zillen95 · 3 months
"Life is growth, stagnation is death" - Motivational Quote
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zillen95 · 3 months
I have noticed that when reading or listening ok motivational speakers, that you will not always agree with every single aspect with what he/she has to write/say. Following everything like a controlled zombie is not something that someone with a strong character will do.
But take the good, and a apply it. Disregard the rest.
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zillen95 · 1 year
Politics in africa part 1
Once upon a time, in the vast realm of the blogosphere, I found myself drawn to various writings on politics around the world. As I delved deeper into the intricate web of political discourse, a common theme began to emerge – an eerie similarity that transcended borders and cultures. It was evident that the ordinary citizens, the good people, seemed disenchanted with politics. They wanted…
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zillen95 · 1 year
we are called to be unstopable christians
We are called to be unwavering Christians. By faithfully adhering to God’s teachings and principles, we can attain the top of our respective fields and careers, while serving as exemplary models of Christian conduct. With the Holy Spirit as our constant companion, we possess the ability to overcome any obstacle, triumph repeatedly, and triumph once more. Again, and again and again. No force…
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zillen95 · 1 year
The Power of Believing You Are the Best
In a world brimming with competition and constant comparisons, it’s easy to get lost in self-doubt and underestimate our own capabilities. However, embracing a belief in yourself, that you are the best, can be a transformative mindset that propels you towards extraordinary achievements. While it may sound audacious, believing you are the best is not about arrogance or invalidating the skills and…
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zillen95 · 1 year
Verse of the day - 4 July 2023
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” – Matthew 7:7
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zillen95 · 1 year
I know god will come through for me
This post will be brief and concise. There are specific areas in my life where I possess a strong aspiration for achievement. There exists a profound yearning within me to witness the growth of those particular aspects. Why am I not witnessing any progress? According to God, the timing is not right. I must be patient for the appropriate moment. He possesses knowledge of when that moment shall…
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zillen95 · 1 year
Prayer and Fasting: the ultimate sacrfice
Greetings, esteemed readers of our faithful blog. I hope this post finds you in good health and high spirits. Topic: Fasting, Prayer, and Intercession for Breakthroughs Today, I would like to explore the profound practice of fasting, prayer, and intercession in pursuit of spiritual breakthroughs. As I write this, I find myself on the second day of my fast, experiencing physical weariness and a…
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zillen95 · 1 year
Embracing Servanthood in the Kingdom of Jesus
In the Kingdom of Jesus, the role of a servant holds immeasurable significance. It is a calling that transcends earthly ambitions, beckoning us to humbly serve others as Jesus Himself exemplified. Mark 10:45 reminds us, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Being a servant in the Kingdom of Jesus is not about seeking…
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zillen95 · 1 year
The Potter and the clay
The parabole of the potter and the clay is probaly the most beuatful, and one of those stories that always touches me deeply. In my daily devotional mornings, I read Jeremiah 18 this morning. The thought of being formed by Jesus is very exhilarating, exciting, and such an awesome privilege. Do you allow Jesus to form you into the person that you are destined to become? Please rad Jeremiah 18…
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zillen95 · 1 year
The human touch: why people should not be afraid of aiand chatgpt
Good Day Bloggers I hope you had an awesome time this week in developing your Faith, reading your Bible, speding time in Prayer and Worship, also giving your testimony to those around you. Today, I am going to talk a buzz word that is going around. The all “threatening” Artificial Intelligence. I have heard people being in fear that their livelihoods are in trouble, and that they will most…
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zillen95 · 1 year
What i have learned from my daily devotiona 18 april 2023
Lately, I am waking up at 5AM to spend time with The Lord. It takes a lot of mind power, but I have to say, it is worth it. I am truly falling in love with Jesus daily. I am currently completing a Bible Plan based on the book of Judges. I have to confess that it has been forever since I have learned new things from the Bible. It just goes to show that it does not matter how long you have been in…
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zillen95 · 1 year
Hope: The Anchor for the Soul
Hope is a powerful force that can sustain us through life’s most difficult challenges. It is the belief that something good can come out of a challenging situation. It is a confident expectation that things will get better. As Christians, hope is an essential part of our faith. In fact, the Bible says that hope is the anchor for the soul (Hebrews 6:19). In this blog post, we will explore the…
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zillen95 · 1 year
The Resurrection Power of Jesus
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most important events in history. It signifies victory over death, and it gives hope to anyone who believes in it. Easter Sunday is the day when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, and it is a day of great joy and triumph. The resurrection of Jesus is a powerful reminder that life can come out of death, and that hope can come out of…
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zillen95 · 2 years
How to start reading your bible
Reading the Bible is an essential part of growing in your faith and deepening your relationship with God. However, many people struggle to start reading their Bible regularly. If you’re one of those people, don’t worry! Here are some tips to help you get started. Hereby I will give you tips on what helped me when I struggled to get my nose in the Bible: Firstly, set aside a specific time each…
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zillen95 · 2 years
My most watched TV shows
What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times? Here is a list of shows that I have watched multiple times. I’ll probably still watch it a million more times 😂🤣 1. Big Bang Theory 2. Friday Night Lights 3. Scrubs 4. The Office 5. Two and a Half Men
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zillen95 · 2 years
Do not talk the talk, but walk the walk
Do you know who is the real champions of live? Those who do what they say they are going to do. You get people who are in general conversation who talk a lot, a lot of big words, but they do nothing. They talk a big game, but when push comes to shove, then they are the biggest cowards. I believe success and fame are laid up for those who do the things, everyday, despite their personal…
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