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I've always been watching :)
There are no asks to answer so I'm more than happy to let it be inactive otherwise!
Mod 1
here is my list of demands for anything naruto-related
sasuke uchiha’s happiness
the happiness of sasuke uchiha
sasuke uchiha to be happy
the opposite of sadness for sasuke uchiha
“i am happy” - sasuke uchiha
sasuke uchiha to be able to live in a world where the system is fixed and not having to be in a relationship because of guilt and redemption
god bless
- Mod 2
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Not Sasuke related, but.
Snake family: Orochimaru, Log, Mitsuki.
NOT snake family: Suigetsu, whom was a victim of Orochimaru's experiments and had no choice but to return and deserves better than this.
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Sasuke and Sarada VS Sasuke and Fugaku: RE: “Sasuke should know better/be a more attentive parent, he had a family!”
Or “Why it’s not the same,” an essay by me.
I’ve seen the arguments. They’ve been there since 2015, when Gaiden was fresh and new and we all learned Sasuke hadn’t seen his daughter since she was born. How could he? How could a man so torn by having his birth family ripped from not even deem to see his own flesh and blood for twelve long years?
Well, I could end it right here and say it’s because the family was forced upon him instead of him choosing to settle and have children when he was ready, but okay, let’s go a little deeper, because this also has to do with the translations of the new novel I’ve seen.  But now both sides are arguing that Sasuke somehow has no room to be an inattentive/absent father. And man, does this ignore a lot of things that have happened to Sasuke as well as the exact nature of the relationship with his own Father as opposed to his current relationship with Sarada.
First of all, there are some things to keep in mind that I have seen repeated elsewhere but I feel the need to repeat them again.
Sasuke had his family killed as a small child.
Sasuke wasn’t a parent. He was a child. He was seven. Children aren’t done forming social bonds yet and suddenly, he was all alone.
The dynamic of the OG Uchiha family wasn’t perfect and serene, and Sasuke was going through a self-esteem struggle when his family was killed.
There was the looming threat of Danzo and the village. The clan pressuring Fugaku to take action. Fugaku and Itachi not Seeing Eye to eye. Sasuke felt ignored and not strong enough to get his Father’s attention. And when he began getting his Father’s attention, he was suddenly told not to follow Itachi (like he had been before) and to take a different path. He’s confused.
Sasuke feels that his “conflict” with his Father was posthumously resolved.
It’s kind of hard to continue to feel neglected/ignored by your own Father when he dies. Sasuke was never allowed the ability to fully process this, and he never gets to speak to his Father personally again. Now, before anyone gets the wrong idea, this isn’t an anti Fugaku post, Fugaku had his own problems that resulted in the conflict and neglect of his two sons and there’s nothing we can really do about that. It wasn’t done on purpose or maliciously.
But what happens to Sasuke here is that he forces a resolution by himself. His Father’s a victim now. His Father died, Sasuke would feel like shit if he tried to put any sort of blame/wrongdoing on his late Father’s part.
Add in Itachi’s memory of Fugaku asking Itachi to take care of Sasuke? There just isn’t any room in Sasuke’s mind to even begin to accept the notion that his Father did him any sort of harm. You could say it to his face and he would get pissed at you. How dare you? He died for me. Etc. So on.
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Note how, in this snippet, it isn’t Sasuke who compares his situation with Sarada to that of Fugaku…..it’s Sakura. (How she knows is a different question, but…) If Sasuke should already know better because he’s the one with the family why is it Sakura who’s telling him “this is exactly like the problems you had with your Father”?  
And this brings us to point B: Sasuke already is using his actual feelings RE his Father in regards to Sarada. Sasuke would, and has, twice, (perhaps once in the novel since it’s not clear if this is post  boruto movie or pre, but it will be twice if pre), used his body as a shield and stood in harm’s way for her. This is how he shows he cares, even if it doesn’t translate in that exact way to Sarada. He would, if it meant she would survive, lay his life down for her. Like his Father did to him.
But yes, look, I understand. Sasuke does value family. You guys aren’t wrong here. But all of your complaints fail to understand that this family was forced upon him. Did we all forget that Naruto and Sakura have been trying to drill it in Sasuke for the longest time that all he needs is “love uwu” and a new family to replace the one he lost and things will be “fine”?  A relationship and a child do not function as therapy. I am happy that the writing reflects this even if it’s not word for word. He disassociates. He struggles. This was a “rebound”, something new to fix something he lost and had not had the proper time or help to process and move on from. It was a rebound other people said he needed.
