scapeg8ats · 3 months
I cannot be the only one that thinks it's not ableist to think that some endos are genuinely delusional and not in the derogatory meaning. Like genuinely delusional, suffering from delusions.
I do think that when it comes to endos, they're either actually traumagenic, faking it completely, or they are actually suffering from delusions.
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
I think singlets can understand system experiences as well I really don't think we're as different as we're made out to be
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
Weirdly enough we're split (badum tss) on PB&Js of all things???? I don't really like them but when certain other parts are present with me I get this weird dichotomy between "augh...too sweet combination is Weird and Bad" and "this is the only sandwich" that's actually kinda funny lmfao. afaik that's pretty much the only food-related discrepancy between us :P
Fun conversation topic:
Do different alters in your system have different food preferences? Do those preferences blend somehow when cofronting / coconscious?
Asking because one of my parts absolutely despises chocolate and was cofronting with me this morning. When I ate some I got incredibly repulsed despite the fact it’s delicious to me.
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
being anti/pro endo is so last year, i want to be happy
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
Reblog to share a hug 🫂
A long, long time ago, I made a post about how just one hug could make ALL the difference for a child at risk of traumatization, be it a supportive teacher, friend, or family member.
Everyone is so angry lately, and I think we all need a hug.
Regardless of who you are or what you believe, in a show of kindness, reblog to share a hug.
Remember, even if you disagree (yes, even on those topics), we're all just people trying to figure it out. This isn't about whether we're right or wrong, it's about recognizing that we're all just human.
And that we probably needed that extra hug as a kid.
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
I need people to remember that “anti-endo” means any of the following:
Doesn’t believe in endogenic systems
Doesn’t understand them and was told by friends that endos bad, so they use the label to support their friends
Believes in endogenic plurality, but can’t fucking stand the tumblr pro-endo/endo community, so publicly labels themselves as anti-endo so the community backs off
Believes in endogenic plurality, but can’t fucking stand the tumblr pro-endo/endo community, so publicly labels themselves as anti-endo in order to complain about that community
Is triggered extensively by Endogenic systems existing, and hasn’t worked through those problems yet
Is triggered extensively by endogenic systems existing, and isn’t planning on working through those problems
And many more!
Yes. It is easy to turn someone into an anti-endo; and no, that doesn’t “reflect more on them.”
I’m someone who was pro-endo, and then was harassed so severely and so irrevocably that I still, to this day, have issues with the label. Seeing so many people popping up and saying “Clearly, those who change labels weren’t pro-endo to begin with, it says more about their character than someone who was mean to them” is so disheartening.
Can we not just be fucking kind to each other already? Or do we have to perpetuate hate with more hate?
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
Just putting a post in here to help revive the tag but
I think its a bit inaccurate to say I was ever "friends" with #syscourse but tbh with how long this shitstorm has been, I might be permanently abandoning it.
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
What terms are endogenic systems “stealing,” and why does it matter?
I’m being perfectly genuine here, I used to be one of the ones shouting about endogenic systems stealing resources. That idea came out of fear and frustration, and remarkably, that fear and frustration is still here, even though I can acknowledge that endogenic systems have not stolen terms that matter at all.
“Endogenic systems stole system from DID systems!” No they didn’t. The communities grew together, and system isn’t a term that’s exclusive to DID anyways. While the term system was popularized in DID spaces, the term was quickly picked up for other purposes.
“Endogenic systems stole the RAMCOA terms!” Nope. I’m sorry to say, there’s no evidence of this, despite how many claim there is on all sides. The source people have used to say this has themselves said it doesn’t track, and the only thing we have is word of mouth. You simply do not have proof for this claim.
“Endogenic systems are invading/stealing tumblr tags!” Okay. Report them. There’s a button for that. I hope you’re okay with that turning around on you, however, as many people are tag spamming against tumblrs TOS. And once again: why does it matter?
An endogenic system posts in the systempunk tags. It literally doesn’t impact my recovery.
An endogenic system posts in the OSDD, DID, CDD, etc tag. If literally doesn’t impact my recovery.
