Looks like we may get an LMJ sequel by next summer…
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Name a more iconic duo I’ll wait
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Professor Layton Theory - Luke is Katrielle’s Real Father (SPOILERS)
Hello, internet, welcome to PUZZLE THEORY.
So, I’m just going to hop right onto the train and get it moving: I have drawn a pretty sturdy backing to that theory that has been floating around that Kat is not Layton’s biological daughter: but rather Luke’s.
If you think it sounds stupid now, trust me, this is the first impression people have with most theories: but bear with me, because I think I’ve gathered enough to make a seriously plausible prediction.
The prediction is simply this: Katrielle Layton was adopted by Hershel Layton because something has happened to Luke Triton, her real father.
 What a twist, right? But I think we know enough about Layton Team by now to know this is the kind of scheme they would most certainly come up with, both clever and with the potential to destroy our hearts once again.
So, onto the backings for this theory:
1. Katrielle’s Traits
This is one that has been bought up before but one that is important to make in understanding why Katrielle being Layton’s biological daughter is weakened by the fact that she shares no traits with him.
It’s been established that traits in Professor Layton characters always carry over onto their children, for example, Layton himself and his brother Desmond Sycamore share traits with their parents, such as Desmond having Bronev’s eyes and Hershel having his mother’s eyes. Another example would be Luke himself and his father Clark Triton having similar hair shapes. (I mean the sticking out hair trait, not the mane of a beard on Clark’s face.)
Furthermore, when you look at Kat, there are no traits she shares with Layton.
So who does she share traits with?
HMMM, well, let us see:
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Do you see it? This is VERY noticeable. Remember, during LMJ, both Luke and Arianna would very much be adults and considering their romantic implication at the end of the Last Specter, I can certainly say it would be likely this pair would marry/have a child.
However, we also have one more backing about Kat’s traits, and this is: the ability to speak to animals is inherited.
Level 5 gives us virtually no explanation of WHY Luke can talk to animals, but what we DO know, is that it is an ability shared through blood. This is proven in the fact that Clark is also able to talk to animals (Last Spector Episode), and in one instance of dialogue, Luke states that his ability to talk to animals probably came from his father.
So, why can Kat talk to Sherl so naturally? Like it’s nothing?
A rebuttal to this point could essentially be, “Well, Luke could’ve taught her.” However, this rebuttal is faulty in the fact that there is no evidence that suggests the trait of speaking to animals can be taught. If this were true, how come Hershel is not able to speak to animals from spending so much time with Luke? It just doesn’t seem plausible, and it doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that can be taught.
2. Interview with Akihiro Hino
This is a point that nobody has bought up yet, I believe; which is why I’m seriously confident in it. This is a rather hidden little gem that you can find in an interview with LEVEL-5 CEO, Akihiro Hino. Link!
Keep in mind that most of the characters were created and written by Akihiro. 
As you read the interview, focus solely on this specific part:
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The significance of this is huge in the fact that it implies just what this theory is about, by the man who wrote these characters himself.
Another point to bring up is that nobody in the interview warrants this question. Akihiro just states it, bringing Luke, Kat, and Sherl up without a prompt.
Also, relations is a funny word to use, hmm? Why not ‘relationship?’ And the fact that Sherl is also bought up just further powers my theory about the relevance of Kat’s ability to speak to animals.
And finally, the fact that this matter has some points Akihiro can’t reveal yet just proves that there is something going on here.
And if we have learned anything about Professor Layton or LEVEL-5 in general, it’s that when something is bought up, even at its smallest, it has a significance. 
3. The Ending Cutscene
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(I’m with you two.)
Again, I can hear you slamming that keyboard with a rebuttal, but I will say that this quote is very vague, but that just gives it more power in its significance. There are many things that can be implied here.
However, all of these aspects are adding up frighteningly well. I don’t believe this is something Hershel would just say as a brainteaser.
And what kind of simple brainteaser would that be? “You’re not my child, so who’s child are you?”
Why would Hershel say that?
That brings us to the end of these points, but I can understand one nagging question:
“But why?” I hear you asking, “why would Hershel adopt Luke’s daughter?”
This answer to this is hauntingly probable. Two possible reasons are:
1. Luke has disappeared, is sick, or unable to care for Katrielle.
2. Luke is dead.
These are all simple possibilities, but one thing I can point out that may hold the possibility of Luke’s death on a ground is the interaction in Unwound Future when they are discussing the statue.
Remember this?
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Why is the text red?
Why did the music stop?
This. Is. Important.
