sapphicsw · 5 years
CAMGIRL 101 - Shit to do first
So you’re broke as fuck and you are stoked on camming and want to shred off all your clothes and make a million bucks right this fucking second. I get it. Read this first. It’s worth it to be prepared.
1) Lock down your personal social media. Instagram, facebook, twitter - set all that stuff to private, or if you’re not partial to it, delete it. If you’re using your full first and last name on Facebook, don’t. At the very least, change your last name to a nickname. If you’ve got the time and the patience (and you’re paranoid like I am), go through and lock or shut down or privatize any old blogs or profiles you may have set up elsewhere - tumblr, livejournal, wordpress, bla bla bla. Why? A shitty potential problem with cam work is having someone get a hold of your first and last name and post photos/videos/screenshots/whatever of you on sites where you can’t get things removed. Ultimately this means that if someone were to google your First + Last name, they’d see your ladybits, and that might potentially fuck some shit up for you later on in life. Obviously it’s a risk no matter what you do, but it’s better to at least put some precautionary work in.
2) Create a cam-related snapchat and a twitter. Twitter is king in the cam world. You can use it to tell people when you’re going to be online, to connect with members and to make friends with other camgirls! I used to hate twitter and now I adore it. I 100% recommend making a twitter and a snapchat for cam purposes before you get on cam because it’s a good way to make money and a good way to market yourself. Most camgirls allow a tip option to receive a snapchat add, whereas twitter is usually shared with members for free. Post your twitter link in your chat when you cam and people will know how to find you next time you’re online.
Yes, the site you work on needs your actual name and actual information because they’re going to pay you with actual money. And yes, you also need to show your face. If any of this seems too risky for you, close up shop and look for something else.
1 token = 0.05USD. To check what you’re making, plug in your token amount x 0.05 (NOT 0.5. I have had people think they were making shit tons of money on their first show, show their vaginas to the world and then realize after the fact that they made $50 not $500. BE MATH SMART lol).
i.e: 500 tokens = 500 x 0.05 = $25.
You will need a webcam, a computer and some half decent lighting. If you’re broke as shit and can’t afford fancy stuff, it’s okay, you can always start basic and work your way up. I used a second hand macbook and it’s built in camera for the first year of camming and it worked fine. I’d say more important than high tech stuff is good lighting, so if you can haul a couple lamps from around your house, you’re golden.
From the model admin page…
GEOBLOCK YOUR STATE OR PROVINCE. from the Model Admin page, on the left hand side, scroll down until you see a link called “model settings”. You will see an option there for “Blocked Locations” – use this to block your area or others you want to keep away from you. This will prevent people from within the province from seeing your profile or being able to see your webcam stream!
From the web broadcaster…
You have three basic modes on MFC: free chat, group chat and private chat (private/true private). The majority of the highest earning girls spend most of their time in free chat. Stay in free chat for your first few shows. Save group and private chat for prizes or special occasions. Under the “options” button on the left hand bottom side of your screen, click “chat” and make sure you aren’t accepting group, private or true private requests.
BLOCK PRIVATE MESSAGES FROM NON-FRIENDS. From your Web Broadcaster page, on the bottom left hand side of the page is a button that says “options”. Click that, then click “chat”. Make sure to only accept private messages from friends. It is also wise to block other models from your chat room (some models will attempt to “poach” tipping members by sending PMs to anyone who tips you).
BLOCK GUESTS AND BASICS FROM CHATTING. Guests do not have an MFC account and are viewing your cam but can’t tip until they sign up and buy tokens. Basics do have an MFC account but have never purchased tokens, so they also can’t tip (until they buy tokens). The first time you buy tokens, your account becomes ‘premium’ - these members either have tokens or have bought tokens before, therefore are the most likely members to tip (in most cases). For this reason, most models block guests and basics from chatting - on the top of your screen you’ll see two little buttons beside the topic bar. Holding your mouse over them will bring up a note that says “block guests from chat” and “block basics from chat”. Make sure you click both of them so that you’re only talking to people who are most likely to tip you.
BLOCK ASSHOLES AND TROLLS. Yes, there’s a fine line between being ban happy and being assertive, but you’ll figure out your own stance on that as you mature on the site. In the mean time, if people are bothering you, ban them. You can do this by clicking on their name in the chat: notice that a box shows up on the left hand side with their information on it. There’s a drop down menu you can click that gives you a number of options, one of them being “ban” - this will shut them out of your cam room for 6 hours, and hopefully get them out of your face while you’re trying to figure shit out. Remember that annoying members don’t only annoy you, they annoy potential tipping members, too - it’s best to get them out and keep the vibe of your room positive.
Do not accept paypal as a new model. Scamming members will offer new models paypal for things/shows/blabla – it’s against MFC rules to accept paypal for shit and they will always, always cancel the payment before you get it and you end up with nothing.
Skype is the same. Don’t let people tip you for skype – stay on the website, if people want to tip you they can tip you for your time on cam.
New model status is a small yellow icon that appears next to your name for the first six hours that you stream on MFC. It’s a way for members to pay attention to models that just start out. Some people consider new model status really important and valuable … personally, I think it’s hit or miss. Yes, it boosts your visibility, so you should aim to use those six hours wisely. No, it doesn’t guarantee quality members or tippers; if anything, I’d say it guarantees more trolls and douchebags who are looking to take advantage of a girl who doesn’t know what she’s doing. Regardless, people will know you’re new for the first six hours, so make what you will of that.
Camscore is a model points system. It’s complicated as fuck and makes zero sense but essentially speaking, the more tips you make in an hour, the higher your camscore, the higher your camscore, the higher up on the front page you appear, aka the better the exposure and the more members you are able to meet (more or less). Aim to make a minimum of 1000 tokens an hour. This will help keep your score competitive. If you notice that after an hour you haven’t made that, don’t be afraid to encourage the room to help you reach your goals (“I’m really trying to hit the 1000 token mark this hour, every tip helps”, etc etc).
