sardonicmanic · 4 years
I Tried To Forget
đź–¤Spencer x Female Readerđź–¤
~Summary: When you start acting weird during a case in your hometown the team starts to get worried and tries to figure out what’s wrong with you. But you are trying you hardest to forget memories and the pain associated with this town and the things that happened to you in the past, but it won’t be that easy....
~Warnings: ANGST, Mentions of Emotional and Physical Abuse, Violence
~Word Count: 2.2k
~A/n: This story wasn’t requested but I have had this idea for a story for a while so why not write it right?? Bold = Flashback
!!Feel free to leave me suggestions for stories!!
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It was 9:30 in Quantico, Virginia, and the team was just starting to arrive at the BAU, happy they got a couple more hours of sleep before work. Emily and Morgan were chatting about what they did the night before, when they heard two familiar voices coming through the doors of the BAU.
Y/n and Spencer laughed and sipped their coffee as they walked into the bullpen and headed towards their desks. After sitting, they continued their conversation. Y/N listening to Spencer with infatuation and hanging onto his every word as he rambled on about a random book he had read that morning. Derek turned around in his chair and smiled at the two agents, amused at the obvious chemistry the two shared. Deciding he'd mess with them Derek uttered an sardonic, " Well...Good morning, you too", as he leaned back in his chair. Y/n and Spencer stopped their conversation and turned to look at Derek. “You two seem to be having a wonderful morning.", Derek said somewhat sarcastically, smiling at his own comment.
Spencer blushed, as Y/n turned around in her chair smiling, "And... Are you trying to imply something Derek Morgan?", Y/n said folding her arms playfully as she squinted her eyes.
Morgan puts his arms up jokingly and laughs, "Hey. I'm just saying, you two love birds look pretty happy over there together."
Spencer just blushed as he looked down at his feet, desperately wanting a way out of this akward conversation. Emily deciding she would chime in said , "Morgan isn't wrong you know.", before smiling at the agent and now embarrassed doctor.
"Listen here Morgan..." Y/n started, jokingly ready to come back with a sly comment of her own.
However, just as Y/n was about to speak, Rossi walked up the agent’s desks and said, "Hey guys. Roundtable, we have a case". “Thank God", Spencer said as he quickly got up and rushed into the conference room, relieved to escape from the akward conversation. Morgan snickered at the doctor and uttered, "Aw looks like pretty boy can't take the heat.", before he got up from his chair. Emily and Rossi laughed at Derek's comment as they followed the rest of the team to the roundtable.
Before they got there, Y/n caught up to Derek and nudged his arm playfully before whispering, "This isn't over, Morgan.". Making Morgan laugh as he entered the room and sat down at the table with the rest of the team.
When the whole team was at the roundtable, Aaron quickly walked into the room and sat down, "What do we have Garcia?”, he said. Prompting Garcia to quickly get up from her seat and begin to debrief the team, "Alright lovelies, today we have three female victims who have all been stabbed a number of times in the stomach, dumped, and posed in public places all throughout the small town of Grove, Oklahoma.".
As Garcia stated the location of the case, it triggered something in Y/n. Suddenly, she felt her stomach drop as memories of her childhood and hometown rushed back into her mind.
"You are a mistake!" said Y/n’s mother as she pushed her into the cold empty attic. "I knew your father and I should have gotten rid of you!" She said as she grabbed Y/n by her hair and threw her to the hard, frigid floor. "You just wait until your father gets home...he is gonna teach you how to respect the people who gave you life!" Y/n's mother said as she slammed the heavy door to the attic. “And your staying in that attic for a week!” Her mother screamed at the top of her lungs, as Y/n shivered in the corner of the cold attic.
Y/n choked back tears as these horrible memories rushed her through mind. Trying to shake these thoughts and suspicion, Y/n picked up her case file and tried to focus on the task at hand. “Well the way the unsub is posing his victims shows he has remorse or that he somewhat cares for his victims..” , Y/n said trying to take her mind elsewhere.
“Exactly.", Spencer chimed in. "It’s almost like he is laying his victims to rest”, Spencer said as he pointed out the victims arms crossed over their chests. “However, there is a lot of overkill”, said Morgan inquisitively staring at the many stab wounds that littered the victim's stomachs.
