saucy-mew · 3 hours
Still thinking about the one time I went pee out in the open in the woods and how good I felt afterwards

I was helping be a guide for a public event, directing participants where to go once they got to the clearing but the company that was managing us put us all in place really early on in the day wayyyy before the event started so I was just standing along in this wide open space with a big dirt track coming from one side and three tracks going out the other side, and it was a pretty busy area just in general for other people to come and hike and mountain bike or walk their dogs so every five to ten minutes or so I would have someone else come through.
Then I noticed I really had to go, like reallllly, I hadn’t gone to the bathroom at all that day because I was in a rush to make it to the briefing on time and yeah - I had to pee. However due to the frequency of people coming through the clearing I knew I had no choice but to hold it, and furthermore I didn’t know when the main rush of people for the event would be coming through as I had left my watch behind. So I just waited and waited and waited, my bladder growing in size by the second.
I could feel the pee right at the entrance, honestly more than once I wondered if I had leaked already it was that desperate, but I kept a good grip on it and I just wiggled and danced on the spot when no one was there, quickly stopping whenever I heard a group or person approach. It was torture, and then a mountain biker came flying down the hill into the clearing and startled me and I felt my muscles jolt and I knew I couldn’t hold it much longer.
Leaving my post I hurried to the opposite side of the clearing, across the light coloured exposed dirt and hopped a huge log that was lying there, beyond the log the grassy hill dropped steeply away for a few paces before the trees started. Seconds away from loosing it all into my pants I frantically pushed them down and squatted with my back leaning against the log, and the jet of pee instantly poured out of me and into the grass, making such a loud splattering sound I knew that if anyone walked past right now I would be caught. I tried to push even harder to get it to come out faster so I wouldn’t be caught but it was already flowing at max capacity, splattering up onto the side of the log, the surrounding grass and my legs and shoes, making a foaming puddle in the dirt that it couldn’t soak up fast enough, the trail of pee began to flow away down the hill, making my accident even more visible. Finally my stream lessened and I quickly stood up and pulled my pants up just as a couple with their dog walked past on the far side of the clearing, and I tried my best to act nonchalant despite knowing I was standing in a pretty obvious puddle of my own piss and my chest was heaving from my deep breaths of relief, luckily they didn’t come any closer and I was able to walk back across the clearing away from my mess, leaving a little trail of wet footprints behind me on the light coloured dirt that disappeared quickly thank god under the hot sun.
Shortly after that the big group I was directing came by and I pointed them in the right direction with a smile on my face, all the while distracted by the wetness I could feel in my pants, from not having the chance to wipe after, from a few more leaks making themselves known as my muscles were too weak to stave them off and from how the whole experience had turned me on a little, while also thinking about what might have happened if I had tried to wait any longer, would I have lost control in front of everyone?
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saucy-mew · 22 hours
thinkin bout subby tops...
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saucy-mew · 1 day
Hi!!!! Can I get some NSFW headcanons for our boy Ichiban?
I love Ichiban, I love Ichiban, I love Ichi—
Sorry, can you guys tell I like him? 😭😭 He's so kind and cute and soft and I know an Ichi hug would completely change me as a person.
Super eager to please. Having sex with Ichi is always more about your pleasure than it is his. Whatever it is you like, you only have to tell him. He grew up in a soapland, so he’s pretty comfortable with discussing kinks and not particularly squeamish about anything.
Likes when you are responsive and when you praise him for doing a good job. It spurs him on to know he’s making you feel good, and it drives him insane to hear your noises. If you’re the type to keep them to yourself, he’ll try his damn hardest to get you to be loud. And when Ichiban Kasuga decides he wants something, he will not give up until he gets it.
He knows he’s strong. He also knows he can get carried away sometimes, especially when he’s so enthusiastic about things. Couple that with the little sexual experience he’s had, and you get Ichi being kind of scared of hurting you on accident. If you’ve got a thing for strong, muscular men or for being manhandled though? Then you’ve hit the jackpot.
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saucy-mew · 2 days
Cuddling with your partner/best friend/whoever while wrapping your legs around eachother while your bladders are full to the brim and refusing to go to the bathroom as you two slowly piss yourself while wrapped in eachothers imbrace, humping on each other's crotches because you're so turned on....