Miss MFC is a monthly rank competition that numbers girls according to their token earnings for that month. The #1 girl is whoever makes the most tokens, so on and so forth. This is a huge point of interest on the site and many girls use “rank push” months to boost their team moral and their incomes. For now, you don’t have to worry about it.
TOPIC: You can get creative with how you do this in future, but here’s a good idea for a start point:
@remain top off – 25 Spank, 200 Friend Add, 550 Snapchat, 900 Name On Booty [First Day On MFC!]
Now you have a basic idea of what people charge for, and members have an idea of what they can tip you to get you to do. The options here are endless – I have tips for making a pot of Kraft Dinner, for example – so do whatever you feel comfortable with! You’d be surprised what people will tip for.
COUNTDOWN: MFC does this for you automatically. When you hit broadcast, on the right hand upper side of your screen (beside your topic bar) you’ll see a button that says “Start Countdown” or something like that. When you put a number there, as members tip, MFC automatically keeps track of how many tokens have been put toward that countdown. You can automatically display your countdown in your topic so that your members can see the progress by typing @remain in your topic bar – this will display the number and update it all for you.
TIP: It is customary on the site for members to ask about a request before tipping it. If someone tips you 10,000 tokens and says “flash ur tits” and you don’t have an option for flashing anywhere on your profile or in your topic, YOU DO NOT NEED TO FLASH YOUR TITS. You’re under no obligation to do anything you haven’t advertised, and even if you do advertise it, you’re never going to be in trouble for not following through. Tips are not payment for a service: tips are a gratuity. People will try to take advantage of new models in this way. If someone tips you to do something you’re not comfortable with, thank them for their tip but remind them that you don’t do whatever they’re asking and move on.
There are three types of tips on MFC: public tip, “ninja” tip and anonymous tip. A public tip shows up as a yellow bar: you and all of the members of your room can see who the tip came from and how many tokens the tip was. It is customary to thank the member and use their name for public tips. “Ninja tips” are tips that only you, the model, can see: the room cannot see the tip amount nor who sent a tip. They will appear as a grey bar, not a yellow bar. Because these tips are hidden from the rest of the room, it is customary to thank “ninja” for the tip and NOT use the member’s username. Anonymous tips show a username of anonymous to both you and the chat room. Sometimes, anonymous tips are also ninja tips - the room can’t see the anonymous tip but you can. There’s no weird ass name for these kinds of tips even though it seems like there should be.
BANS: Like I said before, if someone is making you feel uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to ban them. Doesn’t matter how much they’ve tipped – your comfort is paramount and you need to be in control of your room. Once again, if you click on a member’s name, on the left hand side you’ll see a little menu option: you can hit “ban” and they won’t be able to see your chat room for six hours. You can also perma-ban people, which I’ll teach you later because it doesn’t really matter right now lol
FRIEND ADD: If someone wants to PM you (and tips for an add), you add them similar to how you’d ban them: click their name and on the left hand side of your screen you’ll see a little heart option to “add as a friend”. You can also remove them using this same method. Their private messages will pop up near your topic bar at the top of your screen. While it’s nice to talk one on one, I usually try to keep PM conversations short and give most of my focus to the chat room.
As mentioned, new model status can be a huge draw for assholes who assume you have no idea what you’re doing and can be taken advantage of. Think about what people are saying to you before you take advice from even seemingly helpful members, especially in your first few days. They’re gonna offer you tons of advice and some of them are honestly great people but others are really manipulative little shits so USE YOUR OWN INTUITION AND OTHER CAMGIRLS AS YOUR SOURCE OF INFORMATION and take what members tell you with a grain of salt.
Be grateful for every tip. Avoid the word “slow”. People tip on MFC because they enjoy the vibe of the room and think you’re cool/hot/fun – so your number one job is to create a fun environment where people can relax and laugh and feel good about themselves. Try to remember people’s names. Don’t be afraid to be a little over the top if someone tips you a lot.
Play music that makes you feel good, dance around, show off your bod, be confident and feel cute and people will notice!! Having the jitters is normal. Feeling frazzled on your first show is normal. It’s also cute as fuck. Work it to your advantage – you’re bound to make mistakes and do things you regret in the first little while but as long as you’re willing to make a couple mistakes along the way, it’ll be a fun experience.
Value yourself highly and others will be forced to do the same. Sometimes I offer deals on raffle tickets or videos, but very rarely will I make my countdowns cheaper. Never, ever will I do what the countdown was for if we don’t make the count. Say you put a 1000 token countdown up and you only make it halfway, but since it’s slow you think that maybe being topless would draw a crowd, so you pop the top off anyway. You have effectively just taught all of the freeloaders in your room that if they wait long enough, they’ll get to see what you offer for sale … for free. It’s better to wait it out or walk away and consider a slightly lower countdown for next time than it is to reduce the count during the show.
It pays to be friendly and kind. People want to feel liked. Don’t be a doormat, but try not to be an asshole. People are always more motivated to help a friend than they are to help someone who they fear might turn on them or be using them.
Countdowns: 1000 for top off, 1200 for panties off (I wear a thong underneath booty shorts usually), 1500 for “braless tease” (sort of like a pin-up-esque dance, lots of covering my nipples with my hands and sexydancing lol), and then 2000 for a “show” like lotion (rubbing lotion on my butt), bath tease (I wear a bikini top and a thong in the bath and get soapy), something like that. This usually takes two or three hours. If I’m near my “day goal” (which is usually 4000 to 6000 tokens), I’ll put up a countdown just to reach that goal, with no show or anything tied to it – people are usually pretty motivated to help out. These are obviously non-nude tips. If you’re up to getting naked, don’t be afraid to ask for more! In fact never be afraid to ask for more. Again, you’d be surprised what people are up to helping you for.
Don’t be afraid to chill between countdowns. If you finish a countdown really fast, give it five or ten minutes before you put up a new one! Chatting and getting to know people is important so leaving some space between shows gives you room to relax – and people will still often tip in between countdowns, too, so you can sneak extra tokens in like that.
