sawyereugenen · 4 years
Sawyer lets out a soft hum of surprise as he lifts her, a cheeky smirk tilting the corner of her lips up as the expensive silk top is ripped away from her skin, exposing her bare flesh to him. Was she less intoxicated by the towering form of masculinity leaning over her she might have been mad at the loss; but all she can think of now is this way his lips leave a trail of fire across her skin. A low groan of pleasure escapes her when his teeth dance across her flesh, stinging the skin in such a painfully pleasant way that her back arches, pushing other parts of her into him. This allowed her to feel his hardness through his pants and hers and suddenly Sawyer knew they weren’t moving fast enough. Lithe fingers deftly flick open the button of his pants and work down the zipper, stockinged feet pushing them further down his hips once her hands no longer reach. More satisfied now, her mouth searches for his once more, a heated fire spreading from her lips to her core as their lips once again meet.
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
“Sorry!” Amelia frowned as Sawyer sent the man away, a part of her now feeling bad about not knocking. Well, who would have known that she would have been with a man in the first place? “Couldn’t you text me and say that you weren’t alone? I wouldn’t have used the spare key if you had just told me that you were in the middle of something, you know?” She pointed out, chuckling softly. “Sorry, I’ve been at the hospital all day and I haven’t slept. I’m feeling really gross. I really need a shower… and some food. I haven’t had a chance to eat because I’ve been in surgery.” This was the life of a surgeon, after all. “I know I should have called, but my phone was dead. Please don’t be mad.” 
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Sawyer could not help but to chuckle at her friend. “How was I supposed to text you if your phone died?” She raised a brow. “Besides, you know I’m almost never alone here.” It was true. The apartment was so large that Sawyer was often filling it with strange bodies or raging parties. She had thought about getting a roommate, but knew that if she had someone around all the time she would probably hate that too. Despite her frustration at the sudden interruption she feels her face soften the longer her friend talks. Placing a kiss on the other’s cheek she shoos her off in the direction of the large guest bath. “Go on, take as long as you need. You know where the towels are. And since I’m sure you bulldozed over here without thinking about clothes, feel free to borrow what you need. I’m sure by now you’ve learned where I keep the comfy clothes.” She pauses. “I’ll order some takeout too. I haven’t eaten much today myself. I hope you’re in the mood for breakfast food.”
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
A persistent, echoing ache pounded on the inside of Sawyer’s skull as bloodshot eyes studied herself in the bathroom mirror. Smeared mascara was caked around the redness, giving her the appearance of an animal not unlike a raccoon. With slow, practiced motions she steps out of the dress in which she had passed out the night before, careful to make sure the expensive fabric didn’t wrinkle further beyond it’s already crumpled state. Now free of the confining garment she begins scrubbing at her face, not realizing how hard her hands are rubbing against the delicate skin until she feels the bite of a fingernail cutting ever so slightly into her cheek. Cursing colorfully under her breath, she splashes one more round of hot water onto her features before patting them dry with a towel. What she really needs is a shower, but it’s already half past twelve on a Tuesday afternoon, which means that the pile of work waiting for her upon her macbook has surely doubled in size, putting a shower completely out of the picture. For a moment the deep blue of her iris’s against the redness of her skin startles her and she wonders for thousandth time why she does this to herself. If she wasn’t so numb inside Sawyer knew that the thought might have actually made her cry. Her pattern of thought is broken by a sudden jackhammering upon the door, at least that’s how the sound reflects inside her aching mind. Carefully she picks her way around the mess from last night, not an easy feat considering that all the curtains inside her expensive high-rise apartment were still drawn completely shut. From the look of things scattered around in the dark, last nights work party had gotten significantly out of control once more. At least that meant she wasn’t going to be missed in the office today.
Gently, Sawyer pulls the door open to reveal her most favorite person in the whole of New York, a fact that became even more explicit at the sight of the coffee’s resting in the other woman’s hands. “Have I mentioned how much I love you lately?” She muses the thought out before taking a much needed sip of coffee, her senses already feeling sharper. Hesitantly she lets Edie into her basically trashed apartment, a feeling of embarrassment coursing through her, only mildly tempered by the assertion that Sawyer knew Edie wouldn’t say anything overly cruel to her about it. “Sorry, the housekeeper hasn’t been by yet this morning,” is all she mumbles in way of explanation, completely unaware that she had made any kind of contact at all with Edie that night before. 
