sanriowendigo · 1 day
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More Dammon 💞💞
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sanriowendigo · 3 days
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I will not be shamed or silenced
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sanriowendigo · 3 days
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Average Tiefling Drow relationship
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sanriowendigo · 3 days
canon interaction
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sanriowendigo · 3 days
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Oops seems you accidentally walked in on this old man changing 🤭
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sanriowendigo · 3 days
Live footage of me finding Zevlor in Thorm's basement:
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sanriowendigo · 3 days
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sanriowendigo · 3 days
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sanriowendigo · 4 days
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Older than history itself
What if the oldest vampire was a Neanderthal girl 🤔
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sanriowendigo · 4 days
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sanriowendigo · 4 days
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He’s my little meow meow
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sanriowendigo · 5 days
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“Do you draw NSFW?”
Me: 🦭 ( dm for full )
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sanriowendigo · 5 days
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Zevlor’s babies!!
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sanriowendigo · 6 days
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Their baby <3 should I draw her siblings?
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sanriowendigo · 7 days
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Him in suit :)
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sanriowendigo · 7 days
OP THIS IS AMAZING!!! I’m so honored that I inspired you OMG OMG OMG
Zevlor: Before We Depart
Keepsake: I will treasure it always.
Authors Note:
Inspired by this piece by @sanriowendigo. I hope you do not mind.
Word Count: 689
There is still a couple hours left before the tiefling caravan departs to Baldur's Gate. The Hellrider Commander participates in one of Tav's hobbies in the meantime but does he really need to be shirtless to do so?
Zevlor wasn't sure what you meant by that request. He must have misheard surely but you held out your hand and prompted again. While he wasn't the least bit uncomfortable being shirtless around others but it was you. The person who swiftly swung in his defense literally and physically. The adventurer who demolished the goblin encampment. The hero who graced his kin with a safe passage to Baldur's Gate. In one swift motion, his shirt was in the palm of your hands. How could he deny you? There he stood proud awaiting for further instructions. You stood there frozen, eyes widened.
"Are you alright? Was there something the matter?" Your trance was broken by the worry of my words.
"Hold still and do not move a muscle." You moved quickly towards your pack. Within your arms a collection of various brushes and paints justled about.
"One more moment, Zevlor." You scurried back and forth with an easel. When you were settled into your station. You gave a thumbs up.
"Tav, not that I want to dissuade you from your artistic pursuits but wouldn't you prefer another person to muse or perhaps a landscape?" What is there to capture of his likeness on a canvas? Weathered scars haunted by time and regrets were all that he was now. Should such a thing be painted? His ears folded at the thought.
You continued your brush strokes on the canvas. "No, I would not be interested in any other. You know Zevlor, you are the perfect muse," you chuckled. 
"Your face is quite angular that contrasts well with your softer aged features. You are a man of service from how you still hold your head up high but.." Your eyes briefly flickered to my lips. 
"You have a smile that reminds me of the warmth from a fire. You cannot hide your feelings well though Zevlor," you grinned. He coughed at the remark. What do they know truly? His ears twitched to listen close.
"Your eyes are very expressive even when you stay stoic most of the time. They burn brightest when a temper rises, dimming at the slight moment you look into the distance and flicker at the slightest bit of discomfort. Do you know sometimes your eyes even change a hue?" For how long have they watched me to make these observations? His tail waved behind him.
"I supposed I am easily readable then. I haven't heard of a tiefling's eyes changing color. What color do they turn?" You looked up into my eyes. There is a blush that begins to settle onto your cheeks. "Nothing to concern yourself," you stammered. He quirked a brow. Your head went back to behind the canvas. "Just know they look beautiful when they do." He could almost make out your muffled words.
"Is there a reason you wanted to capture me shirtless for this piece in particular?" He couldn't help his curiosity. It hadn't been the first nor the last time he had been voyeured upon. Though, he couldn't bring himself to think of you being one of those many. No harm if you were. He just could have put on more bravado if that were the case. You pause your brush. "There must be some relic of your past hidden under your armor. There is a story worth telling of a life hard lived." You turned your finished creation before me. 
There I stood poised in my usual guard stance. My infernal heritage is on full display from my ridges to the leftover wounds of battles long since passed. My hair no longer the usual tied up manner now cascaded down my shoulders. I haven't ever seen that expression on my face before. Is this how I look to you? There is my gaze full of adoration shimmering of gold, brows knitted just so in youthful yearning, smiling as if under the charms of a final everlasting love.
"If you ever forget how to smile. This is a reminder." You held up the canvas as you came closer, handing me the self portrait.
"Tav, thank you." I smiled that same familiar smile. My only hope is the rest of Faerun sees me through your eyes.
Our time together will be over shortly. "Let's meet again soon." Maybe if fate permits it, I will show you your beauty through my own canvas. But for now, does Lia have any extra art supplies? I will brush up my skills in the meantime till then.
"Take care on your journey, Tav." I waved them a goodbye. I will be waiting in Baldur’s Gate.
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sanriowendigo · 8 days
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A bear and his doe
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