sauceysalmon8 · 1 year
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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MIB is one of my favorite movies so I wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity for #StudyBuddies >_> ~2hrs
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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Some funky little men in black doodles I have posted pretty much everywhere.
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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Michael Stuhlbarg as'Griffin’ in «Men in Black 3»(2012)
Oh my Goooood…. Have you ever ever EVER seen more charming and cute creature in all of five dimensional than Griffin? Have you?! No way! Because it’s the most beautiful alian unicorn in whole Universe! Just look at him! Look!
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
Smoke Break
Summary: Upon escaping work to take a smoke break, Burgerpants runs into Papyrus. They have a chat.
Working retail sucked no matter the time of year and no mater if one was on the Surface or Underground but this Christmas nonsense was a new low. And of course Mettaton embraced it fully. Which meant throwing a Christmas Eve party, inviting all the monsters that were still important after the move from Underground to the Surface. He held it in his new fancy storefront, no doubt so everyone would see the new fountain he’d just had finished being built showcasing his superstar form, it was the only thing not covered in gaudy Christmas decorations. The location unfortunately also meant Burgerpants got forced into acting as a waiter now too. He didn’t get paid enough for this but more than ever also couldn’t afford to quit. And so, waiter he was for the night.
As often as he could get away with, even pushing the limit a little, he took a break. Most often at the edge of the room so he could pretend to still be working if anyone in charge glanced his way or decided to make sure he wasn’t slacking off; he’d be in trouble if he got caught, possibly even fired. But finally he’d had enough of dealing with pompous assholes and listening to obnoxiously cheery Christmas music. He escaped through the backdoor into the alley.
He froze even before the door could finish closing behind him. Papyrus, second in command of the Royal Guard and thus not only an important person but also one best not messed with, stood there, arms crossed and leaning against the opposite wall. Come to think of it, Burgerpants hadn’t seen him for a while now. Not that he’d been paying that much attention to the guests but Papyrus’ intimidating but attractive appearance and height made him hard not to take note of.
Pretending not to be intimidated – showing weakness was bad in general but even worse when working any kind of service job – Burgerpants stepped to the side out of the door’s way. He leaned back against the wall, meeting Papyrus’ steady gaze. “What are you doing out here? Can’t be to stand guard, can it? Surely you’d have one of your lessers do that for you.”
“No. Shouldn’t you be working?”
“Nah, taking a break.” An unsanctioned one but he didn’t care. Unless Papyrus told on him. “Want a smoke?” Might be a good idea to butter him up a little, get on his good side and maybe he wouldn’t even think to suspect Burgerpants would get in trouble if caught out here.
Papyrus didn’t answer as Burgerpants pulled out a pack of cigarettes but when offered one directly, he accepted it. Burgerpants had to light it for him as he didn’t have a lighter of his own. After that, Burgerpants settled back against his wall to light his own cigarette. He took a long hard drag on it as he flipped the lighter closed and pocketed it once more. The smoke burned in his lungs and yet somehow he felt a little better anyway, not good but still better. … He really needed to quit smoking. Or not because what did it really matter to anyone if he didn’t live until he was ninety or whatever?
Inside, a particularly loud song started up, one he’d heard a million times already while working in the store over the past few weeks, though that was true for all of them. Barely audible through the wall but seems Burgerpants wouldn’t be allowed to escape it completely after all.
“Humans sure got some dumb ideas for holidays, huh?” he said because why not make conversation to drown the music out a little more. Besides they were both out here anyway and it’s not like he got many opportunities to talk to hot people outside of performing a transaction for his job. “First Thanksgiving, now this Christmas thing. They say it’s about love and kindness, dumb enough all of its own, but all I see is the lot of them going stark raving mad for buying a bunch of useless junk they wouldn’t want any other time of year.”
Despite his initial reluctance to accept the cigarette, Papyrus blew out a puff of smoke in a way that made clear this was far from his first time smoking. “Monsters used to celebrate it too. We called it Gyftmas.”
“Huh? Really? Never heard of it.”
“You wouldn’t have. It starting fall out of style not long after we got trapped in the Underground, when things started getting… bad.”
“Then how do you know about it?”
