scenemos-blog · 10 years
The Emo Questionnaire
(If you consider yourself or get called Emo, please do this)
Do you consider yourself an emo?
Do others called you emo?
What's your favourite band?
Do you always dress in black?
What is your gender?
What is your opinion on love?
Do you self harm? If yes, do you post pictures of it on line?
Are you a loner or do you have a large social crowd?
What country/state are you from?
What is your favourite clothing brand?
Do you love Hello Kitty?
What is your opinion on Anime?
Are you mostly happy or sad?
Do dance randomly in your room?
Do you wish you could scream like so many vocalists? Or can you?
Are you in a relationship?
Do you prefer cute things or scary things?
Do you like gore?
Your perfect partner is...?
If your room covered in posters?
Are you musical?
What is your sexuality? 
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scenemos-blog · 10 years
Hi. This is scenemo, the dictionary and blog that aims to have EVERY scene and emo kid that is active on tumblr.
- We'll list your blog in a dictionary - Reblog all your selfies to HERE. - Ask for interviews with you  - Make you a tumblr celeb
Want to be known like Alex Evans or Audrey Kitching? Here's your chance!
Message in to find out more.
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