As the team continued to profile the case, Spencer was sneaking glances at Y/n. Spencer and Y/n had been really close friends for a couple of years now, and the doctor knew everything about her. He knew because he spent every moment he could with her. Whether it was watching doctor who or just sipping coffee and talking in his apartment, the two profilers always seemed to be together. Spencer ultimately loved to be around Y/n, and every chance he had, he was. But he always wondered if they could ever be more than just friends. However, the doctor was too nervous to ever pursue these feelings.
As Spencer listened to Garcia resight the details of the case, he glanced to his right to look at Y/n again. When he looked he noticed the agent biting the inside of her lip and studying the file intensely. Spencer knew something was wrong. Y/n only bit her lip when she was really nervous about something. And seeing this behavior made the doctor furrow his brow and glance again at the agent before turning his attention back to the case files.
"With the increasing frequency of these kills, this could turn into a spree very quickly", said Rossi as he looked at the victims upon the board. Aaron stood up and grabbed the files, "Exactly why we can't waste any time, wheels up in 30", he said as he exited the room.
As the team left the room, Y/n rushed past Spencer and headed towards the bathroom to compose herself. As she did, Spencer watched her leave, a worried look covering his face before Rossi came to stand beside the doctor. "What's wrong with her?" He said looking at the doctor. Spencer looked at Rossi and then nervously towards the direction that Y/n went in, "I don't know, but whatever it is...it's making her more nervous than usual”.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom Y/n was trying to take deep breaths to calm herself down. She splashed water on her face as flashes of her childhood played through her head.
“So...you wanna be disrespectful huh?”, Y/n’s father said as he smoked a cigarette. “Please!”, Y/n cried out as her father got closer to her. “I didn’t do anything! Please don’t hurt me!”, She continued to scream. Y/n’s father just laughed as he got closer to his daughter. “Let me teach you a lesson Y/n, about respect”, her father said as he got closer and closer, the lit cigarette burning in his hand.
Y/n tried hard to erase these memories from her mind, but soon tears started to involuntarily run down her cheeks. Y/n quickly covered her mouth to hide the sobs that now racked her body as she hide in the stalls.
After seeing it had been a couple minutes, Y/n took a tissue and wiped her face to try to hide the fact that she had been crying. After she looked at her self in the mirror, Y/n took a deep breath before leaving the bathroom to go meet the team on the plane.
On the plane, Spencer sat in the back, next to Y/n, as he read Dante's, Inferno for the 100th time. Taking a break from reading, Spencer looked over at Y/n to see her staring blankly out of the window, something obviously weighing heavy on her mind. Spencer was starting to become concerned with how Y/n was behaving ever since they got on this case. Y/n was usually a very happy person, she was never one to sit in silence on the plane. She usually talked about the case with the team or she would mindlessly chit chat with Spencer about some nerdy interest the two shared. Spencer, wanting to break the silence, looked towards Y/n and whispered, “Hey, you doing okay?”.
Y/n turned to the doctor and forced a smile onto her face, “Yeah I’m fine Spence, just thinking about the case”. Just as Spencer was about to say something else, JJ’s phone started to ring. After answering, she looked at the team and said, “Another victim has been found in Lendonwood gardens. She was stabbed 27 times in the stomach.”.
“That was fast.”, said Rossi as he looked at the team.
“Your right. The unsub waited a week to kill with his last victim, but this time there was only 5 days between each murder”, Y/n said as she focused her attention from Spencer to the team's conversation.
“Alright. Morgan, Reid, I want you guys to go look at the latest crime scene and see if there is anything new with the latest victim. Emily, I want you to visit the first crime scene and see if you can see anything there. I will start to work victimology at the station with JJ, while Y/n and Rossi will interview the latest victims family and anyone who saw them last”, Aaron said as he quickly assigned the team to tasks. After being given his orders, Spencer glanced at Y/n worryingly, feeling uneasy about not being able to keep an eye on her during this case.
As the team went back to doing their individual activities, Y/n looked at Spencer and saw him shift uncomfortably in his seat. Sensing his uneasiness, Y/n tried to calm the genius's worries,"Hey.", Y/n said as she grabbed the genius's hand and smiled. "I'm fine Spencer, I promise", Y/n said looking the doctor in his hazel eyes and giving him a smile.
Spencer looked at Y/n with a worried expression, "Are you sure?", He said, concern lacing his voice as he held Y/n's hand.