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saucy-mew · 3 days
“Wait, stop, I have to go pee,” he said, starting to rise from the couch.
“What if you just waited a second
?” she said coyly, pulling him back down and running her pinky along her lips. “Because you want me so bad you couldn’t just leave
He nodded and smiled, leaning into her and letting her kiss him and ruffle his hair. They made out in silence for a few more minutes before her hands slid down his waistband and around his hips, towards the fly of his pants.
“Aw, are you that aroused?” she asked, moving to unbutton his jeans but stopping to rub the heel of her hand across his erection. His legs quivered.
“I have to pee super bad,” he said quietly. “I’m sorry, I just have to get up—if you keep messing with my fly, I might piss myself
“I thought it was hard to pee with a boner
” she said. “And you sure are turned on, honey. It’s okay. Just relax. I won’t tell anyone if you wet yourself a little.” On the last line, she leaned towards his ear and whispered, her long hair falling on his shoulders. Suddenly he felt his heart skip and begin to race. “Does it feel kind of good?” she asked, pulling away again and beginning to rub his aching bladder.
He couldn’t believe it but it did. It hurt, but it also felt incredible. He moved his hands to cover his blushing face.
“Oh no,” she said. “I want to look at your cute expression.” He had never felt submissive before but now he let her grab his hands away from his face and lower him down onto the couch, pinning him to the cushion by his wrists. Suddenly a knee was resting on his bladder. “What’s going to come out first, cute boy?” she asked, her cleavage taking up most of his view. He stifled a moan.
“What did you say?” she asked, leaning to kiss his neck. “Louder, please.”
He moaned again, and felt something wet and warm leaking into his pants. Was it precum or piss? He wasn’t sure and the sheer bliss and anticipation was driving him crazy. He was losing himself in the sensation. His hips started to wiggle and buck. Her knee lifted off of his bladder and she set it at his side so that she was fully straddling him. Then one of her hands left his wrist and he felt it duck into his underwear and back out again.
“Aw, you’re so wet, honey.” He moaned again and bucked his hips.
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saucy-mew · 4 days
Waiting until their bladder is full before you start fucking them with the sole intention of making them piss themselves and then pushing their head down into the puddle they made, telling them what a bad dog they are for making a mess, all the while never relenting on the brutal pace you’re pounding them at.
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saucy-mew · 5 days
Keeping them bound on their knees while making them cockwarm a dildo that’s a little too big for them, feeding them water every so often while watching them squirm trying to hold their bladder. Using my boot to push into their belly to hear them whimper, laughing at them and pushing harder when they’re drooling over themselves with tears pouring down their cheeks begging for permission to let go.
“Aww poor baby, can’t hold it anymore? What? Gonna cry because it’s too much? Sounds like you need some more water since you can still talk. Come on don’t act like you don’t like it mutt, you’re dripping onto the floor like a bitch in heat trying not to leak. Now sit there and be a good puppy for daddy, you can hold it for another hour right?”
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saucy-mew · 6 days
Updated Commissions Post
Still looking for work so here is an updated post promoting my commissions :D
(Please share if you can)
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Please send me a dm on here if you are interested or send me and email at :
I exclusively use PayPal at the minute but I hope to expand the way I take payments <3
Please note, by commissioning me, you are confirming that you are 18+ years of age. I do not want any minors commissioning me.
Examples of my art can be found under the cut and on my account:
Once again, please DM or Email me for more details.
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Thank You for reading!
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saucy-mew · 6 days
I think he looks better close up. Whimpering and pathetically untouched.
Not as confident in this one vs zhao one :3 but i still like it, wet spot are hard to make ngl.
Based on Ramblin work again. What can i say, when inspiration hits, it hits hard ehe.
Now let's see if tumblr strikes this one
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saucy-mew · 7 days
Having to pee while you're in the shower with a partner.
They start rubbing their hard dick against your thigh, slipping a hand between your legs, and you want to tell them to stop so you can go pee first, but you're too embarrassed. You decide you'll just have to hold it.
Your partner lifting up one of your legs and fingering you, pressing on your bladder without knowing it. It makes your desperation worse, but it feels so good.
They rub the head of their cock against your hole and you're already so wet. They slip it inside and the pressure is almost too much, and your moans of desperation mingle with pleasure as you claw at their back and try to hold on.