Keep in mind that the entirety of Unwound Future was written by Akihiro himself. I highly doubt this is a simple bonding exercise between Layton and Luke, this is a foreshadowing.
Remember, in the Layton series, when something is bought up, even at its smallest; it holds a significance.
So what is the conclusion that we can draw here? My conclusion is this.
Katrielle was born to Luke and Arianna, however, Luke fell ill and possibly died. In his absence and as his best friend, Hershel adopts Katrielle and raises her.
How are we ever going to know if this is true or not?
Look no further than the new anime that is coming out next year. I believe we are going to get an answer. I may be wrong, I may be right, but we’ll just have to see.
Annnndd, that wraps up this theory! Thanks for reading!
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layton kids edition™
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You are either on Kat’s team or on Sherl’s team
Pl ver
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This is my take 
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[Original Sprite created by Level 5 © .Custom Sprites altered by me. All rights reserved by them, I do not owe anything.]
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tag yourself - lady layton style! starring the characters of layton’s mystery journey. 
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nevermind i just had to solve all the other extras first so i did and i got the last riddles and i solved everything !!!!!
someone help me please
i’ve done literally everything in katrielle layton’s game. i did all 170 riddles, found all the hint coins/stylish (?) coins, solved all the cases, had a perfect score at all the perfect menus, solved all the dog things, solved all the jewelry shop things, found all 40 hidden objects, i seriously did everything.
and yet when i go to the extras menu i find all the extras except the last one (bottom right) which is stachenscarfen’s extras like wtf do i have to do
do i have to talk to him in every case even though i solved all his riddles ????? it’s fucking annoying because i just went through all the fucking cases to get all the coins and the riddles and if that’s the case he’s a fucking asshole
at least someone please tell me where he is in every case so i can fucking murder him in every case for being such a dickhead
i am so annoyed goodnight (pls help me tho)
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someone help me please
i’ve done literally everything in katrielle layton’s game. i did all 170 riddles, found all the hint coins/stylish (?) coins, solved all the cases, had a perfect score at all the perfect menus, solved all the dog things, solved all the jewelry shop things, found all 40 hidden objects, i seriously did everything.
and yet when i go to the extras menu i find all the extras except the last one (bottom right) which is stachenscarfen’s extras like wtf do i have to do
do i have to talk to him in every case even though i solved all his riddles ????? it’s fucking annoying because i just went through all the fucking cases to get all the coins and the riddles and if that’s the case he’s a fucking asshole
at least someone please tell me where he is in every case so i can fucking murder him in every case for being such a dickhead
i am so annoyed goodnight (pls help me tho)
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Anonymous said:
Could you please have Professor Layton go through an existential crisis for getting a puzzle wrong? Something like: “Every puzzle has an ans- wait…. WHAT DO YOU MEAN I GOT IT WRONG!?!? I…. I think I need to lie down.”
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Several people have also asked me to do this great post by assranlegacy, so I combined the two requests.
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Professor Layton Theory - Luke is Katrielle’s Real Father (SPOILERS)
Hello, internet, welcome to PUZZLE THEORY.
So, I’m just going to hop right onto the train and get it moving: I have drawn a pretty sturdy backing to that theory that has been floating around that Kat is not Layton’s biological daughter: but rather Luke’s.
If you think it sounds stupid now, trust me, this is the first impression people have with most theories: but bear with me, because I think I’ve gathered enough to make a seriously plausible prediction.
The prediction is simply this: Katrielle Layton was adopted by Hershel Layton because something has happened to Luke Triton, her real father.
 What a twist, right? But I think we know enough about Layton Team by now to know this is the kind of scheme they would most certainly come up with, both clever and with the potential to destroy our hearts once again.
So, onto the backings for this theory:
1. Katrielle’s Traits
This is one that has been bought up before but one that is important to make in understanding why Katrielle being Layton’s biological daughter is weakened by the fact that she shares no traits with him.
It’s been established that traits in Professor Layton characters always carry over onto their children, for example, Layton himself and his brother Desmond Sycamore share traits with their parents, such as Desmond having Bronev’s eyes and Hershel having his mother’s eyes. Another example would be Luke himself and his father Clark Triton having similar hair shapes. (I mean the sticking out hair trait, not the mane of a beard on Clark’s face.)
Furthermore, when you look at Kat, there are no traits she shares with Layton.
So who does she share traits with?
HMMM, well, let us see:
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Do you see it? This is VERY noticeable. Remember, during LMJ, both Luke and Arianna would very much be adults and considering their romantic implication at the end of the Last Specter, I can certainly say it would be likely this pair would marry/have a child.
