sapphicpipes · 1 month
rip piper mclean you wouldve loved blasting femininomenon by chappell roan after realizing you like girls
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sapphicpipes · 2 months
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muriel and beano are a sisters goal fr
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sapphicpipes · 2 months
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#Something something about Annabeth expecting help from her mother because she was always the perfect kid but getting sent to her own death and Percy expecting nothing because he doesn't believe in his dad and despite everything being saved from death by him
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sapphicpipes · 3 months
We don't talk enough about the amount of times Piper saved Jason's life
When he looked directly at Hera's true form and she brought him back, when he was falling from the Argo ll (I think he was fighting a monster, idk) and passed out mid air and Piper woke him up right before he hit the water, when he got stabbed by Michael Varus and Piper was right there giving him ambrosia and wrapping him up with bandages to stop the bleeding.
And then there was the last time. And Piper was there but she couldn't save his life.
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sapphicpipes · 3 months
Jason and Leo: do not find Annabeth attractive because she’s too scary.
Percy and Piper: find Annabeths scariness attractive.
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sapphicpipes · 3 months
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Percy when all he remembered was his love for annabeth and his beef with ares
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sapphicpipes · 3 months
this has been said a million times but I will never get over how annabeth “six steps ahead” chase is the one living in the moment when it comes to her and percy. she never had 2 seconds to plan for a future with him. for years she thought she would lose him to the prophecy and chose to let her guard down anyway. she spontaneously breaks rules to be with him, and initiated basically their entire romantic relationship. meanwhile percy impulsive jackson only ever thinks about their future.
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sapphicpipes · 3 months
i made percy and annabeth in the sims and percy just walked outside and got struck by lightning
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sapphicpipes · 3 months
After Tartarus, Piper would constantly check on Percy and Annabeth. Especially as Piper looked up to Annabeth so much, it almost broke her to see Annabeth having panic attacks. But it wasn’t until she caught Percy staring at a wall silently crying that she understood the severity of their trauma.
After that, Piper was using charmspeak on a regular basis to calm them down. Especially at nights. She would help them fall asleep and essentially persuade their bodies out of survival mode so they wouldn’t jolt at every little sound. If one of them was panicking or dissociating, she would talk them back into reality. Sometimes her voice wasn’t powerful enough to do that, but she had to try.
After one particularly difficult panic attack from Annabeth, Percy and Piper had managed to get her to finally calm down and rest a bit. By the time she was asleep, Percy was almost in tears thanking Piper for helping them with a rib crushing hug. He admitted how he loved Annabeth so much, but he felt useless in helping her. So Piper ended up shushing him to sleep as well, and finally got up to let the two sleep.
Yeah, so basically Piper becomes the twos personal therapist, but she wouldn’t change it for the world. She was happy to finally use her voice for something good.
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sapphicpipes · 3 months
Leah won an award for her performance as Annabeth!! I'm so proud of her!!
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sapphicpipes · 3 months
Rick u have one job…
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sapphicpipes · 3 months
I love podcasts of pjo inviting the cast to episodes and asking them about the books and not just the first season. These kids are literally such huge fans! I remember what it was like being that age and wanting to talk about the books to anyone who ever came across me. And Walker saying that whenever someone comes up to him because they recognize him they end up talking about the books makes me so happy. Like, this boy has the perfect conversation starter and he gets to talk about his favorite interest with anyone that comes up to him! That's my dream honestly
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sapphicpipes · 3 months
I'm so fucking tired of the way this fandom sanders Percy's intelligence. Not only is he not dumb. He's really reaaaally smart. Yes, he struggles at school, but that's because of his ADHD and dislexia. And yes, he's oblivious to people having crushes on him, but that doesn't make him stupid! He's very emotionally intelligent too!
And I also have the personal headcanon that once he starts going to the New Rome university he starts doing REALLY well. Mostly because I'm sure they have a ton of accommodations in that university (I mean, the entire student body are demigods or descendents of demigods!). And he's very surprised at the fact that he's doing well in school for the first time in his life, but Annabeth isn't.
"Percy wouldn't be a marine biologist, he would be a social worker because he's been advocating for his and other children's rights since he was twelve"
Percy is 17 and done with the god's bullshit. He's burnt out and he just simply doesn't want that responsibility anymore.
He stopped wanting to be involved on quests (toa), he passed onto Jason the responsibility of making sure the minor gods get recognition (boo) and he literally just wants to go to college because he'll be with Annabeth and in New Rome because they'll be safe there. So no, I don't think being a social worker is something Percy would want to do. He'll probably be really fucking good at it. But he would want to.
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sapphicpipes · 3 months
“how is annabeth head of athena cabin” have you ever met an autistic 12 year old girl. she’s running that shit like the navy
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sapphicpipes · 4 months
"the seven aren't found family because they don't even stay together" they live in different parts of the country??? And they're MINORS what do you expect them to do??
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sapphicpipes · 4 months
I’ve seen people upset because they “used to relate to annabeth”. clearly you never did because rick shook those books and leah actually fell out.
if you can’t relate to her anymore.. all you had in common was being white and blonde
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sapphicpipes · 4 months
luke: you cant force the Gods to do anything
percy: forces the gods to do everything
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