sarpelui-saved · 6 years
my own little parting note . 
as fox said  —- we’ve been through a lot together , we’ve put our muses through hell and ( sort of ) picked them back up . as writers , i like to believe we’ve all grown with our characters and this plot brought out some things from my own that i’ve been writing for years well before this group even came to be , that i found surprising . with that said i want to personally thank every single member here at outlawshq , and even our predecessor valdez in which we’ve managed to keep and regain some of our old members from there too . you were all such an instrumental part of this group and it’s almost bittersweet to see it go especially after seven months of being so deeply connected to a plot , characters and members,  but sometimes it’s best to step away . it’s not goodbye , it’s see you later or … some shit , right ? 
anywho , with that said . keeping in touch would be cool ! you can come yell at me on discord  pew pew ! 🦄#2898 or you can follow me on my rpt and whatever bs blog it is this week @billyrusscs and if you ever want to write together , just let me know xoxo i’ll have the main logged in for a good chunk of the day so if anyone has any questions , concerns or would like to pull their character info off of the pages they are still up if you need !!
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
my own little parting note . 
as fox said  ---- we’ve been through a lot together , we’ve put our muses through hell and ( sort of ) picked them back up . as writers , i like to believe we’ve all grown with our characters and this plot brought out some things from my own that i’ve been writing for years well before this group even came to be , that i found surprising . with that said i want to personally thank every single member here at outlawshq , and even our predecessor valdez in which we’ve managed to keep and regain some of our old members from there too . you were all such an instrumental part of this group and it’s almost bittersweet to see it go especially after seven months of being so deeply connected to a plot , characters and members,  but sometimes it’s best to step away . it’s not goodbye , it’s see you later or ... some shit , right ? 
anywho , with that said . keeping in touch would be cool ! you can come yell at me on discord  pew pew ! 🦄#2898 or you can follow me on my rpt and whatever bs blog it is this week @billyrusscs and if you ever want to write together , just let me know xoxo i’ll have the main logged in for a good chunk of the day so if anyone has any questions , concerns or would like to pull their character info off of the pages they are still up if you need !!
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
« melanie kent  ▬   nikolas petran  »
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a  bit  too  dramatic  for  her  taste  but  it’s  the  truth  –––  a  thought  which  plagues  more  often  than  she  cares  to  admit  with  the  abundance  of  disappearances  occurring  as  of  late.  there  are  no  doubts  of  his  faithfulness  but  the  woman  knows  there  is  more  than  what  he  tells  her.  it  creeps  on  the  horizon;  FEAR  of  what  moment  will  be  the  last  she  sees  his  smile  or  the  crinkles  by  his  eyes.  the  weight  of  it  feels  as  if  it’ll  crush  her  at  any  moment  but  she  carries  it  regardless  because  along  with  the  fear  comes  every  other  emotion  she  harbors  for  the  man.  it  keeps  her  by  his  side  through  it  all  ready  to  be  his  strength  if  there’s  a  burden  he  no  longer  can  bare  alone.  “  and  yet  the  damage  is  done.  ”  melanie  strokes  her  fingertips  against  his  back  as  if  he  is  the  one  seeking  comfort,  a  comfort  of  her  own  settling  when  he  tells  her  there  is  no  other  business  to  attend  to.  she  assumes  there  is  but  he’s  with  her  now  and  it’s  a  gesture  met  with  great  appreciation.  “  will  you  lay  with  me ?  i  just  want  you  be  with  you.  ”  blood  still  stains  the  skin  of  her  collarbone  but  it  no  longer  plagues  her  as  the  reflection  in  the  mirror  goes  ignored.  
