scapoliteness · 24 minutes
playing erdtree with my pal we get invaded by someone named "Drip Inspector" and im like "waitwaitwait. ok lets just pose leaning back to back and wait for them to show up maybe our outfits will be so good they wont kill us"
so we wait until they show up and then they get reaaaal close to us . and then pull out their telescope and start circling around us and zooming in for a good 30 seconds. then they clap, use the "wonderful" and "youre beautiful" prattling pates, and jump off a cliff. invader vanquished
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scapoliteness · 2 hours
everyone knows that space is very very cold, and the sun is very very hot. so i assume there's a bit of space kind of near the sun which is just right. balmy space
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scapoliteness · 13 hours
social media sites should let you add custom buttons on your profile. like maybe you get max 3 buttons and they can have whatever text you want. and each button has its own persistent counter for how many times it's been clicked. here's some concept art
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scapoliteness · 3 days
Hello guys. Any pics for me today?
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scapoliteness · 3 days
filtering down ao3 results from 14000 to 6 based on a single tag is foul. im sorry none of you are as enlightened as me ig.
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scapoliteness · 3 days
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scapoliteness · 3 days
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I’ve been waiting a year to post this
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scapoliteness · 4 days
Something people don’t bring up about nefarious goons and villainous heathens enough is that they’re always there for you. At your heights and lowest points, they’re always scheming for your miserable end and looking a little cute while doing it
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scapoliteness · 4 days
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i forgot about the worst inquisitor i ever made
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scapoliteness · 5 days
I love that the two genres of 'miku from my culture' posts are 'beautiful intricate traditional clothing' and 'what if miku was a regular at the gas station by my house'
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scapoliteness · 5 days
after 2 years working outdoors all day i finally got stung by an onion for the first time yesterday and i wasnt even doing anything there wasnt even a nest nearby
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scapoliteness · 5 days
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Eurasian Hoopoes (Upupa epops), RAISE A RUCKUS & EAT A TASTY BUG!!!, family Upupidae, order Bucerotiformes, Athens, Greece
photograph by Davide Diana
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scapoliteness · 6 days
Combat log: The effect Ibuprofen has ended.
Me: *instantly ragdolls*
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scapoliteness · 6 days
Tumblr app pause my music one more time…
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scapoliteness · 6 days
Guy who has wandered through the halls and corridors of your body not with any special kind of love but with the untold intimacy of a contractor assessing the damages and potentials voice: right, so the main issue here is that the body is currently a temple, okay, and what we want is for it to be a home, cause temples are pretty and all and occasionally nice to be in if you're into that sort of thing but very few people would actually want to live in one. So what we're gonna do first is you're gonna take a look at what's here, the carrying walls and windows and all that, and you're going to come up with something you'd actually like to be alive inside of, and it's going to be a lot of work and it's going to feel strange and stupid and embarrassing but you're still gonna do it, because otherwise this construction site is fucked. And maybe what you want to live in is a skatepark or an anime-themed cat cafe or an esoteric library that has a dildo section for some reason, so it might feel like it's a downgrade from a temple, but it's actually the opposite cause the main customer for a body is you and the main customer for a temple are templegoers and maybe higher powers of some kind, - i wouldn't know about those, they never hired me, - not the temple itself, which is what you are, right, cause the body/mind/soul separation doesn't actually do anything, so what you're gonna do is look at the current layout and dig out whatever hope and ability to want you have and come up with a blueprint, and then my boys can actually get to work. Oh, and you have got to change the windows, it's drafty as fuck in here.
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scapoliteness · 6 days
did you hear the temple of regret and missed opportunities was sealed shut forever yesterday
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scapoliteness · 7 days
UR FROM BRISTOL i miss the bark at ee gromit so much
shaming myself because i haven't checked my inbox for literal years
BUT YES I AM!!!!!!! bristooooool. it stinks of weed but at least it doesn't smell like piss like LONDON does
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