I need more of this in my life.
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Bob the golden retriever is best friends with eight birds and a hamster. (photos via @bob_goldenretriever/imgur)
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I needed this today.
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When I find myself in times of trouble Gordon Ramsay comes to me Speaking words of wisdom
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Real talk.
I told the trainer at the gym I like pooping too much to become an opioid addict.
Categorize under: how to gleefully make other people sort of uncomfortable 101.
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lokahsamasta, i’m not sure why you don’t have arms, but this is pretty much you and me right now.
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You’re allowed to be sad, but please don’t think that nobody loves you.
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“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
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I gave myself permission to feel sorry for myself for the duration of two songs. And then I got up, gave my cat a hug because it’s not his fault I’m irresponsible, cleaned up the mess, did some laundry, ordered more cat littler on Amazon so I don’t dig myself into another ditch in the future, and took my medication. 
I’m generally feeling much calmer now.
Maybe therapy is working.
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The cat pooped in front of the litter box instead of in it. It’s totally my fault because I didn’t clean the litter box today and I knew this would happen and I kept thinking about it all day.
And my neck hurts because I was stupid during my workout today and did something I shouldn’t have even though I knew it was a bad idea.
And I have 20 lectures to watch because I’m irresponsible and haven’t kept up with school work because I have been freaking-the-fuck-out about boards in T-minus 37 days.
So I closed the door to my bedroom with the cat on the other side of it, and now I’m laying on the floor listening to Sara Bareilles with a hot pack on my neck. Is this how you adult??
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I literally just burst out laughing and now my cat is afraid. I love Miley and I love Anne.
Anne Hathaway lip syncs wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus
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Friendly Reminder
You deserve good things. 
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friendly reminder that you don’t have to justify self-care with suffering. you don’t have to be feeling down to give yourself permission to spend the night home alone with that book you’ve been dying to read. you don’t have to earn that piece of chocolate with a hard day at work. you don’t have to run yourself ragged before you deserve a bubble bath. you don’t need to wait for a disaster to be nice to yourself.
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I love Sesame Street.
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Chris Evans: Then and Now
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My friend who’s a yoga teacher said that gluten can destroy your baby’s immune system.
white woman, in Boulder, at Bodywork Bistro
submitted by anonymous
(via stayoutofmynamastespace)
this reminds me of when I had a yoga teacher tell me to “exhale out all of the toxins and glutens” from my body. It took all of my restraint not to bust out laughing in the middle of class.
(via lokahsamasta)
We already went through the respiratory system in school...and...I must have skipped class on the day we talked about exhaling gluten...??? O.o
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Thoughts on endo/repro
Studying in public is officially awkward.
Yes, I am looking at pictures of penises. But I'm not like...looking at pictures of penises. You know...for funsies.
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And then one of my asshole male "friends" laughed and said the clips of the young girls running and fighting were exactly like the clips of the older people making fun of the girls, thus he didn't understand the commercial. 
I just stared at him and told him he didn't understand the commercial because he's a male and hasn't been subjected to the scrutiny, ridicule, and objectification that is being female in this society. I told him he didn't understand because he's never been told he can't do something just because of who he is. He replied that yes, he has been told he can't do things...he can't give birth. As a white male, there are a lot of scholarships he can't get. (Boo-fucking-hoo). And then I stared him down and said, "This is why I don't like you."
And then he laughed. Because he thought I was joking.
Plot twist: I wasn't.
Everyone laughed after the #LikeAGirl commercial. Someone said “what else are we going to use?” and I said “throw like a man’s ego” and everyone got quiet.
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Must. Redo. Bedroom...
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