scarletwaanda · 8 months
continued from here @didnseethatcomingpietro
wanda hugged her brother back tightly. each hug was like this, ever since they were little and they lost their parents. each hug might be their last so she held onto him as tight as she could. and it had been too long since she had gotten to see him last. "no getting lost just yet but i have found a lot of fun things. i think you would enjoy the talking snake, eugene. he's very fun." she smiled. she looked him over as she always did. "you look skinnier. are you eating or is he just making you run wild for him?" she didnt need to elaborate on who "he" was. she knew he understood
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scarletwaanda · 2 years
"i am very proud i have come back, and you have managed not to get yourself arrested just yet." wanda teased, the only way a little sister could. slowly the two of them had to get used to not seeing one another each day. it was hard to break a habit that had been ingrained in them since they were just children. but being away from her brother and everyone she loved for a few months was even harder. but it was an important part of her magical training to be in isolation for few months. she was just glad it was over now.
she would be lying if she said she wasn't a little bit nervous. afraid that perhaps he would be angry with her for her disappearance suddenly. so she stood across from him waiting to see what he would do next. "ma igatsesin sind"
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scarletwaanda · 2 years
location: the sanctum sanctorum @stephen-v-strange
one step through the teleportation circle and wanda was back home. at least that's what the sanctum sanctorum had become to her over her time training under strange. and after the few months of mandatory time in solitude for her training it was good to be back and the list of people she needed to see was getting longer and longer each day.
"strange?" wanda called out into the house. surely he would be around for her first day back, right? but so far there was no sign of him. although it was very possible he got caught up in some of his work which seemed possible for him. instead, she ventured into his usual hiding places until she found him. "you know i think it may be the tradition for the teaching master to meet their protege and not for her to come hunt him down." she smiled.
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scarletwaanda · 3 years
turning her head for a moment, she wondered if perhaps he was speaking with someone else. wanda certainly did not want any sort of feud. and especially not with her former teammate. “you don’t need to worry about me. i’m not looking to make any trouble with us.” she told him, her hands stuffed into the pockets of her sweater. “it’s good to see you again though.” wanda said giving him a smile. “what did you want to talk about? is it safe to talk here?” her head felt like it was on a constant swivel. “we can talk in the sanctum if we need.”
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“Can we put this childish feud behind us for a moment so we can actually discuss what actually matters?”
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scarletwaanda · 3 years
To Wanda
Vision: I'm missing news. I'm missing you. I'm missing us. I only hope you are fine and that we could share a moment sometimes. Please stay safe. Yours.
Wanda: I miss you too, so much. But at least part of me is okay knowing that you are safe as well.
Wanda: I'm sorry we are in a place like this. It's the last thing I wanted.
Wanda: I want to see you.
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scarletwaanda · 3 years
wanda poured in probably way too much sugar into her drink and mixed it up. growing up things like sugar were a luxury to have and it wasn’t often the twins came across it. but now living here it was everywhere and wanda could not help her sweet tooth. “ah, well living with a high powered magic user certainly has its good times and bad times. but i am learning a lot which has been a blessing.” she smiled taking a sip of her drink. “but i do think some people are not so fond of me being there.”
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“of course i am sure! it’s my treat.” she smiled. wanda quickly hurried off to order their drinks before getting back to the table. “god, i feel like it’s been forever. we’re both too stupidly busy. how are you doing though?”
Kitty sat down and waited for Wanda to come back from ordering their drinks. “It really has. I’ve been well. I mean, better than before, at least. Trying to stay busy with the students. What about you?”
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scarletwaanda · 3 years
"here and there?" wanda frowned giving her brother's shoulder a slight shove. "you could have reached out or anything! i have been worried sick that something happened to you." her rant could have kept going and going but she paused herself from going further. instead she reached out and pulled her brother into a hug. no matter how angry she was with him she had truly missed him. her eyes light up for a moment seeing the box of candies he had gotten her. "how? how did you get these? you know now i have another ten unanswered questions for you i'm adding to the list." for a moment a smile came onto her face.
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separation was something wanda was never good with. pietro had been someone by her side her entire life, through all the problems that were thrown their way. but lately more and more it felt like she was seeing him less. she hated it. his sudden appearance now startled her as she heard his words. in a moment she was across the room, her arms wrapped around him. “where have you been?”
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Pietro felt bad for not being around as much as he used to be. After learning about their parentage, he found himself wanting to know more about his real family lineage and the best way to do that was to learn from Erik himself. He loved his sister and always would, but being part of the Brotherhood meant having to distance himself from the Avengers and the X-Men. “Oh, you know, here and there,” he commented with a shrug. “But I brought you back something.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a little box with her favorite candies in it.
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scarletwaanda · 3 years
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“No hug for your brother?”
separation was something wanda was never good with. pietro had been someone by her side her entire life, through all the problems that were thrown their way. but lately more and more it felt like she was seeing him less. she hated it. his sudden appearance now startled her as she heard his words. in a moment she was across the room, her arms wrapped around him. “where have you been?”
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scarletwaanda · 4 years
“If they are blant, disgusting or otherwise not really eatible , don’t tell me, just please me or I might hit you”
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“hey i’m never going to pass up free cookies. i’m sure they are just fine clea.” wanda said taking one off the plate. “thank you for making them.” she said taking a seat.
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scarletwaanda · 5 years
Seeing Wanda should have calmed her down, but it didn’t. Maria stared at her face for a long time, analyzing almost all the features. Like expecting something. After a moment, she released her grip a bit, still not letting her go. “It’s really you? How about you prove it?”
