Zhang Family Lore Canonically Goes Crazy But Here Are My Headcanons
- The family wealth was made by Grandma Zhang, not Emily’s father
- “Shipping Business” my ass, she was in the illegal arms trade
- How else do you think she met Mars? Bc these two were friends before Emily was even born
- When she finds out he got her daughter pregnant shit gets messyyy
- The whole family is super tall
- And hot
- Their have more godly blood than any other mortals so it’s going to show
- Grandma and Emily looked like twins
- They were super close
- Emily had a Chinese dragon tattoo sleeve (it was the early 2000s)
- Grandma Zhang is horrified (which is exactly what Emily wanted)
- Emily joins the military hoping to gain a sense of purpose instead of being a socialite
- She meets Mars when she is a Lieutenant, he’s her captain
- She clocks him immediately
- Frank is the first in his family to not grow up using the family gift
- Emily was scared it’d increase Frank’s demigod scent
- Especially since she was away all the time
- Grandma Zhang had it covered though, she had that mansion *locked down*
- The house is humongous
- Grandma Zhang hosted some ragers there back in the day
- The interior is beautiful, talk about Barbie’s dream house
- The woman had a pink Cadillac!
- Everyone calls Grandma Zhang “Bunny”
- It’s so ‘80s and cute I love it
- The thought of Mars calling an angry Emily “Kitty” just does sth for me idk
- Baby Frank in a “Bear” romper with little ears I can’t
I could go on for days
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Heroes of Olympus tv show
Just sayin but when it happens, Jason’s hair had dam better be gelled during camp Jupiter flashbacks and get progressively messier/longer throughout the series.
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Hot- Percy
Cute- Leo
Handsome- Jason
Somehow all 3- Frank
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Percy: Sexy
Jason: Hot
Frank: Beautiful
Leo: Attractive
Thank you for your time
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I live in the middle of bum fucking nowhere so I can’t attend the protests but i hope that everyone who is stays safe
this is a reminder that even if you can’t be there YOU CAN STILL DONATE
Use your voice
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some of the best tweets from the last few days
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TW: will show police brutality
the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police got hacker group Anonymous to come out of hiding and demand justice or will expose the secrets of their police department
it’s been a hot minute since these people have come out
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Super Villain au
Ok, as promised, here’s Percy:
Perseus Jackson: - Age: 25 - Publicly known as: Anaklusmos/Riptide - Power: Hydro kinesis, minor weather control (ability to create small hurricanes), ability to create minor tremors (earthquakes). - Area most targeted: New York (New York City, specifically the island of Manhattan). - Crimes: Murder, destruction of property, torture of enemies (Jackson favours drowning the most but has been known use his sword, Blackjack) and possession of illegal weapons. - When convicted: 2012 - Sentence: Currently serving a life sentence in Belle Reve Prison. - Relationships: Mother (Sally Jackson), unknown Father, Stepfather (Paul Blofis), ex Stepfather (Gabe Ugliano (deceased)), Wife (Rachel Dare (deceased)), Daughter (Marina Jackson), Best friend (Grover Underwood). - Description: White, black, wavy hair, tanned skin, average height, bluish green eyes (one could argue they are sea green). Usually sports clothing in various shades of blue. - Extra notes: Jackson first offence was the murder of his Stepfather, who was known to be abusive. This is believed to be the cause of Jackson’s mental issues. Miss Dare was murdered under suspicious circumstances after giving birth to her daughter Marina Jackson aged 19, leaving Jackson to take care of her singlehandedly. Despite his sadistic sense of humour, Jackson has managed to bring up his daughter well as Marina (6) is currently doing well in school. Jackson is known to have been close with the missing environmental activist, Grover Underwood, who mysteriously disappeared eight years ago. Jackson has shown no signs of looking for him, however this may be a contributing factor for Jackson’s damaged mental state. Jackson must be kept in a container that does not leak as he has the ability to spontaneously fill his surrounding area with water. For this reason the walls of Jackson’s container must be very strong to prevent fatalities.
