"Hrmmmr. Mundo spent lifetime with his work on suppressing pain. Suppression is easy. Denial is easy. Creation need time."
He rolled his eyes annoyed. This gesture could easily escape attention of most people, it’s hard to see movement of eyes that are basically orbs of glowing yellow. But he knew that chemist noticed. Their eyes were one of many traits they shared.
Mad chemist seemed self-possessed  and meticulous, but how person like that could let themselves be burned so badly. Mundo was painfully aware that accident do happen, but accidents that big don’t happen without a reason. Maybe it was just recklessness of Singed’s younger years, but regaining senses after you have lost them completely is not something that many achieve.
Upon hearing Singed’s proposition Mundo snorted and smiled crookedly at the same time.
"People and alcohol. With all complicated minds and thoughts in our smart heads, we seem very simple in end."
But he didn’t protest much. He just waved his hand, urging other scientist to lead the way. Unusual as it could seem, maybe it was his plan all this time.
"Mundo used to teach."
He picked up completely ignoring voices from the workshop.
"Long ago. Not liked it much tho. Mundo think he prefer actual dogs than students. They smarter."
"Mundo look for something specific. Curious can he find in your workshop." - he made a pause to briefly look around, nothing seemed to pick up his interest - "Cure for boredom is what Mundo seek. Do you offer any solutions?"
"Well. I hear you, but that is a curious request."
Singed eyed his fellow scientist with a curious look. This kind of demeanour was not unusual with Mundo lunatic behaviour, but to see him ask for other… This was probably one of the most strangest things of the day. Also, the most interesting one. Fingers intertwined in front of his mouth, the chemist pondered a bit.
"Usually, I would recommend drugs. But the amount for a self regenerative beast as yourself would be astronomical for few results."
A bit of drumming now.
"You don’t seem in the mood for experiment either. You still need to managed to make me feel pain again, remember. I guess it’s for another day."
A small sigh. He was eager to be under the doctor scalpel and with his strange perfusion. It never make him feel pain at the end, but at least, he could saw a new modus operandi. He spread his hands whil shaking slowly his head.
"I am sorry to announce that science could not solve your current problem doctor."
Before disappointment or any other feeling could fill the lunatic mind, Singed clasp his fingers with a small grin.
"But I guess I can. A new bar opened in Zaun. One of this young new band play some interesting music. They also created cocktail with crystals, able to burn your tongue while freezing your throat. Fancy a walk and a talk inside comrade ?"
There wasn’t any clients now. Most of his concoctions were resting and no explosion happened in his workshop since two hours. He could take a bit of his precious time to spend with the madman.
"Also, you know Mundo, you should take some apprentices. It’s a good way to spend time and, after a bit of investment, they provide ideas and a suitable work force. My boredom is gone since I have forty wild puppies to educate."
A voice came from the workshop
"We are not puppies !"
"Forty lame duck so… You see ?"
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“Mundo sure about dark archer’s walking abilities, but no one ever sure will other person go right direction.” Madman puts Varus down with so much force, that normal person would probably hit the ground. “But Mundo guess you can go where you please.”
“Mundo…I am very capable of walking out on my own accord…
Though I will not deny you are right when it comes to Sona needing rest.  May I be let down now?”
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“Suppose? Kind of? Something?” Purple giant bursted into laughter. The sound was truly peculiar, considering that it contained also snorts and slurping noises. “In this all time energy man no figured out how ascendantcy work? Seem you so above fleshlings that you no understand the grand state yourself. Look...” Mundo took cleaver from Xerath and made a throwing motion few times. His gestures were slow enough so mage could take a close look on doctor’s well-practiced technique. Then with one swift move he threw cleaver with deadly precision. For a moment he was watching the place where weapon landed in silence, but then he turned his face back to Xerath. “Never you thought about conducting experiments so you know true limits of your new body?  If Mundo in your situation, Mundo would already made dozens of them. There so much nondiscovered possibilities.”
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“Heavy?” Zaunite cooked an eyebrow. “Oooh. Mundo guess it probably heavy for others. Mundo no notice that anymore.” He looked at Xerath’s pose for a moment. Madman would comment on the technical mistakes of it, if not the question that bothered him more. “How strength work with you anyway? What Mundo means, energy mage have no muscles, but he can deduce something weights lot. How does work it with this whole magic mumbo jumbo?”
