scarfbond-moved · 3 years
things r looking up lately so we’ll be actually on here & writing more hehehe. we’re also getting a custom link design done so (: 
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scarfbond-moved · 3 years
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                                   O’  HERO , O’ HERO !      
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scarfbond-moved · 3 years
things r looking up lately so we’ll be actually on here & writing more hehehe. we’re also getting a custom link design done so (: 
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scarfbond-moved · 3 years
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                                   O’  HERO , O’ HERO !      
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scarfbond-moved · 3 years
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   HERO , HERO !                           another hero.         
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scarfbond-moved · 3 years
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helloooooo  enzarai here with a remake of their blog from . . . a  while ago, under the same url!!  please  LIKE ♥ /  REBLOG  if you’d be interested in writing with our yamanbagiri kunihiro. we have a  basic rules page  set up right now since its late.
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scarfbond-moved · 3 years
we haven’t remade yet WE’RE VERY SORRY but hahaha maybe perhaps look at this twit post of ours 
so, we’re DEFINITELY coming back.  we want to write more, especially on link – & thankfully, since we were able to salvage our hard drive from our old pc, we do have our icons & everything. but we think we’re going to be moving this blog to a new one. we’ve just had it for so long. we think its time it’ll help us organize everything again & better too since things are a bit —- disorganized here.
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scarfbond-moved · 4 years
so, we’re DEFINITELY coming back.  we want to write more, especially on link – & thankfully, since we were able to salvage our hard drive from our old pc, we do have our icons & everything. but we think we’re going to be moving this blog to a new one. we’ve just had it for so long. we think its time it’ll help us organize everything again & better too since things are a bit —- disorganized here.
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scarfbond-moved · 4 years
so, we’re DEFINITELY coming back.  we want to write more, especially on link -- & thankfully, since we were able to salvage our hard drive from our old pc, we do have our icons & everything. but we think we’re going to be moving this blog to a new one. we’ve just had it for so long. we think its time it’ll help us organize everything again & better too since things are a bit ---- disorganized here.
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scarfbond-moved · 4 years
SO GUESS WHO’S FUCKING PC DIED. unfortunately this means we cannot access any of our other blogs bc the information for them is just .... gone. email & pass & all ; we dont remember them for the life of us. 
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scarfbond-moved · 4 years
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            IN EVERY AGE,              A HERO CLAD IN GREEN             WOULD RESTORE PEACE TO THE LAND.
written by enzarai. 
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scarfbond-moved · 4 years
* love ♥ starters
‘ want me to stay? ’
‘ we’re almost home. ’
‘ you should be in bed. ’
‘ we can share it.’
‘ stay there. i’m coming to get you. ’
‘ shh, shh. you were dreaming. ’ 
‘ grab my hand. ’
‘ i’m just going to pick you up. ’
‘ everything okay? ’
‘ i won’t leave you behind. ’
‘ don’t worry. better out than in. ’
‘ who did that to you? ’ 
‘ sit down and rest. ’
‘ sweetie, i would never think that. ’
‘ come lay down in my lap. ’
‘ i know you think you’re all alone out there, but you’re not. ’
‘ call me when you get home. ’
‘ we should change those bandages. ’
‘ you’re safe here. ’
‘ honey… ’
‘ of course we love you. ’
‘ wait here. i’ll go run a bath for you. ’
‘ take my bed for tonight. ’
‘ i promise. ’ 
‘ you’re always welcome here. ’
‘ don’t talk like that. ’
‘ bad dream? ’
‘ talk to me. ’  
‘ it’s okay to cry. ’
‘ you need to be more careful.’
