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My final piece!
Go outside Find a patch of dirt Plant a seed  Water it Cover it in Sun  Look at your feet You are here
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A VERY short time lapse video of Georgia setting up my piece!
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For my final piece Georgia helped me set up mine! Off we go!
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A trip down testing grounds for class today! Here is a compilation of photos from the adventure! I was involved in setting up Georgia’s work, thus the make up selfie! A brilliant workspace indeed, it was refreshing getting out of the studio!
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We were told to find a box or some form of vessel and bring it in to class to use for our portable art piece. I made this box for the class with my Dad, Neil. It holds a lot of sentimental value as it is based off a box that my dad made with his dad. My art practice often touches on themes of sentimentality and nostalgia so I thought a box like this would thoughtfully fit in to my work.
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iPhone Project:
This is the work I installed in the hallway for the iPhone project. This piece encouraged the viewer to look all around them and realize that they were in the moment they were in. It was a mindfulness exercise! 
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Yoko Ono
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Scanning the folded tracing paper on the flat bed created really warped and interesting results! As the scanner was moving I dragged the paper so it wouldn’t create a clear image! This is was came of it!
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For the week 2 class we did a paper folding activity! I went to Melbourne Artists Supplies and got some semi transparent tracing paper and didn't some really basic folding to then use on a flat bed scanner. I’ll upload the results!
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For our introductory session for Portable Art Martine got us to do an exercise making a piece of work from the things we had in our pockets or bags! I did little drawings using ink and crayons!
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These poses could be viewed in a sexualized manner but if you look at them honestly they communicate a level of intimate comfort you could only have with yourself
a peer critiquing my work in a tutorial 
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Themes to explore:
Women’s bodies
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This was is my final piece for the Vision and Text workshop! For these works I drew photos of myself I had taken on my phone with ink and crayon. I simplified my figure down to somewhat basic shapes. As I drew the series I realised the figures represented me in moments of comfort and reassurance, moments I felt most like myself. Then I using a book from the Melbourne Central Little Library I found words that resonated with the piece and communicated what the figure in each piece was feeling. My practice is predominantly made up of self portraits and I like exploring identity, this piece is an extension of this interest.
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Here are some of the developmental works I made following the initial 2. I have really started to enjoy combining drawing and text! 
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My initial works I created. For these 2 pieces I used the text I found in the page I was given by Phil and then illustrated the words. I used black ink and crayon to create these. 
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Questions to ask myself
What images am I using? Why?
What text am I using? Why?
What processes am I using to combine these components?
What are the steps and decisions I make along the way?
How am I experimenting?
How may I resolve this project?
What media am I using? Why?
What do I want this work to do?
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