For a moment it seemed Papyrus wasn’t going to answer but after a few long seconds he did anyway. “I used to know someone who had a book on it.”
Burgerpants could crack a joke about how surprising it was that a member of the Royal Guard could read and almost did just to see what kind of reaction he’d get out of this fellow. But, as far as important people went, Papyrus was being surprisingly not rude despite knowing how far below him Burgerpants ranked. A rare thing for sure, instigating something to ruin it wouldn’t be wise. Besides, Burgerpants was kind of curious now. “We steal it from them or they steal it from us?”
“I don’t know. It was… a long time ago that I read that book.” His tone indicated it wasn’t something he wanted to talk about and that perhaps he was done talking in general right now.
With that being the case, they lapsed into silence as they smoked. A comfortable one, or at least Burgerpants felt that it was. But alas, as enjoyable as it was to avoid work to smoke in an alleyway with an attractive monster, if Burgerpants was gone too long he’d be missed and punished when found. Unless he was never found. But alas, running away to start a new life elsewhere could only ever be a daydream.
So upon finishing his cigarette, he snubbed out the last of its flame on the wall before flicking it into the alley trash bin a few feet away, landing it just barely. He then turned to open the door. Before stepping through though, he looked back at Papyrus, still nursing his cigarette as he was clearly in no rush to get back to the party. “Nice chat. And by the way, you probably get this all the time but you’re hot.” He didn’t wait for a reply because it probably wouldn’t be a good one, before heading back in, closing the door behind him.
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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drawing a holiday gift for a friend who likes the skelly brothers from undertale and i am trying to figure out how to draw them without making them look terrifying and unfriendly. its a struggle
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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*sheds a single tear
I think I might have relapsed to UT for a bit, oh well.
Ive been having edgy ass Dusttale stuck in my head for a while, but I rly didnt wanna start the year off with edgy cringe.
So, shitpost it was.
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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It’s a little joke 👀🎆🎄
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
How would you feel about people drawing pictures of you?
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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I was thinking about Gaster’s followers the other day and I decided to make kind of an experimental comic about Goner Kid. This comic isn’t really cannon to Refinedtale.. because well, it doesn’t quite make sense. Gaster talking in complete sentences while he’s still in his goopy stage being the main flaw.. But this comic was built on some of the core ideas for Refinedtale soo… just, call it me spit ballin ideas I guess. 
Speaking of ideas, I had this idea that when Gaster fell into the void, instead of breaking into six pieces like Frisk’s, his soul broke into one big shard and four little ones. And the person that you meet through the door in waterfall is actually the physical manifestation of the biggest piece of his broken soul. The fifth piece. Now, I imagined that Gaster’s followers were people that somehow, in one way or another, fell into the void as well. And their souls promptly became attached to the missing shards of Gaster. That’s why they cant leave the void, and that’s how they know who Gaster is. Its because they’re attached to the lost pieces of him.
After thinking all that up, I was thinking about what happened to Gaster’s followers after he was rescued from the void.. and I’d like to think that when Gaster was rescued, he left behind an opening where all 4 of his followers were able to wander out of the void on their own time. They were physically able to leave now because Gaster’s soul pieces were taken and reassembled, they weren’t attached to him anymore.. So they all re-entered reality, which was great!.. But.. they were just as mentally lost as Gaster was. 
Well, not quite, actually. While Gaster didn’t know anyone or anything around him upon returning.. His followers all knew one thing. Doctor W.D.Gaster. While they were in the void, slowly loosing every last fragment of their past selves, one thing remained, the piece of Gaster’s soul that they were attached to. They all knew him, they knew his soul and how it felt. It was all they knew really. So what did they do when they re-entered time? I’d like to think that they would’ve looked for Gaster. I mean, they know him, they know his name, and nothing else. What else would they look for? That’s what this comic is about. Goner Kid leaves the void and just.. doesn’t really know what to do.. So she tries to find the only thing she understands, Doctor W.D.Gaster.
..And you know? Maybe she thought that if she found Gaster.. he could help her remember who she was.
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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They are the ever
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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Hotland is fine to live in, but no fun to visit
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
Favorite song, comfort character, I’m in love
he sings a song for u………
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sauceysalmon8 · 2 years
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- I don’t get paid enough for this…
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