saviiixr-blog · 7 years
Consider this a starter call.
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
Citta Intro
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    Emma thought it was all over. She belived that she’d     never again be apart with those she loved. She thought     her story as the Savior was over and that she could finally     have a normal, happy life, with a man she loved, and a baby     on the way. And there she was, in a strange town, surrounded     by strange people, her magic suspended, and not a single     familiar face around her. Could it be that it was her curse?     That the Savior could really never be happy, like the Black     Fairy and the Oracle had told her? 
                                “ To hell with that! “
    She cried out, the people around her surely hearing her     words, as she stood in the middle of the street, trying so     desperately to summon her magic to hand, but it would only     gleam lightly. Heal a scratch. That was all she could do. 
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
“Magic is a sophisticated craft. You can’t just say ‘pizza-us apparatus’.”
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             “ Is a cat trying to teach me how to do magic? “
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
“Of course I’m a witch. I just don’t have green skin or face warts.”
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        “ Oh, trust me, I’ve dealt with witches enough to know not        all of them have these. Tho, one of them did have green skin. “
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
Witchy Starters
as requested by anon. Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“I need a new familiar.”
“It’s a love potion! What could possibly go wrong?”
“My broom needs to be taken to the mechanic again.”
“If ___ only knew the kinds of things I could do to him/her/them…”
“I’m only a witch, not a miracle worker.”
“Halloween is my aesthetic.”
“Where can a witch find some decent beetle eyes around here?”
“Please don’t tell me that you just sat on my wand.”
“Do you think this is Harry Potter or something?”
“You can’t just say a bunch of words that sound like Latin and expect to make magic.”
“What? No magic here. Just gals being pals.”
“Of course I’m a witch. I just don’t have green skin or face warts.” / “I really wish I looked like a cartoon witch. That would be awesome.”
“Stop putting your potion ingredients in the fridge!”
“Magic is a sophisticated craft. You can’t just say ‘pizza-us apparatus’.”
“I can’t believe that this spell is too advanced for me.”
“The only family I would marry into is the Addams family.”
“I can pass as a goth.”
“Look, I’m sorry I turned you into a toad.” / “If I had it my way, you’d still be eating flies.”
“What are you gonna do? Burn me at the stake?”
“Be nice to my familiar. Our souls are literally bonded.”
“How dare you accuse me of trying to sneak a potion into your food?!”
“We have to ask ourselves: what are magic’s limitations? Like, can it unburn my chicken nuggets?”
“Why would I clean when the dishes can do themselves?”
“Some people just don’t appreciate magic the way that they should.”
“I told you not to summon demons in the house!”
“I may be a witch, but at least I’m not a bitch.”
“Just because I do magic and find girls cute, I ‘dance with the devil’? No way! He owes me money, I’d never dance with him.”
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
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Please, for the love of God, give this woman her husband and her baby daddy.
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
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Once I lived in darkness Out there on my own Left to brave the world alone Everything seemed hopeless No chance to break free Couldn't hear the song inside of me Once upon a time A song inspired them: be brave They gave me up because my fate  Was as the one who'd save The world from your dark magic And the wicked things you do They placed a song inside my heart More powerful than you All the years of running No, not anymore I know what I'm living for I'm no longer searching Turns out all along The answer was inside me With a song
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
§ But wouldn’t any music made for you just be a swan song? §
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“ Isn’t having a song in your heart put there by your parents’ true love like the definition of a magical girl, tho? “
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
Someone help me with giving Emma an animated FC?
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
    A poisonous sword slashed decapitated one of the more grotesque monsters. Evie couldn’t really bring herself to harm the little ones. They were just so cute and causing havoc. It charmed her, how could she stop it? But the uglier ones, they just had to go. She may have had light powers, but she was still Evie. Slowly she watched the head roll over to someone. “Sorry about THAT. I can get a bit OVER-ZEALOUS. This whole LIGHT thing is STRANGE to me.”
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@saviiixr  💖’d for MAGICAL GIRL starter
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Emma looked with disgust at the ugly head at her feet. She’s only been in the Hive for a few days and she already met the power the Scientists had and begun to understand the kind of experiments they were meant to do. They toyed with them, like a kid who flooded an ant colony, just for fun. This whole magic thing, with beams of love and protecting the people around her was not new for Emma, but... “ It’s okay... “ She said, looking up at the young girl. “ Just be careful, swinging that sword around. “
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
Emma, the Light Guardian; transformation drabble.
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After marrying Killian, Emma didn’t think she’d have to spend another Valentine’s Day on her own. She thought that was it, when it came to being apart. She thought that was the end of her loneliness, now that they had their happy beggining, their second chance. Sadly, there she was. Brought into a strange city, without anyone to rely on, all on her own again, carrying their child under her heart. She knew that Killian would find his way to her, or her to him. She knew that they’d always find each other, and yet... Loneliness was getting to her. 
She narrowed her eyebrows a little, noticing the small creature that appeared in front of her. Tears were pouring down it’s face. She tilted her head, feeling her sadness and loneliness grow stronger, and then the screetching voice in the speakers caused her to cover up her ears. 
And as soon as the girl stoppeds speaking, she could feel magic wash over her, but different one, that she used to possess. It was light magic, no doubt, but nothing like the light magic she was overflowing with back at home. A beam of love shot towards the creature of sadness, dissolving it into dust. She was a magical girl now, the Guardian of Light. 
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
    The saviory instinct to save everyone, even in a strange place, even     in a city she had been put into against her own will. Whoever these     scientists were, Emma knew, she’d put an end to their sick experiments,     if that was what she had to do to get back home, get back to her family     and protect her unborn child. 
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                           “ Watch out! “
    She yelled out, throwing a beam of love at the small monster she saw     behind the person in front of her. Stranger or not, she had to help them. 
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
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trans·for·ma·tion /tran(t)sfərˈmāSH(ə)n/ noun
a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.
Keep reading
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
This is all I ever wanted.
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
Mun intro!
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Hi! My name is Ada, I’m twenty, and I have about 5-6 years of experience roleplaying on Tumblr. English is not my first language however, so bear with me haha. I’ve been playing Emma Swan for the last two years, and I still do over on my indie OUAT multi-muse, @storiesxntold. I also have Tohsaka Tokiomi from Fate Franchise and Sateriasis Venomania from Evillious Chronicles reserved, and knowing me, it’s not even the last you’ve seen of me.
I love torturing my muses with angst, so hit me with everything you have. (that’s why I decided to play Emma as pregnant whooops)
I hope to make some great friends here in the group and please somebody make a Killian.
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saviiixr-blog · 7 years
Hello, everyone! Sadly, I have to work today, but then, I have a glorious time of three days off, when I plan to do the open intro and mun intro!
I also hope for Emma’s husband, son, parents and friends to join in soon. Let’s make Once Upon a Time alive again, even though it’s ending. 
In the meantime, like this for a starter specifically for your character!
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