scc09-blog · 10 years
Excuse me
A priest would not get away with banging prostitutes in Salem.
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scc09-blog · 10 years
Accomplishment of the weekend
Yelled at a guy who said he only moved from Austin to Dallas because of the traffic.
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scc09-blog · 10 years
Get with the goddamn program, Katniss!! Everyone around you is tearing shit up and you're like, "augh idk it might make me sad."
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scc09-blog · 10 years
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I am trying to make paper snowflakes. I ended up with a double-headed set of lady organs.
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scc09-blog · 10 years
Oh good, now that I know what happens on the Walking Dead....
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scc09-blog · 10 years
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Am I doing the pinterest yet?? Aka my attempts to decorate my apartment with no money.
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scc09-blog · 10 years
Leftovers all daaaaaaaay
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scc09-blog · 10 years
Heaven is cooking for Thanksgiving, drinking, and the Fleetwood Mac Pandora station
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scc09-blog · 10 years
“Atticus–” said Jem bleakly. He turned in the doorway. “What, son?” “How could they do it, how could they?” “I don’t know, but they did it. They’ve done it before and they did it tonight and they’ll do it again and when they do it — seems that only children weep.”
To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee (via poodlepants)
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scc09-blog · 10 years
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scc09-blog · 10 years
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scc09-blog · 10 years
So many false starts with all of the headlines being like FERGUSON.... NOT QUITE YET THOUGH
I am to blame, too!
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scc09-blog · 10 years
The prospect of Monday is made quite a bit better when you realize you only have to work a total of 2.25 days this week
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scc09-blog · 10 years
Is this the definition of Catholic guilt?
I called Half Price Books to see if they have Amy Phoeler's book yet. The guy I talked to was so flustered that even though they don't have a copy, I feel like I need to go buy something from them.
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scc09-blog · 10 years
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scc09-blog · 10 years
First world problems
HEB is out of the Central Market pumpkin ravioli.
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scc09-blog · 10 years
Oh thank God season two of Peaky Blinders is on Netflix
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