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❛    ---  IT  IS    ❜  and  the  words  come  out  so  casually  that  it  seems  as  if  they  are  having  a  minor  conversation  over  something  as  simple  as  the  flavor  of  the  meal  (not  )  between  them  .  her  fingers  are  like  ghostly  joints  over  his  spine  and  while  he  wonders  if  she  can  feel  the  sensuous  poison  within  his  muscles  he’d  vowed  to  make  the  evening  less  about  him  and  his  own  questionable  needs  and  more  of  her  own  .  what  he  doesn’t  add  is  that  there  is  plenty  of  work  to  be  done  ,  a  manhunt  for  starters  among  other  things  but  he  would  never  dare  speak  of  such  things  in  the  moment  ----  to  betray  her  expression  of  need  .  beyond  that  he  could  feel  the  coated  fear  mixing  with  the  numbness  like  a  dangerous  cocktail  beneath  her  blood  stained  skin  .  what  kind  of  man  would  he  be  to  simply  leave  her  to  suffer  alone  ?  ❛    i  think  now  would  be  as  good  a  time  as  ever  ,  we  can  go  lie  down  ,  i  can  have  something  to  eat  brought  up  if  you  want  to  get  changed  .  a  movie  ?  perhaps  we  can  find  casablanca  on  demand  .    ❜  
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
so basically my kid has been fighting some virus for the past week and a half , and it’s been ... exhausting, of course today he finally dropped the fever and guess who’s sick ? if you guessed me , you’re right . 
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
« vincent janko  ▬   serah kraylick  »
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vince has been beaten to a pulp, gone to war, stared down the barrel of a gun daring the other to shoot, but none of it can quite shake him in the way serah’s tone can when she full-names him. he knows she’s right. in any other town, in any other life, he’d wear a proud smile that lights the entire room, embrace her into a hug and go out to celebrate. he dreams for days like this, where he doesn’t resent his parents for adopting serah and depriving her of the life she should’ve lived. where a simple promotion doesn’t come with possible consequences of violence and death. she brought love and laughter into the janko household, and for that he’d always be grateful, so in return he pledged to keep her out of it to his best capabilities. but sometimes his best wasn’t enough. headstones reading matthew & jessica janko, mimi castelli etc. were proof of that. and so, he listens to every word, nodding slowly and regretfully, with a softened gaze that betrays it all: she’s right. he’s sorry. but it’s not worth the risk. lifting his gaze, he meets her eyes with a telling look. he’s going to say something she’s not going to like. “serah–” he begins, gaze dropping to the floor for a few seconds as he gathers his words. and like a band-aid: “i’m going to send rosie away. you and elle should go with her.” he takes a step forward, desperate, pleading. “you’re not stuck here. you can leave. you’re too good for this town, serah. always have been.” and the good ones always go first.
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SHE  KNOWS  THAT  IT’S  ONLY  A  MATTER  OF  TIME  before  vincent  janko  gets  his  own  plot  next  to  their  parents  and  cousin  .  for  that  alone  ,  her  feet  remain  firmly  planted  on  valdez  soil  .  it’s  not  just  him  either  ,  and  her  lips  part  to  remind  him  of  this  fact,  but  she’s  halted  by  the  softened  expression  that  seems  to  melt  with  some  force  upon  her  brother’s  features  .  it’s  almost  jarring  to  the  point  where  she  finds  the  urge  to  apologize  .  still  ,  it  doesn’t  happen  .  his  follow  up  confession  leaves  her  momentarily  shaken  ,  the  suggestion  to  follow  is  almost  ingrained  in  the  back  of  her  head  .    ❛  i  understand  ,      ❜  she  speaks  just  above  a  whisper  ,  the  smile  that  had  dressed  her  features  left  something  else  unspoken  as  it  turned  to  a  wistful  sadness  ❛  i  thought  about  it  too  …  i  mean  ,  sending  elle  away  ---  especially  lately  things  have  just  been  so  crazy  and  …      ❜  she  looks  away  ,  defiance  riddling  her  expression  with  arms  folded  and  she  takes  a  step  back  as  he  attempts  to  close  the  distance  ❛  i  can’t  leave  ,  vince  .    someone  with  a  level  head  has  to  keep  an  eye  on  you  and  besides  …      ❜  lowkey  ,  she  had  hoped  jasper  would  have  broken  the  news  of  a  more  recent  conversation  between  them  ,  ❛  but  we  are  moving  .  