sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
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ok so maybe he’s not supposed to be in here, but … he’s never used a real bow and arrow (well, not extensively. there was that one time he tried to learn in preparation for the idol star athletic championships, but…) and he’s kind of curious. he uses one made from his energy while he’s hwall, but obviously that doesn’t compare to a real bow and arrow. especially with draw weights, he’s never done that. so he gingerly fiddles with the strings of some practice bows, before sighing and taking his place in front of a target, empty handed.
his hands glow softly, a lilac energy emerging, before he raises his arms and a bow and arrow appears in his hands. his form isn’t perfect - but when he looses the fake arrow, it lands nicely in the center ring of the target. and dissipates into the air. and for the next hour, this repeats, the easiness of the motions bringing him peace and calm.
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“hey- you mind not doing that?” kena didn’t usually care enough about ANYTHING to be snappy ; it was only when her daughter was involved that things got on her nerves. keely was zooming around the space ( on both feet, thank you very much - no flying out of daddy’s eyesight ), and she was doing her best to keep up and keep an eye on her, but... she couldn’t feel entirely good about it if there was a guy shooting weird arrows just down the way. if she moved any way close to where he was at... oof. “kid at play.” 
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
* closed starter for @coopkents / “i love games that turn people against each other.”
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“yeah, i know. even if it was only for an hour, we still broke up over MONOPOLY, that time-” it had probably been more her fault than his, but rules didn’t exist when reminiscing. just the memory, and while at one point in time it mightn’t have been her favorite, it was pretty funny in retrospect. “we’re not supposed t’be encouraging her to turn against anyone, though. we’re supposed to be... i don’t know. nurturing her intellect? teaching her strategy? game night’s only gonna go ahead if we can agree on a game that’s FUN and educational.” yeah, so ; she was trying her hand at being that kinda mom. it was a choice. she did love monopoly, though.
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
mhe had been awake for hours when the doorbell rang (sleep was more of an activity than a necessity for him), but he had been in his bed scrolling through twitter, watching vine compilations, that sort of thing for hours. the front door swung open, “oh heyyyy, mak.” he pressed his hair down but it refused to lay flat, cooper leaned into the doorway. keely was supposed to go with mak tonight, unless- yeah, shit third saturday of the month. she went with kena in the morning on the third saturday of the month. grand. “okay so- keely stayed with my parents last night.” in metropolis, very far away by most standards (except his, he could get there and to her in minutes). “i got my dates wrong.” a small pause, he was waiting for a rightfully earned interjection of his multiple mess-ups in this scenario. “that’s- that’s on me and i’m sorry and i can make you coffee and then go get her and she’s a very slow flyer BUT- we’ll be back pronto. in a jiff.” ( @sangriiasister )
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she didn’t need the vocal confirmation ; she knew the minute the door opened that keely wasn’t there. however caught up she might’ve been in her room, however hyperactively she was running around his apartment, she almost never missed the chance to run and hug her when she stopped by to pick her up - still at that stage of childhood where such a bright greeting was just kinda standard. the fact she couldn’t hear her feet on hardwood floors and couldn’t see her in the immediate space was all she needed to know, and makena...-  she didn’t LIKE it, but a feeling that would do neither of them any good had started to settle in the pit of her stomach the minute that the realization struck. whenever they had been at their worst, and she had stormed off for a few hours to confide in her mum, neena had urged her to count to ten when she could feel her patience wearing thin. she had been young and full of rage, then, so she hadn’t heeded the advice ; but now she was older, and tired, and a mum herself. she was BEYOND frustrated, and she didn’t want the explanation - she wanted her daughter all packed up and ready to go - but with a flare of her nostrils and a deep, unhappy sigh, she started to count, one, two, three- “why is this a problem, cooper?” four, five, she couldn’t help the instinct of FULL naming him, even when she was trying to keep her cool, six- “she’s supposed to be here, like we agreed-” seven, eight, she had been feeling the absences moreso, lately, relying on keely’s presence almost TOO much to get her through an otherwise trying time, nine, ten, “we’re, just...-” fuck. she ran a hand through her braids, her frustration - at him, at herself, never clearer. “we’re supposed to be seeing my parents, today. later, but- today. how long is it gunna take?” 
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
“Ah, it’s always easier to blame things on what is easiest to blame. Astrology, for whatever reason, is universally trusted so it is easy to blame our stars for it. If it were that easy, I would have had to deal with far less.” Raynor leaned over to take the cigarette. “Smoking does not help you cope either. Down the line, it makes it worse.”
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“and what was in our stars, that destined us for such-” she took a deep breath, casting her eyes to the heavens, “fuckery.” maybe raynor had it easier. maybe not. makena had to live with the fact that she had spent her whole life thinking she was one thing, and now she was something that was MORE ; he hadn’t. she liked having answers. she really did. but they hadn’t been the ones that she expected, and the cigarettes were calming, much as she hated admitting. “you know i could pull out another one, right?” she quirked an eyebrow ; unusually calm about his choice of action, for little more reason than because she had yet to find her FOOTING with him. “if it’s your way of... brotherly looking out for me - i’ve probably already done irreparable damage to my lungs, anyway.”
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
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he scoffed. ❝ i only take… ⅓ of the net blame. ❞ he’d like to think his genetics aren’t strong enough to be able to have say over what hare parents raised her to be. ❝ well, he certainly sounds like a lively man. your mother, though, quite wonderful. very beguiled. ❞ anyone who could not admire neena thurman was thoughtless.