‘ we should hug this out. ’
‘ i worry about you. ’
‘ can i hold your hand? ’ 
‘ because i care about you. ’
‘ it made me think of you. ’ 
‘ take care of yourself. ’
‘ put your seatbelt on. ’ 
‘ where did you go? ’ 
‘ i didn’t mean to worry you. ’
‘ i made breakfast. ’
‘ sing something for me? ’
‘ open it and find out. ’
‘ how long have you been like this? ’
‘ you look nice. ’
‘ here, take my jacket. ’
‘ close your eyes and try to get some rest. ’
‘ focus on my voice. ’ 
‘ i meant every word. ’
‘ i was here all night. ’
‘ look both ways before you cross. ’
‘ you don’t have to talk. ’ 
‘ this is your favorite, right? ’
‘ you’ll feel better in the morning. ’
‘ you have a nice laugh. ’
‘ here, take my jacket. ’
‘ you could stay here. with me. ’
‘ we’ll figure it out together. ’
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scarfbond-moved · 4 years
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“Oh dear, I suppose I appear rather suspect.”  Amusement befalls the stranger’s face, his lips turned upwards to indicate a withheld chuckle. Quite an ironic comment from him, perhaps : but even his own sword required the correct understanding to be brandished. He pulls himself to a stand, raising his arms with his palms out. The corpse below him, cut in half with a rigged wound through his stomach, had been dead long before he had stumbled upon it.  “I did not kill him. The wound is too jagged for a clean cut and I could not have attacked with anything but a weapon, if I’d had one.”  A sword had not killed this man at all, and he, himself, did not have his own weapon in his hand to begin with. The only item on his person was the medicine box upon his back. Unbothered, he gestures around them. There are no violent creatures for miles, either. Which, in itself, was quite strange.  “Don’t you think it’s too quiet?”  What an unfortunate circumstance to stumble upon for this unsuspecting party.
@scarfbond​ …. x
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          he makes a good point, the knight has to admit  --  the too quiet part, that is. the hero has seen countless injuries done by jagged weapons on the battlefield, either unkept instruments of death that were allowed by their wielders to rust  &  break apart becoming gnawed remnants of what they once were ; or purposeful designs intended to make their victim suffer all the longer, or simply to mock the very fact they fell. there are, normally, at least a few groups of monsters wandering about, aimless  &  hopeless as they tend to be, but here it almost looks like they’ve cleared out of the area. the thought brings a scowl to his face, one that stays as he takes a moment to examine the other man  &  the glimpse of a medicine box. 
          he pulls a small notebook  &  pencil from his satchel, writing for a moment before turning it towards the stranger  ;  [ did you see anything strange? ]
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scarfbond-moved · 4 years
hiiiii ♥ we’re in pain who wants to plot
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scarfbond-moved · 4 years
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@tasokarei​ said: “ nothing wrong with a little victimless crime . ” from midna! prompt  /  accepting.
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          say no, say no, say no  --  whatever idea is floating around in her head is sure to be trouble. even if its a  victimless crime as she puts it, it’s bound to be trouble for SOMEONE  ( most likely him ). but, as he stares at her, trying in vain to shake his head for a no,  he can’t bring himself to. why exactly, he wonders for a moment, but lets out a sigh of utter defeat as he nods. alright, give it to him  ;  he’ll go along. 