You're getting close to bursting, so you try to let out just a little bit at a time. Maybe they won't notice because of the water. But the moment you let a small spurt out, it's almost impossible to stop with their dick pumping in and out of you.
You manage to clamp down, but your need is even worse now. You keep letting out little desperate squirts, but it's not enough for relief, and harder to stop yourself every time.
Suddenly your partner stops and looks up at you. "Are you pissing right now?"
You're horrified, you don't know what to say, but you're still clenching around their cock, aware of all the liquid about to burst out of you.
To your shock, your partner grips you around the throat and fucks you harder. You moan, giving yourself over to the feeling. You don't even let go, it's just impossible to clench those muscles anymore, and you let out a torrent of piss all over them while they continue to fuck you to orgasm.
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saucy-mew · 8 days
shy introvert roommate who hates confrontation keeps having desperate accidents in their room because the other people who share the apartment like to hog the bathroom at weird hours of the day
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saucy-mew · 9 days
Hmm? You have to go to the bathroom? No, I don't think so. If you really have to go, then get naked and go outside like a good puppy. No? I guess you don't have to go that bad then. You do? That's what I thought, you better hurry and get those clothes off before it's too late.
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saucy-mew · 10 days
Imagine your dom banning you from using the bathroom inside; they tell you that for the next 24 hours you have to go outside if you want to pee. You could refuse at first because it's below you... You can't just pee outside like a dog. So you hold it. And hold it... Then you start to get desperate; you can't sit still anymore. You try to sneak off to the bathroom only to realize your dom has locked it. They catch you in the act and remind you of the rules. “If you want to go potty, you have to be good and go outside, okay?” You walk back to the couch slowly and try to hold on longer. They can't seriously expect you to go outside, right? You try to ignore your urge, but it's only getting worse. Your bladder is so full that you feel like you're going to pop. You're whimpering under your breath now as you try to find a position that gives you any relief, but it's impossible. You need to pee. You just want to pee so bad. You try to tentatively rub your bladder to ease an ache, but gasp when it pushes a leak out of you. Suddenly, your dom grabs you by the arm and pulls you up. Going from sitting to standing is torturous; you cry out when gravity only makes the pressure in your abdomen worsen. “What don't you get? I told you that you're only allowed to piss outside.” Your dom reprimands you as they forcibly lead you through the back door. Tears begin to run down your cheeks; the pain in your bladder and your dom's tone too much. Your dom lets go of your arm and points to the grass. “Piss. Now.” You begin to quietly sob as you try to unbutton your pants, your shaky hands unable to finish the task when you have to grab at yourself. You look at your dom with pleading eyes, but they give you a cold stare and refuse to help. You put yourself in this position. If you had just listened earlier you wouldn't be having an accident. Trembling, knees buckled, you finally manage to unzip your pants. But you can only get them halfway down before your bladder bursts. Underwear still on, you begin pissing, all of it being caught by the pants stuck at your knees. The hissing is so loud you're scared any neighbors out just know what's happening. That you're pathetically pissing yourself. Yet you can't stop because you needed to go so bad. You almost think you can feel your bladder shrinking as the warmth runs down your legs. Little moans escape you without your notice; you're just lost in the relief... When the last trickles finish, you look down at your mess, unsure of what to do now. You must look so pitiful with your soiled pants caught at your knees. “Take them off. Underwear too” Your dom orders. “I don't want you trailing piss inside.” You shakily rid yourself of your garments, feeling exposed to the outside air. “Come on. We'll discuss your punishment inside.” Your dom orders as they turn and tread back into the house. You follow quietly and hold back tears when you suddenly remember that the 24 hours aren't over yet.
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saucy-mew · 11 days
my latest obsession is after an operation/injury, someone is prescribed muscle relaxants and those combined with doctor's orders to not move around much resulting in someone dealing with temporary bladder control issues
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saucy-mew · 12 days
squeezing someone’s hand every time a wave of desperation hits 👉👈
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saucy-mew · 13 days
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saucy-mew · 14 days
That moment when you are holding with your hands so tightly and pee dancing so much, rocking and rubbing your legs together, pressing so tightly that you can’t even get your pants down.
You have to find the exact right moment to rip them off without completely losing it before you can get them out of the way
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