Oh no! I get triggered!
It literally doesn’t impact my recovery. Because a tumblr tag does not determine if I am recovering from my disorder; an endogenic system using the term subsystem doesn’t determine if I’m recovering from my disorder; literally anyone using the term system doesn’t impact me.
“But it makes doctors not listen to us! They think we’re faking!”
Sounds like a problem with the system (pun intended) then. And I assure you, nobody thinks you’re faking because someone else uses the term system. I beg of you to research IFS. Preventing endogenic systems from using the terms they’ve had access to for decades won’t stop ableist doctors from being ableist. It won’t help prevent ableism. It’ll just make the ableism look different.
Some of you need to focus so much more on your own issues, rather than the issues you made up in your anger about how the world treated you unfairly.
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
Oh, cool. I'd be down for this.
We should bring back using sysconversation instead of syscourse for actual discussions because it feels like the syscourse tag is beyond saving sometimes
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
I feel like some of yall aren't pro-endo but rather anti-anti-endo. You don't actually care about helping endogenic systems, you just want to dunk on the anti-endos.
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
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This one definitely goes in the "exaggerated rumor that's only spread because it's so perfectly maddening" bucket
I have seen exactly one in the last four months
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
This post didn't Make Me turn anti-endo or anything (I don't fuck with syscourse labels; as long as it's in good faith and not spreading misinformation, idrc), but it did make a point I made in a previous post of mine: Neither of the furthest extremes of both sides want actual discussion, you just want to be right and ostracize those who are wrong. This isn't really about educating anyone at all. It's about proving those mean, horrible anti-endos wrong. Othering them. Giving them no spaces or people to go to.
Which sounds like such a "Yeah, well, that sounds like what they're doing to us!" But I've said it before and I'll say it again: Once you've mimicked the asshole behavior, you. Are now. The asshole.
You're not somehow above the people you hate so much. You're not doing some great good for the endo community. What would be doing a great good is to take time to educate the antis and former antis who are willing to actually, really listen and understand (few and far between, but they exist!), and for YOU to listen and understand without engaging in this weird power fantasy you seem to have from my perspective.
Just giving my two cents. I don't want to watch you try to justify this to me, because honestly watching people justify this Average Origin Syscourse Behavior is getting old.
Again, I'm not a Hardcore Anti™ or anything—I'm not an anti at all, actually—but I am done being nice about this kind of stuff. I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you: This is a shitty path to the plural future you claim to want. It's not a plural future when the plurals you don't like are excluded.
Thanks for your time. :)
You do realize your whole essay about taking everything from anti-endos is extremely paranoia inducing? I understand being upset over things but threatening to "take everything" is never okay.
I imagine it is. Especially when anti-endos have done their best to sharpen and hone the exact fears I'm targeting so they could control their followers.
Although... I genuinely don't think it's more paranoia-inducing than the rhetoric anti-endos already shovel to their followers. "The future is plural means endos want to traumatize children" seems like it would be pretty paranoia-inducing to push onto CSA survivors to me.
I don't like the word "threatening." It implies a lack of follow-through.
I actually do want to make one thing clear though, because I think there has been bits that are taken out of context or misunderstood.
I saw a post recently claiming I threatened to find people's friends and family. And that's not at all what I'm talking about.
What I'm promising is an international plural wave. That I do my part to help spread awareness of plurality to others who will spread it to others and so on and so on. And we're going to eventually get to a point where plural rights are being discussed in mainstream news media.
And slowly but surely, this wave will turn the vast majority of anti-endos pro-endo. And that yes, anti-endos who cling to hatred as acceptance prevails will lose the spaces and people they care about because a tolerant society won't tolerate their hate.
It's a long, arduous process before we get there. But get there we will.
The only consolation for anti-endos is that they have time to choose to be better people before we get there.
