santheinfluencer ¡ 1 year
I need to update my wattpad 😔 it’s been too long… 📝📖
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santheinfluencer ¡ 2 years
Where them Namor fanfics at?!?!🤨😩🤲🏽🤲🏽👩🏽‍🦯
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santheinfluencer ¡ 2 years
Just Business
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Pairings~ Park Jimin x Black Reader
Summary~ You both are under the same agency and are very professional with your assassination attempts. However, experience is key...
Genre(s)~ Suspense, Angst, (not-so) Friends to Lovers
Word Count~ (???)
The field you specialized in wasn’t much to be proud of; in fact, it wasn’t to even be spoken of. You’ve been an assassin for nearly three years now and never have you failed in carrying out an attempt.
Despite you not having a permanent partner, you weren’t exempted from working with others in your agency.
However, working with Jimin was a job itself.
“You’ve been assigned to Park again y/l/n. Just be sure to get the job done and report back alive.”
You kissed your teeth as your boss “Karasuma” only gave you a hand signal to leave; in which you ignored.
You shifted in the seat in front of the male before fixing the long dark trench coat that covered your high slit dress. Working with Park was the last thing you wanted.
“Give me someone else Karasuma, Park’s ego is bigger than his own size. We’ll never accomplish what we need to do.” The older male rolled his eyes before shifting to his filing cabinet. He proceeds to put out a thick manila folder with loose sheets of paper nearly falling from the folds.
“Whether you like him or not, the guy’s got the skill and performance needed to be an assassin...he’s looked death in the eyes and completes every job we need.” You flipped through each page with each having more words than the last. He was good, and even has his own trademark in the assassin world.
You sighed deeply before making your way out of the office.
Your dark stiletto heels clicked against the light marble floors as you made your way outside to the light snow accompanied by a stale breeze that sat in the air.
You once again pulled at your long coat to cover your revealing skin. The early December snowfall seemed too calming for the chaotic night ahead.
“A little much for tonight?” You turned to raven haired male before rolling your eyes and walking to the cold metal bench just outside the agency. 
“Karasuma sent a car for us. Just wait here and don’t piss me off too much...the night is still young.” The male followed and swiftly had a set next to you.
“You know, you don’t have to keep acting like you hate me y/l/n...” You silently fixed your dark straight hair as your fingers combed through the small snowflakes.
“Who said I was acting, Park?” 
Before he could speak, the male was interrupted by the silver bullet-like appearance from the corners of y’all eyes.
The BMW sat perfectly in the snow as the window rolled down to reveal Seo in the drivers’ seat.
“Karasuma sent me, lets hurry before the job goes unfinished.” You both spared no time and got in quick. You both had worked with Seo on different occasions, so you were more than positive that this job would run smoothly.
The issue...he was a lot like Jimin.
Cocky little shit who was surprisingly on the higher-ranking side of the chart. He always got the job done, nevertheless. It agitated you how they were very annoying, yet always reliable.
The drive across the city wasn’t too bad. A bit out of the way, but for a gala you expected nothing less. Changbin wasted no time getting you and Jimin to the gala, one of the best qualities about having a reliable getaway. However, sometimes he was too reckless in blowing your cover and that getting everyone caught.
“Wait around the back Seo, this should take an hour at most.” He nodded swiftly and soon pulled away as soon as you and Jimin made it inside.
The building was blinding with lights as the sweet scents of perfumes and colognes filled the air. Men who smoked swishers occupied the gambling tables as the women who preferred to talk with friends sat at the tables having wine served.
This was a rather busy night.
“Remember your position?” The male nodded as he activated the small earpiece and made his way to the gambling table. You did the same, but instead immediately went to the bar.
You were looking for a Caucasian male. Dark wavy hair with green/hazel eyes, a beard, and standing at nearly 6′0. Shouldn’t be too hard to spot.
“Excuse me, one whiskey on the rocks.” The bartender nodded before pouring the drink in front of you. Jimin on the other hand delt himself in on the next game. You couldn’t lie, he blended in perfectly with the others. 
“Park, I think I’ve got eyes on our target.” 
Your voice was low to avoid any extra ears. Just like you thought, the male wasn’t too hard to spot.
“You know what to do y/l/n, make this quick.” As if heard, the male gazed towards you with his lighter eyes and playfully smirked at you.  You bat your perfectly smoked eyes and fix your straight dark hair once again. This won’t take long.
The small crowd of people were soon parted to reveal “Duncan” your target for this evening.
“It’s very lively here tonight; don’t you think? Why is a beautiful lady like you sitting at this bar alone?” You chuckled lightly before signaling the bartender for another drink. “Sometimes it’s good to get out...just here to have some fun.”
Through your earpiece, you could hear Jimin sigh deeply.
“Get on with it...”
