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Peter Murphy - Bauhaus
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Cinema Strange
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Conrad Veidt - influential German actor
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Robert Smith - The Cure
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Sisters of Mercy
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Daniel Ribiat - Cinema Strange
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Department Store Gothic
PA System: clean up on aisle 13
Employee:… there IS no aisle 13
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The Signs as Bauhaus (the band) stories even though the zodiac meme is completely fucking dead but here (sourced entirely from David J's book, extracts from Kevin Haskins' upcoming book, one of Peter Hook's books and then one interview with David for the record if you want some reading)
Aries: David playing Lou Reed's 'Vicious' to lighten the mood during a particularly hissy argument between Daniel and Peter. This only made them angrier.
Taurus: At a point during the 2005 tour, Peter supposedly tells pornographic actor Ron Jeremy to "clean up [his] act" Jeremy shows up backstage and asks if Murphy wanted to say it again to his face. Daniel fixes him a drink, says "you're a fuckin' legend, you are, man..." and leads him away.
Gemini: Peter Hook throwing Peter [Murphy] out of The Haçienda for giving him the old "don't you know who I am?"
Cancer: In the very very early days, Peter used to walk around Northampton dressing how he did on stage, so basically in his girlfriend's clothes with a ridiculous amount of pancake makeup. Once he and David were on the bus and a woman said "get a load of him" to her friend, to which Peter replies "I'm sure you would like to get a load of me, but you frankly don't stand a chance!"
Leo: Love and Rockets days. Their transport breaks down, and they need to hitch a ride to their next gig. Daniel is wearing this giant electric blue fur coat and basically looks like a giant cookie monster. David tells him he'll never get a ride looking the way he does. He gets a ride in the next car that passes.
Virgo: The end-of-tour pranks. One of these being when the band were supported by The Birthday Party in the early 80s, and Kevin decided to make a load of shaving foam pies and throw them at the stage during TBP's set. One may have hit Nick Cave directly in the face.
Libra: As a payback for the shaving foam prank, during Bauhaus' set, TBP collaboratively tackled Peter to the ground and drew a giant dick on his bare chest in permanent marker. He kept the dick there for the entire show and pretended to masturbate it.
Scorpio: Some time in the mid to late 90s during a Love and Rockets tour and Daniel is super fucking high on MDMA. He pesters David to kiss him because "it's not a gay thing; it's a biker thing." David refuses. Daniel is next seen snogging the guy next to him.
Sagittarius: During the resurrection tour when Daniel and the on-tour Hairdresser, Ian, had to make a pit stop because Daniel was so drunk he couldn't walk and had to go and be sick. Not seeing the bus, they were convinced the bus had left without them. Also, they may have gotten their bus mixed up with Van Halen's bus. It's a very complicated story. Also Daniel had the bright idea of chatting up a waitress at the nearby greasy spoon so they could stay with her in case the bus did leave. According to David, Daniel still had flecks of red wine vomit around his mouth as he conceived this idea. Fortunately he didn't need to chat up the waitress, which would have been disastrous in his state.
Capricorn: The time they ended up judging a wet t-shirt contest in Greece (around 1983) somehow ENTIRELY BY ACCIDENT and didn't take it seriously and gave the girls scores like -1000 and the like. The girls' boyfriends weren't overly pleased.
Aquarius: The fact the 1998 Resurrection tour almost didn't happen because Daniel didn't like Peter's trousers.
Pisces: The time Peter and Daniel bought some poppers and were off their faces and decided they were going to hold it under Kevin's nose as he slept. Kevin freaks out and the bottle flies across the van and smashes. So they don't all get massively high off the fumes they had to park up the van and stop around a field in the middle of nowhere in Holland or somewhere like that till the fumes cleared.
BONUS: Peter swinging the microphone stand around and knocking David out with it. David gets him back a couple of weeks later by replacing his cocaine with salt.
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