perfect slumbers - Translation
(original japanese)
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in the black darkness softly bloomed my first heart* i'm sure you don’t know
unable to grab the hand you held out for me, i’m just a little more, just a little more wanting more from you
that is one ray of light
i still don’t want to know right now where my heart is headed
in the black darkness softly bloomed my first heart i can’t say it again today
pretending to have given up, going and getting my hopes up if it’s to you… if it’s with you… that’s exactly why i’m frightened
that is a warm light
i’m sure right now is still before the dawn napping next to you, i’m waiting for tomorrow
unable to grab the hand you held out for me, i’m just a little more, just a little more wanting from just you again
that is one ray of light
my first heart i want you to realize it so badly
* I chose to literally translate "心" as "heart" because "心" carries connotations both of feelings, but also the self and one's mind and soul. It's like someone's thoughts and will, their experience accumulated over time. I feel like both of these ideas are important to Hanekawa's character (you could say it's about love, but to what extent is it also about personhood, and being your own individual?) so I didn't want to erase that. I think, or I hope you can see both ideas in this translation.
* The lowercase is a stylistic choice not related to the translation itself. I just felt like matching the bleak tone of the song.
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perfect slumbers - original Japanese
(from here)
黒い闇の中 そっと 咲いてた はじめての心 君は きっと 知らない
差し伸べてくれた手を つかめずにいる私は あと少し もう少し 君にもっと 求めている
それは ひとすじの光
心の行方を 今は まだ 知りたくない
黒い闇の中 そっと 咲いてた はじめての心 今日も 云えないままで
あきらめたふりをして 期待してしまっている 君になら 君となら だからこそ 怯えている
それは あたたかな光
多分 今は まだきっと 夜明け前 君のとなり 微睡みながら 明日を待ってる
差し伸べてくれた手を つかめずにいる私は あと少し もう少し 君にばかり 求めている
それは ひとすじの光
はじめての心 君に 気付いてほしくて
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sapphiretranslations · 5 months
decent black - Translation
(original japanese)
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Come, let’s open the door and begin the adventure now Hey, let’s find the answer that proceeds to the right future
“I want to do that and I want to do this too–” it’s the law of greed “That’s no good and this is no good either–” in the end, is full of contradictions
In that moment where everything comes together, perfectly aligned is that moment where everything comes together, perfectly aliegned!
Come, let’s open the door and begin the adventure now Hey, let’s find the answer that proceeds to the right future
The regrets we let pass by with our eyes averted, And the errors we tucked away with our ears covered, too, Let’s make sure we never make those mistakes again
“That’s good and this is good too–” you haven’t hardened your heart enough “That is that and this is this–” in the end, that’s dodging the issue
Lies blended with kindness are merely lies blotted with kindness, aren’t they?
Come, let’s open the door and begin the adventure now Hey, let’s find the answer that proceeds to the right future
The regrets we let pass by with our eyes averted, And the errors we tucked away with our ears covered, too, Let’s make sure we never make those mistakes again
You, who knows everything, are the one who knows
Discover the truth… Hey, discover me…
Come, let’s open the door and begin the eternity Hey, let’s find the answer that proceeds to the right ending
Come, let’s open the door and begin the adventure now Hey, let’s find the answer that proceeds to the right future
The regrets we let pass by with our eyes averted, And the errors we tucked away with our ears covered, too, Let’s make sure we never make those mistakes again
Painting pitch-black over everything
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sapphiretranslations · 5 months
Hello! + Directory
Hello. I'm Sapphire. Welcome to my translation blog, where I translate things, probably mostly from Japanese to English.
Below is a directory to link to stuff I have translated or will translate:
Monogatari Series OPs
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sapphiretranslations · 5 months
decent black - original Japanese
(from here)
さぁ 扉を開けて 冒険を 今 はじめよう ねぇ 正しい未来へ 続く 解こたえ みつけよう
あれもしたい これもしたいって 欲張りの法則 あれもだめ これもだめって 結局 矛盾だらけ
ぴったりと揃う その瞬間に ぴったりと揃う うその瞬間
さぁ 扉を開けて 冒険を 今 はじめよう ねぇ 正しい未来へ 続く 解こたえ みつけよう
瞳めを背けたままで やり過ごした後悔も 耳を塞いだまま しまい込んだ過ちもね もう 二度と 間違わないように
あれもいい これもいいって 覚悟が足りなくて あれはあれ これはこれって 結局 はぐらかす
やさしさに 紛れた うそ なんて そう やさしさに 塗れた うそ でしょう?
さぁ 扉を開けて 冒険を 今 はじめよう ねぇ 正しい未来へ 続く 解こたえ みつけよう
瞳めを背けたままで やり過ごした後悔も 耳を塞いだまま しまい込んだ過ちもね もう 二度と 間違わないように
全て 知ってる あなたが 知ってる
真実を 捜しあてて ねぇ 私を 捜しあてて
さぁ 扉を開けて 永遠を 今 はじめよう ねぇ 正しい結末おわりへ 続く 解こたえ みつけよう
瞳めを背けたままで やり過ごした後悔も 耳を塞いだまま しまい込んだ過ちもね もう 二度と 間違わないように
真黒に 全部 塗り潰して
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sapphiretranslations · 5 months
Translated Monogatari Series OPs
(following this guide up until Owari Ge, then following the wiki) (bluray editions):
staple stable | (original) Kaerimichi | (original) ambivalent world | (original) Ren'ai Circulation | (original) sugar sweet nightmare | (original)
Futakotome | (original) marshmallow justice | (original) Platinum Disco | (original)
Nekomonogatari (Kuro):
perfect slumbers | (original)
Monogatari Series: Second Season:
chocolate insomnia | (original) happy bite | (original) Delusion Express | (original) white lies fast love | (original) Kogarashi Sentiment | (original)
the last day of my adolescence | (original)
Orange Mint | (original)
decent black | (original) Mathemagics | (original) Yuudachi Houteishiki | (original) mein schatz
Owarimonogatari (Ge):
terminal terminal | (original) dreamy date drive | (original) dark cherry mystery | (original)
Zoku Owarimonogatari:
07734 | (original)
To be updated!
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