saskwatche · 3 months
i know chamber eats pussy so good. i can just TELL he gets nose deep and doesn’t want to pull away unless he has to breathe or he’ll die.
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saskwatche · 2 years
Viper, on an email to the PROTOCOL: Please refrain from using non-technical language and slang while on missions, as it may compromise the effectiveness of communication
Reyna, who keeps getting sent on missions with the youngest agents: Don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + ho mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + any askers + repelled + get a life + ok + and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your mom + not funny didn’t laugh + grammar issues + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ask deez + ez clap + straight cash + ratio again + final ratio + problematic
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saskwatche · 3 years
Y/N: *talking to the dimitrescu daughters* So I'll start by introducing myself. I'm-
Lady Dimitrescu: *enters the room*
Y/N: -very gay and very single.
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saskwatche · 4 years
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This is still a WIP, but I got the inking and some of the coloring done (not sure if I want it all in full color or if I want to make most of it black and white with only certain panels colored)
Anyway, it’s a comic about gender, non-binary-ness, and Janet from The Good Place.
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saskwatche · 4 years
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think Deceit is actually the one most at fault for Thomas deciding to go to the wedding instead of the callback - not for any like unsympathetic reasons or anything like that, but because the way he handled the situation just made it So Much Worse (but was also very in character), even if he was fighting for what was probably the best thing to do
The reason most episodes end with a satisfying conclusion is that the light sides (including Virgil) usually have an argument as equals and then end with a compromise, but Deceit just Doesn't Do That
And, honestly, that's pretty in character for him. His job is to prioritise Thomas/himself over everything/everyone else (selfishness, basically), so of course he doesn't want to compromise/consider the possibility that he might be wrong, or let others decide what to do. This is honestly why I think he's gonna be the last to be accepted - I mean, Virgil also had to realise he was going too far to be accepted (though he ended up going too far in the wrong direction), but that was in character for him, as his job is protecting Thomas through putting him/himself down (which is like the opposite to Deceit, which is interesting cos they're both self preservation)
ANYWAY I'm getting off track
I fully believe that if Deceit hadn't turned SVS into the Courtroom Scenario where he was going one-on-one against Patton, and had had an Actual Debate with the other sides, he would have easily gotten Roman AND Logan on his side, and would've been able to go to the callback - for two main reasons.
One - the whole "making thomas feel like he's been accused of a crime" strategy was Very Stupid and led to him (and Roman) feeling guilty (duh) and deciding to go to the wedding anyway. VERY stupid move for Deceit, what made him think that would work????? Telling someone that they're guilty and then expecting them not to feel bad and want to "do better" is DUMB
And two! He made it a Deceit vs Patton when it could've been Deceit and Roman (and maybe Logan) vs Patton (and Virgil, though I bet he's only really on that side cos he doesn't wanna support Deceit). He could have so easily won like that!!!!! An argument as equals (maybe if he needed a scenario he could've made it a Proper Debate) can lead to a compromise
He put so much work into controlling the whole situation, and refusing to compromise or have a fair debate, that of course things didn't go his way. Thomas should've chosen to go to the callback, but Deceit ended up pushing him to go to the wedding
Honestly? If he wasn't involved in that episode at all they probably could've come to the conclusion that going to the callback (and being Honest about it) was the better plan.
Patton can be persuaded to go against what he wants to do, it's literally happened in the past - though it might've been a challenge, I think Roman (and Logan) would've been able to succeed - especially cos just talking to his friends about this could've solved the situation easily! But Deceit put him in a position where he was forced to Defend Thomas and think that going to the callback was just Thomas giving it to his secret dark desires (which Patton, as morality, naturally wouldn't like)
So, yeah, I think it's Deceit's fault that they're going to the wedding. But if you disagree, it's fine! We can agree to disagree lol - or you can start a Friendly Debate if you like, as long as it doesn't turn into an argument/dip into unsympathetic light sides territory (as that makes me uncomfortable)
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saskwatche · 4 years
And Then There Were None
Summary:  The dark sides leave Deceit, one by one.   or – how Deceit loses one family and finds another.  Angst with a happy ending. Ship:  platonic DLAMPR with hints of anxceit and roceit Tws: isolation, blood, and canon-typical Remus behavior including – innuendo, dead animal and corpse dissection, talk of violence, and swearing.  All mild and in passing. Word count: 6020
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
In the beginning, there were three.
Three dark sides, laughing in the shadows.
“Poor little thing,” Remus sneered.  “Trying to figure out the monsters in his head.”
“Pretty boy needs to figure out we’re not so easy to shine a light on,” Anxiety chuckled.
“Oh, come now,” Deceit hissed, and the others snapped to attention, heads swiveling towards him.  “He doesn’t need to know us, does he?”  He grinned, fangs pushing out over his lower lip.  “Just to listen.”
Keep reading
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saskwatche · 4 years
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“Why do you want to stifle your own creativity, Thomas?”
-Remus, Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts, 2019
(Yes! You may write stories based on this art with credit! - Cat)
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saskwatche · 4 years
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“What? I can’t understand you. I don’t know anything about words.”
-Deceit, Selfishness v. Selflessness, 2019
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saskwatche · 4 years
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“Yeah that’s a side of myself that I would prefer not to feed into.”
-Thomas, Moving on Part 2, 2017
(Yes! You may write stories based on this art with credit! - Cat)
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saskwatche · 4 years
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“You try to create art but you shackle your creativity.” 
-Roman, Am I Original, 2017
(Yes! You may write stories based on this art with credit! - Cat)
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saskwatche · 5 years
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Literally, hold it for him while the boy’s having fun 👌
aka Highschool AU again
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saskwatche · 5 years
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So have some Character Thomas x Virgil bc apparently I ship that now too!
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saskwatche · 5 years
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That’s the king. Treat him nice (insp.)
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saskwatche · 5 years
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Sanders Sides  +  “the seven deadly sins”  (insp.)
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saskwatche · 5 years
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Based on @crowsmadreadful’s post!
I love these three so much
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saskwatche · 5 years
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The bloops were rad
(I like???? Drawing Remus now????????)
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saskwatche · 5 years
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Sanders sides incorrect quotes (all drawn before the recent episode)
Based on this:
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(Click for better resolution)
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