You clear your throat before swiftly putting your hand on Duncan’s. “I booked a suit for the evening, care to join me?” He didn’t think twice before helping you to your feet and let you lead the way and followed behind.
“We’re on the move, Park.”
Meanwhile, Jimin was in a bet with an older male and has won nearly 3k so far. In fact, another fight would be starting soon, and it would be time to start the betting.
“You remind me of when I was younger...Daniel was it?”
A fake name never fails...
One of the boxers on the vast screen strikes first nearly taking the other out immediately. Jimin however, could care less about the money or even the bet. Truthfully, it’s about completing the task and leaving with his partner safely.
Jimin locks eyes with the older man before nodding fondly and sipping the sweet alcohol.
“Is that right? How come?” The older man chuckled as he fixed his coat before lighting the thick cigar that hung from his lips.
“Fine evening like this...these gambling spots always gave me an escape from the reality of my life.” Jimin eyed the man carefully. No matter how friendly or understanding one may come off, don’t trust them.
“You see, I grew up broke...abusive mother, absent father...you already know the average sob story.” He blew out his smoke before continuing. “But I always loved making money...whether it was through back-alley gambling, stealing, murder...I was going to get said money.”
Jimin felt the hairs on his neck touch the sky when he realized what was happening. 
A set up.
The male calmly yet slowly put his hand over the gun tucked in his slacks. Nothing like a good old shoot out to finish the night.
“I was killing people left and right Daniel; or should I say, “Park”. Nothing I hate more than you blood sucking mosquitoes that waltz in here to assassinate what’s not your business.” His words felt like poison as the older man, as quickly as Jimin, both pull out their guns.
Everyone is silent before Jimin pulls the trigger and declared the first shot.
It didn’t take long before Jimin was covered by a flipped table, applying pressure to a flesh wound, and dodging flying bullets.
“Anytime now y/l/n!!”
Meanwhile you both were minutes into a deep make out session on the room’s loveseat. Your coat was long gone as your dark strapless dress made its appearance for the night.
Your long jet-black hair fell over your shoulders as you instantly went on your knees for the man in front of you.
“You just made my night so much better...I almost forgot to ask for your name” You paused before carefully slowly reaching for your gun.
“You don’t need to know that.”
You quickly fired before the mail could react, not even bothering to clean the now bloodstained seat and walls. It didn’t take long for you to throw on your coat and join Jimin in the main lobby to make your escape after a successful evening.
There were two men just at the end of the hall whom you’ve taken out with ease. A few minutes later a few were coming up the stairs looking for Duncan’s remains.
All you had to do now was spot Jimin.
It took a moment for the shots to die down before you hear the male panting from the extra movement and anxiety within his system.
“I’m here, get closer to the door so we can signal Seo to take us out.”
You moved quickly across the velvet carpet and behind a podium to where your head was nearly taken out by stray bullets. Unfortunately for the hit Patron, it was all over the bar counter.
Jimin spotted you before taking out the rest of the armed men as you got closer and closer to the exit.
“Don’t wait! Go outside to Seo!”
You nodded before completely jetting from the huge double doors and out to Changbin who was prepared to complete this mission for good.
It took a few more seconds before Jimin was right behind you and into the vehicle that was doing well over sixty miles per hour in seconds.
Seo spotted you both through the rear-view and gave you both a proud nod of completion.
“You two make a good team. I wouldn’t mind working with you both again in the near future.” You turned to Jimin who was busy with wrapping a fresh flesh wound on his hand.
You spotted him smirking that awful...yet so attractive smirk as he rakes his now free hand through his dark hair.
“As long as it just business, I’m always willing to work with you...unless...”
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santheinfluencer ¡ 2 years
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santheinfluencer ¡ 2 years
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J-HOPE LollaPalooza Chicago (220801)
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santheinfluencer ¡ 2 years
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santheinfluencer ¡ 2 years
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santheinfluencer ¡ 2 years
A Librarian’s Motive
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Pairings~ Kim Namjoon x Black Reader
Genre~ Fluff & Romance
Summary ~ You go to the same bookstore every other day to enjoy the downtown scenery and even better coffee. One day your visit is more enjoyable than the rest.
Word Count~ ???
The summer’ heat crept into the early 90′s as kids and young adults were seen walking the streets of Seoul. Some enjoyed ice cream and others were seen with water bottles trying to beat the heat.
Luckily for you, the small yet spacious library kept you comfortable with your surprisingly second book since this morning.
“Second book already? That’s got to be a new record for you, y/n.” The red head beamed a smile at you before continuing to stock the once empty shelves with books that have been returned.
“Agreed! But to be fair, I was halfway finished with my other one. You’re actually putting it on the shelf as we speak.”
She paused as she looked in her hand to see the book you were just reading.
“Oh wow, how did I miss that?” You both giggled before you returned to your place in the book.