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it was a little concerning that maria hadn’t let out right away when she saw it was her. still she felt her intense gaze on her. “prove it? what? who else would i be? fine...fine.” she moved on of her hands to the side, letting small bursts of magic emanate from them like tiny explosions of confetti. “tada?” 
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scarletwaanda · 5 years
The migraine had been there for a while now. She was tired, not that much physically (though it weight a bit in her general tireness) but mentally. Her eyes kinda hurt too, and she’d ingored it for a while. She was on edge, and not talking nively to anyone. Some would call her cold, others straight up bitchy. She was both.
She jumped a bit when she felt a presence near her, and her tired mind didn’t try to think about why there was presence. It only reacted with violence. “Do not touch me!”, she said as she grabbed the person by the collar, ready to punch.
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up ahead of her wanda spotted a familar face, one who she hadn’t gotten to see in awhile.  moving through the crowd she made her way up to her. just when she was able to reach out and tap her shoulder she saw maria whirl around a grab her.
“whoa whoa maria! it’s me.” wanda said throwing up her hands to show her she meant no harm. “mind...letting go of me now?” she asked. clearly something was going on with maria since this was very very far from any normal reaction of hers.
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scarletwaanda · 5 years
Kitty sat down and waited for Wanda to come back from ordering their drinks. “It really has. I’ve been well. I mean, better than before, at least. Trying to stay busy with the students. What about you?”
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“i’m doing better as well...certainly better than where i was. strange has me running around like a crazy doing all sorts of things. but it’s all for training and i’m actually feeling like i’m getting control back over my powers. oh! i almost forgot.” she said quickly before digging into her bag to pull out a small package of different chocolates and sweets and handed it over. “shana tova! for rosh hashanah. it isn’t fancy or anything but i made some stuff and i wanted to give you some.”
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scarletwaanda · 5 years
Clint eyed the snake, still very wary about anything in the Sanctum and a nodding snake did not help matters in the slightest. “Right….” he hummed, trying to ignore the snake, “I wouldn’t suggest it. It’s not exactly friendly. Do you know who or what he has in it?”
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“come on eugene.” she told the snake, opening up the pocket of her skirt to let him curl up in. with the snake hopefully at least out of sight she hoped clint might relax a tiny bit. he still seemed a little on edge. “no, i don’t know exactly who he has down there. but i trust that he’ll show or tell me when the time is right....is everything okay?”
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scarletwaanda · 5 years
Progress was made, it wasn’t perfect in the sorcerer’s eyes but progress was definitively here. The portal opened, Strange approached it, malice in his look. “With pleasure.” He replied and went to this new area. Her potential was definitively here, the practice was what she needed, probably also a few challenges. “Great.” He said hand with a movement of hands, Strange closed the portal just made by Wanda, not asking permission. “Still a bit weak, it’s not because you cross the portal that you should lose your concentration. Next time try to stop me from closing it. Now, shall we continue?” It wasn’t really a question, because, at the end of it, Strange opened a portal under their feet. They started to fall, clouds around them and more importantly ocean below. “Let’s return to New York, Avengers Mansion or if you feel confident, let’s salute the Peak. Do not forget its rotation, and to slow us down at a moment or another.” He added louder to be heard, focus not on their fall but on Wanda, on her choices and way to deal with the problem.
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following him through the portal, she looked around at the new space with perhaps a small sense of pride. a small achievement but she was getting a hang of some of the more magical aspects of her power. a power that she wasn't sure even strange fully understood what is fully was. for a moment she thought that was going to be it. but the portal closed behind her without even much effort from strange. she cursed in her head, she hadn't even thought about protecting it after they walked through. "i guess i don't have much of a choi-AHH" she yelled when they ground under them suddenly was gone. now there was only sky around them.  panic rising up within her for a moment, as it might in anyone who was suddenly plummetting towards the ground. her mind racing to a million places but she tried to just listen to his words. first thing she thought of was to slow their fall, after that she could get a more accurate portal for them. red magic weaved under them, creating a small barrier. it was enough to keep them from falling fast and losing control from spinning. next up, the portal.
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scarletwaanda · 5 years
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music blasted in her ears as she walked down the streets of the city. it was just a normal day and she had normal errands she needed to run. turning down the alley short cut she thought nothing abnormal was happening. but out of nowhere, she felt a deep shiver run down her spine. something wasn’t right. turning her head just in time to see something fly by her, just barely missing her. her heart wanted to race, as she thought back to the last time she was ambushed in an alley. but strange’s voice came into her head. calm. focus. taking in a deep breath, she pulled the earbuds out and looked around. the tips of her fingers glowing red. “who is there? come out.”
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scarletwaanda · 5 years
Kitty relaxed a little when Wanda stood up and gave her a hug. At least Wanda wasn’t mad she was late. “You sure? I made you wait, I can definitely buy.”
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“of course i am sure! it’s my treat.” she smiled. wanda quickly hurried off to order their drinks before getting back to the table. “god, i feel like it’s been forever. we’re both too stupidly busy. how are you doing though?”
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scarletwaanda · 5 years
“What? Can’t a girl just say hello?” Okay, yes, there might be an ulterior motive, but Wanda didn’t need to know that. “You enjoying your freedom?”
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“no you can’t just come say hello to me because i know it isn’t just a hello.” wanda sighed. she was done with her, she was done with everything that came with hydra. “you mean the thing that i should always have? yeah, i’m just loving it.”
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