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Edie was independent, happy on her own always. She had herself and her brothers and that was all she knew she’d ever need. But even she couldn’t pretend like there wasn’t a big chunk of herself missing when she and Sawyer had lost touch. She’d been her best friend when they were teenagers; the only person apart from Theodore and Mikey that was ever really her family. The only person that stood by her through it all and the only person that she, in turn, put before herself. She’d loved her, and that hadn’t worn off at all with the distance between them. So when she contacted Edie with the news that she was in New York, it was like the final piece of her life actually clicked into place. She had her family all together. It was like they were sixteen again… with some added hurdles. Sawyer had gone through a lot in her life, and it felt like it had all really caught up to her. Sometimes, things were great and they had a lot of fun. But then there were times like last night, where Sawyer had sent Edie a lot of texts that were obviously written while either drunk, high, or both.
So, once Mikey was dropped off at school, Edie invited herself out to Sawyer’s place. It was likely too early for her friend, especially after the night she’d apparently had, but she banged on the door to announce her arrival. “Morning,” she greeted, once the door was opened. In her hands she had two coffees, one of which she handed to Sawyer. “Figured you’d need this.” @sawyereugene​
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
A soft chuckle slips past her lips. “I think I’m going to have to abstain from this one. Sorry babes. I just cannot take anymore stupidity today.” Sawyer’s stiletto's clack lightly as she crosses from the door over to Joey and places a quick kiss of greeting on the other’s cheek. “One of my assistants got the boot today. I’m hoping it will inspire thing two to stop fucking up all the time.” With those last words she raises a pointed brow in the direction of the employee, making her opinion on their choice of music known. A cheeky smirk curls across her mouth as she eyes Joey, the glint in her eyes mischievous. “Why don’t we see what this kid here really knows about music? I’d be willing to bet the only artists he can name with any worth are the classic rock artists. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in love with Ms. Nicks but, you gotta learn the stuff with soul too.”
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🎧starter for @sawyereugene​
Joey was in a serious discussion with one of their employees when the bell on the door of Electric Relaxation rang, announcing the arrival of someone that made Joey’s lips curl up in delight at the sight of. The moment Sawyer crossed the old glass doors of their store, the wannabe music producer called for their attention “Sawyer, the light of my life. Could you please for the love of everything holy come here and help me school Andy here? Come on, dude. There is no fucking way Macklemore could ever top N.W.A” they pointed out, raising a vinyl as to make a statement “We’re talking about Fuck The Police here vs what? the phrase Walk into the club like, ‘What up? I got a big cock’?” they frowned, attention falling to their friend.
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
As Sawyer reaches the bedroom door she stops to listen, mildly surprised that it has taken him so long to follow her. Once he finally does catch up his lips are brushing against hers causing her eyes to flutter closed. Though she was beyond needy, with her workload piling up to the point that all she had had time to do in the past month was eat, shower, and sleep, her sex-life had been depressingly dry. The longer their lips stayed together the deeper the kiss became, her tongue now fighting against his own for who would be the dominant partner in bed. Sawyer does not know if he lets her win, but when she feels him finally give into her she pulls back. Blue eyes like liquid pools of ice meet his own hues, a smirk curling up her lips. “Undress me.” It’s a command, but one she hopes he will be eager to follow, her body already aching for his skin to meet hers. 
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
what does success mean to you?
Success means being the absolute best in what I do. I will be truly successful when I have wiped the floor with each and every ego-centric, sexist, pig of a male boss I’ve come into contact with. And if that takes blood, sweat, and tears? Then so be it. 
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
TEXT || Melissa
Melissa: Been there before. Like I have shit with deadlines I need to get done, and I can't get that shit done with a shitty assistant fucking around.
Melissa: One person, I just gave some busy work to just so I could get some shit done.
Sawyer: I mean I suppose I could have them... staple things?
Sawyer: At this point I'd be better off without them but
Sawyer: I like having someone to run the errands I'm too busy to do. AND pick up my lunch and coffee orders.
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
“Hey, can I use your shower? My bathroom’s being renovated this week and-” Amelia was probably the worst person to have walked in on Sawyer at that moment, for she did not know how to react to what she had just witnessed. “O-Oh… okay, don’t let me stop ya. I’ll just… I really need a shower.” Wide-eyed and lost for words as she tip-toed past her friend’s living room, she made her way towards the bathroom. 
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“Goddammit Amelia!” With a frustrated shy she pushes the man next to her away, shooing him out the door. Though loathe to do it, Sawyer just knew that with her friend lurking about there was nothing left to be accomplished. Catching sight of the bright blonde attempting to sneak towards the bathroom Sawyer strode towards her, arms folding across her chest. “Earth to Blondie! Did you forget how to knock? Or do you just go up to your patients and dive on in up to the elbow without a proper hello!?”
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
Graham leaned against the doorway, making a face to what he had just walked in on. He cleared his throat, hoping it would catch the attention of the two. “While I hate to be a cock block and interrupt your little make out session, that is exactly what I’m going to do.” The guy Sawyer had been making out with looked rather offended, but got the hint. “Out you go.” Shutting the door behind the stranger, he returned his attention back to Sawyer. “I’m sure he wasn’t going to be that good, anyway. Dude looked like a prick.”