No one should be surprised he’s struggling. He’s not out-of-character. He is a product of his loss at seven, at his loss at seventeen years old and everything people have been teaching him since then. He’s had his ability to trust in his own decisions when it comes to domestic/family matters seriously degraded, and no, it will never be the author’s fault.
Blame Naruto and Sakura. Don’t be cheap and blame an author who at least has enough respect to not pretend Sasuke is fine.
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Love yourself. Cut the people out of your feed that hate Sasuke Uchiha.
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This person answered their own argument at least four times. Sasuke has admitted the only reason he and Sakura are connected is Sarada. They said it themselves and yet cannot seem to grasp it. 
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lonelywolf1754 replied to your post “lonelywolf1754 replied to your photo “Should really check my replies...”
Dude, I don’t think Sasuke can be manipulated when he is in his right minds. Much less by someone like her. Sasuke didn’t say “Our feelings are connected because of you” he literally said otherwise “That her existence is proof that their feelings are connected”. Sarada asked him: “Your feelings are truly connected to mom’s” and he said “Yeah”. And then she asked him “How can you be so sure”. He then replied: “Because you exists”. She did NOT ask why are your feelings connected. If she asked that
“Dude, I don’t think Sasuke can be manipulated when he is in his right minds. “
Sasuke hasn’t been in his right mind since the massacre.
Are you simply selectively ignoring the parts where Sasuke already feels guilty for Sakura’s feelings? I’ve said that about four times now. He hasn’t been mentally sound since he was a small child, stop mistaking him for having a strong sense of autonomy. Naruto beat that out of him. 
Also you destroyed your own argument. 
“ Because you exists “ That’s it, their feelings are connected purely because she exists. Without Sarada he would have no reason to continue  being with Sakura. 
They continue to be married simply because she exists. 
I’m not a fan of continuously repeating myself. You can simply unfollow if you disagree, if you continue to try to argue things I’ve already debunked, you will be simply  blocked. 
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lonelywolf1754 replied to your photo “Should really check my replies more often. These two were in response...”
I don’t think she, from all the people, can force Sasuke to do anything, much less have a relationship/ marry her if he really doesn’t want to. This whole guilt tripping is just your interpretation. I really appreciated your blog but wtf you just sound like ns stans who are butthurt their precious ship didn’t happen. Sasuke answered yes with his own mouth when Sarada asked him if he’s feelings are trully connected to Skura’s. Do you think he was lying or something? Sasuke?
Lol there it is again. You’re operating under the belief Sasuke is too strong to be manipulated. Obito manipulated him. Naruto manipulated him. So did Itachi, and Orochimaru to an extent. Sasuke was made to feel guilty for Sakura’s feelings, it’s really not a stretch to believe Sakura manipulated him too when he’s left vulnerable and guilty after the war, and especially  since she’s resolved to never give up, no matter how many times he says no to her.
“ wtf you just sound like ns stans who are butthurt their precious ship didn’t happen. “
I don’t know if you mean SNS or Naruto/Sakura, but honestly, you’re completely off the mark. I hate both of those ships with a passion, no one can get me to like them. Naruto is just as bad/if not more for Sasuke, and Sakura spends all her time belittling Naruto and hitting him. Neither of those relationships are desirable. 
Sasuke has never said word for word he’s in love with her. There is 0 material for Sasuke’s point of view about Sakura. And there never will be. Sasuke admitted his feelings were connected solely because of Sarada. He has a reason to stay with her because he has a child with her. Nothing more, nothing less. He clearly doesn’t even want to come home even then-- and even when he is in the vicinity, he camps outside, despite the fact Sakura has an apartment he could come home to.
You made a mistake in liking this blog if you’re going to come here to defend Sasu/Saku. Nothing in canon has ever proven that Sasuke is legitimately in love with Sakura. She’s terrible for him, and it shows within the canon material. 
You don’t actually get Sasuke if you think he’s too strong to be manipulated. It’s a nice thought, but wrong. It would be nice if he was, but women are capable of being manipulators and we’re told flat out in the text Sakura is not willing to give up until he tells her yes.
Sasuke was manipulated into marriage and a child. He’s not a good Father, because he didn’t get the time and help required until he was actually ready to have children. 
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alicevirus replied to your post ““I don’t see how Sasuke could stand to be away from this beautiful...”
