sassbown · 5 years
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We all have a side of creativity, but we all express our creativity in different ways.
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sassbown · 5 years
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Hygge day
Post #10
Hygge day is somthing my family and the family of Ethan Iverson celebrate. It’s a fun day or afternoon we spend together playing games winning prizes and just hanging out. We take the time to appreciate what we have in our lives like close family and good friends. We enjoy the time we spend together.
This year was especially fun because we had some extra people like my best friend Alexya and my neighbor Kristofer. We had a fun scavenger hunt and our traditional seran wrap candy prize game.
Morgan, Ethans mom, was the one who came up with the name. I love the name I find it goofy like all of us and it’s unique. I love to see the look on people’s faces when they hear the name.
We all have those people who we can be ourselves around and those are these people for me. Being our goofy selves together is so much fun and helps me to let go of life’s anxieties for a little while. I have these people to thank for helping me be me and have if fun.
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sassbown · 5 years
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Growing up
Good copy
We all grow, we all start as small fetuses and slowly grow into babies, children then teens and adults until we grow old and die. Growing is just part of the process of life. Many people believe that how we turn out as adults is because of how we were raised, to an extent I do believe that is true but it also depends on the type of person you are.
How we turn out is our choice we either learn from others mistakes or we we follow their path. I strongly believe that that depends on wether your not your a leader or a follower. If your a leader you would see other and how they live and learn from it avoid making the same mistakes. A follower may not do that, they may just follow in the path of others. So are you a leader or a follower? Do you want to be a leader or a follower? I think that even if you are typically a follower you can still change it just might take more courage.
Our lives at home and at school do have an effect on us but we have to choose wether we want to take the good aspects from it or the bad. No one is perfect, but if we were to learn from others mistakes more often we would be much better people today. The problem is how lazy our generation has gotten.
Over the years we have gotten lazier and lazier, it’s no one persons fault but it is reality. We have most things done for us now a days or we have shortcuts, which yes to an extent are good but if we take too many shortcuts we become lazy and the lazier we are the more bad habits we pick up.
So yes we can’t be perfect but we should strive to be the best we can be. And if that means not following trend then don’t, stand out. Be confident about who you are. We aren’t made to be all the same so don’t try and be like other people, be yourself. You are beautiful in your own way you just have to find “your way”. If anyone has anything to say about you standing out then just remember that you have a lot more self respect for yourself because you are refusing to be molded by others idea of beauty. You are beautiful.
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sassbown · 5 years
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Your Name
What does your name mean to you? Are you proud of your name? Do you hold your head up high when you say your name? I love my name, especiallymy last name. Why do I love my name? Im proud to call myself a Bown. My family has a good reputation and I’m honoured to carry that on. My name means a lot to me because number one it’s something no one can ever take from me, it’s something that I’ll always have and number two it who I am. When people tell me they don’t like their name I feel bad because to me that who you are and you should be proud of who you are. Have you ever had something taken from you? How did you feel? Well that’s the great thing about your name no one can take it from you it will always be yours. I’ve always been kind of sad or scared about when I get married and have children that they won’t have my last name. My family name means so much to me and to not pass that on makes me sad. I just hope that anyone reading this that doesn’t like there name can learn to appreciate and love their name because I’m sure it has its own beauty.
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sassbown · 5 years
Blended families
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sassbown · 5 years
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Post #7
What’s your hobby? Personally I have many hobbies, some of them include horseback riding, photography, painting and shooting. Today I have chosen to talk about shooting.
Shooting is something I’ve done sonce I was little, me and my dad would go out set up a target and do some target practice. I got pretty good with the 22. Cal. So I slowly have moved up to now being able to shoot the 308 and am still improving. Shooting is probably one of my least practiced hobbies which really sucks because I love to do it but, it takes time to set up and everything so we do it when we can but it’s hard to do it often.
Shooting is something that takes a lot of practice and you will never stop learning about. It’s something that takes patience to, you need to be able to sit still take you time and remain relaxed. A few weeks ago my friends and my parents went shooting and we all did really good and it was really fun.
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sassbown · 5 years
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Where is the farthest you have ever traveled? For me the farthest I’ve ever gone is China. It was an amazing experience. I went to see me aunts that live there. It was a 13 hour flight from Montreal to Beijing and than another 4 hour flight from there to the little city where my aunts live.
This trip was an experience of a life time, it was breathtaking. We were there for two weeks. I went with my aunt and uncle and my grandparents. The flight was long and the jet lag was bad but it was very much worth it. At one point I was running on a total of 8 hours of sleep in 48 hours. The experience was priceless though.
The culture in China is completely different. Some things that we do are odd to them, and some things they do are odd for us. For example a lot of people especially the men smoke, which means they often cough up flem, so you’ll be walking down the street or sitting on the bus and you’ll hear people hacking up flem and to me it’s disgusting; but to them it’s normal.
I loved the adventure and spending time with my family. I hope that I’ll be able to go back again and make more new memories.
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sassbown · 5 years
picture this
you’re in your late-20’s, early-30’s; you’re married and have two young kids. together, you live in a large house in the countryside. the house could use renovating, but it doesn’t need it.
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wildflowers grow all over your large property. bees buzz by, but never sting. they make honey for your family to sell and enjoy.
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in your backyard is a garden. you and your spouse wear overalls and bandanas while you harvest the fruits and vegetables you’ve worked so hard on; you sell whatever you don’t eat.