jasper  uh …      ❜  suddenly  she’s  stumbling  over  her  sentences  as  if  to  expect  the  worst  reaction  ,  ❛    he  bought  property  right  on  the  edge  of  town  ,  says  it  will  be  good  to  grow  into  something  bigger  or  …  and  …  it  will  be  away  from  the  nonsense  ,  said  i  should  rent  my  house  out  so  i  don’t  have  to  work  as  much  and  …    ❜  a  firmness  settles  in  her  gaze  as  she  locks  in  on  her  brother    ❛    i  can’t  believe  you’d  be  stupid  enough  to  think  i  would  leave  either  of  you  ,  honestly  vince  .  ❜          
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
« melanie kent  ▬   nikolas petran  »
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it’s  no  surprise  he  has  a  solution  to  her  predicament  but  it  doesn’t  aide  in  soothing  the  turmoil  causing  her  insides  to  somersault.  melanie  reaches  for  his  wrist  as  he  has  a  hold  on  her  jaw  if  anything  to  settle  her  nerves.  there  was  a  single  image  in  her  mind  when  the  reality  of  what  occurred  settled  earlier  –––  his  face  under  the  moonlight.  the  way  his  eyes  shone  brighter  than  the  stars  above  them.  it’s  not  the  same  face  in  front  of  her  now  with  hollow  cheeks  and  eyes  lacking  in  the  vibrancy  she’d  grown  so  accustomed  to.  there’s  a  part  of  him  missing  regardless  how  many  times  he  tells  her  it’s  nothing.  “  i  thought  i  wasn’t  going  to  see  you  again.  there  was  a  second  where  i  truly  believed  he  was  going  to  finish  the  job.  ”  there’s  no  point  in  lingering  within  the  what  if  mentality  but  it  doesn’t  stop  her  from  moving  a  hand  to  grasp  at  the  back  of  his  shirt  as  they  stand  against  one  another.  “  can  you  stay?  ”  
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❛  NO  ,  DON’T  TALK  LIKE  THAT    ---    ❜  a  quiet  sh  from  his  lips  and  his  head  shakes  ever  so  slightly  as  if  it  would  somehow  convey  what  the  worry  lines  upon  her  features  couldn’t  .  there’s  an  unsettling  feeling  built  beneath  the  surface  and  it  allows  for  an  awkward  pretense  to  the  conversation  and  what  he  wants  to  say  ,  and  what  he  doesn’t  .  ❛    of  course  he  wouldn’t  .    ❜  there’s  an  edge  of  confidence  laced  in  his  tone  but  it’s  followed  by  a  dry  laugh  that  perhaps  shouldn’t  have  slipped  free  ❛    cowards  spend  their  time  on  rooftops  unless  they  are  in  the  desert  .    ❜  an  old  quote  from  mattias  himself  that  lingered  back  to  when  niko  would  talk  of  his  own  longing  to  learn  how  to  take  such  a  shot  and  while  he  doesn’t  one  hundred  believe  the  sentiment  ,  it  is  said  for  her  sake  over  anything  else    .  distance  closes  at  her  question  ,  lips  tasting  her  own  if  only  for  a  brief  moment  .  he  knows  the  ache  in  his  arm  and  the  one  finding  home  on  his  jaw  but  there  is  a  time  and  place  for  everything  .  he  knows  the  answer  to  her  question  before  she  even  speaks  it  .  ❛    of  course  .  my  phone  is  already  off  and  the  door  is  locked  .    ❜      
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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Sebastian Stan Hugo Boss Unveil’s New Singapore MBS Store May 25, 2018
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
« iris vitale  ▬   nikolas petran  »
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THERE’S NO NEED TO GIVE VOICE TO A TRUTH he’ll know with just a little further testing to his patience. the grate of his voice cracks at her from the tinny speaker of a cheap phone as he talks to her but more to himself; anything, it seems, to fill the silence shouting from the other end of the line as her journey draws to a close. splintered wood gives way under the manipulation of her fingertips when she reaches the tip top of the steps she’s climbed countless times.  (  just  t h r e e , but they’d managed to stop her in her tracks more than once  )  ‘  i said don’t open it.  ’  the bark comes out as soft as the hand  p r o p p e d  up on the curve of her hip.  ‘  don’t tell me it’s opposite day and you’re feeling the need to relive your youth  …   now i’m going to have to put you in TIME OUT.  ’  the pout of her lips fails to convey the desired level of sympathy.