Don’t worry about your profile for now. I’ll talk about that in another post. With what you’ve just read, you should be more than ready to tackle your first few shows.
Keep in mind these countdown numbers are my numbers. I used them on my first day and I continue to use them today. If you aren’t hitting your goals and it’s bumming you out there is nothing wrong with asking for less. If you want to do 500 token counts instead, nothing is stopping you. Some models prefer to do higher countdowns with the chance of not finishing them, others perfer to do lower countdowns in order to feel successful every show. This is personal preference. Wiggle around and see what suits you best.
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sapphicsw · 5 years
Sugar Bowl Master Post
None of these posts are mine and for all I know there’s 300 master lists filled with the same links. I also am no professional in this job field so if you have questions contact the people attached to their own links. But this what I’ve gathered up and feel free to add your own links/experiences.
Filer Method for POTs
Shopping With Your SD
What To If You’re Worried You Won’t Get Paid On Time
Uping Bedroom Game
How To Be a Successful SB
(not SB specific) Sales Techniques
Reasons To Become a Sugar Baby
Positive Reminders
Tips for POTs
Occupational Hazards
Basics For Being Around a POT/SD
A Reminder For SB Newcomers
Taking Care of Yourself
10 Golden Rules
Apps to Use While Sugaring
7 Top Mistakes Made in Online Profiles
Banking Tips
10 Mistakes That Can Be Made
Apps Like Paypal That Don’t Require Your Actual Name
Advice From a Sugar Daddy
Natural Acne Care
Perks of Sugaring
Possible Long-term Goals
Financial Advice
Types of Sugar Daddies
Advice from a Sugar Baby
Short FAQ on Sugaring
New SB Tip
Get the Money First
Searching for a SD
Tips for Dealing With POTs
Cheap Self-Care
Sugar Baby Allowance
Communication with Sugar Daddies
Good Sites to Find POTs
Upper Class Culture ( 1 ) ( 2 )
Plans for SBs
Negotiation Tactic
Allowance Tips
6 Common Mistakes
Allowance and Bank Laws
Steps to Become a Sugar Baby
Tips for Your First Date with Your POT
Sugar Baby Reminder
Appropriate Responses to Give to SDs
Budgeting Tips
Money Making Tips
That’s all I have saved.
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sapphicsw · 5 years
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I’ve been getting a ton of questions asking how to look good for dates without spending a ton of money. I come from a poor family and just got serious about sugaring a month and a half ago, so I didn’t really have a lot of money to spend on myself. This is just general advice for makeup and fashion that don’t require a ton of money. This is mostly for my fellow newbie sugar babes out there to help out until we can get more money to actually treat ourselves. 
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sapphicsw · 6 years
How to be a kept woman
Any woman who dares to suggest that it’s OK to live off a rich man is likely to be dismissed as a traitor by feminists. Yet this is exactly the lifestyle promoted in a new book by Abigail Bosanko. Though the novel is fictional, the author was ‘kept’ by her husband, an investment fund manager, in an elegant Edinburgh mews house while she wrote it. Here, we present Abigail’s guide to becoming a kept woman… KNOW WHAT YOU WANT BEFORE you even contemplate being a kept woman, know what kind of man you want. If you want an art historian or collector who works for Sotheby’s, don’t settle for a picture framer, even if he has a string of shops. Be confident - an intriguing 21st century woman with her own independent pursuits and talents. You want this man to fall in love with your beautiful mind. HAVE A SKILL Choose an unusual skill - this is intriguing and sexy. Play polo, or golf (not football - men see women who like football as spies in the camp); have an intimate knowledge of 18th and 19th century courtesans; play an instrument; learn about wine or speak an unusual language. Knowledge of food is always sensual. SPEND TIME ON YOURSELF This is something puritans disapprove of, but spending time on yourself - doing your nails, having a massage or a facial, or even just wearing your favourite perfume - is all good for your self-image and self esteem. UNDERWEAR Lingerie is psychologically revealing. If a woman is in a happy relationship she has all sorts of fabulous lingerie, but when she’s unhappy she’s got her 90-denier winter warmers, and fleecy vests, because she’s not particularly interested in sharing that part of herself. Even if you feel like 90-denier, wear something silky that makes you feel good. CLOTHES Nurture your curves like actresses Kate Winslet, Catherine Zeta Jones and Marilyn Monroe. There is nothing wrong with being a size 14 - look at Nigella Lawson. Think Forties Domestic Goddess. Wear elegant, simple, well-cut clothes, such as shawl-collared suits which hug your curves, in neutral tones. And don’t forget your heels. WHERE TO MEET The first-class lounge at the airport is perfect. Save up all your air miles and buy a club class seat to somewhere such as Paris or New York. Hope for a delay, then you will all get to know each other playing Scrabble, with endless free drinks. Fine art, furniture and jewellery auctions at the top auction houses are also perfect. WHAT KIND OF MAN? Obviously he’s got to be wealthy, but he’s also got to be discreet. Showy wealth is a definite no-no. Lots of gold jewellery shows someone who needs to be in a credit card club to feel financially confident. All a man needs is a beautiful watch, or a signet ring with the family crest. Find out where he has been on holiday. There are two types: if he has been scuba diving in the Maldives or white-water rafting in the Amazon, this shows he has money and a sense of adventure. Alternatively, cushy stays in sumptuous hotels are perfect. If he hasn’t had time for a holiday, he’s too busy to appreciate you. HIS PERSONALITY He should have an active hobby - one that shows stamina, which is vital. He should be generous, of course, and protective of you. He should be well-read and informed, reading at least one newspaper in addition to the FT. Books could be things such as Martin Amis’s Experience, or J. M. Coetzee’s Waiting For The Barbarians. DROPPING HINTS In our modern world where women are career- queens, men find this concept odd. One male friend of Abigail asked: ‘Why would an intellectual woman want to be bank-rolled?’ But when it was explained that it would allow her to follow her vocation, the concept became quite appealing. Start by saying that you would love to be able to pursue your passion as a rare book restorer/ cartoonist/script writer, but can’t afford to. He’ll be impressed and will offer to pay. HOW DO YOU KNOW HE WILL KEEP YOU? The first sign is when he offers to pay off your overdraft, then credit card bills, then suggests you don’t go in to work but spend time with him. While he’s at a business lunch he would love it if you went shopping - he will pick up the tab, of course. When it comes to this sort of arrangement, you have got to be honest, clever and sophisticated. TERMS Be bold, be daring, be honest. You need a joint bank account - you set the limit - plus your own personal savings account. He can buy you a chic mews house, a penthouse flat - or, of course, you can move into his mansion. Ask for accounts at your favourite shops. You also need treats such as manicures, pedicures, chocolates and flowers. Exotic holidays and weekend breaks are essential. SEX This is sensual, loving, tantalising sex, not you fulfilling his fantasy - not unless the fantasy is mutual. When it comes to sex, remember, curiosity comes first. With all the money you now have access to, you can change the venue as often as you like. Instead of going home, book into a five-star hotel. It will never get boring. GIFTS You should ask for gifts that are original: ‘A friend received an embroidered silk cheongsam (Mandarin gown) from her lover who was travelling in China.’ Expect a single, beautiful pearl, elegant jewellery, a race-horse, £1,000 worth of Lottery tickets or rare books such as the original Les Liaisons Dangereuses. HOLIDAYS At least four times a year, not counting short breaks. Abigail’s husband often takes her to a romantic hotel near the Sorbonne in Paris. Think skiing in Aspen, scuba diving on the Barrier Reef, a trip to the Galapagos or Madagascar, sunbathing in St Lucia. He might have his own private yacht, so cruise the Caribbean or the islands in the Mediterranean. WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR TIME Write that novel that’s said to lurk inside us all - Abigail wrote hers; finish your art history degree. Get to know the best restaurants and cafes so you can lunch at length with your friends. Afternoons-should be reserved for shopping or pampering, and evenings with him. WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR (HIS) MONEY It goes without saying that you will revamp your wardrobe. Keep champagne, chablis, caviar, organic bread, bacon and quails’ eggs in your fridge. A bit of philanthropy is essential, too, so set up covenants to your favourite charities and feel charitable towards bone fide beggars - give more to buskers and pavement artists, because they are at least trying. Send your family on their dream holiday, and treat your man to a surprise trip on Concorde or the best seats at a major international sporting event. WHAT TO SAY TO CRITICS Always keep a bottle of champagne in the fridge for your disapproving female friends. They will be extremely envious, so kill them with kindness. Never apologise about your chosen lifestyle. Don’t brag about it either - it’s not dignified. END IT You can insist on an expiry date - a year and a day maybe - but you decide when. Do not return your gifts. When it ends, put all your overflow cash into an ISA and go on holiday for a month. Go somewhere romantic and beautiful, and take time to think. You never know, he might follow you there and beg to keep you in a permanent arrangement. Lazy Ways To Make A Living by Abigail Bosanko, Time Warner Books, £5.99.
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sapphicsw · 6 years
How to Make Him Buy You Stuff by Lydia Lafaso - Notes Part III
1. Set The Level High
You have to create a framework, an atmosphere, a world where endowing and financial support of your girlfriend is a normal thing.
How you teach him in the beginning of your relationship, that’s how he will behave further on. 
After a couple of weeks, start telling him how your girlfriend is traveling to Miami often with her boyfriend, cause he has an apartment there. 
Or something like “last week he surprised her totally and bought her an identical Versace swim wear she had lost last time they were in Miami”. 
Or “this friend of mine, you know, she is crazy about shoes, luckily she found a man who loves her enough, and understands her shoe passion, so he often buys her that stuff…” 
So, always start with the stories about your girlfriends, never about yourself, because it will seem obvious. 
Wear or bring the most expensive or breath-taking items of clothes you possess and wait for him to ask where you got it, or where you bought it blah, blah.. 
You answer that it is from your boyfriend, or you don’t know where it is from cause your boyfriend gave it. 
Or, next time, it is I bought it in Paris, so international shopping is a normal thing for you.
Talk about nice trips to other continents like it is something absolutely normal to you, like going to a local supermarket. 
He has to treat you like that too, cause you are used to being pampered.
For you it is just natural to have men around craving to spend their money and attention on you. THAT is the picture you have to put inside his brain.
Present yourself as a gentle, caring, good girl that likes to have nice things surrounding her, and a nice life in general. 
„Life is too short for not having beautiful things.“
Share stories where he has to learn that love is about sharing
2. The “I Love Fashion“ Narrative:
No matter whether you love cars, dishes or violins, you have to emphasize it to your boyfriend. Not aggressively, but lightly and persistently. 
He has to be aware how much you love something, in order to buy it. 
„I know I will sound like a Barbie, but when I see all my shoes, I really feel happy and feminine.“
„You know, CHANEL has existed for more than 1 century, imagine all that style and tradition!“ That is why I appreciate it so highly! 
Say how bored you are with the men and women who are obsessed by Louis Vuitton, like there aren’t other classy designers, like our Marc Jacobs.
3. Sob Stories
When you meet your MM, be all sad and passive. When he asks you what’s happening, don’t say anything, just sigh sadly and say it’s nothing, and that you will solve it. 
When he asks you again, repeat that it is something you have to solve on your own. Then continue with the sadness. 
When he continues to insists what is happening with you, start crying (if you can’t, practise at home, or at least make the most tragic face you can) 
DON’T ASK FOR HELP! He has to offer it. When he does it, act surprised, like you haven’t ever expected him to do something so nice for you… If he doesn’t offer his help, he is not a real MM, and dump him
Mention to him that you saw a wonderful dress in the mall, but you don’t have money to buy it, and now you are feeling sad. 
When he offers to give you the money, and ask how much is it, double the price. If it’s $400, say it is $800. Buy the dress, wear it the same night and keep the change. 