So there you go. I’ve seen so many dark!percy things on Tumblr so I hope the fandom appreciates my meagre attempt at contributing. My only question for you is, where has Grover gone?
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I list of things I need to live (an itemised list)
Hazel with braids
Hazel With Braids
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I list of things I need to live (an itemised list)
Hazel with braids
Hazel With Braids
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This is an appreciation post for the fanfic authors who aren’t included on rec lists
For the fanfic authors who don’t get art of their fics
For the fanfic authors who can’t get to 1000/500/100 hits
For the fanfic authors who don’t get comments/reviews
For the fanfic authors who write for small fandoms
For the fanfic authors who write rarepairs or gen fics
For the fanfic authors who get hate for the ships/characters/fandoms they write
For the fanfic authors who write in English despite it not being their first language
For the fanfic authors who don’t write in English
For the fanfic authors who don’t think anyone reads or likes their work
For the fanfic authors who aren’t big name fans
For the fanfic authors who don’t get requests in their inboxes
For the fanfic authors who can’t write stories that are more than a thousand words
For the fanfic authors who only write one ship
For the fanfic authors who are just starting
For the fanfic authors who have been writing fic for years
For the fanfic authors who use fanfic to practice writing
For the fanfic authors who write self-insert fics
For the fanfic authors who write about their OCs
For the fanfic authors who write to vent or cope
For the fanfic authors who are just waiting for their big break
Keep creating, I love you ❤️
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Glee au
“I’d like to take over the glee club”
“You want to captain the Titanic 2?”
“Mr D, think I can make it great again. There is no joy in these kids. They feel invisible.”
“Sixty bucks a month, Grover. That’s what I need to keep this program up.”
“A-a-and you… you expect me to pay it?”
“When Glee Club starts bringing the kind of prestige to the school again that Lupa’s cheerleaders do, you can have all the money you want. Until then, sixty bucks a month. And you’ve got to use the costumes and props you already have. But we need the stools for woodshop.”
“Um…my name is Hazel Levesque and I’ll be singing Let It Be by the Beatles. ”
My name is Hazel Levesque, and I don’t have a lot of friends at this school.
I mean, it’s not like I get picked on, and folks are nice, I guess, but there sure are a lot of white folks here at McKinley.
I mean, there is that one black kid, but he’s real boring.
- Hey, Hazel
- Hi Charles
I’m a big star at my church, where everybody knows I got a big-ass voice, but here, it takes more than that to get people to listen to you, so there’s not much point.
But that’s all gonna change real soon because I heard they’re jump-starting the singing club at Goode, and Hazel Levesque has decided to sign up.
“Hey I’m Nico di Angelo and I’ll be singing Creep by Radiohead,” Because my sister made me.
My name is Nico di Angelo.
I’m a sophomore at Goode.
My first day at this school, the principal got up in front of the whole freshman class and told us that the next four years were going to be the best years of our lives.
-Out of the way, fag!
What a joke.
-Hope I didn’t make you late for remedial math!
-What was that?
Another day, another cataclysmic humiliation.
Everywhere I go, I’m isolated and alone.
I know my mom used to tell me how good it made her feel that I was such a happy kid, but honestly, I don’t even remember what that would’ve even felt like.
I feel like I could die tomorrow and I don’t think anyone would really care.
I’m not sure anyone would even notice.
“Hi, my name is Annabeth Chase, and I’ll be “On My Own” from the seminal Broadway classic Les Mis.”
You might laugh and take my self belief as naivety or being obnoxious but it’s what’s nescessary in order to achieve my dreams in the cutthroat world of musical theatre.
I try to post a MySpace video every day, just to keep my talent alive and growing. Nowadays, being anonymous is worse than being poor. Fame is the most important thing in our culture now. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that no one’s just gonna hand it to you.
I’ll do whatever it takes to succeed, unlike some people who are content just flushing their futures down the toilet with cigarette butts and broken condoms.
Like that slob Percy Jackson.
God, I’m so tired of people judging me for a few mistakes I’ve made. I’ve tried to be a good guy, I go to school and I say “be cool Percy, be nice” but by second period I’ve got a fire extinguisher in my hand and I’m spraying some dweeb with it and I don’t know how I got there.
