sbreakstoneautadvo · 1 year
Virtual Rally to #SaveMedicaid Today at 4:30 ET
Join the #SaveMedicaid online rally today from 4:30-5:30 PM ET hosted by CCD and partners and learn how you can fight to save Medicaid: https://domesticworkers.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GJ6YMHTDR2GnkuD8CH7Pfw#/registration
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sbreakstoneautadvo · 1 year
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sbreakstoneautadvo · 3 years
Little Lobbyists released several resources about the Better Care Better Jobs Act, a historic opportunity to improve caregiving infrastructure. Check them out at: https://littlelobbyists.org/carecantwait
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sbreakstoneautadvo · 3 years
The Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities has released a new dashboard that tracks school mask mandates, policy, and legislation by state, updated daily.
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sbreakstoneautadvo · 3 years
Save the date(s)! Our annual gala is back, virtual, and everyone’s welcome. Get ready for three days of celebrating autistic advocacy from November 17th to 19th. Register now to reserve your spot.
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sbreakstoneautadvo · 3 years
If you work for a college, it’s important to make all students welcome and help them succeed! Here are 10 things colleges can do to support autistic students, according to autistic students themselves.
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sbreakstoneautadvo · 3 years
“[The] collaborative and transparent process will benefit the entire field of comparative effectiveness research and inform efforts to address high costs and achieve value in a manner that is centered on patients and people with disabilities.”
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sbreakstoneautadvo · 4 years
Many states' voter registration deadlines are coming up soon! be sure to check your state’s deadline and get registered:
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sbreakstoneautadvo · 7 years
ASAN is proud to join many other civil rights organizations in signing this letter urging Congress to immediately pass the Dream Act without amendment and protect DACA recipients. The President's decision to rescind DACA is as wrong as it is racist, and will impact hundreds of thousands of individuals and their families. Congress must act.
We have gotten some questions about why we are taking this position as a disability rights organization. Here are 3 of our reasons:
1: DACA recipients with disabilities benefit from ADA protections and the progress the United States has made in accessibility and disability rights. In some cases, deportation may mean being forced to move to a country with fewer accessibility protections, disability resources, and services. Disabled DACA recipients who are uprooted may be institutionalized as a result. To cause so much harm because of someone’s immigration status is unacceptable.
2: The disability community is facing several critical workforce shortages, including shortages in qualified personal care attendants and healthcare professionals with expertise in serving people with disabilities. Some of the people who currently provide these vital services are DACA recipients. Revoking their work permits would leave many disabled people without the support and care that we depend on.
3: We reject attempts to blame immigrants for the lack of sufficient disability services in the United States. Immigrants with disabilities already face significant barriers to receiving the services and supports that they need. DACA beneficiaries do not receive a significant amount of public services funding, and cannot access waiver services. Cuts in funding, and draconian restrictions on long-term services and supports, are threats to disability services - immigrants are not.
Immigration justice is a disability rights issue. We support reforms that improve the fairness of our immigration laws with respect to immigrants with disabilities,  and we will continue to fight to defend the members of our community impacted by the President's heartless decision. We urge Congress to do the same.
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sbreakstoneautadvo · 7 years
Liz talks about the impact Medicaid cuts would have on PwD with Kelly Buckland of NCIL
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sbreakstoneautadvo · 7 years
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sbreakstoneautadvo · 9 years
This is an account to manage administrative functions on a group blog. Nothing to see here folks!
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