If you date more then one tell both men your dating you saw a wonderful fur coat, but it is so expensive ($7000) that you cannot afford it, and now you feel unhappy. Make them both give you money, buy yourself a fur coat, and keep $7000.
4. Show your Appreciation
You have to present the situation where he buys stuff to you as natural, never be too ecstatic about it, or ungrateful. 
Always smile, say thank you and praise him for being a great guy and a great boyfriend for “doing all these nice things for you”, for “understanding your passion towards fashion” 
Avoid the verb to buy, to shop etc… He is not buying you stuff, he is doing stuff for you, he is making you happy, he is understanding your love towards style 
it will become like a drug to him. He will feel more manly when he buys stuff for you, and every time he does it, you will be a grateful woman who will boost his ego. 
5. Boost His Ego
All she did was boosting his ego. she loves his being such an alpha male, how she feels safe by him. As soon as she would start going on on his virtues, he would get wood – no matter if they are in bed or restaurant.
Always be gentle, caring, nice to every MM you date. Always hug them, talk about their characteristics – because the favourite topic of every person is they themselves. 
Say that you have noticed he is ambitious, or shy, or that you see he knows how to handle people, or that he is smart etc.
after sex, when he is naked and vulnerable, hug him and tell him, in a very serious and honest tone of voice, that he set up a new standard what a man should be. Trust me, works every time
Men just have the need to be the one, the best, the man who showed you what a real man is. Tackle their ego. 
6. Pass His Tests To Keep Him (and his money)
Usually, MMs do this when they fall in love, when we become meaningful to them. Then, they start to self-reflect and wonder whether we love them or not
Once he gets the impression that you are really devoted to him he will buy even more. One MM of mine, once tested me for 3 months! I was cool about it, and after that I got a Rolex watch 
While he is testing you, you can always go and search for another MM, just in case.
The longer you stay with MM, the more he will share with you. Because he will have more trust, more love, and more confidence in your relationship.
If after 3 months he didn’t’ buy you anything, leave him. Don’t waste time with someone who is not that much into you, because the next one will be
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sapphicsw · 6 years
I found a tutorial on how to give a real lap dance. Super basic but probably super helpful to the newbies out there! She also has other stripper advice vids on her channel.
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sapphicsw · 6 years
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Trick, treat, sponsor. Men? The more the merrier, even though they aren’t rich enough to be my SD, I can still use them.
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sapphicsw · 6 years
He Pays for What He Wants!
It’s just that simple…yet you give him options so that his fragile male ego doesn’t think you are backing him into a corner or being greedy. “Oh Honee, what do you mean? What the hell are you talking about today?” I’m so glad you asked ! Lol
Him: I like my women shaved, airstrip, etc down there.
You: Awesome! European Wax Center offers a great package where you buy 9 and get 3 free or you can pay monthly which is more expensive of course. Pretty much takes care of that for the entire year. They even offer ones for students! 
Would you like to add that to our monthly allowance or should I give you the number so that you can call and take care of the cost?
Him: I love a woman that can go from t-shirts and jeans to a nice sexy dress/evening gown and heels, etc.
You: I can definitely do that! I have plenty of jeans and tshirts in my wardrobe, however, I’d love a few new dresses/evening gowns that you’d love to see me in.
 Would you like to  set aside a shopping date to take care of that, add a shopping allowance, or buy directly from my wishlist?
Him: I love lingerie with a garter belt and stockings. Do you have any you can send me pictures in?
You: I’m so glad you asked! I was just looking at a few sets on the Agent Provocateur/ La Perla website that I really liked. Here’s the links to them, Check them out and let me know what you think (…checks out links tells you how much he’d love see you in them) I love that you and I have the same taste. 
Would you like to purchase them directly for me or purchase the gift-card so that I can purchase them myself?
Specific things that he wants should not come out of your agreed upon allowance. Find his most prized possession and compare the two if he ever tries you.
Him: Babe, doesn’t your allowance cover that?
You: Babe :( you know my allowance covers my necessities first. I love how you’re so manly about your desires that require a little more extra work on my part which is certainly not problem. It makes me feel great to make you happy. Kind of like when you bought your Porsche last week. You could have brought the regular manufactured one, but you also added the premium package, tinted windows, and better tires which cost a little more then you intended to spend.
 I’ve seen the happiness in your face when we ride in it.
 I’m not one to compare myself to cars because I can do things for you that your Porsche can’t :), but that wax is my premium package, tinted windows is that dress/shoes, and those new tires is my lingerie. 
Don’t you want to experience the happiness of all that too?
You’ll thank me for this long ass post later,
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sapphicsw · 6 years
30 Glow Up Challenge
Day 1: Cut out all sodas/juices/energy drinks and switch for tea or water for better sleep, skin, metabolism, and to kill excess sugar cravings.
Day 2: Do 50 squats every day before your shower to get that ass🍑
Day 3: Do a face mask.
Day 4: Paint your nails/toes with a cute ass design💅
Day 5: Make yourself a bomb ass breakfast before starting your day.
Day 6: Clean out your closet and try on shit to configure some cute ass outfits for future reference.
Day 7: Take an epsom salt bath to detox and relax.
Day 8: Buy yourself a new highlighter. Even a cheap one like ELF or Makeup Revolution can ya shit pop✨
Day 9: Take a selfie. Take 10. Take 100. Do your makeup or go natural, and gas yourself up with as many selfies as your heart desires. Y'all have no clue how much this boosts your self confidence.
Day 10: Pick/buy yourself some flowers. Love thyself.
Day 11: Do something different with your hair. Part it a different way, straighten it, curl it, dye it, whatever makes you feel glammed up💆
Day 12: Go for a walk outside. Get that fine ass some fresh air and exercise.
Day 13: Get your eyebrows done, or do them yourself if you prefer.
Day 14: Trim your split ends💇
Day 15: Try out a new lip color💅
Day 16: Go through old makeup and throw out anything unwanted or expired. Keep that vanity fresh.
Day 17: Go to bed early for that young beauty rest💤
Day 18: Go through social media and your phone contacts. Delete/block people you don’t like or want to talk to. Cut that toxicity outta your life.
