saranghandayibo · 4 years
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亲 : qīn (Internet slang) dear
送货上门 : sònghuò shàngmén to deliver to ones door
尺寸 : chǐcun (or chǐcùn) measurement; dimensions; size
限制 : xiànzhì limitation
要求 : yāoqiú ask; demand; require; claim
包裹 : bāoguǒ bundle; package; parcel
重量 : zhòngliàng weight
单边 : dānbiān one side; unilateral
长度 : chángdù length
宽 : kuān width; breadth
之 : zhī (auxiliary) [between an attribute and the word it modifies]
和 : hé sum
运输 : yùnshū transport; carry; convey
呦 : yōu [expressing surprise]; oh
It seems a big motivator for studying Chinese lately has been shopping on 淘宝 and figuring out order statuses or troubleshooting problems hahaha. But this post took wayy longer to make than the equivalent I've been doing in my notebook.. or it felt way longer. Not a fan of typing out pinyin or copying it from pleco. hmm....
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saranghandayibo · 4 years
Hello anyone who may have stumbled upon this. I made this to mostly track my own progress with Chinese and Korean currently, depending on what I'm in the mood for. My vocab knowledge is zilch so expect to see whole vocab lists just from a couple of sentences (or just one) 😭😅😭 But that's the whole point of this so hopefully these lists grow shorter with time.
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