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LIKE  A  HOT  POKER  she  prods  and  prods  at  his  ribs  with  every  test  to  his  whim  and  patience  .  what  amusement  had  existed  in  the  moment  had  long  since  faded  and  he’d  become  a  soft  voice  heard  in  the  sanctity  of  the  times.  ❛    i  didn’t  .  ❜    bland  expression  adorned  his  features  ,  the  tips  of  his  fingers  still  test  the  edge  of  the  box  with  the  same  .  still  ---  there  bares  a  question  that  she  hadn’t  answered  just  yet  ,  and  it’s  an  uncomfortable  sensation  drawn  upon  him  with  gratitude  for  that  fact  .  ❛  are  you  going  to  tell  me  what  i’m  doing  with  this  box  ,  or  does  snow  white  have  a  carrier  pigeon  en  route  to  pick  it  up  ?      ❜  
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
« lorenzo de luca  ▬   serah kraylick  »
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“  sure  i  can  –––  it’s  literally  my  job.  so  if  this  guy  is  being  shitty  with  you  then  i’ll  take  care  of  him.  if  jasper  wants  the  first  crack  at  him  then  he’s  welcome  to  it. ��”  again  —  there  is  no  hint  of  jest  in  his  voice  as  they  speak  on  the  matter.  perhaps  it’s  his  way  of  letting  serah  know  he’ll  do  what  needs  to  be  done  when  the  situation  calls  for  it.  he  doesn’t  imagine  she’s  the  type  to  ask  anyways.  she’s  there  to  blockade  his  dodge  of  the  question  and  lorenzo  instead  points  to  the  golf  cart  a  couple  of  feet  away  while  stopping  in  his  tracks.  “  golf  cart.  your  trash  bags  should  be  in  the  back  somewhere.  ”  it’s  enough  of  a  distraction  he  hopes  on  the  subject  of  his  own  personal  well-being.  
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TALKING  TO  LORENZO  REMINDED  serah  of  after  school  conversations  between  her  and  elle  .  how  was  your  day  ?    oh  ,  fine  .  are  we  out  of  fruit  snacks  ?  what  did  you  do  today  ?  i  think  i  want  a  haircut  mom  ,  casey  from  class  says  split  ends  are  for  the  devil  .  she’s  practically  impenetrable  to  the  constant  dodging  she  could  make  a  sport  of  it  and  when  a  smile  graces  her  lips  she  instead  laughs  .  it’s  in  best  interest  to  dodge  his  promise  after  all  .  ❛    yeah  ,  this  is  great  ,    ❜  she  fusses  through  the  back  of  the  cart  and  pulls  out  a  garbage  bag  ,  slipping  the  leaves  inside  with  ease  before  dusting  her  hands  together  .  ❛    hey  ,  do  you  uh  …  do  you  live  at  the  estate  ?  or  do  you  have  a  place  of  your  own  ?    ❜  
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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“I was never good in pictures. Ever since I was a little kid, I never learned how to smile properly in photographs, that was something I kind of had to learn how to do when I started promoting films. It’s still a very intimidating thing for me, and I kind of walk onto a photoshoot set and say, ‘I’m not good at modeling clothes but if you just tell me what you need me to do, I’ll do it.’”
