cutest in the world!
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Pete Davidson and Phoebe Dynevor at Whimbledon.
Credits: Getty Images
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i have been in a PANIC since saturday night
if i don鈥檛 find out who鈥檚 leaving asap i鈥檓 going to go into a full breakdown 馃槶
please leave me your 47 cast predictions bc i鈥檓 about to lose it
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this just in:
melissa villase帽or has confirmed that this is her final SNL season
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this was posted to melissa鈥檚 instagram story. it was soon deleted, but she posted the same drawing on her instagram with no caption.
wishing melissa endless happiness! she鈥檚 a star, and i can鈥檛 wait to see what鈥檚 in for her future! <3
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hey y鈥檃ll !
idk if others have heard but there鈥檚 an expected exodus at the end of this snl season :(
a lot of cast members are expected to leave, and i was wondering what your opinions are?
please submit who you think may be leaving bc i鈥檓 curious to see what others have to say!
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Any predictions about who might be leaving SNL at the end of this season? As much as I don鈥檛 want to start thinking about it, we鈥檙e two episodes away. I鈥檓 surprised that nobody has announced they鈥檙e moving on yet, but sometimes they don鈥檛 say anything until the summer. But I expect there might be some hints in the last two shows, particularly during the goodnights.
Here are my predictions:
Likely leaving: Cecily, Aidy, Colin, Michael.
Might be leaving: Kate, Beck, Kyle
Might leave, but probably not: Pete
I love this cast, and I don鈥檛 really want to see any of them go, but I guess it would give some of the newer cast members more opportunities to shine. And I think most of the people above (apart from Colin and Che, who wanted to cover the election) were probably intending to leave at the end of last season, before the pandemic changed everything. I do think the show works better with a slightly smaller cast, but Lorne will probably hire 8 new cast members to replace those leaving...
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love isn鈥檛 real.
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it鈥檚 confirmed that john and annamarie are getting a divorce and i鈥檓 sobbing my fucking eyes out im not ok
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i can鈥檛 take it it鈥檚 so bad 馃槶
pete i love u more than anything and anyone but if that rat tail isn鈥檛 gone by next week i鈥檓 going to come to snl myself and chop it off for you
Pete I love you but I need you to shave that thing right now
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to everyone who's lost a mom, has suffered abuse from their mom, has no or a strained relationship to their mom, is struggling to concieve, or anything else that makes today hard, i see you. you have every right to take today for yourself. you have no obligation to call your mom or do anything for her, if she hasn't earned it. sending everyone struggling today so much love.
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my fav part was pete hugging lauren during the goodbyes
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not even joking i choked during one of the sketches and i couldn鈥檛 breathe for a solid 20 seconds 馃槂
def elon鈥檚 fault
thank god its over because i just god acid reflux again... im curious as to what the goodbyes are gonna look like and who will (or wont) be there
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omg apparently GRIMES played peach? THE FUCK
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Who's playing Princess Peach????
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why wouldn鈥檛 i identify who was playing peach? WAS IT MELISSA OR ???
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Ego stop you鈥檙e gorgeous
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we could鈥檝e had pete instead
or anyone
but no 馃榾
why the hell is muskrat on update
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i want a refund why is muskrat here
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