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scarfbond-moved · 4 years
sentence starters of lyrics from songs by i don’t know how but they found me .  some lyrics have been slightly modified to be more usable .  change gendered language & add context to your needs .  happy roleplaying !! ♡
“   you’re  an  upstanding  model  of  a  modern  day  cain .   ” “   now  you’ve  done  a  little  wrong   &   you  need  to  be  forgiven .   ” “   this  is  the  sin  that  i  will  confess  to  release  myself  of  consequence .   ” “   everyone  can  tell .   ” “   the  deepest  of  convictions  are  the  darkest  positions .   ” “   you  swear  you  didn’t  do  it ?   ” “   volition  left  you  burdened  with  a  curse .   ” “   we’re  taking  over  the  world ,   one  kiss  at  a  time .   ” “   i’m  taking  your  girl   &   i’m  making  her  mine .   ” “   there’s  no  reason  why .   ” “   i’m  doing  everything  i  want  to  do .   ” “   i  do  it  all  the  time .   ” “   nothing  wrong  with  a  little  victimless  crime .   ” “   i’m  taking  your  innocence .   ” “   i’ll  be  corrupting  your  mind .   ” “   no  need  to  cry .   ” “   we’re  so  young ,   but  we’re  probably  gonna  die .   ” “   we’re  so  good  at  selling  lies .   ” “   we  look  so  good   &   we  never  even  try .   ” “   get  your  money  from  a  trust  fund .   ” “   i  don’t  wanna  do  it ,   but  i’ll  do  it .   ” “   drag  me  into  place .   ” “   i’ll  break  your  pretty  face .   ” “   oh ,   you  clever  little  thing .   ” “   shut  your  dirty  mouth .   ” “   if  i  could  burn  this  town ,   i  wouldn’t  hesitate .   ” “   bite  your  tongue   &   choke  yourself  to  sleep .   ” “   you  get  everything  you  want .   ” “   money  always  talks  to  the  idiot  savants .   ” “   i  wanna  take  you  home .   ” “   nobody  believes  you  now .   ” “   i  don’t  want  to  scare  you  off .   ” “   i  don’t  want  to  know  your  name .   ” “   you’ll  never  know  a  single  thing  about  me  until  it’s  far  too  late .   ” “   absinthe  makes  the  heart  grow  fonder .   ” “   i  don’t  care  what  mama  says .   ” “   you’ll  wind  me  up ,   or  you’ll  wind  up  dead .   ” “   i  don’t  believe  whatever  this  is .   ” “   if  i  were  you ,   then  i’d  stop  talking .   ” “   i  hear  voices ,   i  see  visions .   ” “   these  spirits  are  your  prison .   ” “   come  break  some  hearts ,   now .   ” “   feels  like  we’re  having  a  good  time .   ” “   it’s  a  wonderfully  good  time ,   when  i’m  with  you .   ” “   no  one’s  got  control  of  what  i  do .   ” “   the  money  couldn’t  buy  you  a  friend .   ” “   i  want  you  to  leave  me  alone .   ” “   they  say  the  devil  that  you  know  is  better  than  the  devil  that  you  don’t .   ” “   you’re  a  big  shot  here ,   but  nobody  else  knows .   ” “   when  the  sun  comes  up ,   you’ll  find  a  brand  new  god .   ”
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scarfbond-moved · 4 years
was it fate – or, perhaps, the curse of her bloodline – that always called for her to be saved by another? she did not want to be a wilting flower; a gentle soul begging to be stronger, to have the power and courage to defend her people, and not just the wisdom to lead them forward. 
but it seemed it was not meant to be.
the sword she carried lowered to the ground as she watched in awe. to fell so many enemies on one’s own was nothing short of amazing, and she idly wondered what would have happened to her had he not appeared (she would die, almost certainly).
after the last had fallen, she took a timid step forward, uncertain. what should she say?
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“thank you,” words spoken softly, carefully. her lips pursed and she fidgeted a moment – for all of her carefully crafted poise, she was at a loss. “i suppose a simple thank you isn’t enough, is it? you did save me…please, let me repay you.”
          his back remains towards, even as the crunch of leaves hits his ears, as her voice breaks the quiet of the after battle. blue eyes remained almost strained forward, watching the remnants of monstrous aura flutter into the air  &  dissipate as if they’d never existed in the first place.             he almost doesn’t want to turn around. doesn’t want to face someone so familiar  &  yet so different from his own, a stark reminder that he’s just another cycle -- that she’s just another cycle.  that their battles, their hardships -- they’re all for nothing.
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          slowly, he sheaths his weapon, put keeps the shield on his arm as he shifts enough to look at her. for her to look at him. whether or not she’s met her own hero, recognition should still spark between them  ( he felt it that day, when he met his own princesses eyes ),  signaling that they know each other. 
          his eyes are as cold as a lake never visited, shadowed by trees that grow  &  prosper above it  ;  that even the moon has forgotten, its reflection never meeting the surface again. unfazed, unmoving -- soulless. he blinks  &  shakes his head. 
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