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“Fine. First Mundo like to point out how more lucky you are over other throwing beginners.  Pure energy have no meaty fingers that easy to accidentally lose when sharp objects are involved. And Mundo no have to worry of lightning being hurt. Not that he would worry anyway.” Madman grabbed big cleaver by the blunt side of its blade and offered the handle to Xerath. “Here. Try how it feel in your hand.”
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Maybe living lightning want Mundo spare cleaver for good cause of throwing at people?
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Mundo enough annoyed by this faulty invention called “side blog”. Mundo makes himself proper account. Listen closely here important part. It’s still called askmundo, but it different blog entirely. You go HERE and click follow button if you still want to see Mundo answer your inquiries , because that where all replies with art be. Mundo aware that a thing some of you only interested in, so you should be grateful Mundo makes easier for you. Go ahead, send Mundo new questions so Mundo start feeling comfortable there. As for this account Mundo plan to use it to chitchat a little with fellow champions, summoners or common people even. Mundo decided maybe it good idea to leave his lab sometime.  Mundo know it sometimes hard for people to understand first time so Mundo will repeat this message few times if need be.
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Giant man tried to look at himself, even though it was not easy to move enormous muscles of his neck in such way. He pulled few times at remaining parts of what used to be a lab coat. - Mundo no look like visionary. Mundo no talk in visionary manner, like some mad void prophet. Yet you allow this possibility to be. Still it make no difference. Mundo is Mundo. And Mundo change and reform whatever he pleases. Fairly saying clown costume not great visionary outfit either. Surely though warmer in long evenings for idealist with no followers. Tell Mundo. Do dreamer need dream? Is any bigger scheme in jester’s life? Or is he simply agent of chaos?
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If not demon then Mundo understand better now. Mundo seen similar cases in past.
Hah! And tricky question clown ask. Should only one option be picked? They seem awfully related. Madman obviously misunderstood, living for his distorted reality. And now, why we misunderstand? Because lacking understanding. Everything different and new not yet understood is insane. Sane man is mad in lunatic land. Better question be: is Mundo crazy or everyone around him?
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What more disturbing: whole clown, or eyes only? Mundo think nothing scary about eyes when taken out skull, but observation with no knowing of observer location quite unnerving thing. Unacceptable. Tell facts jester are you demon as some say? On Justice Fields you bleed like all other men, so Mundo always doubt rumours.
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No try to belittle what Mundo say. Strong, motivated mind mean more than best items. Mundo sick of idiots who summon him thinking that “Mundo do what he please” means same as “we should realise all dumb ideas coming to head”. Mundo may be masochist, but not idiot.
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Mundo admire desire to learn, but times when he professor were short and are long gone. Where rhymes important in clown’s craft, doctor must narrate what he do with facts. Facts have measurable value. Experience show Mundo best work alone. Without eyes behind his arm.
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No heart grow back. You have handle them with care. Especially when you want claim someone’s heart as your own.
There is something about you clown, Mundo no understand fully... Maybe there is place for your rhymes. Maybe. Of course if Jester no mind spending time in Doctor’s court  and not among kings.
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Would anyone want rhyme for Mundo?
Mundo wanted commission Valentine Card featuring himself. But Mundo have no head for rhyming, so maybe Mundo followers like to help with this? There quite a bit of you out there, statistically at least few witty. Maybe paraphrase silly poem about roses and violets? Mundo come in various colours too! Or something completely unexpected good as well. Feel free to leave any propositions in Mundo’s askbox.
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Indeed some champions for Mundo are above others. Mundo thought that obvious thing, but actually maybe it hard to tell when you have to work with everyone when need to. *slurp* Let’s say it like this: if Mundo could choose perfect team for himself there would be bloodthirsty hunter, Mundo’s chemical fellow in madness, Noxian bird demon of tactic and rotting troll with him. That would be more than fine.
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Mundo give you advice. Do not ask about subjects you not comprehend, subjects you not want to know about. There is no such thing as favourite death. People who claim differently are shallow and mindless.  
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Zaun is fine! Ever-changing and the same like always. As for Zaunites Mundo not sure, Mundo spend more time alone lately. But wind lady should remember that we are good in finding ways to turn events for our favour. Didn’t you do just that in your life? Weird choices are good choices as long as they work for chooser.
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