Day 19: Wear a new perfume, or one you normally don’t wear.
Day 20: Exfoliate ya face with your favorite scrub.
Day 21: Apply coconut oil (to lenghten) or castor oil (to volumize) to your lashes before going to bed
Day 22: Buy or make a lip scrub to get them soft kissers😘 (diy scrub: honey+sugar+olive oil)
Day 23: Buy yourself a cheap, fake little engagement ring to remind yourself that you are married to yourself. It also wards off fuckboys.
Day 24: Stretch properly after you wake up, and before you go to bed.
Day 25: Make yourself a lit ass playlist on spotify or your phone’s music to jam whenever you’re feelin down.
Day 26: Make a fruit salad and gobble that shit up for a healthy snack (melt some dark chocolate and drizzle over it for a little treat)🍎🍓🍇🍉🍍
Day 27: Do some yoga.
Day 28: Wing out ya eyeliner like a bad bitch💁 Use scotch tape as a guide for beginners.
Day 29: Buy yourself a new bra or pair of panties to feel sexy af in💞 Target has cute shit for cheap.
Day 30: Meditate to clear your mind and boost your mood.
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sapphicsw · 6 years
Head-to-Toe Self Care
Egg & olive oil hair mask || DIY hot oil treatment || DIY hair detox || Lavender hair spritz || Vinegar hair rinses || All sorts of braids || Ways to wear a bow || 6 ways to wear a scarf || Hair masterpost || Disney Princess hairstyle masterpost ||
Coconut oil scalp treatment || Brown sugar scalp scrub || Scalp saver ||
Eyebrow shaping 101 || Exfoliate your eyebrows || Drawing on eyebrows || Filling in eyebrows || Fuller eyebrows ||
Figure out your skin type || Strawberry acne mask || Banana honey mask || Avocado face mask || Yogurt face mask || Acne guide || Honey cinnamon mask ||
Properties of different essential oils || Properties of scents || Aromatherapy in your kitchen: herbs || Aromatherapy in your kitchen: spices ||
Getting rid of dry lips 101 || Exfoliating sugar scrub || DIY Lip balm || DIY fuller lips ||
How to make your eyes stand out || How to wear red lipstick || Makeup masterpost || DIY crayon lipstick || Make your own eyeshadow || 7 fun eye looks || Makeup tips blog ||
Nature sounds || Rain sounds || Noise machines || Cafe noises || Various noises & color generator || Create music || Various sounds || Nature sound mixer ||
Properties of spices || Healthy & tasty snacks || Nutella hot chocolate || Cheap, tasty, healthy snacks || Recipe for every starbucks drink & pastry ||
Nails & Hands
At-home manicure || Quick nail art || Nail art tutorials || DIY sugar scrub || 8 moisturizing hand masks || Dry hand treatment ||
Basic back stretches ||
Abdominal self-massage || Snacks that improve digestion ||
Exfoliate legs with sugar || Getting the perfect shave || Basic leg stretches || Leg self-massage ||
Feet & Toenails
Perfect DIY Pedicure || Dirty feet scrub || Remedies for cracked heels || Whiten yellow toenails || Extreme toe makeover || Vinegar foot soak || Detox foot soak ||
How to take the perfect nap || Donate rice || Myers-Briggs personality test ||
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sapphicsw · 7 years
The Psychology of Persuasion for Sugar Babies.
As a possible psych major, I thought I’d pass on these concepts I learned last year in class that are important for any sugar baby to know about. These are tips and concepts that will allow you to persuade a POT or SD into giving you what you want.
Foot in the Door- ask for something small; when they give it to you, then ask for something bigger. They have already said yes to you, and are therefore more likely to continue to say yes to you. Use this when out shopping, or when asking for an allowance raise. EX. Ask to go to one store for something you “need.” While your there and their buying you that thing, pick out other stuff too. Again, they are less likely to refuse you because they already agreed to buying the first item. The suggest popping into another store “while we’re out.” Same concept with allowance. Say something along the lines of “the allowance you’re giving me is already so generous, but another $1,000 would really help me out”
Door in the Face-  make big request, when they refuse, ask for something smaller. It will seem reasonable in comparison, and they will be more likely to say yes. When asking for an allowance, ask fore more than you really want. Best case scenario, they agree to it. But if they don’t, when you then ask for your REAL desired allowance, it will seem like a bargain in comparison, and they are more likely to agree to it.
Other tips
Repeated exposure to something makes it more appealing. Seeing your POT a few times before agreeing to an allowance may be in your best interest.
Agreement and praise make you more convincing. During your date, compliment your POT and agree with what he says, even if you don’t really agree. This makes him easier to persuade.
On that note, people with low self esteem are more prone to social pressure. If you think your POT has low self esteem, praising him makes him more likely to do what you want.
Context is important. Pleasant surroundings make people more agreeable. Have the allowance talk in a nice place when your POT is in a good mood, it will work in your favor.
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sapphicsw · 7 years
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sapphicsw · 7 years
Sugar Babe Health & Beauty
Ok I’m going to take what I’ve learned and (try) to put it all in one post. This is going to try to be slightly organized but lmao we’ll see. 
This is going to be a long post and it’ll seem like a lot to do but take it one step at a time and you will be on your mother fucking A game.
Okay first things first, you can’t have beauty without…
Alright LISTEN UP, it doesn’t matter what size you are. Weather you wanna be a slim barbie type, a thick hunny w/ toned curves, or a beautiful full woman with allllll the curves; you need to be working out 2-5 x’s per week! By working out you will remain healthy, happy, and toned. Even if you go run for 30 minutes or walk up hill for 20 minutes, JUST DO IT HONEY
Along with working out you need to be lifting weights. NO you won’t get all big and muscular, women don’t pack on muscle like men do. So take the most you can lift without struggle and add 10-15 pounds to that. Do arm curls, weighted squats, etc. LIFTING WEIGHTS BOOST METABOLISM AND HELP YOU SHED POUNDS FASTER!! 