Happy 30th birthday, Elizabeth Olsen! ( February 16, 1989)
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
« corey scalzi  ▬   madden coyle  »
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              that was different — in his attempt to avoid using the word “weird”. suspicious eyes searched the place and the people who had come, not only trying to find someone familiar, but also looking for anything that might pose as a threat. it took a few minutes for corey to relax ( or anything close to that ) and his attention was finally drawn directly to the table where most of the food was. the man barely had time to examine the options, however, when a movement behind him drew his immediate attention — and his first instinct was to take his hand up close to the weapon carefully concealed in the waistband of his pants. at least until he turned around and saw that the person wasn’t what he could call dangerous. ❛ holy mother of jesus in a tank! what, from the bottom of my sweet heart, the fuck?! ❜ corey said, already back in his friendly mood. ❛ don’t sneak up on people like that! it’s rude. ❜
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❛  SOMEONE  IS  A  LITTLE  JUMPY      ❜  his  tone  is  flat  when  he  speaks  ,  taking  a  sip  from  a  to  go  coffee  cup  in  which  he  looks  the  other  man  over  the  rim  of  before  offering  a  cat  like  smile  .  he  doesn’t  really  have  the  temperament  for  these  sorts  of  things  ,  but  food  was  involved  and  he  would  rather  not  cook  ,  if  he  could  agree  to  it  .  ❛    someone  spike  the  punch  with  something  to  get  that  heart  racin’  or  are  you  just  that  ….  rabbit  like  ,  hm  ?    ❜    
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
« odin foresti  ▬   ezra caine  »
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odin’s family were not really big on desserts. in fact most of the time they would eat dried fruits, or sweetened porriage for dessert, but nothing like cakes or pastries. it was a part of their culture really. it lead odin to not really have a sweet tooth. but when he was younger and not fighting odin was found in the kitchen helping his mother and learning the recipes behind his heritage. odin was a mess in the kitchen in his apartment. having gotten the brochure and the requirments of the thanksgiving he scrambled to the store to look for anythign that could remind him of his childhood. stewed vegetables, prepared fish and meats, and to finish home made ale. he had a jar brewing for a couple weeks and usually had some made already. he was stewing the vegatables and had a chicken roasting in the oven when the doorbell rang. he ran over to open the door and huffed out, “hey, thanks for coming over to help me take all this stuff.”
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❛    WELL  ,  TRY  NOT  TO  TAKE  too  long    ❜  he  shrugs  ,  hands  stuffed  in  his  pockets  and  he  remains  thoughtful  a  moment  .  ❛    i’m  pretty  sure  we  were  both  supposed  to  be  there  about  twenty  minutes  ago  to  get  everything  set  up  .  i  have  my  own  cheesecake  sitting  in  the  back  of  the  car  waiting  .    ❜  another  shrug,  he  allows  himself  inside  to  wait  some  more  .  ❛    so  ,  what  do  you  have  ?    ❜    
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
« theodore leighton  ▬   madden coyle  »
Of course Theo was at this damn pot luck thing.  He had one of those moms that brought food and packed lunch and wanted someone to have a bit of everything so maybe she made too much lasagna and brussels and maybe she made Theo help bring everything over.  And his brothers of course.  But he’d finally broken free and was off trying to find a drink or… something to get his mind off of everything.  Finding a quiet corner outside, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a drag and not budging at the sound of footsteps.  “I don’t plan on sharing.”
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A  CAN  OF  PRISTINE  SPAGHETTI  -  O’S  is  tossed  in  the  air  ,  a  loving  and  parting  gift  from  his  dear  old  newest  acquirement  as  of  late  and  the  sound  of  the  voice  at  his  side  draws  only  boredom  (  as  usual  )  before  he  speaks  up  in  response  .  ❛    good  ..  thing  i  didn’t  ask  for  it  .    ❜  his  response  doesn’t  come  out  a  mumble  as  some  would    think  to  reserve  such  hostility  ,  but  madden  is  a  boastful  mess  of  cockiness  and  amusement  when  need  be  .  ❛    but  you  know  it’s  illegal  to  smoke  within  thirty  yards  of  this  place  ,  right  ?    ❜  
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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I’m kind of a nerd when it comes to literature and theory. I wish I could have more of that in life, but I don’t because I’m always reading scripts or things to prepare for movies when I’m reading.
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sarpelui-saved · 6 years
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Jack Falahee as Connor Walsh in It Was the Worst Day of My Life (How to Get Away With Murder 5x05).
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