"I'm sure.", said Y/n as she gripped the doctors hand tighter, trying not to show the true anxiety she was feeling as they got closer to landing.
"Okay", Spencer said reluctantly, as he went back to reading his book. He wasn't satisfied with Y/n's answer, but he didn't want to bother her by asking more questions so he left it alone.
When the plane landed, the team gathered all their things and started to de-board the plane. As Spencer de-boarded the plane, he watched Y/n climb into the SUV with Aaron. Rossi looked at the doctor as he de-boarded the plane, noticing his anxious demeanor. Trying to reassure him, Rossi walked up to Spencer and lovingly patted him on the shoulder, "Hey kid, I will keep a close eye on her". Spencer turned to Rossi,smiled, and said, "Thank you.", before following Morgan to the SUV and heading to Lendonwood gardens to assess the latest crime scene.
When Aaron, JJ, Rossi, and Y/n arrived at the police station they were greeted out front by a tall man with a thick southern accent. “Y’all must be from the FBI, I’m sheriff Yates, Thank you for comin’ down.”, he said as he shook Aaron’s hand.
“No problem. I’m SSA Aaron Hotchner, how do you do?”, Aaron said as he shook the Detective’s hand. Aaron turned and motioned over to the people standing behind him, “These are agents, Y/n, JJ, and Rossi. The rest of our agents are assessing the crime scenes.”. The agents waved at the detective as he tipped his hat towards them.
“We have had a lot of bodies poppin’ up around here for the past few weeks”, he stated as he turned and started to walked into the building, the agents following closely behind. "Stuff like this doesn't happen in Grove", the detective said solemnly as they walked into the office. Suddenly the sheriff turned to the agents and said, “Sad, what happened to all those women, I knew most of them.... I hope y’all can catch this bastard.” the sheriff said looking at the agents.
“We have our best agents working this case sir, we will try our hardest.”, said Rossi reassuring the officer.
The detective shook this head as he turned to lead the team into the office. Officers and detectives buzzed around, as the sheriff lead them to a room further within the station. “We have a evidence board, table, and chairs set up in there”, the sheriff said as he pointed towards the room. “Thank you”, said Aaron, as he walked into the room with JJ to get set up. Before the sheriff went back to his work, Rossi asked if their was anyone seen with the latest victim before she went missing. The sheriff nodded and said, “Yes actually, the staff at Lendonwood said they saw a couple with the victim prior to the murder”.
“Are they here?", said Y/n as she looked around the office. The sheriff nodded and gestured towards a room, “Yep, they are waiting in that room over there.”. Y/n looked towards the waiting room and said, “Do you mind if we talk to them?”. The sheriff shrugged and said, “Be my guest.”, before he left to give orders to his officers on patrol.
Rossi and Y/n walked over to the waiting room ready to interview the couple. But before Y/n could go into the room Rossi stopped her, “You okay today kiddo, is something on your mind?”, he said looking at Y/n. Y/n contemplated telling Rossi, but she had trouble even thinking about her past, let alone talking about it. So reluctantly Y/n uttered, “I will be fine Rossi, I just wanna solve this case.”, as she turned the door knob. Rossi sighed as he followed Y/n into the room. He knew she was hiding something, he just couldn’t put his finger on what.
But soon it became apparent, as Y/n stopped in her tracks when she saw who was waiting in the small, rundown room. Y/n’s face drained of all color as she looked at the couple in front of her. The couple looked towards the agents who walked in, and a eerie smile crept upon their faces when they saw a face that they recognized. Their smiles sent shivers down Y/n’s spine and made her heart stop.
“Well... Look what the cat dragged in.”, the husband mocked. “My very own daughter”, he said earning a little laugh from his wife as they looked at Y/n’s reaction upon seeing them.
Rossi looked at Y/n with confusion before he quickly took her out of the room. "What is going on?" Rossi thought as he closed the door behind him.
To be continued.....
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sardonicmanic · 4 years
Can we all just stop and take a millasecond to talk about Aaron hotchner?
Listen, I know he is a serious little grumpy pants most of the time but...
đź’–(sidenote: these gifs aren't mine) đź’–
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đź’–Look at him, he supportive... đź’–
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🌟🌟And he nurture🌟🌟
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Furthermore, the dood has the. Best. Smile. Ever. 🤩🤩
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We all Stan Aaron hotchner okay...
and the sooner we all come to terms with it the better, alright?
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