Every morning when you wake up you should be taking vitamins. Biotin to help with hair/nails (take high potency if you’re trying to grow your hair out), Vitamin  A for skin, multi vitamin for over all health, and fish oil for a healthy heart/immune system. 
Bathe daily. I know we all like to preserve our hair n shit but, honestly. Your POT don’t wanna smell your stale perfume and bed sheets. Bathe daily, shower 3x’s per week. 
On that note, before every POT date take a bath with some essential oils or (even better) a LUSH bath bomb, when he gets close to you and smells you he will instantly have a hard on. Which means more money for you 
Go as long as possible without shaving your pussy. In between the times when you see your daddy, let that shit grow. Shaving is really hard on that UBER sensitive area. And you should know to exfoliate before shaving already. Rub coconut oil on ya cooch to relieve irritation.
I can’t think of anything else atm, if I do I’ll put it in misc.
Okay sorry in advanced for how scattered this section will be
 Facial care routine; wash your makeup off with coconut oil (honestly I wouldn’t use anything else), then wash your face with either 1. a gentle moisturizing face wash (for the hunnies with dry skin) or 2. a benzol peroxide based face wash (for my hunnies with oily skin)
Moisturizing- SO important I can not stress this enough. It doesn’t matter if you have dry, oily, combination, you need to moisturize twice daily. ONE OF MY FAVORITE moisturizers is simply a rose water mist. I use this so much, two squirts after I  wash  my face in the morning, two squirts before bed. 
What does rose water do? Why is it so great? BITCH I’M GLAD YOU ASKED. Rose water reduces redness, moisturizes, balances out the oils in your face which 1. evens skin tone and 2. fights acne. Seriously invest in this shit, it is heaven sent. AND SUPER CHEAP
The night of your date with your POT this is what you’re gonna wanna do. 1. Wash your face 2. Smother honey alllll over your face and leave it for 10-30 minutes 3. Rinse it off and apply a light moisturizer. Let it soak into your skin for a minimum of 15 minutes (SO IMPORTANT) 4. Put on some primer and do ya makeup hunny
On the topic of makeup, you need to do your makeup according to; 1. your outfit. A sundress and smoky eye for a lunch date don’t go together 2. Your face. If you have a baby face you need to play up your eyes and lips to boost sex appeal. Also save dramatic eye/contouring for the night time.
CONTOUR YOUR MF FACE. It is like sculpting the perfect face okay. Theres tons of tutorials out there. Get a cream based contour kit AND a powder based one to layer on top/set your contour. 
Perfume- your perfume has a purpose. To draw him in closer, so he can’t get enough of you and misses your sent when you’re gone. And lets be fucking real here. A man doesn’t care that you bought the $200 perfume that makes you smell like a rich old lady. You want to smell GOOD. Some men like fruity scents, sure. But this gives off a much more immature vibe. Vanilla, amber, lavender, those type of scents add an edge and sex appeal to your aura.
I REALLY DON’T WANNA SHARE THIS BUT I’M ABOUT TO SAVE YOUR LIFE. Disagree with me on this idgaf, but I’ve been wearing the same scent for 5 years. Vanilla Lace by Victoria Secret. Just smell it. Its AMAZING, cheap, and I can not leave my house without someone telling me how good I smell. I once had an ex SD that made me spray it on his pillow because he missed me when I left LMAO
Get a conditioner that is thick and creamy. Everytime you wash your hair leave it on for 2-5 minutes. (This should be a given)
Lemon/lime/apple cider vinegar reduces the appearance of dark spots on all areas of skin
Wearing makeup all the time severely damages skin and you should go at least 2 or more days without wearing ANY makeup
Acne is caused by clogged pores, if you’re constantly drying out your pores because you think the oil in your skin is making your acne worse STOP. You need to moisturize (rose water, biiiitch)
If you have a serious acne problem, go to a doctor and get an anti biotic. Be wary of anti biotics that end with “cycline” these are known to cause cancer and all sorts of other health issues
DRINK A FUCKIN HELLA TON OF WATER BITCH like 3 liters per day is what you SHOULD be drinking. DO THAT.
Put lotion on your body everytime you get out of the shower when your skin is still sightly damp
FOR MY THICKER HUNNIES, play up your curves. Contour your tits, wear leggings and tight dresses, men LOVE that shit
Also on that note, if you leave the house uncomfortable in what youre wearing it will fuck up your whole night. Look cute but make sure you’re 100% comfortable. If you can’t walk properly in heels, DON’T WEAR THEM
And again, I CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH that you should be working out multiple times per week. Regardless of your shape or look. It has so many benefits and you will GLOW
Okay I hope this helps some of you babes. Enjoy
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sapphicsw · 7 years
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sapphicsw · 7 years
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sapphicsw · 7 years
100 "Non-Allowance" Questions to ask your Pot or SD:
A few examples, and in no particular order:
1. What has influenced your decision to want an SB?
2. How long have you been searching for one, and which sites did you use?
3. Have you had any negative experiences with Sugaring? Either in your search for one, or in your previous arrangement?
4. Are there people that you don’t like? What characteristics was it about them, that you didn’t like/enjoy?
5. Where do you consider to be good places for an SD/SB to be romantic?
6. What are some ways that you get embarrassed in public?
7. Are you ever bored? What type of people bore you?
8. What are good leisure activities that you would like for us to try together?
9. Are you okay with me dating others while we are in an arrangement?
10. What is your definition of emotional intimacy?
11. Where and when did you meet your wife/girlfriend? What drew you to her?
12. What sort of future financial plans and goals do you have?
13. What is your biggest goal in starting an arrangement?
14. Have you thought about the ramifications of your actions on your family, co-workers and friends?
15. Tell me what precautions you are going to take to ensure that our arrangement is kept private?
16. What you would do if we ran into someone either of us knew, while out together?
17. What would you want me to do?
18. What are the most important things in life? What do you value?
19. What questions would you like me to answer?
20. What are your bad/good habits?
21. What is your opinion of me being a different nationality or following different religious briefs than yours?
22. What would you do to leave a positive impression on our first date? And future dates?
23. What would your perfect arrangement consist of?
24. What is your opinion of us abstaining from sexual intimacy within our arrangement, even though I am not a virgin?
25. Can you explain to me how a Sugaring arrangement is different than a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship?