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
Aight at this point its gotta have been at least a month since anything resembling something of any interest, good faith, or productive conversation in the syscourse tag (yes I know, its the norm but SOMETIMES theres a nice topic) and it literally has just boiled down to everyone on both sides spewing chronic hate and aggression so for the first time in ages
Literally just blocking the syscourse tag cause these days when I open it up I just find myself using it as a block list unintentionally
If anyone who has interesting topics or actually wants to TALK and discuss things, feel free to link me things in asks or DMs or like... idk move with me to a tag that isnt literally more toxic than... I honestly cant think of anything toxic rn for whatever reason but you get the point
To all yall pushing an us vs them mindset and literally spreading hate, grow the fuck up and learn to fucking talk about things.
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
thank you for the accessibility addendum, i've been learning to play expert songs on project sekai lately! it's silly but it's a fun hobby that i can see visible improvement in. rhythm games are fun. :)
you can also have a recent-but-not-brand-new picture of one of my cats who i spent a lot of time with this afternoon! she's a tortie point siamese and a chatty baby
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hey all great news syscourse is over. its time to get off our phones and computers and play toys.
im not kidding lets all go on an outside adventure. right now. put down your device. go outside. ignore your tumblr notifications.
bonus challenge. reblog this with images from your adventure.
(accessibility addendum. if you cannot or do not want to go outside do another one of your hobbies that isn't arguing with people online, you can also share that)
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
If you call anyone on any side of syscourse things like braindead, brain damaged, delusional, psychotic, etc., you are being an asshole.
If you post hate in tags you don't belong in or tag invade in general, you are being an asshole.
If you reblog someone's response to your syscourse with "lmao okay", you are being an asshole.
If you say "[group of people] can interact but I'll bully you!", you are being an asshole.
It's not hard to be nice. I'm on the verge of blocking every single person I see doing these things. Then again, I can't really, since 90% of the blogs I see in syscourse are doing this. Cut it out and have an actual discussion. Please. We aren't getting anywhere with this.
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
tempted to have day rewrite the full version of this post's ideas when i'm less present because personally i don't have the patience or fucks to give to be nice about it but the tl;dr is as follows:
hi! if you make plans to invade endo spaces for shits and giggles, i have a question for you:
what's that you're always saying about endos invading your spaces again?
and you're going to...make a fake account under a false identity in order to infiltrate their echo chamber so you can report back to yours (which, in context, is the most extremely online bullshit i have ever typed and i hate that i needed to type it)? m'kay. no, no reason, just curious. very, very curious.
anyway i'm taking a step back from syscourse after either this post or the nice-ified (or maybe not!) version of the Deluxe Edition bc y'all are dtm and i'm beyond over it. plus, the real life stuff is going "hey man how's it going?" and i'd rather deal with that because frankly i could not give less of a shit.
funny thing is that i say this but you can't even really fucking escape syscourse, because it gets dragged into the main tags, and if we don't state our opinions then both "sides" start making assumptions in opposite directions (i.e., "they're not specifying their stance so they HAVE to be the enemy [pro-/anti-endo]) rather than just letting me talk about my goddamn experiences with recovery without attaching a virtue signaling label to myself :)
you know what my stance is?
Stop using syscourse as an excuse to be a completely rancid fucking asshole.
thanks for listening :) this ended up being one hell of a rant lol
and thanks to pro-syscourse conversation folks for being the clear lake in this absolute cesspool, y'all are amazing.
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scapeg8ats · 3 months
personally i'm starting to think that if you don't want to have a discussion you shouldn't post your shit with a portmanteau including a word that means discussion and i am so fucking serious at this point. i'm tired of being nice about it.
y'all need a new word for when you just want to be right without being challenged and when you only want to hear people agreeing with you. you don't want to learn, you don't want to understand, you don't want to treat people like fucking people, you want to be right and be in your echo chambers where you KNOW people won't have a goddamn thing to say other than how right you are. that's not discourse. in fact a lot of the time y'all use it as an excuse to be a fucking asshole.
if you get "but karma that's just semantics!" out of this post and nothing else then congratulations on missing the point.
this post is directed at both "sides" btw. this isn't for either side to be like "yeah Other Side™ sucks!" it's about both of you. both of you do this. this shit is why i dropped the labels altogether.
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