However, we also have one more backing about Kat’s traits, and this is: the ability to speak to animals is inherited.
Level 5 gives us virtually no explanation of WHY Luke can talk to animals, but what we DO know, is that it is an ability shared through blood. This is proven in the fact that Clark is also able to talk to animals (Last Spector Episode), and in one instance of dialogue, Luke states that his ability to talk to animals probably came from his father.
So, why can Kat talk to Sherl so naturally? Like it’s nothing?
A rebuttal to this point could essentially be, “Well, Luke could’ve taught her.” However, this rebuttal is faulty in the fact that there is no evidence that suggests the trait of speaking to animals can be taught. If this were true, how come Hershel is not able to speak to animals from spending so much time with Luke? It just doesn’t seem plausible, and it doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that can be taught.
2. Interview with Akihiro Hino
This is a point that nobody has bought up yet, I believe; which is why I’m seriously confident in it. This is a rather hidden little gem that you can find in an interview with LEVEL-5 CEO, Akihiro Hino. Link!
Keep in mind that most of the characters were created and written by Akihiro. 
As you read the interview, focus solely on this specific part:
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The significance of this is huge in the fact that it implies just what this theory is about, by the man who wrote these characters himself.
Another point to bring up is that nobody in the interview warrants this question. Akihiro just states it, bringing Luke, Kat, and Sherl up without a prompt.
Also, relations is a funny word to use, hmm? Why not ‘relationship?’ And the fact that Sherl is also bought up just further powers my theory about the relevance of Kat’s ability to speak to animals.
And finally, the fact that this matter has some points Akihiro can’t reveal yet just proves that there is something going on here.
And if we have learned anything about Professor Layton or LEVEL-5 in general, it’s that when something is bought up, even at its smallest, it has a significance. 
3. The Ending Cutscene
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(I’m with you two.)
Again, I can hear you slamming that keyboard with a rebuttal, but I will say that this quote is very vague, but that just gives it more power in its significance. There are many things that can be implied here.
However, all of these aspects are adding up frighteningly well. I don’t believe this is something Hershel would just say as a brainteaser.
And what kind of simple brainteaser would that be? “You’re not my child, so who’s child are you?”
Why would Hershel say that?
That brings us to the end of these points, but I can understand one nagging question:
“But why?” I hear you asking, “why would Hershel adopt Luke’s daughter?”
This answer to this is hauntingly probable. Two possible reasons are:
1. Luke has disappeared, is sick, or unable to care for Katrielle.
2. Luke is dead.
These are all simple possibilities, but one thing I can point out that may hold the possibility of Luke’s death on a ground is the interaction in Unwound Future when they are discussing the statue.
Remember this?
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Why is the text red?
Why did the music stop?
This. Is. Important.
Keep in mind that the entirety of Unwound Future was written by Akihiro himself. I highly doubt this is a simple bonding exercise between Layton and Luke, this is a foreshadowing.
Remember, in the Layton series, when something is bought up, even at its smallest; it holds a significance.
So what is the conclusion that we can draw here? My conclusion is this.
Katrielle was born to Luke and Arianna, however, Luke fell ill and possibly died. In his absence and as his best friend, Hershel adopts Katrielle and raises her.
How are we ever going to know if this is true or not?
Look no further than the new anime that is coming out next year. I believe we are going to get an answer. I may be wrong, I may be right, but we’ll just have to see.
Annnndd, that wraps up this theory! Thanks for reading!
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Screenshots later, too tantalizing to stop playing.
You know that opening letter in every game? This one’s not addressed to the player. It’s addressed to someone named Lucy.
Also, apparently Kat and Sherl have only just met, Sherl can also read, and Kat’s reaction was, “oh. A talking dog.” No surprise whatsoever, which is perfect and I love it. Somebody grew up around Luke after all, perhaps. :)
And SHERL gives the first puzzle, which I also love. Off to solve it now!
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Me: I can’t wait to find out Katrielle’s backstory!
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If Professor Layton… really was presumed dead. It would either bring all his friends and family together, or drive them apart, giving a good reason for why there’s no mention of any of the old cast during LMJ. Luke and Emmy have gone off on their own to hunt down Layton’s suspected killer. Maybe they had a falling out with Flora about her staying in London where it’s safe and looking after her younger siblings. But Flora sets out on her own by the time Al and Kat reach their twenties. 
Desmond assumes the worse, of course, and starts working on a Detragon Version 2. Because ‘dead and buried’ doesn’t always apply to the PL universe. Melina, Randall, Claire, Aurora and even Lady Dahlia (formerly the robot Lady Violet) could all attest to that.  
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