scaddywhem · 2 months
Merlin: Hey, why don't we all go this year to a haunted castle?
Gaius: What's wrong with the one we live in?
Merlin: what
Gaius: Good night, Merlin.
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scaddywhem · 2 months
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Wow Merlin aged really badly
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scaddywhem · 4 months
How do you pronounce “ Wilderlore”
Slight Spoilers for TNC
How are you guys saying wilderlore
Cause after reading TNC and learning about the wild lore, I have become pretty certain I have been saying wilderlore wrong
I have been saying will-der-lore
That’s just what I read when I first saw it
But now I think it’s supposed to be like
wild-er-lore or something like that
I don’t know if it says anywhere on the website how to say it
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scaddywhem · 4 months
Honestly, this is a pretty good theory
Wilderlore theory (Crazy theory)
What if Toadles is the reincarnation of Conley Murdock? First, Toadles bonded with Tadg and not the other way around. Second, Toadles is an undiscovered beast meaning he could be new. Third, he bonded with Tadg at Conley's house which was also Tadg's. Fourth, he isn't any other beast as he can come out of his mark without being summoned. Fifth, he can feel Tadg's feelings (TES hardcover page 238). Tadg says that he thinks Toadles can read his thoughts and he always leaves his mark when Tadg feels angry or annoyed or something. What do y'all think?
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scaddywhem · 4 months
I’m so excited for W5!!!!!!
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scaddywhem · 5 months
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A website just for Wilderlore??!!
So excited!!
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scaddywhem · 5 months
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fellas does your boyfriend ever feel a little sad so you create an elaborate story that makes him think he's the chosen one from ye olde prophecies and you have everyone he's ever known stand around and clap for him
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scaddywhem · 6 months
Spoilers for TNC and wilderfive stuff
Where do y’all think wilderfive will take place
We have the mountains and jungle left but viola said she is going to the mountains with her dad and runa is staying at the tundra butttt Haus’s legendary beast mark showed up and if I’m not mistaken is the beast for the jungle
But also Barclay has only felt the wild lore in the the tundra and I made a post about how I think he will go to audrain JUST to train his lore so like, if that happens when and where????
And also what about yahss i 100% expect him to join the apprentices but when????
Are they going to go to the mountain or the jungle ???
And there are going to be 7 books but 6 wilderlands so I think one is not going to be at a specific wilderland but is it wilderfive and is it going to be a combination of the wilderlands or are they staying somewhere or travelling????????
I have NO CLUE what will happen in wilderfive in regards to anything
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scaddywhem · 6 months
Spoilers for TNC and a theory/ possibility
So far we only really know that barclay and Audrian can do wild lore and the audrain can control it but barclay can’t
At the end of TNC Barclay kept on saying the like he needs to control it, that only audrain knows how to control, and yasha words couldn’t leave his mind (yasha says he should come with him and audrain so he can control the wild lore)
I have a felling the maybe, just maybe, he will go to audrain or at least ask for help but JUST to control the wild lore so he doesn’t hurt anyone and not to actually help him
I know this is kinda far fetched but still it’s something to think about
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scaddywhem · 6 months
Does anyone one know how big Goath actually is???
In TWT Barclay calls him massive and that he rest his head on Runa’s shoulder
It also says he slithered up her arm like armor
I think he’s like as big as a python maybe???
But for a while I was thinking he’s was like HUGE
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scaddywhem · 6 months
I’m re reading TWT but like, I totally forgot about Ulick
He was so cool and one of my favorites, I hope we see him again but we probably won’t
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scaddywhem · 7 months
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scaddywhem · 7 months
Yup, still waiting :/
Aight, where are my pre-order/"don't have the book yet" homies at?
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scaddywhem · 7 months
Just some drawings
Sooooo excited for The Night Compass
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scaddywhem · 7 months
Tomorrow the night compas is FINALLY being released
I’m actually so excited for this book
Im so curious to see what the plot is and what happens to the characters
Im actually losing my mind
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scaddywhem · 7 months
It’s almost here!!!!!!! The next six days are gonna feel like forever
I can’t wait!!!! Have been waiting months for thisssss
Just six more days just six more days just six more days!!!!!!
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scaddywhem · 8 months
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Badges? We don’t need no… Oh! Actually those are neat. Hand ‘em over. Marketing badge illustrations for #WingfeatherSaga S1!
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