^ agree. opt. she might got him drunk or assaulted him in his sleep coz
Sorry, but as much as I dislike Sakura, I’m going to have to disagree. 
She’s many things, but she wouldn’t do this to Sasuke.
She simply pressured and guilted him until he got too tired of saying no and agreed to sleep with her. 
Is it still technically rape? Yes. But getting sasuke intoxicated or directly assaulting him in his sleep are out of the question. 
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Should really check my replies more often. These two were in response to this post. 
@lonelywolf1754 You assume Sasuke still has things like complete autonomy. You assume he is completely immune to Sakura guilt tripping him and getting things out of him, and were this pre 4th war, sure, Sakura could get away with very little. But this is not. Sasuke has been made to feel guilty and responsible for her feelings (apologizing in 698-99) and other people are only enabling Sakura to chase after him. The entire “lesson” she learns in her own novel is to be impatient and chase after him. In Sasuke’s novel she sets this to mind. She will have him, even if he says no. This renders your argument invalid.
Sasuke is not impenetrable. He’s still a human, and a damaged one at that. People are still capable of manipulating him. Combine the guilt he is made to feel about Sakura and how her feelings have not stagnated (they are even stronger and more determined now), and Sakura refusing to give up in the face of Sasuke flatly telling her no, and you have Sakura winning out and getting Sasuke to marry her, even if he isn’t deeply in love.
Also, stop assuming every single marriage is based on ever-lasting and true love. Sasuke’s never had a healthy relationship in his life to use as a reference, and he more than likely didn’t even have a real wedding. It was signing papers.
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@samanthasan answered your reply but the only thing I disagree with is Sasuke marrying her to save “honor.” It likely wasn’t about honor at all, it was about Sakura wanting to marry him to begin with, to be his wife. Sasuke likely doesn’t care about Sakura’s reputation, it’s Sakura who cares more. The marriage was something she was responsible for, not Sasuke scrambling to make sure people don’t see her negatively. 
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I agree with you about Sasuke not needing a romantic relationship to be happy (BECAUSE HE DOESNT DAMNIT) but if you HAD to, who would you “pair him up” with? Love your blog (just found it) just wondering.
“Having” to pair him with anyone directly works against the concept of admitting Sasuke doesn’t need a romantic partner.
Everyone has ship preferences despite that, but here’s the thing, I’m not going to pretend to be a saint and say the ships I like are the perfect and most healthiest ships for Sasuke. I ship him primarily with Itachi-- because as awful as the relationship is, it’s at least a mutual obsession. With SNS the obsession is one sided and on Naruto’s side, that’s why I can’t stand it. Only Naruto benefits from it.
SasuKarin, SasuJuugo, and Sasusui are also some of my favorites, as well as Sasuke x Taka. Those are marginally healthier. 
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Neither of you can read. The post specifies a romantic relationship, and does not imply that Sasuke has to be completely alone in his life. Both of you are forgetting there are other types of relationships that aren't romantic. Again.... Sasuke does not -need- a romantic relationship to fulfill him. He most definitely needs positive bonds and people who genuinely care about him, but having a romantic partner is not a requirement. No romance =/= completely alone. I'm going to begin blocking SNS fans I see in the notes, especially if you say dumb things like sasuke "needing" Naruto.
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lairanox replied to your post “The piece of fanart resembling an old painting where it’s been altered...”
i missed you! in this naruto loony bin only a hand full of people with whose views I agree and it saddens me when they disappear
Oh aww, thank you. I am still here. Just on other blogs and real life takes first course.
I was physically disgusted by that fanart. I don’t know how someone can spend two years and so much effort into being so wrong about Sasuke. The people who believe Sakura is his victim... they are something else. 
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The piece of fanart resembling an old painting where it’s been altered to Sakura beheading Sasuke is why we can’t have nice things. 
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Just found your blog, read your description and knew i will like you. By my friend, mate. ;O
We can be buddies, screaming about Sasuke together. 
Mod 1 (I think I’m the only one left, haha.)
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This is your reminder​ that Uchiha Sasuke doesn't need a romantic relationship to feel happy and content.
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is this blog active atm? can i send an ask?
You can send us an ask.
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I'm so happy that I found a blog that is anti ship as much as I am and completely pro Sasuke oh my god thank you! You don't know how annoyed I was getting by going into the anti tag and seeing so much SNS and going into Sasuke's tag and seeing SS!
SNS is usually the worst about pretending to care for Sasuke. 
But thank you, this message is appreciated. 
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