26. Do you believe that its possible to have emotional intimacy without physical intimacy?
27. Do you still have feelings for an ex, wife, girlfriend or previous SB?
28. How long did your previous arrangement/relationship last?
29. Do you regret any of those intimate experiences with that person?
30. What are your expectations of intimacy and sexual relations with me? How do they differ from your previous SB etc.
31. Should I be fearful, jealous or envious of any of your previous arrangements, and the different opportunities that you have shared with them?
32. Do you usually follow your heart or your head?
33. What is your opinion about me hanging out with other Sugar Babies and their SD’s, or in places that SD’s frequent?
34. Do you think that someone’s past matters in a current arrangement?
35. How would you react if I told you that I can not meet your daily needs for communication?
36. Do you believe in privacy, even while being open with each other in an arrangement?
37. Do you have any opinions about me working a part time job? What if it takes my time away from you?
38. Do you have any hobbies that you’d like for us to share?
39. Have you ever experimented with legal/illegal drugs? Do you currently?
40. Do you have children? What do you think the impact would be on them if our arrangement was made public?
41. What communication methods do you prefer? What are the most private and effect modes?
42. What is something weird about you, or that you’re afraid to tell me?
43. Tell me something about your work, that isn’t common knowledge.
44. If your friends or co-workers don’t like me for some reason, is that a deal breaker?
45. Have you ever had a one night stand? If you did, do you regret it? Would you do it again if you knew you wouldn’t get caught?
46. How long would your ideal arrangement last?
47. Do you have a criminal record, or any contraction of diseases?
48. I don’t, but would it change your opinion of me if I had one?
49. Are you willing to lose time from your family and friends, in order to see me?
50. How did you discover Sugaring?
51. Do any of your friends have Sugar Babies?
52. What do you think about continuing the search for an Sd/SB, after you’ve recently started an arrangement with one?
53. Do you think love within an arrangement is possible?
54. If your job (or wife) started to have a negative impact on our arrangement, what would you do?
55. How do you handle feelings of jealousy or resentment?
56. Do you have any regrets in life or in past arrangements?
57. What is your ideal vacation/weekend get away?
58. Will we be taking any together?
59. What are your expectations of my free time and our time spent together?
60. If you are allowed to do just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
61. What are some things that you take pride in?
62. What is the most difficult component for you, in an arrangement?
63. What happens if we exchange pictures, and down the road decide not to continue our arrangement? How will they be used, shared, kept or destroyed?
64. Would you be ok with me making plans with my friends, on a night that you are free to see me?
65. Will you be OK with me hanging out with you and your friends?
66. If you could change something about females in general, what would it be?
67. What is your opinion on the arts? Do you want to visit museums and galleries together?
68. Do you read the newspaper? How do you stay up on current events?
69. What are you looking for in the long term and short term?
70. If you had three Sugaring rules, what would they be?
71. Which aspect to Sugaring scares you or makes you the most nervous?
72. Are you typically late to events and dates, or end up rescheduling at the last minute?
73. Who has been the most influential person for you so far in life?
74. What are some places that we will definitely need to avoid being seen together?
75. What are some places that we would be safe to visit/experience together?
76. What is the best advice you ever received?
77. What advice would you give to me, regarding Sugaring and life in general?
78. If you had a previous arrangement, why did it end?
79. Are you still friends with that person?
80. Without getting too personal, what were some good moments in that relationship?
81. What were some of the craziest things that you’ve done with her? And some of the sweetest?
82. What will you have accomplished at work one year from now and within our arrangement?
83. If you/we could go on a road trip where would you chose to go? Would I have a say or just be expected to come along on a whim?
84. Are you prepared to respect, and are you comfortable with accepting my school and study schedule?
85. Have you thought about using code names, or certain apps that will keep our communication/contact private?
86. Can you tell me 3 good points about me?
87. What are your expectations of me in our arrangement?
88. What happens if I can not agree or live up to all of them?
89. Have you ever wanted something really bad and then later, not so much? Do you get discouraged easily?
90. Is there anything I could do to make you think that I am an ungrateful or selfish person?
91. What would you do if our communication and dates were limited to set days and periods of times during the day/week/month?
92. Do you like to go window shopping, or are you the type who needs to buy an item?
93. After I had asked you for our first date, was there any part of you that wanted to say no? Why?
94. What are some activities or places, that you would like to do/go on for dates that you haven’t been before?
95. What are your views on open arrangements? Do you know what an open relationship is?
96. What are your future/5 year plans with your wife or girlfriend? Maybe more kids, more travelling etc. How can I help you to achieve this?
97. Is money more important to you or are the relationships you share with people more important?
98. What are some things that you are either passionate about, or anger you?
99. Do you believe that long distance arrangements can work? What about those that are not long in distance but long in the duration between dates?
100. What are your thoughts relating to Sugar Babies as Sex Workers?
This isn’t an end-all-be-all list, as it would go on and on forever…but rather just an idea to get the ball rolling.
Please add on if you want!
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sapphicsw · 7 years
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Margot Robbie (on her character Naomi Lapaglia in The Wolf of Wall Street, 2013):
“As for my character in particular, the nudity and the sexual side to her is her main power over Jordan. She uses that to manipulate men to get what she wants. That’s her form of currency in a world where she’s surrounded by millionaires, and she’s come from nothing. She didn’t have any money whatsoever. That’s how she became a millionaire, you know? So she definitely wouldn’t see it that way. She wouldn’t feel sorry for herself for having to take her clothes off. She would do that willingly. In fact, she would pity the men that are dumb enough to fall for it. It’s her form of power, so it wouldn’t feel exploitative for my character at all.”
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