A couple more hours past as you can now see the sunset and the night life of Seoul starting to bloom. More restaurants opened along with clubs, bars, even indoor activities.
The bookstore would close within the next hour, so you decided to get your things together and finish up your last bit of coffee. Celeste, the beautiful red head from earlier seen you gathering your belongings and spoke up.
“Leaving soon y/n? Do you want to check out another book before we close for the weekend?” Because the library was privately owned, weekend visits were not an option.
“Not this time, I may visit a friend or actually make plans for once.” The girl smiled before going back to wiping the front desk counter.
“Your just like my grandpa back home in Scotland, such a shut-in, and would rather read with a cup of coffee.” While being here for school, Celeste would go on and on about her country if you let her. She even inspired you to visit one day.
Just before you exchanged your final goodbyes, a tall and handsome man with dark hair and square rimmed glasses made his way inside the library. He was dressed rather casually with long dark jeans and a shirt that showed how buff he was.
However, the thing about him that drew you in the most was his eyes...they were focused and cut right into you.
Delectable. That’s what he was.
“Celeste! you can head home early; I have a few things to take care of tonight.” After giving off a nod, the woman waves to you before going to the back to complete her routine.
While you were standing there gawking at the male, he turned to you and gave you a smirk and polite head nod before disappearing into the many shelves.
You quickly walked out of the establishment and going straight to your car.
To say you’re a blushing mess is an understatement. you could feel your brown cheeks turn warmer as you thought about the encounter.
“How have I not seen him before? He’s the owner...right?!” It was a bit odd in a sense. Considering you’ve been consistent with your library visits, how have you not seen that beautiful man? 
With a few deep breaths, you pulled out of your parking space and began driving the short distance drive to your apartment.
The weekend passed rather quickly with you having not done much; but catching up with a light workload and a small lunch date with one of your closest friends seemed to be more than enough for you.
It was now Monday, and you sat on your couch staring mindlessly at the tv as Jersey Shore played through your Hulu account.
Your calico kitten named Cinnamon took a liking to your lap as she lied sprawled out onto you.
You eyed Cinnamon before lightly moving her to the other side of the couch, in which she did not take lightly. You got ready to go where you enjoy the most.
The library.
Plus, this was a good excuse to get a new book...and see if that handsome stranger would make an appearance.
You slid on a pair of regular grey sweatpants along with a regular white crop tee and matching white converse. You were sure to touch up your hair with a bit of gel and made sure your edges were completed until you were satisfied.
The drive to the library was unlike any other time. Anxiety filled your body in slight hopes to even get a glimpse of the male...and maybe even speak to him if the anxiety didn’t get too much in the way.
This is what you needed...right? Besides, the worst he could say is no.
After parking your car and making your way around the front of the building, your body felt hot, and your nerves were through the roof. 
You’ve spoken to plenty of guys and have gotten plenty of numbers, but this time felt so different. Perhaps it was because this time you were the one approaching the man? Maybe it was because you needed a little self-assurance and a confidence boost.
You entered the usually quiet library and seen that like usual, there were no more than ten people enjoying their books, some getting coffee, and some chatting amongst themselves quietly.
Celeste wasn’t here due to it being her day off, but luckily Jenna was here. 
You two weren’t as close as you and Celeste, but Jenna was always there for small chats and book recommendations when you needed her. However, Jenna is usually present for a few months at a time considering she visits her boyfriend in California for a few weeks at a time. 
You quickly went straight to the “Drama” section of the library and selected “How It Ends” by Laura Wiess. This was a traditional favorite considering you’ve read it a few years back.
You made your way to the small table next to a window that let in as much natural light as you needed.
It wasn’t long until you were a few chapters into the book and the library slowly gained more people...but sadly not the person you were looking for. College students, elderly, even young kids stopped inside to either return or check-out books...but sadly, not who you were waiting for.
Jenna spotted you with your long face and giggled before finishing her task with helping a customer before walking over to your slightly slumped figure.
“Why the long face? Are you waiting on a date to show up?” She gracefully placed her long dark hair behind her ear before fixing her small gold hoop earrings.
 “I wish. Last week I came here and saw a gorgeous man who I assume works here? He told Celeste to go home for the night while he locks up.” She looks at you intriguingly before shifting in her spot.
“What did he look like?”
You didn’t hesitate to give the memorized description that played in your mind like a broken record. From his eyes and deadly gaze to his tall and buff frame. 
As Jenna’s face lit up, you knew you’ve struck gold.
“Oh! I know who you’re talking about! Hes the owner of this library and our boss. I believe he owns two libraries, and the other is in Goyang.” As if on cue, the male you’ve been waiting for all along walks in.
He was dressed more formally than usual. He wore black slacks with a white button up and a different pair of glasses that weren’t like the solid black square frames you saw last time.
Jenna gave a light bow before the two began exchanging a few words in Korean.
