sansalayned · 6 years
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She had dressed in a low-cut gown of pale yellow silk, startling against the light brown of her skin. Her black hair was bound up in a net of spun gold, and a jet-and-gold necklace brushed against the top of her full breasts. TWOW, Mercy I
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sansalayned · 6 years
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Anne becomes Catherine.
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sansalayned · 6 years
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sansalayned · 6 years
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every queen of the seven kingdoms: visenya targaryen
Visenya, eldest of the three siblings, was as much a warrior as Aegon himself, as comfortable in ringmail as in silk. She carried the Valyrian longsword Dark Sister, and was skilled in its use, having trained beside her brother since childhood. Though possessed of the silver-gold hair and purple eyes of Valyria, hers was a harsh, austere beauty. Even those who loved her best found Visenya stern, serious, unforgiving, and some said that she played with poisons and dabbled in dark sorceries. // katheryn winnick as visenya
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sansalayned · 6 years
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Picnic at Hanging Rock (2018) | Marion, Irma, & Miranda
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sansalayned · 6 years
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A world where everyone is striving for what is not worth having.
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sansalayned · 6 years
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Harlots Appreciation Week 2018 | Day 3: Favorite Costumes
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sansalayned · 6 years
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every queen of the seven kingdoms: rhaena targaryen
“After the death of her husband in the Battle Beneath the Gods Eye, Rhaena Targaryen had acted quickly to protect her daughters. If Prince Aegon had truly been the king, then by law his eldest daughter Aerea stood his heir, and might therefore claim to be the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms…but Aerea and her sister Rhaella were barely a year old, and Rhaena knew that to trumpet such claims would be tantamount to condemning them to death. Instead, she dyed their hair, changed their names, and sent them from her, entrusting them to certain powerful allies, who would see them fostered in good homes by worthy men who would have no inkling of their true identity. Even their mother must not know where the girls were going, the princess insisted; what she did not know she could not reveal, even under torture. No such escape was possible for Rhaena Targaryen herself. Though she could change her name, dye her hair, and garb herself in a tavern wench’s roughspun or the robes of a septa, there was no disguising her dragon. […] [S]he rested, reading, praying, wondering how long she would be given before her uncle sent for her. Rhaena never doubted that he would, she said afterward; it was question of when, not if. The summons came sooner than she would have liked though not as soon as she might have feared. There was no question of defiance. That would only bring the king down on Fair Isle with Balerion. Rhaena had grown fond of Lord Farman, and more than fond of his second son, Androw. She would not repay their kindness with fire and blood. She mounted Dreamfyre and flew to the Red Keep, where she learned that she must marry her uncle, her husband’s killer. And there as well Rhaena met her fellow brides, for this was to be a triple wedding. All three of the new queens-to-be were widows.” // Georgia Hirst as Rhaena
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sansalayned · 6 years
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The truth is… We are women. We are women and we carry the burden of the world.
Margaret of Anjou, the burden of a kingdom. Samara Alaman, the burden of secrets for war. Dido Elizabeth Belle, the burden of society. Rosaline Capulet, the burden of the family name. 
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sansalayned · 6 years
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Horace the Pug in Poldark Season 4
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sansalayned · 6 years
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every queen of the seven kingdoms: elinor costayne 
“More troubling was the case of Lady Elinor of House Costayne, the fiery red-haired wife of Ser Theo Bolling, a landed knight who had fought for the king in his last campaign against the Poor Fellows. Though only nineteen, Lady Elinor had already given Bolling three sons when the king’s eye fell upon her. The youngest boy was still at her breast when their father, Ser Theo, was arrested by two knights of the Kingsguard and charged with conspiring with Queen Alyssa to murder the king and place the boy Jaehaerys on the Iron Throne. Though Bolling protested his innocence, he was found guilty and beheaded the same day. King Maegor gave his widow seven days to mourn, in honor of the gods, then summoned her to tell her they would marry.” // Rose Williams as Elinor
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sansalayned · 6 years
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→ Rival Queens: Fredegonde and Brunehilde, requested by @goldentailedmermaids
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sansalayned · 6 years
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asoiaf quotes  // A Game of Thrones - Eddard VII ↴ “You never knew Lyanna as I did, Robert,” Ned told him. “You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath. She would have told you that you have no business in the melee.”
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sansalayned · 6 years
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She had been a remarkable woman. She would remain a remarkable woman even in a century which produced many of great note. There were few others who rose from such beginnings to a crown, and none contributed to a revolution as far-reaching as the English Reformation. To use a description no longer in fashion, Anne Boleyn was one of the makers of history.
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sansalayned · 6 years
Who's your Mya fancast?
Hi! I’m so sorry for my late reply! She’s Lucy Griffiths :)
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sansalayned · 6 years
Which actress do you use in your Jeyne Poole and Theon gifs?
The six monchrome gifset specifically RE Jeyne Poole and Theon fancasting.
Hi! I’m so sorry for my late reply! I’m so sorry, I don’t know which edit you mean, because I don’t think I’ve made a six monochrome gifset about Jeyne and Theon. The closest thing I can think of is this gifset, but I don’t think that’s the one you are describing - but, just in case, my fancast for Jeyne Poole in that set isElinor Crawley. Maybe the gifset you meant was made by someone else? I’m sorry I can’t be of more help :(
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sansalayned · 6 years
hi honey!! i know this gifset is a bit older lol, but its so pretty! who did you use/ from where is this fancast from?? post/109503476270??
Hi! I’m so sorry for the late reply :( Thank you very much
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