I’m trying to be better, if I graduate then I can get a better job with a better pay so I get my Mom out that hellhole and away from Him.
“You want to tell me how long you’ve had a drug problem?”
“Mr Underwood I don’t even know who the Chronic Lady is.”
“Look, if it were up to me, we wouldn’t have mandatory bi-weekly afternoon locker checks.”
“But I’ve never seen that before, Mr. Underwood,I swear. It’s not mine. I’ll pee in a cup. I’ll pee.”
“Look, it… it wouldn’t make any difference. Possession is eight-tenths of the law. I’m pretty sure that much pot is a felony. Yeah. Look, you’ll get kicked out of school. You could land in prison, son.”
“Oh my God. Please, don’t tell my mom.”
“We have two options here. I’m running detention now, so you can do six weeks after school, but that’s gonna remain on your permanent record.”
“What’s the other option, Mr. Underwood?”
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Heroes of Olympus tv show
Just sayin but when it happens, Jason’s hair had dam better be gelled during camp Jupiter flashbacks and get progressively messier/longer throughout the series.
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Super Villain au
Ok, as promised, here’s Percy:
Perseus Jackson: - Age: 25 - Publicly known as: Anaklusmos/Riptide - Power: Hydro kinesis, minor weather control (ability to create small hurricanes), ability to create minor tremors (earthquakes). - Area most targeted: New York (New York City, specifically the island of Manhattan). - Crimes: Murder, destruction of property, torture of enemies (Jackson favours drowning the most but has been known use his sword, Blackjack) and possession of illegal weapons. - When convicted: 2012 - Sentence: Currently serving a life sentence in Belle Reve Prison. - Relationships: Mother (Sally Jackson), unknown Father, Stepfather (Paul Blofis), ex Stepfather (Gabe Ugliano (deceased)), Wife (Rachel Dare (deceased)), Daughter (Marina Jackson), Best friend (Grover Underwood). - Description: White, black, wavy hair, tanned skin, average height, bluish green eyes (one could argue they are sea green). Usually sports clothing in various shades of blue. - Extra notes: Jackson first offence was the murder of his Stepfather, who was known to be abusive. This is believed to be the cause of Jackson’s mental issues. Miss Dare was murdered under suspicious circumstances after giving birth to her daughter Marina Jackson aged 19, leaving Jackson to take care of her singlehandedly. Despite his sadistic sense of humour, Jackson has managed to bring up his daughter well as Marina (6) is currently doing well in school. Jackson is known to have been close with the missing environmental activist, Grover Underwood, who mysteriously disappeared eight years ago. Jackson has shown no signs of looking for him, however this may be a contributing factor for Jackson’s damaged mental state. Jackson must be kept in a container that does not leak as he has the ability to spontaneously fill his surrounding area with water. For this reason the walls of Jackson’s container must be very strong to prevent fatalities.
So there you go. I’ve seen so many dark!percy things on Tumblr so I hope the fandom appreciates my meagre attempt at contributing. My only question for you is, where has Grover gone?
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Super Villain au
I know, it’s been much too long and I have no excuse.
Frank Zhang: - Age: 24 - Publicly known as: Feral - Power: The ability to shapeshift into any animal at will. Very skilled with any weapon it can gain access to. - Area most targeted: Vancouver (Canada) although recently it has been spotted in a variety of other locations across the US (California, New York & Atlanta). - Crimes: Mass murder and destruction as well as numerous accounts of causing grievous bodily harm. - When convicted: Late 2016 - Sentence: Currently serving a life sentence at Belle Reve Prison. - Relationships: Mother (Emily Zhang (presumed dead)), Father (Mars Ares (presumed dead)), thought to be close with Gold-digger, a fellow meta-human. Aside from this we believe it is incapable of forming relationships. - Description: Varies. In human form it it is thought to appear of east Asian (Chinese) descent. Black hair, brown eyes, light skin. Believed to be very large and intimidating in stature due it’s height and fitness. Very rarely spotted out of animal form. - Extra notes: Zhang grew up in a lab, its parents were ex military turned scientists. Zhang has been engineered to be a super soldier, however it’s parent’s unorthodox methods of training seem to have been the root cause of it’s mental issues. The lab security was finally breached by the government in 2006, however when the team arrived the area has been completely shut down. We are still uncovering new evidence of Zhang’s unfortunate past today. Zhang is a danger to all who encounter it, no staff members should ever approach under any circumstances. From now on, Zhang shall be fed once a day through a hole in the ceiling due to the many fatalities past staff members have encountered caused by it. The door to the underground chamber in which it is kept shall remain closed indefinitely.