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“If you thought he looked like a prick then why did you invite him!” An angry huff snorts out of her as she sinks back into the comfortable couch, sheer exasperation at Graham clouding her features. “I spend all day here, working on your finances, for free, I might add! And now when I want to take a break you decide to ruin it?” She stands herself up and crosses over to him, bare feet padding quietly across the floor. “No sir. No. You are going to go out there and bring that man back now. Or find me a new one. I don’t care which.” Sawyer sighs before flopping back down onto the sofa. 
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
ITS IMPOSSIBLE to catch him off guard, he’s always one hundred percent on his game. but fuck, sawyer manages to leave him speech-less. the hairs on the back of his neck are standing as he hears her words, and he swears he’s got goosebumps now at this point. duncan returns that brief kiss, a low groan escaping him once she’s pulled back. once again she’s left him chasing for more, and he’s like putty in her hands. ‘’i… okay. okay bet.’’ duncan says with a chuckle and he stands after her, his own hands reaching down to theb ottom of his shirt to pull it off and he’s tossing it to the side.
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Sawyer feels the triumphant smirk pull up the corner of her mouth as she watches him, blue hues taking in every inch of flesh that’s revealed as his shirt tumbles down to the floor. With slow, deliberate movements, she makes her way over to him, her fingers ghosting over the ridges of his abs. Tucking her dark curtain of hair to one side of her neck and out of the way, she takes another step forwards. He is huge compared to her, but she barely registers that fact as a blip on her radar. Starting ever so softly she places a kiss against his chest and continues in a trail up towards his neck until she is leaving open mouthed kisses against his skin, tongue darting out to taste him as she continues her journey upwards. At the soft place where his neck and shoulder meet she sucks on the sensitive flesh for a few moments before nipping at it. Without saying a word she turns and begins to walk back towards the bedroom, leaving the invitation to play as open as she can.
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
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at the feeling of lips on his neck, his eyes close and he bites down on the bottom of his lip to refrain from any noise slipping out. he was losing the train of thought too quickly, and before he could lose it any further he stops. duncan moves back some, clearing his throat and attempting to put some distance so he can get the words out. ‘’so.. forgot to tell you, i had– am havin’ fun. don’t want it to end, ,and.. maybe this can be a lil’ arrangement?’’
Sawyer lets out a soft groan as he slips further away from her missing the contact of him close to her. They are still touching but it’s not enough. It’s not close enough. She gnaws on her lower lip for a few moments, contemplating his question. “I’ll tell you what,” as she speaks she closes the distance between them once more, hands resting against his t-shirt clad chest. “Let’s base this arrangement off of how well you perform tonight.” Standing on her toes she reaches up and kisses him softly taking his bottom lip into her mouth and sucking gently before pulling away and taking a step back, blue hues sparkling mischievously. “Consider it my own personal draft pick.”
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
Amelia: That makes a lot more sense. I knew you wouldn't have hired those idiots if you'd had the choice.
Amelia: It sucks either way, huh?
Amelia: Yep. It was the one with the glasses.
Sawyer: Of course not. But go figure since my immediate boss is a c u n t.
Sawyer: I HATE that one. Remember he kept telling me I needed an appointment to see you?
Sawyer: And REFUSED to page you? I'm glad he cried.
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
Amelia: How did you even hire those two in the first place?
Amelia: You need to stop babysitting them and be a little more strict about them getting things down.
Amelia: Oh you know me so well. I made one of my residents cry in the OR yesterday.
Sawyer: *I* didn't. They were given to me. Cue shuddering.
Sawyer: I'm TRYING but I can't let them fuck up what I'm working on either because then I look bad.
Sawyer: I would have paid to see that. Please tell me it was one of the boys???
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
TEXT || Wrong # {Open}
Amelia: Age doesn't determine competency or skill. You just need to fire them both and hire new ones.
Amelia: Sometimes I wish I can fire my residents. But I have no control over that.
Sawyer: I'm well aware, but christ he is AWFUL
Sawyer: I would, but I don't have the time between my work load and babysitting these two
Sawyer: True, but you CAN make them cry
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
TEXT || Wrong # {Open}
Iain: It is times like this I'm so happy the people I work with are great
Iain: That is not fun even a little bit
Iain: Can you fire them?
Sawyer: I could.
Sawyer: But I'd need to hire someone else first.
Sawyer: and thanks to these two I don't have the time.
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sawyereugenen · 4 years
TEXT || Wrong # {Open}
Amelia: I know how you feel
Amelia: My residents aren't any better at their jobs and it makes me wonder if I was ever that dumb when I was a resident...
Amelia: I wasn't.
Sawyer: One of them is older than me Mills
Sawyer: OLDER
Sawyer: it is certifiably insane.
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