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next to the garden is a pasture: you raise cows, bunnies, sheep, and chickens. you’ve taught your children to collect eggs every morning, while you and your spouse milk the cows.
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although you have technology, wifi, and service, your family doesn’t rely on it for entertainment and communication. you play board games, read books, and write letters.
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your house is your own. you fall asleep in the arms of the person you love, happily content with life.
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sassbown · 5 years
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Post #5
Why do we have borders? Why must we separate our land? Why do we feel the need to separate ourselves saying we are Canadian,American,Chinese or Russian ect.? Who cares! We are all humans we all live on earth. To me borders are stupid. The dirt is the same on either side what’s the difference?To me I don’t care if I’m Canadian or American or whatever to me I live on earth that’s all that matters.
Then you have the whole fact of the government ripping you off because of exchange rates or custom duties. Also how complicated it is to get all of the proper documentation to be able to cross the border. You can’t even bring certain types of food across the border. They make it so complicated and expensive.
We say we hate segregation but this is a form of segregation. We say we are all equal yet feel we have power over other nationalities. I don’t understand why must we live in a separated world? Why does our generation feel they need to have power over others?
In the end we are left with questions that will never be answered. We will be left with problems that won’t get solved. The problems we have now will still be problems later they will only get worse. No matter how much I complain it won’t matter, it won’t make a difference.
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sassbown · 5 years
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Off the grid
As far from civilization as possible. In the middle of the woods on a mountain. Only my best friends and I. In a cabin we built with our bare hands. Eating food we grew or raised. Spending our days just living, surviving, laughing. This is my dream. This is what I want my future to look like.
My best friend Alexya and I have planned this all out, this is what we want to do in our future. Alexya, her brother and I are going to live this dream one day this is a promise we have made ourselves. We want to live off the land, off the grid and away from our hectic lives we lead now. We have all the skills need to do this so that is what we are going to do. No questions asked.
We not only have a Pinterest board dedicated to our plans with over 400 pins so far, we also have drawn out plans for our cabin, our barn, our garden and our backyard. We have written down all the animals we want and all the things we are going to grow in our garden.
We have almost everything planned out expect maybe how to afford it but even there we may have a plan. We want to make a movie and instead of starring a Disney princess it will star a redneck princess. We want little girls to understand it’s ok to be “one of the guys” and it’s ok to get muddy.
We know there is only a small chance that this dream will actually come true but it’s keeping us going in this world for now. So until this day comes we will keep planning and keep dreaming and keep expanding our ideas and maybe just maybe one day we will have this.
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sassbown · 5 years
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One of my family traditions is to go camping every year around labour day. We would pack up the whole family and all the camping gear and head up into the Adirondacks for some fun. The whole family would gather along with some family friends. We used to go to saranack lake for island camping then we went to eagle point for a while but now our tradition has changed a bit. Instead of going camping one week out of the year and we all keep our campers so at Lyon mountain RV park all year round.
We all try to meet up there as often as possible and we all have four wheelers that we keep up there. Around the campground there are over 600 acres of four wheeler trails up and around Lyon mountain and the surrounding mountains. Lyon mountain used to be ore mining territory so there are a bunch of caves and man ways and abandoned buildings from when they were mining. We love to go exploring in those caves and abandoned buildings.
My uncle loves to learn about all the caves and what they used to do there for the mining. He found all these old maps online of the area and all the mines and man ways so he can see where the mines are and how deep they go. He has found stories from people who used to mine there and then he has gone out wheeling and found the exact spot they were talking about it’s pretty cool!!!
I love going up to Lyon for a fun weekend and seeing the family and just being up in the mountains in general. When we go out for a ride on the wheelers it’s always breathtaking what we see. It’s such a stress reliever to be up there. The fresh mountain air helps clear the mind and the sinuses lol (if your congested like I was the last time I was there). Time spent on the mountain is time well spent.
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sassbown · 5 years
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Friends, without them who would we be, how would we act, how would we feel? Personally I would not be a fun person to be around. I would be grumpy, stressed,depressed and just an all around terrible person. I would not treat anyone kindly and would be very negative. But luckily I have some of the greatest friends I could ever ask for (some of which are not in the photo). They keep me positive, they help me whenever I need it, they are always there for me through my ups and my downs. They have a way of cheering me up on my darkest days and are always there to give me mental support. They keep me, being me even when I don’t know who I am. Because of them I am kind to people I try not to be short tempered. They are like my human journals I tell them everything and they don’t judge who I am. I always have a blast when I’m with them even if what we’re doing isn’t fun. I sometimes just thank them for being them and being there for me. I don’t know what I would do without them. They are my life I wake up, I think of them,I go to school, I think of them, I go to bed, I think of them. Our songs come on the radio I get so excited and I sing along like a maniac and usually text them the lyrics of our favourite part or send them a video of me singing along. They are always on my mind and it’s what keeps me going in this world. They are like brothers and sisters to me I can tell them anything and talk to them anytime day or night. I just pray that I’m that friend for them. That friend they can tell anything to. That friend they can rely on. That friend who is always there to help them. We all need those type friends. So let’s all work on being that friend for others.
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sassbown · 5 years
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My Happy Place
We all need something to help us escape. Something to free our mind of all the stresses of today’s world. For some that’s sport others it’s food or art or reading, for me it’s horses. Everything about horses make me smile, just thought of my horse at any moment of the day brings relief to my busy mind. Some days I think my horse is the only person who understands me. He feels my emotions even if I don’t know what I’m feeling. He is always there for me when I need someone to talk to. He is my stress reliever.
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