Before going back to work, Jenna gave you a quick wink and headed off.
“I remember your face.” You glanced at the man and saw his deep dimples bury into his cheeks. “Mind if I sit with you?”
You mentally kicked yourself before nodding and returning a light smile.
A few minutes passed as you continued to read your book; stealing glances at the male every few minutes. He worked on his laptop and sipped from his iced coffee as his focused gaze never left the screen.
He was stunning.
You went back to reading until you were interrupted, but not at all mad.
“I hope this doesn’t seem like a strange question, but do you enjoy coming to this library? Or do you perhaps feel as if there could be improvements?” You were slightly taken aback before answering honestly.
“Not at all! The scenery and atmosphere are lovely and not at all overbearing. The coffee is amazing, and the service here is nice. I have no complaints.”
A light blush was spotted on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“That’s good. I work to improve all of my establishments...I’ve also noticed you’ve taken a liking to this one.”
You glanced at him with a confused look in which he quickly stammers over his words and blushes harder from embarrassment.
“Sorry ma’am I didn’t mean it like that...I check my cameras after every few days and noticed you were a consistent visitor.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his words. To some it might be creepy, but it was no secret that you came very often.
“May I please have your name?” He smiled with dimples on full display as you both locked eyes.
“Kim Namjoon, and you?”
“y/n y/l/n”
You both spent the rest of the evening talking about the library, personal interest, and a small portion of your dating life. He was such a tree hugger and loved everything art and theatre life. You both talked about museums and upcoming shows that would be playing this time of month as well.
You both talked for so long, you didn’t even notice the night sky and how every person that once filled the library were gone.
“Well, it appears I should be locking up soon... would you be free to go on a date with me tomorrow?” 
You smiled at the male as he looked back with full anticipation.
“I would love too.
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santheinfluencer ¡ 3 years
~Not Allowed~ Jungkook x Poc
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The heavy down pour seemed to drag on for the third hour as you helplessly stared out the window while laying in your cool bedsheets. You couldn’t quit complain though, this wasn’t your most favorite type of weather, but it surely didn’t bother you when it came to getting a damn good sleep.
However, you felt as restless and it aggravated you with a passion. It always bothered you when your mind was too awake with not one thought accompanying it. This resulted in you starring out into the rain with almost a very brain dead look.
“Damn, can it rain harder?”
Your sarcastic remark was almost immediately answered by more rain tapping your window along with your lights flickering completely off.
You heavily sigh and aggressively throw off the blanket wrapped around your body.
You quickly opened your pantry and pulled out as many candles your arms could hold. As you lit them, you sprinkled them all around the small apartment while praying the heavy rain doesn’t flood you on the first floor.
As if right on time, you received a rushed knock on your door while having a slight feeling you knew who it was at this evening. 
While quietly making it to the peep-hole, there stood Jungkook on the other side fairly soaked. You quickly opened the door and the male hurriedly brushed passed you and took off his platformed black boots along with his drenched hoodie.
You took the thick fabric out of his hands and threw it in the dirty clothes hamper near your washer and dryer.
“Next time, let me know when your on the way.”
He rolled his eyes playfully as he raked his nearly numbed hands through his soaked wavy hair.
His bunny-like smile graced his face as he carefully removed his grey and white wet flannel.
“Of course, Darling~”
He made his way to your room while taking in the nice aroma coming from the candles. “No power? Apparently your not the only one. My dad called and said they’re having the same problem.” 
You nodded as you both embraced each other on the soft mattress. The male was still a little wet, but not to the point where it made you both uncomfortable and sticky.
You could feel his hand make its way to caress your floral print bonnet and chuckle with no surprise.
“How was the photoshoot?”
Your voice felt stuck as the words poured from your lips. Perhaps it was because you haven’t been speaking and merely thinking to yourself the entire day.
“You know I’m not allowed to share disclosed information...” 
He playfully grins as you looked up with a slight pout.
“Alright, we were in a regular townhouse and took a neutral kind of photoshoot. It was for ARMY’s with membership.”
You nodded against his chest as he caressed your hued brown skin.
“And what about you? Anything new? Did you take anymore photos for your photography blog?”
You loved how supportive he was with your blog. You both originally met by you being one of the photographers who worked with BTS in LA. Jungkook was of course his shy self, and didn’t make the first move until you later went to Korea and helped with another photoshoot before one of their famous V lives.
“I was going to, but the rain started to come down and I ended up coming back home.” Your all-day park festivities were short lived as you rushed home to beat the rain.
“Maybe I can sneak out and go with you tomorrow.”
You chuckled knowing good and well he wouldn’t go a second without being recognized by someone.
“Maybe next time Kookie...” 
Your night finished with both of you chatting it up about your day and potentially the future you both could share.
You both soon found yourselves asleep listening to the last of the rain fall quieting down.
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