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“you know what?” she didn’t leave much time for him to give what he thought - it wasn’t THAT kind of question. “i’ll take that.” and what was more ; she was even kind of happy with it. makena was still getting used to this whole thing. she didn’t know loki as well as she knew neena, or nathan - she couldn’t even hope to, yet. but she liked to play games of ‘spot the similarities’, and she...- could accept that. even like it. much more from EITHER of them would have been too much, too quick. “he grows on you,” she assured ; fairly positive that loki didn’t much care, either way, but feeling like she had to say something nice about the father that raised her. “that does bring up the question, though, of just how much you knew about her, before you... y’know. jizzed and whizzed. did you know it was gonna be neena? did you plan that?”
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
❛ isn’t it weird how that became a scandalous thing? ❜ / @sangriiasister.
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“ you mean getting DRUNK during brunch ? i never would have guessed. “ gaia leaned back in her seat and took a sip from her third mimosa. “ and since when have you cared about what people think ? “ 
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“apparently it’s immature and ‘ruins the family get together’.” the smile that she coupled with her reply was tight, the humor sitting just a touch out of sorts, though she carried on and took another sip from her champagne flute. “uh... since now, maybe?” she shrugged ; brushing off the thought no sooner had she shared it, “i mean... whatever. i don’t, obviously. just a thought.”
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
‘ the other possible medical diagnosis is that you’re just a bit of a dick . ’ / @sangriiasister.
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“ that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me , “ naomi put her hand over her heart in mocked fashion. “ thank you so much. “ 
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“hey, kid - never let anyone tell you this fam isn’t one of love.” her smile was absolutely WICKED, though if anyone could handle it... makena was fairly sure it was naomi. “you wanna argue it? you think you’re not worthy of a ‘dick’ title?”
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
“Can you ever forgive me?” Isaac pouted over dramatically. He did consider cutting it from time to time, the hassle of the upkeep getting annoying to him. “Worse how?”
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“it’s gonna be tough, i gotta say.” lucky for him ; she cared. much as she loved pretending the exact opposite, kena’s heart was very much real, and warmed for some. isaac was one such person. “you could have a fidget spinner shape shaved into the side of your head. i swear to god, it’s a real thing - far be it for me to judge anyone’s parenting, but a kid in keely’s class walked by with that shit in his hair yesterday and i really, almost had to say something. it should be criminal.” 
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
‘ do i blame my zodiac sign or my childhood traumas or both ’ @sangriiasister !
“Traumas are usually the go to, astrology is full of nonsense and has no basis in actual fact.” Raynor wasn’t prepared for the impromptu therapy session, he wasn’t even sure if Kena was entirely serious about her words. “What brought this on?”
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“i don’t know, man.” brother. that was gonna take a while to get used to. she took a drag out of her cigarette ( she’d been six months without a single smoke, when she was given the news - the sheer stress of it all sent her back ), lifting her shoulders in a half-hearted shrug. “i’m just...- having a rough time adjusting, i guess. it’d be nice to be able blame my stars on that - like a horoscope that just says ‘you will get earth changing news ; you’ll deal with it, but probably in late june’.” 
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
“if a conversation goes on too long without being about me, i’m out.” /  @sangriiasister !
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❝ are your parents also… like… this ? ❞ by this, he means… her.
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“i don’t know. are you?” whatever the reality was ; kena thought herself pretty funny. “my dad could care less - about pretty much everything, actually, but especially the limelight. my mom...- well, if i hadn’t met you, i would’ve thought that was where that particular trait came from.” she was confident enough to say as much - in this case, at the very least, she didn’t think she was seeing what didn’t exist. 
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
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“fuckin — ” abby was very clearly frustrated. hunched over her books, hair clenched in her fists, she couldn’t seem to get any of her studying done for some reason. maybe it was the music they were blasting in their headphones. “hey,” she called to a random passerby. “can you quiz me on these terms? maybe i can focus better that way.”
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“i’m not a student.” it was her knee jerk response to being asked to do something, and really - could you BLAME her? kena’s plate was almost perpetually full, between all she had to do as secretary ( least important job ) and all the responsibilities of being karma’s booking agent ( most important ). still. maybe she could spare a minute. “i mean. i’m not sure how much i can help you.” 
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
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“hey! sorry i don’t wanna — are you…i’m may. am i in the right place?” may looked around her at the debris still littering the streets and lawns. it looked more or less right. she couldn’t totally remember the name of who she was supposed to meet, but she was fairly sure she could follow directions adequately. “this whole thing really was a huge fuckin’ mess wasn’t it?” she asked humorlessly. ( @sangriiasister )
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“kena,” using her introduction as a greeting, she remained propped against the nearest upright surface, arms crossed over her chest, “unfortunately, i don’t think either of us fucked up that badly.” she wished she had. debris duty sucked - and she said that as someone who had yet to even BEGIN. kena would have much preferred...- well. actually. there wasn’t anything out of the list that she would have jumped at the opportunity to do, but man, she wished there was something better. “really did a number on the town, that’s for sure. and it’s people, i guess,” she was one of the many. “honestly... i don’t really know where to start, so feel free run wild with suggestions.” 
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
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“You never met a monster you couldn’t love.”
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
ft. @coopkents
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sangriiasister-blog · 5 years
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For young women who look like me, it’s important for them to see a reflection of themselves in the media. It’s also essential to show young women that beauty is all kinds of things. To see the same type of woman over and over again…That can weigh on the psyche.
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