sassymolassymommy · 10 years
Beware of the Troll in Target
Beware of the Troll in Target
So M and I ran to Target while C was napping and after a bit she started to get fussy so I headed for the checkout, pausing at the Father’s Day cards. I was rocking the basket and some woman came up as said, “How old is she?” I responded, “8 months” and the shrew went on, “Babies that age don’t cry for no reason” I smiled and said “yeah, she’s getting tired. It’s almost naptime”. This old bat…
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sassymolassymommy · 10 years
M's Monthly Photos - 7 months!!
M’s Monthly Photos – 7 months!!
  M was not excited about the photos at first this month, which led to this gem.  The sweet C, being a good big sister, came over to try to comfort her! After a quick break during which I fed M and we got some snuggles we were ready for attempt #2.
  I think my favorite thing is seeing how much her personality develops as the months go by!
           The final product!!
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sassymolassymommy · 10 years
Chef's Wife
Chef’s Wife
A friend posted a survey on Facebook that said Women think the sexiest job a man can have is being a Chef. 27% of Women voted Chef’s were the sexiest, whereas Firefighters came in 4th with 12%. As a chef’s wife I laughed imagining these women dreaming of gourmet spreads, multi course meals and wine pairings 5, 6, 7 nights a week.  Not that they can’t do it.  Hubs has made some meals that are…
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sassymolassymommy · 10 years
Easter Tomb Cakes!!
Easter is my favorite candy holiday.  Seriously, I visited Cadbury World in Dunedin, I was looking for Oompa Loompas! I even enjoy dying Easter eggs, however I realized quickly that that is not a good idea with toddlers, so I went in search of an alternative cooking craft. My sister quickly reminded me of tomb cakes made when we were in preschool. Crescent Rolls, marshmallows, butter and cinnamon…
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sassymolassymommy · 10 years
Slow Cooker Turkey Meatball Marinara with Spaghetti Squash
Slow Cooker Turkey Meatball Marinara with Spaghetti Squash
This is one of my favorite recipes.  It contains mushrooms, garlic and onion – my 3 favorite foods! It is hard to mess up because the ingredients and ratios are basically just to your personal taste, its a slow cooker fix it and forget it recipe and it tastes better the second day! Here is my pile of ingredients.  Unfortunately Costco didn’t have the turkey meatballs today and I didn’t have time…
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sassymolassymommy · 10 years
Quick and Easy DIY Silver Polish
Quick and Easy DIY Silver Polish
Over the years I have heard my mother say many times she wished she used her fancy silver as her everyday silverware.
When I got married I fell in love with Pottery Barn’s Maxfield Hotel and Antique Silver lines.  The compliment each other beautifully.  So I registered for them and my mother in law got us service for 8.  After being married for 3 years I had used them approximately 6 times.  Each…
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sassymolassymommy · 10 years
Orchard River - Our First Home!
Orchard River – Our First Home!
We bought our first house! With my real estate background my main concern was something that would be a good investment. Yet we couldn’t afford a total fixer upper because that would require cash savings that we do not currently have. It was an emotional journey and after being outbid on another house, we came across a charming townhouse neighborhood behind a park. It was 1650sqft, 3 bedrooms,…
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sassymolassymommy · 10 years
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Circuit Room – Love! I have been making a concerted effort to go to the Gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.  
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