*The foreshadowing is unreal*
If I write something for Annabeth tomorrow as well am I forgiven?
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But if Jason isn’t Sully and Leo isn’t Mike in a Monsters Inc au then what’s the point?
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Super Villain au
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Percabeth anyone?
She gazed at the tank, it looked like one of the shark tanks from the aquarium her father would take her to when she was small. Before her Mother had decided her fate.
She had enjoyed those days with her Dad, maybe she should’ve appreciated them more instead of wishing them away.
Something in the tank moved.
A pair of eyes stood out against the dirty water. As she neared the tank, she was shocked to be able to make out a vaguely humanoid shape.
Now she’d heard about her Mothers employees going nuts after a few years but right now she thought she hallucinating. No way could that be a person.
Oh but it was:
Percy Jackson hated his ‘cell’ the stale freshwater wasn’t good for him.
Being in the cell full stop was bad for him- gave him time to think, dwell and mull over everything he’d done
That was exactly what they wanted him to do and Percy was never a stickler for the rules.
So when the blonde turned up, it meant he could stop thinking about Rachel, whether Grover was still missing or not, his daughter (the reason he turned himself in to the Ghost King) and if Tempest was still roaming the streets, tainting his already destroyed reputation.
Thanks to @incredible-dontknowwhattoput for asking me about this. Tell me what you think and what you want next!!
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The Super Villain au
Annabeth rounded the corner into a very dirty and poorly lit room. In the centre, a large cage that used to be used by circuses to keep animals a century ago. The few lights that were actually in the room all pointed to the cage- illuminating all but one corner of it. She grimaced at the loud sound she made as she moved towards it, despite her having every right to do so. As she neared the cage she started to make out a figure in the dark corner. The scene was remnant of a horror movie- blonde teenager decides to tour a creepy prison alone, Annabeth was ashamed that she would probably go and see it with her friend Rachel. The figure moved. Annabeth inhaled sharply- bracing herself for what was to happen (something terrible, obviously, else this horror movie would be crap.) “Uh… hi?” Great, well done Annabeth, some really memorable last words. Oh shut up, she wasn’t t going to die, no one would be able to fit through those bars. The figure stood up and moved into the light. The girl in front of her looked no more than twenty five, she had tanned skin with a sort of reddish undertone, with enviably high cheekbones perhaps she was of Native American descent? The girl was shorter than Annabeth, had dark, chocolate brown hair that had obviously had chunks yanked out of it and big eyes lined with long lashes that contrasted the light blue- no, green- hazel? Of her irises. But what really caught her attention was the muzzle that covered half of her face, preventing the girl from responding to Annabeth. Suddenly, to Annabeth’s great surprise, the girl reached behind her head and ripped the horrid mask off. She opened and closed her mouth a few times before looking right at Annabeth- wow this girl was beautiful. “Hi there!” Her voice was captivating, Annabeth wasn’t t really sure how she felt about it but she did then realise that this girl could actually be capable of terrorism. “Who are you?” The happy tone she had used earlier was replaced by a suspicious one. “Annabeth.” She didn’t say her last name, that would certainly ruin any chance of her escaping alive. “Hi, Annabeth, I’m Piper McLean and I’m a threat to society!"Ok, this chick, Piper, clearly wasn’t right in the head- introducing herself with such bluntness in Annabeth’s opinion was slightly odd. But to be honest she was thankful that the original, happy tone had returned to her mesmerising voice. So she smiled at Piper as convincingly as she could.
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