange & Cinnamon, Lemon, Vanilla, Chamomile, Mint, Peppermint, Black Mint, Rosewater, Lavender, and — [looks back at shelf stuffed with teas] — Wild Berries. [Laughs]
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sandman-john · 10 years
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sandman-john · 10 years
Never been in a lot of hospitals, was a pretty healthy kid growing up. Yeah, that definitely sounds like a better deal. And if you want a taste tester, you can look no further. [Winks.]
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Yeah, I'm better. I fainted a coupla times so they were running some tests and stuff. They couldn't find anything so that's a good thing, I guess. At least now I know I don't have Ebola.
You know, hospital food. Not exactly A+ taste. That sounds like a lot of effort for some dubiously tasting brownies. [shrugs] I can bake my own and be in charge of which aspect of them is… dubious.
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More importantly, are you feeling better now?
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sandman-john · 10 years
I love Pixar. And Disney. All of it. Peter Pan was my fave. But I loved Mulan too. Argh, I can't pick!
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-she bursted out laughing- Roz was my favorite!
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sandman-john · 10 years
"Well that's something we have in common," John said, then instantly regretted it. That was so lame John, why did you even say that? He shrugged his own words off approaching the restaurant, holding the door open for Tristan to go inside. "There's this little app called Google, it does wonders," John said with a cheeky grin. Once inside, the maitre'd recognised John, as if they had met before, and ushered the couple into the back of the restaurant. There was a red brick wall covered in ivy and trellises, behind which was a circular alcove, with a table separate from the rest. It looked just like the one from Lady and the Tramp: the checkered tablecloth, the candles, and the breadsticks, all there, and quite intentionally so. John pulled up a chair for Tristan to sit. "Monsieur."
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Bella Note || Tron
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sandman-john · 10 years
"Milk and cookies, wow, we sound like a couple of two year olds," John laughed. Though it wasn't particularly cold or breezy on the low streets of New Orleans, he stuck close to Tristan. "You know, since I had no clue that this beach even existed, you should lead the way." 
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"Milk, cookies, and a date with my favorite sandman. Sounds like the perfect night." Smiling, Tristan leaned down and kissed the others cheek softly. "You my love are a genius." He said before pulling him from the store and out onto the street.
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